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Livingston, NJ

Newark Academy Day of Giving


Lisa Mulligan, Senior Director of Advancement

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (389)

All (389)
Kaplans 2025
W. Richard Adey
Andrew Alford
Dale Allsopp
Roy Alvarez
Marika Alzadon
Nichola Amsterdam
The Unity, Love and Support is Amazing
Adam Wang & Jade An
Sundar Varadarajan and Jyoti Ananth
Willia mm Annitto
Jodi Arden
Pallavi Arora
James Asher
Scott Baker
Katherine Baker
Arun Balakumaran
Joseph Ball
John Barback
Jared and Wendy Bartie
Jason and Mia Bauer
Rucha & Pushkar Bedekar
Peter Behrle
Kenyanna Bell
Thank you for creating a wonderful learning environment.
Mark Belnick
In honor of Blackie Parlin
Robyn Bennett
Erica Berger
Lorraine Wrightson Besch
In honor of Bill Gibson '67
John Bess
Takiyah Bethea
Anuj and Latika Bhartiya
Tyler Bisk
Danielle Blake
Kyle and Maria Bolden
Alexis Bolivar
Kevin Bollinger
Sandeep Bordia
We love the inclusive and nurturing community and holistic well rounded education. We love the teachers, and the community !!
Lisa Podell Boss
Lifelong connections!
William Bowers
Traci Osterhagen Brock
Lara Samet Buchwald
Dorraine Burrell
Charles Bushnell
Joan "Kim" Capobianco
Amy Cappello
Joseph Carrino
In memory of Toni Ann Carrino
Michael Celente
Lawrence Cetrulo
David Chakrin
Daniel and Isabella Chernin
Janeece Freeman Clark
Russell Steenberg and Patricia Colbert
Matt Cowen
Robert Cowen
Samuel Croll
Dan Cronheim
Victor Cruz
Michael Cummo
Virginia Cummo
Konrad Czyzewski
Jiangbo Dang
Keep up the good work!
Terrance Dargan
Keith and Beth Derman
Katherine DiSabito
In memory of Former faculty member Robert Judge Riley
Diana Dieckman
AJ Dinger
Nicole Dispenziere-Pitcher
Amazing education, support and school community!
Ed and Ruby Ditchfield-Agboh
Zachary Drobner
Elyse Dub
Jacob Dunn
David Rodin and Elke Erschfeld
Jeffrey Estilo
Angela & Freddie Etsiakoh
Banke Fagbemi
The Opper Family
Floria-Callori Family
Don & Jo-Ann Farley
We found it to be the ideal school for our daughters.
Laura Farmer
Thanks for all the fantastic work that you do to support our students! Truly an exceptional school and community.
Charles Fischbein
Joseph Fitzsimmons
Samantha Fliegler
Cara Foerst
Leslie Abney Ford
Daniel Forman
Mark Forscher
Noah Franzblau
Rebecca Moll Freed
Kristen Friberger
Kevin Fritze
Bill Fusco
Ishan Gadde
Freddy Gamboa
Justin & Jackie Garrod
Danny Gelir
Alexandre Gerber
Andrea and Jason Gershwin
Geoff Gibbs
Stella Gilbert
Brandon Gillman
Laura Giske
I love NA!
Robert Glass
Joseph Glicksberg
Dan Gold
Susan Goldberg
In memory of Jerry Hurwitz
My cousin and fellow alum. He was almost like a brother to my father and held a dear fatherly role in my life too.
Samuel Goldfischer
Jenifer Goldman
Jed Goldstein
Caroline Golja
Evan Golombek
Jesper Goransson
Jamal Gorrick
Jason and Emily Granet
Jonathan Grebow
Beth Greenspan
Norman Grossblatt
Rebecca Groveman
Sarah Guelich
Hubert Gugala
Pooja & Nitin Gulati
Sebastian Guth
Karen Guy-Smith
Happy Valentine's Day to the entire NA community - each and every teacher, faculty, staff, leader & administrator, alumni, student and all current and past NA families. Thank you for ALL you do to make the entire NA experience amazing. Very best wishes for 2024.
Sophia Ha
Alex & Mae Hacking
Shuquawana Hall
Rasheea Hall
Michael and Betsy Halstead
Sarah Marcus Hansen
In honor of Hannah Peretsman Breene
Nita Harwani
Bree Heitin
Craig Helfer
Pierce Henderson
In honor of Mrs Pomykala
Neva Henderson
Jaeden Henry
Jill and Dan Herbert
John Herbert
Claudia Hernandez
John Heyman
Matthew and Sarah Higgins
David Hoag
Karen Horowitz
Richard Howard
Justin Yang and Vicky Hsu
Nanjun Hu
Yuan Hu
Ralph Higgins, III
Daniel Ikuno
Eric Ikuno
Prasad Inampudi
Thanks for encouraging and promoting excellence!
Julie Jacobs
Vinay Jain
Yuxue Jin
Nami Joshi
Dr. Joe!!!!!! Best science teacher ever!!!!
Whitney Russell, Jr.
John Evans, Jr.
R. Scott Bevans, Jr.
Mark Kalkus
Eric Kanter
Janice Kapferer
Lauren Kaplan
Tanya Mujica Keenan
In honor of Seema Patel
Keep up the good work, Seema!
William Kelly
Jamie Kelly
Mackenzie Kent
Andreas and Wendy Kertesz
Andrew Kesler
Jeffery Keys
10 years as NA parents watching the School and Faculty help our children become the best versions of themselves!
Thomas Ko and Michelle Kim
Andrew Kimmel
Bernardus van Klinken and Liliana Suarez van Klinken
Venkat Konuganti
Hetal Kothari
Alex Kotzen
Danielle Kotzen
Thank you for all the learning, fun and support you provided our boys this last decade!
Nicolas Kotzen
Paul Krieger
Rupa Krishnan
Maaike Demarest Kuen
Robert and Brenda Kunzweiler
Eric and Jennifer Lai
Pamela Lange
Alisa Laudicina
Danielle St. Laurent
Pouya Lavian
Stuart A Lawrence
Lauren Jacobs-Lazer and Adam Lazer
Felipe Ledezma
Jong Lee
Mark Leibo
Mark Leuchten
Lauren Levine
Edward Levitt
Wendy Lewison
Seth Lieberman
In honor of NA Coaching Staff!
Angela Lin
Thomas Louthan
Yan Lu
Steve Luber
Harcourt Lucius
Here's to continued excellence
Jamie Neiman Luehring
Melissa Lynch
Gary Madera
Lawrence Maley
GO NA ❤️🖤
Matt Mandel
In honor of Pamela Mandel
Ross Mandel
Matt Mandel
Sydney Mann
Paul and Renee Marchand
Anthony Marchigiano, Jr. and Maria Midas Marchigiano
Michael Margolis
Daniel and Angela Markowitz
John Marti
Holly Maykow
John McCoubrey
Molly McGaughan
In honor of Fred McGaughan
Maria Teresa & Brad McNEILLY-ANTA
Isabela McNeilly-Anta
Sebastian McNeilly-Anta
Dr. Rose McSween
In honor of Pat Neary, R. N.
Happy Valentine's Day, Pat. Thank you for always being there. Rose
James Messina
Evan Michelson
Alejandro and Laura San Miguel
Douglas Milanes
Thad Miller
Kash and Rasika Mishra
Fawaz Syed and Tasneem Mizra
Will Mulligan
Sean Mulligan
Leigh & Kevin Mumford
Tara Murphy
Tara Murthy
Debbie Nagpal
Thank you to all the faculty, staff, administrators for providing an amazing experience for Andy while he was at NA. We sure miss the school!
Leju Nair
Patricia Neary
Lee Neuwirth
Evan Nisenson
NA all the way!
Aja Nisenson
Eric Niu
Jenna & Kevin O'Keefe
Elizabeth OMalley
Steve Ochs
Jonathan Olesky
Benjamin Olesky
Jessica Oliveira
Daniel Wolfe and Cynthia Orsini
Marga Pandey
Our son had a wonderful environment to florish in. Thank you for providing such an amazing place for his youth.
James and Lynn Paragano
Blackwood and Joan Parlin
Shamik Patel
Naishami Patel
Rushabh Patel
Eva San Pedro-Koontz
Invested faculty, teach how to think critically, love of learning, great memories…
Ralph Pellecchia
Kathleen Mangunay Pergament
In memory of Toni Ann Carrino ‘95
Alexis Pesquin
Eileen Petrillo
Peter & Betsy Peña
Lisa Meloro Pieciak
Congratulations to 250 years of education!
Arthur Pittis
I received an excellent education.
Jodi Prupis
Kalenah Witcher, Psy.D.
In honor of Celestine Brunson
In honor of Celestine “Celeste” Brunson who made me feel welcomed at NA so many years ago.
Andrew Pursell
Ernesto Quinteros
Bridget (Duffy) Raines
Randy Raisman
Sandeep Ramachandran
Anthony Ricciardi
Nicole Holzapfel Rich
Kevin Riley
Scott Robinson
Janet Robusto
Frederick Rollenhagen
Steven and Toby Rome
Neil Rome
Edward Nutt and Linda Rootkin
Alex Rose
Michael and Joanne Rosenberg
Jed Rosenthal
Phyllis Rothschild
Ted and Anna Ruberti
Peter Rubinstein
John Ryan
Adam Rzetelny
Yasmeen Sampson
Jodi Samson
Miguelina Sanchez
Miguelina Sanchez
Continue to provide academic excellence
Seema Sangani
Nitin Sapru
Suzanne Sawatzky-Harttree
Lou Scerra
Michael and Emily Schonbraun
Louise Schutte
Peter Schwartz
Simran Sekhri
Loren Weiss Selig
In honor of Dr Kalenah Witcher, Eric Walker, & Michael Weiss
So grateful to have a crew who always challenge me to be the best me I can be.
Mona and Niraj Shah
Reena Shah
Rima Shah
Tina Shah
Rubina Sharief
Noelle Shirey
In honor of Erica Berger
Thanks Erica for a great Giving Day!
Kristine Shirey
Samad Siddiqui
Adam Siegel
Sergiy Sirichenko
Stephen Sislen
Jason Slomack
James Smith
Tiffany Taylor Smith
Cory and Justin Solotoff
Stephan Sotkin
Kerri Speck
Mitchell Spingarn
Gregory Stankiewicz
Matthew Steenberg
Dan & Wendy Stein
Michael Sterling
Dinaz Subjally
Mariam Subjally
Yanjia Sun
Go NA!
Rodney and Carol Sunada-Wong
Thomas Swatland
Zara Syed
Extraordinary academic and inclusive community with endless opportunities to learn and grow.
Carolyn Tenney
Coreen Thomas
In honor of Someone who will be able to attend to Newark Academy who have the ability of learning!
Keep up the good work!
Grace Thompson
Chris Tomaino
In memory of Annette Tomaino
Trang Tran
Tom Trynin
So happy to be part of the NA Community!
Dan Urban
Michael Usatine
Cheryl Villanueva-Mabutas
Tyler Vradenburg
Weijian Liang and Shuyan Wan
Lisa Warren
Rui Wei
Ira and Robin Weidhorn
Marni Greenbaum Weinberg
Mary Ellen Weinel
David Werner
Henry White
Trevor Williams
Adrien Wing
In honor of Katherine Wing
Proud to celebrate my 50th reunion!
Kathleen Witcher
Sam Wohlforth
Elizabeth Woodall
Jing Violet Xu
Jenny Xun
An Yan
Go for 250 donors!
Jun Yao
Dedicated faculties, happy and knowledgeable students!
Paul Domingue and Aster Yilma
Sonya Youngren
Thomas Hou and Ellen Yu
Lina Yuan
Daniel Zheng
Celebrate NA 250 years
Zheng Zhou
Flora bai
Stacey dershewitz
Bodhi mandel
Richard mandelbaum
Donald watrous
In honor of Arcelia "Grandma Aya" Avila
Honoring an amazing teacher.
In honor of Maher Scholar

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