Lion Fund
Supporters across the USA
Supporters (37)
All (37)
Albert Gnoza
Ann Chen
Ann Fitzgibbons
In memory of Pam Hains, LCHS 1991
Anne Noble
In memory of Anthony Mohl, Sr.
Becky Hains
In memory of Pamela HainsIn memory of Pamela Hains, sister, educator, and a bright light in so many lives I donate to OLC.
Brooke Witterman
Got the Annual report and was so excited to see the story. It was so sad the closing of the school and the no warning to be able to give to save the school and wanted to show support.
Bryce Hains
In memory of Pam Hains and Tim Hains
Carolyn and Mario Litterio
In memory of Philip Ceresini (LCHS 1970)
Catherine Anderson
In memory of Terrence M. Anderson
Dallastown High School Teachers
In memory of Pamela HainsPam graduated from your high school. She passed away recently from her fight with cancer. Teachers at Dallastown High School where she worked, wanted to donate money in memory of her life long dedication to teaching.
Darlene Muldowney
Deborah Aversa
In honor of Pamela Hains
Debra & Erik Gold, EG Medical Equipment
In memory of Sandra S. Cawley
I support Catholic School Education in Lebanon County PA
Ernie Feirer
In honor of Doris FeirerIn memory of Gigi
Gary Kent
In memory of Agnes Bering
Gayle and Eric Boltz
In memory of Agnes Bering
Gayle and Eric Boltz
In honor of Anthony Mohl
Joan French
In memory of Pam Hains
John Gates
In honor of Pat Clentimack
Joseph and Michelle Connor
Judith Capatch
In memory of Pam Hains
Karen Taylor
In memory of Pam HainsPam Hains
Kathleen Jesiolowski
Thank you for continuing to give parents a choice for their child's education in Lebanon County.
Kenneth Carpenter
In memory of Pat Clentimack
Leela Cleary
Go Lions!
Leslie Magyar
In memory of Mr. Tony Mohl
Mary Ann Bruder
Pat and Alysia Englert
In honor of Pamela Hains
Rachel Reager
In honor of Tony Mohl
Rafe Fritz
Scott, Kelly & Isabella Krutz
In memory of Pamela Jo Hains
Shannon Werner
Rest in peace Pam
Tiffany McDonnell
In honor of Pamela Hains Class of 1991
Tim Butler
In memory of David A. Rakow Sr.
In memory of Pam Hains