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Newark Academy

Livingston, NJ

Newark Academy Day of Giving

Celebrate our 9th Annual Day of Giving! #OneDayforNA

Noelle Shirey, Assistant Director for Alumni Annual Giving

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (418)

All (418)
Nita Khurana (Dang)
Class of 1969
Bob (Max) Abrams
Yasim Acikel
David and Chantel Adams
Marc Adelman
Michele Aran
Happy to support such an outstanding school!
Jim Asher
Kerry and Matt Atlas
Nino Badridze
William Balchunas
Joseph Ball
Michael Barrett
Erwin Hermans and Rupa Basu
Ro Bawa
Mark Becker
Peter Behrle
Sheila McGrath Beljan
Jacqueline E. Bell
Kenyanna Bell
Crystal Bell
Maria Rice Bellamy
This school has been an important part of my life and development. I am happy to share the legacy with a new generation of students.
Mark Belnick
In honor of Blackie Parlin
NA remains my best educational experience. And I miss it to this day!
Hector and Ann Benegas
Marc Schwartz and Robyn Bennett
Horacio and Lucy Bernardo
John Bess
R.Scott Bevans
Michael and Sharyn Bilenker
Danielle Blake
Bill Blaskopf
Lisa Podell Boss
William Bowers
Nancy Boyd
George Brandley
Thanks for everything!!
Matt Brodie
Christian Brown
Thank you.
Tian and Xueying Bu
Lara Buchwald
Erwin & Jeanine Bulan
Marina did such a compelling job at handling the NA Instagram today that we just had to donate today! Such a great school! Keep up the good work!
Alison Bumke
Dorraine Burrell
Jenny Cai
Laura & Victor Capobianco
John Capobianco
Amy Cappello
Judith Carlson
In honor of The staff and faculty of NA
I have been in awe of the dedicated staff and faculty at Newark Academy since we started the school 7 years ago. What a privilege it has been, to attend the school and have had the opportunity to meet such wonderful people.
Daniel Case
Lawrence Cetrulo
David Chakrin
Venkat Chalasani
Paul Kaplan and Fu-Ting Chang
Liz Maccie Chbosky
In honor of Mr. Scott Jacoby and Mrs. Julie Jacoby
When I think about my life -- all the good and all the great came from my time at NA. I am forever grateful for the love, support, education, and most of all -- dreaming, I was afforded within the safety of NA's walls. Keep doing what you're doing! You are amazing educators who have made ALL the difference.
Hongmei Chen
Hong Cheng
Michele Chiles-Hickman
Stan Chiu
Stanley Chiu
Caitlin Ciampaglio
Patricia Clbert
Michael Clyne
Juliane Corman
Maria Cortez
Happy to support NA!
David and Hilary Crall
Rebecca Curwin
Robert Czyzewski
Simply the best!
Andrew Dakos
Eleni Dakos
Adam Derman
David Dungey
In honor of Selah Dungey
Keep up the great work.
Laura and Adam Epstein
Connor Epstein
Stephen Erickson
Daniel Eshetie
John Evans
Dan & Christine Fabrizio
MacGregor Family
Devirgilio Family
Donald & Jo-Ann Farley
Claire Farley
David Feldman
Robin & Jake Feldman
Megan Ferentinos
Robert and Rachel Fink
Lewis Fischbein
Charles Fischbein
Joseph Fitzsimmons
David and Ingrid Fitzsimmons
Mark Fleischman
Paul Flores
Thank you.
Noah Franzblau
Rebecca Moll Freed
Rebecca Freed
Evan Friedel
In memory of Ed Case Class of 1988
Douglas and Dana Friedman
Mark Fritze
Carolyn Fullilove
Jeffrey Furey
Ishan Gadde
Ginger Garrett
In honor of Yasmeena Sharif who sings for Chameleon and Lumen.
Cavarly Garrett
Justin Garrod
Jackie Garrod
Alexandre Gerber
Andrea & Jason Gershwin
Elizabeth & John Gianis
Eileen and Scott Gilbert
Stella Gilbert
Thanks for the breakfast Coach Shi!
Tam & Len Gilbert
Brandon Gillman
Leslie Gilman
In memory of Barbara & Leonard Halpern, beloved grandparents
Laura Giske
Robert Glass
Susan Goldberg
In honor of NA who encouraged my love of learning and curiosity.
Jenifer Goldman
Jed Goldstein
Jayme and Natalie Goldstein
Evan Golombek
Leo Gordon
Adrian L. H. Graham
Go NA!
Jonathan Grebow
Michael and Jane Griffinger
Norman Grossblatt
Karen Guy-Smith
Mae Hacking
Rasheea Hall
In honor of Renee Mintor
Jade-Addon Hall
In honor of Wayne Schiele
Michael and Betsy Halstead
Sarah Marcus Hansen
In honor of Hannah Peretsman Breene
Suzanne Harttree
Lezli Levene Harvell
Nita Harwani
Thank you!
Shannon Hedvat
Kristina Heinold
Bree Heitin
Stacey Helfant
Craig Helfer
Neva Henderson
Pierce Henderson
Jill Herbert
John Herbert
Milwood Hobbs Jr & Kimberly Hobbs
Supriya Hosanagar
Go NA!!
Richard Howard
Supporting my high school
Yuan Hu
Tracy Huser
Pamela Huttenberg
NA is a great school.
Jack Hyman
Yusuf Jackson
Karen Jacob
Lauren Jacobs-Lazer
Marjorie Lopus Jameson
My years at NA are remembered with fondness. I had a wonderful high school experience. Great teachers, staff and administrators all made the school climate one that everyone enjoyed coming to Newark Academy everyday. We were, and are an extended family.
Meredith Janay
Chris Jenkins
Thanks to all NA teachers. Good luck to all the current students. Wish you all the best.
Bobby Jett
We love the idea and wish NA all the very best! We miss you all!
Jordan Jett
Lei Jiang
In honor of Mr. Julius Tolentino
Thanks for taking Chameleon to Ellington!!!
Danni Jiao
Leslie Johnson
Michael Johnson
Will Jones
Mark Kalkus
Samantha Kanter
Happy to support this school
Jan Kapferer
In honor of Andrew, Natalie and David Kapferer
William S Kaplan
Many NA alumni over our long history have chosen a career of service in the US armed forces and collectively have not been recognized by the school. This donation can in part, along with other support, help make this alumni recognition possible.
Paul Kasoff
It taught me alot
Zoe Kay
Mackenzie Kent
Wendy & Andreas Kertesz
Jeffery Keys
Rakhi Khanna
We are proud to be part of a giving community
Andy Kim
In honor of For NA swimming team
Flora and Frank King
Michael Kirwin
Orly Knoller
Christina Kovar
Stephan Kravitz
In memory of Thaddeus F. Ruddnicki CMDR USN and Hampton P. Abney
Out of all the excellent educators I had at Newark Academy, Thaddeus F. Ruddnicki CMDR USN and Hampton P. Abney had the greatest influence on me. They are responsible for giving me the tools that allowed me to take my potential and create the success I became. I am eternally grateful to Newark Academy and these two men. Stephan G. Kravitz '68
Brenda Kunzweiler
John Kvernland
Ralston Morris and Renee LaRoche-Morris
Natalie Lampert
Andrew Breckman and Beth Landau
Lisa Lane-Adams
Jane Florin Langendorff
Amy Larkey-Emelianoff
In honor of Oliver Hagen
I applaud Dr. Hagen's work in taking the Newark Academy's Instrumental Music Program to even greater heights!
Alison Lasher
Alisa Laudicina
Andrew Laughlin
In honor of Doc Schafler and the many great teachers at NA
Stuart A Lawrence
Tania Lee
In honor of Alexandra Mahoney
Sari Leherhoff
Mark Leibo
Mark Leuchten
Lauren Levine
Cindy Li
This is a great school, my daughter likes it a lot! Thank you!
Inkai Mu and Ying Li
Alexander Lieberman
Julie Lorber
Juan Lorenzo
NA is an outstanding school. If we had more schools of this quality the world would be a better place. Happy to contribute. Go Minutemen!
Guotao Lu
Zhijian Lu
Melissa Lynch
Arnold MInoff
Rex Macaylo
Jonathan Mach
Gary Madera
Julie Brody Magid
Richard Maloney
Richard and Lianne Mandelbaum
Paul and Renee Marchand
Bettianne & Hal Marcus
Daniel and Angela Markowitz
Courtney Marsallo
In honor of The Amazing Advancement Team
You guys get more fabulous every year! Kudos!
John Marti
Peter Marx
Frank McCabe
Mary McGaughan
In memory of Fred McGaughan
Dr. Roseanne McSween
In honor of The Manigan Family
To honor my former colleague at Fordham University, Liz Manigan, and also to honor Liz's husband, Ed, who served at NA for many many years.
Michael Melneck
James Messina
Michael Mestel
Muriel and Ron Millman
Lisa Millman
Lauren Moose
amazing staff
Anisha Mukherjee
Brian Mullally
Sean Mulligan
Leigh & Kevin Mumford
Tara Murphy
Debbie and Ajay Nagpal
In honor of All the amazing staff/teachers/coaches/administrators at NA. We thank you for an incredible 7 years! Sincerely, The Nagpal Family
Thank you to all the amazing staff/teachers/coaches/administrators at NA. We thank you for an incredible 7 years! Sincerely, The Nagpal Family
Leju Nair
Go Strong NA!
Leju Nair
Go Strong NA!
Satya Narisety
Lee Neuwirth
John Newman
Evan Nisenson
What an incredible school and community.
Aja Nisenson
Heather Nowak
Rajesh Nuni
Kathryn ODonnell
Mr.and Mrs. Anthony Obst
Benjamin Olesky
Kyle Ostroff
Holly Palker
Thomas Pan
Marga Pandey
Victoria Paradis
Ken Parsons
Very pleased to be on Team NA, big win for the whole family! BKO
Naishami Patel
Dina and Steven Pearl
Frank Pensiero
In honor of Samuel Pensiero
Alan Penziner
Kathleen Mangunay Pergament
Keep up the great work NA!
Frank Pinchak
Flavio Pinheiro
In honor of Dr Norman Schafler
Doc Schafler was a positive influence in all our lives. He’s the best!
Onika Popo-James
Marcelo Porto
Ed Pursell
Andrew Pursell
Alberto Quintos
Nicole Quow-Thomason
Randy Raisman
Sandeep Ramachandran
Veeren Reddy
Anthony Ricciardi
Nicole and Chris Rich
Jessica Ridella
Proud to be an alumni!
John Ritota
John and Barbara Robinton
Janet Robusto
With deepest appreciation for ALL at NA, and a special shoutout to NA Arts! ❤️
David Rodin
Alex Rose
Michael and Joanne Rosenberg
Jed Rosenthal
Jordan and Michael Rosner
Brian and Cheryl Rothman
Anna Ruberti
Joseph Rubin
Jennifer Rusek
In honor of The Advancement Team ❤️
Best of luck to a successful Day of Giving 🙌
Whitney Russell
Brian Saluzzo
Yasmeen Sampson
Schuyler Sampson
Jodi Samson
Seema Sangani
Sergio Santos
Alexis Sarkissian
NA is an amazing learning institution. We're proud that our son is studying there as a Freshman. In just a few months, he has further blossomed and progressed tremendously. Count on our support forever!
Corinna Schnieders
Michael and Emily Schonbraun
Erin Schonbraun
Paul Schottland
In honor of Joseph Borlo
For seeing me earlier than I saw myself !
Louise Schutte
Peter Schwartz
Jenna Schwerdt
Simran Sekhri
Loren Selig
In honor of All alumni pursuing Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Alex Senchak
Thank you Sirya for calling me!
Reena Shah
Lisa Shah
Thank you NA for an amazing education and community!
Chenxuan Shi
Kristine Shirey
Adam Siegel
We love being part of the NA community.
Robert Sikellis
Great school, faculty and administration!
Evan Sills
Kimberly Simon
William Simon
Douglas Slade
Andrew Slutzky
Adlai Small
Quite simply, I love NA and feel so fortunate that my son is attending such a vibrant and dynamic institution!
Mr & Mrs James C Smith
Tiffany Taylor Smith
Nikhil Soares
Justin and Cory Solotoff
Adam Somberg
Kemi Somorim
Stephan Sotkin
Tim Sparks
Kerri Speck
Mitchell Spingarn
Armit Srivastav
Jared Stadlin
Gregory Stankiewicz
Matthew Steenberg
Annamaria Stefanelli
Lani Sterling
John Sternlicht
Van Stevens
Alexandra Swanson
Julie Tai
Aubrey and Steven Talles
Mark Tavani
Thanks to the Theater Arts Department for their investment in our kids!
Jacqueline Taylor
Tracey Taylor
Carolyn Tenney
Raj Thangavelsamy
Mahesh Thapa
Charles Tiensch
Amaya Toland
Chris Tomaino
Asha Toolsidas
go coach shi
Nina Tsung-Sze
Thank you to the faculty, coaches, and staff at NA. We remember you all fondly!
Rick Turk
In honor of Evan Nisenson!
Annie Tvetenstrand
Christopher and Yvonne Ventresca
Viraj and Anjali Verma
Pamela Vichengrad
In honor of Senor Hampton Abney and Paul Aspell
As an alumni and current parent, I’ve seen first-hand the positive impact that NA can make on your life!
Cheryl Villanueva-Mabutas
Josh Virany
Bill Wachenfeld
Glenn Waldorf
Heath Waldorf
Eric Walker
Hoping to see more students who look like me…
Joseph Walsh
I am topping up my earlier donation after reading the comments by Mr. Kravatz. Thadeus F. Rudnicki, Jr. U.S. Navy Retired (USNR). Newark College of Engineering, U.S.Navy Postgraduate School, Monterrey, CA. I remember him fondly for questioning how I could return suboptimal quiz results, and impressing upon me how lucky I was to be attending Newark Academy. He cornered me in a side room with a full court press. This was my fist year in as a transfer. "2 pieces of poop, find the 3rd" "1st class levers vs. 2nd class levers" "Boyles Law" "Mass times speed equals impact" Sugar coated doughnuts, coffee from a styrofoam cup and Winstons for breakfast. I remember it all, and vividly. Sometimes I find myself explaining something to my Wife over dinner and she will ask, "how do you know that?" My response: The Commander !
Joseph Walsh
Overwhelming Guilt
Liping Wang
Riley is looking forward to joining the boys high school varsity soccer team in fall with our full support and best wishes.
Michael Wang
Maggie Wang
Keep up the great work, NA!
Melinda Waskow
In honor of the amazing Arts Department and the phenomenal College Counseling office!
Mitchell and Marni (Greenbaum) Weinberg
Mary Ellen Weinel
Mollie Wilkie
In honor of William and Marsha Wilkie
Obioma Williams
In memory of Nigel Miller
Adrien Wing
I am eternally grateful for the education I received at NA!
Allison and Jeffrey Wise
Samantha Witt
In honor of Coach Shi
Yay Coach Shi!!
Betelhem Wolde
Jackson Wong
In memory of Jack Wong
James Worth
Richard Worth
Angela Li & Timothy Wu
Malik Wyche
Yinan Xiao
Grateful to be part of NA!
Andrew Yan
Jun Yao
Go NA Sports Team!
David You
Kjell and Sonya Youngren
Sonya Youngren
David and Lily Yu
Chloe Yu
In memory of Jessica DeSanta
Daniel Zheng
Fang Zhou
Zheng Zhou
Joanne has greatly enjoyed her experience at NA so far! Look forward to greater things ahead.
Fei and Belinda Zhou
Feng & Zinan
Thank NA for providing such a supportive environment!
Karen cleeve
In memory of Margaret Wysock
Jeffrey silverman
Donald watrous
Kevin Fritze ‘03 and Dorian Muench-Fritze ‘03
In honor of The grandparents
Loved the arts department
In honor of Eric Rosenberg
Keep up the good work!
In honor of Alissa Mendelsohn

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