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Cathedral Preparatory School

Erie, PA


Cathedral Preparatory School

raised of $400,000 goal
Jayson Nickson, Annual Fund and Events Manager

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (758)

All (758)
Aaron and Valerie Phillips
Abby Corsale
Abigail Lechner
In honor of Barbara (Faller) Delehunt VMA '69
Abigail Motsch
Adam Pierce
Adam Stahon
Adam Tome
Erie Roadrunners / Prep baseball circa 2008 in Washington DC
Addison Baldi
Addisyn Biel
Aidan Hudson
Alex Keim
Alexandra Perez Trotea
Alexandria Kosobucki
Alfred Benedict
Allburn Florist, Inc.
Allison Mosier
Allison Mosier
In honor of Caroline (Rutkowski) DiPlacido '82VMA
Allyson Nawrocki
Alysssa Kehl
Andrew Alesso
Andrew Angert
Keep Rolling
Andrew Carlin
Andrew Deck
Andrew Dyszlewski
Andrew McGill
Andrew Mraz
Andrew Stephany
Andrew Szoszorek
Anna Sitler
Annalise Russell-Woodward
Anthony & Christine Pol
Anthony Behm
Anthony Cuzzola
Anthony Ignaczak
Anthony Perrotta
Arthur/Ruth Oligeri III
Audrey Wojnarowski
Austin Behan
Ava Blanchard
Avery Joint
Ayva Reeves
BJ Lechner
Barbara Brozovic
Barbara Gingenbach
Barbara Hudson
Barbara Lorei
Barbara Olley
Barbara Pugel
Barry LaCastro
Roll Ramblers!
Basil Bannistu
Beals-McMahon Painting
Bennett McCoy
Beverly Zarella
Bill Hilbert III
Bill Leemhuis
Bishop Edward Lohse
Blaise Konzel
Brady Sambuchino
Brendan Barber
Brendan Flanagan
Brenden McMahon
Brian Brugger
Brian Carlin
Brian Fuhrman
Brian Lorei
Brian Markley
Brian Sivillo
Brian Stark
Brian Szewczykowski
Bridget Barber
In honor of Our Daughter-in- Law Courtney Edwards Barber VMA’13
Bridget Power Barber
In honor of The John Barber Family ,
Barber Family Alumni of Prep & Villa: Jack 1997, Eileen VMA 2000 ,Bob 2003, Brendan 2008, Patrick 2009. Bridget Power Barber 1970 .
Bridget Shames
Brook Burick
Bruce Behringer
Bruce Kern
Buzz and Barb Felix
Caitlin Dugan
Caitlyn Holden
Caleb Frederick
Callie Cacchione
Callum Snider-Mills
Cameron Greshaber
Cameron Savers
Carl Carlotti
Carmen Romeo
Casey Campanelli
Catherine Dailey Owen
Catherine Sherman
Cecilia Cachione
Chadd Nesbit
Charles Clark
Charles Rutkowski
Charles Schroeck
Charles Terrett
I will always remember my years at Prep fondly. Cathedral Prep shaped my life and helped make me who I am today. Too many teachers to mention, well especially Miss Maxwell... Joann Mullen, truly prepared me for college and I am forever grateful
Chris Chane
Chris Peck
Christian Mangarur
Christine Fuhrman Konzel
Sports Day, every year!
Christine Musi
Christine Vomero
Christopher Beres
Christopher Ehrman
Christopher Lechner
Christopher Sirianni
Christopher Wodarczyk
Chuck Boyd
Clare Oligiacomo
Class of 1971 Romeo Club
Colette Palmer, SSJ
Colette Speros
Colin Sears
Colleen Steenberge
Colleen Welton
Collin Bowes
Conor McNamara
In honor of Mrs. Joann Mullen, Mr. Joe Germino, Mr. Jim Scharrer, and Sister James Francis
With eternal gratitude for the dedication with which these educators lived out their vocation. Gone but not forgotten.
Conrad & Mary Franz
Cooper Wierzchowski
Corey Allen
Craig Szczutkowski
Dale Mills
Daniel & Christine Agnello
Daniel Anthony
Daniel Ek
Daniel Kubiak
Daniel Leifield
Daniel Meister
Daniel Sculley
Daniel Spizarny
Daniel Tometsko
Daniel Wolf
Dante Parrini
Roll Ramblers!
Daven Weatherby
David Bohun
David Cullen
In honor of Sister Ellen Denise
David Damond
David Filipowski
David Gianoni
David Hallman
David Hennessy
David Holland
David Kloss
David Kruszewski
David Kuhn
David M. Lastowski
David Murphy
David Palmisano
David Predis
In memory of Andrew Predis, '09
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
David Predis
In memory of Jacob Predis, '97
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
David Van Volkenburg
Deacon Ron Onslow
Deborah DeVore Maciak
Deborah Salamon
Debra Uht
In memory of Gerard T Uht, Jr.
Deirdre Myers
Demaris Edwards
Denise Bologna
Dennis Montagna
Diane (Helsel) Grzelak
Diane Cardella
Dianna Cook
Dominick DiPaolo
Don 64 & Pat 62 Gehrlein
Don Harrington
Don Patsy
Don Weiner
Donald Daut
Donald Dresback
Donald McDonald
Donald Reddinger
Donatos Pizza
Donna Morphy
Dorjan Johnson
Doug Bauman
Douglas Dunbar
Douglas K. White
In memory of Kelly M. White
Douglas Spizarny
Douglas Yarbenet
Dr. Leonard Brzozowski
Dr. Richard & Laura Sheppeck
In honor of Jeanne Kozak
Roll Ramblers!!
Dr. Tiggy McLaughlin
Driveerie, LLC
Duane Hayes
In honor of EMERY J. YEAGER CLASS OF 1950
Edith Blabac
Edith Luniewski
In memory of Joseph Joint
Edward Christy
Edward Clark
Edward Goebel
Edward Hodas
Edward Lander
The lifetime personal connections that were established
Edward Schneider
In honor of Class of '71
Mary Queen of Prep, Please pray for Class of '71 members no longer with us and for those that need your blessings now! Amen
Edward Theiss
Eileen Kloecker Perino
In honor of Deceased Alumni of KLOECKER Family
In memory of Deceased alumni of KLOECKER families
I am in regular communication with 48 of my graduating Class of ‘68 VMA. We plan breakfast together, dinner together, but most importantly, we support each other with Prayerchain. I truly feel that my fellow Villa graduates are my sisters.
Eileen O'Hare
Ek Dan
Elaine Hirsch
Elena Doyle
Elizabeth Kuhar
Elizabeth Peterson
Ella Fedor
Ellen Hutchinson
Ellie Brugger
Ely Cooney
Emilee Vereb
Emilio Filippi
Emily Grenci
Emily Huber
Emily Hutchinson
Emily Lion
Emma Izbicki
Eric Cox
Eric M Vandamia DMD PC
Eric Moses
Erik Swanson
Erwin Ng
Estus Barnes
Roll Ramblers!!!
Ethan Seifert
Fina Bannister
Finleigh Handzel
Fr. James Power
Fr. John Malthaner
Francis Goss
Francis V. Kloecker Funeral Home
Francis Zelina
Francisco Petron
Frank Cargioli
Frank and Colleen Mezler
Loved teaching there for 22 years and still believe in what Prep teaches our youth today.
Fratus Teresa
Fred Hintenach III
Fuhrman Meghan
G. Michael Carroll
Gabriel Dorman
Garett and Jennifer Brugger
Gary Carver
Gary Cooper
Gary Kanonczyk
Gary Pasqualicchio
Gayle Callen
George Mamrak
George Orbanek
George Simmons
Roll ramblers!
George Simon
Gerard Hogenmiller
Geri Haines
Gewndolyn Heyer
Gianna Bastow
Gianna Mirarchi
Gilbert Wascak
Greg Rogers
Greg and Katie Dufala
Gregory Gorniak
Gregory Tellers
Haines Geraldine
Hannah Letito
Hannah Steppic
Hayley Dever
Heather Burick
Henry Piorkowski
Herbstritt Richard
Hilliard Sandra
Ian Steff
Irma Navarrete
Isabella Bellotti
J. Mark Czupkowski
Jack Barber
Jack Benson
Jack Reisenberg
Jaclyn Wilson
James & Jeannine Teed
James & Mary Rutkowski Jr.
Roll Ramblers!
James Anderson
My grandson graduated from Prep.
James Benoit
James Bojarski
James Burke
James Burns
James Casella
James Collins
James Dailey
Roll Ramblers
James Dudenhoefer
James Gehrlein
James Gervase
James Gervase ‘71 Romeo Club
Class of 1971 Romeo Club
James Loesch
James Mattis
James Natalo
James Rutkowski
James Scharrer
James Scherer
James Williams
In honor of Ed Schneider
James Williams
In honor of Ed Schneider
Class Prez since 1971!
Jamie Martin Stewart
Jane Rastetter
Janet Nawrocki
Jared Heidt
Jared Lichtinger
Jasmine Woodard
Jayson Nickson
Roll Ramblers!!
Jean Petersen
Jeff Hindman
Jeff Peters
Jeff Straw
I remember being in the spring musicals at Villa with Almi Clerkin directing.
Jeffrey & Lora Johnson
Jeffrey Prather
Jeffrey Swanson
Jeffrey Walach
Jen Kuntz
Jennifer Gannoe
Jennifer Mackensen
Jeremy Gdaniec
Jeremy Young
Jessica Margosian
Jill Brown
Jim Gemler
In honor of Harold J Gemler
Jimmy Smith
Jimmy Smith
Joanne Rogers
Joanne Rogers
Joe Bell
John Abbate
John Bleil
John DiPlacido
John Falconer
John Ferrick
John Freeman
John Hausmann
John Hoetzel
John Knauer
Roll Ramblers!
John Lohse
John Lynch
John MacKenzie
John Perrotti
John Presogna
John Rahner
John Ruth
John Sienicki
John Sowizral
John Vahey
In honor of John & Barbara Vahey
John Watson
John Wells
John Zelina
Jon Fuhrman
Jon Patsy
Jonah Ng
Jonathan Spitzer
Jordan Senz
Joseph Bernztowicz
Joseph Burkhart
Joseph Cieslak
Joseph Dahlkemper
Joseph DeMartino
Joseph Ertl
Joseph Iole
Joseph Kloecker
Joseph Mischler
In honor of Forrest Mischler
Joseph Pomorski
Joseph Rowane
Joseph Schember
In honor of My Parents, Joe and Helen Schember
Joseph Swiss
Joseph Viola
Joseph Yochim
Josh Lustig
Joshua Dabrant
Josie Dufala
Jovan Crosby
Joy Mezzacapo-Nemitz
Judy Christman
Judy Decker
Julia Dieteman
Julie Sajewski
Julie Wilson
Justin Yochim
Kabasinski Kelly
Kaleb Kleckner
Karen Vomero
In honor of All the dedicated Prep teachers
Teachers are the key to the success of Prep
Kate Patsy
Kathleen B Lastowski
Kathleen Donahue
Kaylin Laird
Keira Lawrence
Keith Bartos
Always a brotherhood!
Keith Comi
Kelli Beuchart
Kelly Kabasinski
Kendal Johnston
Kenneth Kraut
Kenneth Lipinski
Kevin & Maria Smith
Kevin Mahoney
Kevin McEnery
Kevin Sambuchino
Ki Kim
In honor of Arlene Lucchesi
Grandma would be proud of you Gigi.
Kim Oler
Kimberly Webster
In honor of Jim Sertz
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
Laina Hamilton Aquiline
Lara Schultz
Laura Phelps
Lawrence Serene
Prep made a big difference in my life as a student there and also for my son, a 2005 alumnus.
Lean Taylor
Lena Walz
Leo Gallina
Leon Kozar
Leonard Cyterski
Liam Cross
Libby Waltman
Lilian Blake
Lilli Beuchart
Lilly Pinzok
Lindsay Armanini
Logan Savers
Louis Cesa
Lydia Beuchart
Maggie Rutkowski
Maja Wasielewski
Makayla Smith
Marco Pfister
Maria Ciccozzi Ehrman
In memory of Anna G. Ciccozzi
Maria Doyle
Marie Olon
In memory of VMA Class of 1982 deceased alumni
Remembering Sports Days with my girlfriends! Missing those we have lost too soon.
Marilyn Giek Behringer
Marilyn Regan
Marilyn Thomas
Mark Boucher
Mark Carney
Mark Dwyer
Mark Hogenmiller
Mark Leifield
Mark Long
Mark Majewski
Mark McCloskey
Mark Miller
Mark Monocello
Mark Olszewski
In honor of All yhe sisters & priests who taight us
Mark Walczak
Markley Brian
Marla Hollingsworth
Martin Serene
Marty Rouen
Mary Ann Miller
In memory of Patricia Reddinger '67VMA
Mary Demyanovich
Mary Falk
Mary Hammer
Mary Held-Manley
Mary Ita Power
Mary Janet Dey Eames
Mary Jo Biedrzycki
Mary Jo Matheis
Mary Therese Craig
Matt Clark
Matt Costa
Matt Longoria
Matt Magyar
Matthew Bansidhar
Matthew Costa Jr.
Matthew Ehrman
Matthew Hauser
Roll Ramblers!
Matthew Hubert
Matthew Montagna
Matthew Shadeck
Maureen (Malthaner) Thompson
Maureen Krowicki
Maureen Wilson
Maureen and Jerry Wegley
Max Johnson
Maxwell Harrison
McCoy Bennett
McKenna Valone
Megan Cardella
Meghan Fuhrman
Mia Shaughnessy
Micaela Dobrich
Michael Andrews
Michael Betz
Michael Carroll
Michael DeMartinis
Michael Dinner
Michael Doyle
Michael Ferraro
Michael Flaherty
Michael Grab
Michael McCoy
In honor of Kiara Spalding McCoy
Prep,my classmates,and Tony Zambrowski were some of the pillars in my life that has help me in my life experiences.
Michael McCurdy
Michael Palmer
Michael Pietrowski
Michael Pilewski
Michael Quirk
Michael Schupp
Michael Steenberge
Michael Straneva
Michael Tellers
Michael Thompson
Michael Vereb
Mike Alexa
Mike Cox
Mike Fitzgerald
Mike Hahesy
Coaching all the great young men in wrestling
Mike Krahe
Misty Poranski
Mitchell Clark
Morgan Smith
Moses Eric
Mr & Mrs Thomas Widomski
In memory of Stanley T. Widomski
Nancy Eichelsdorfer
Natalie Miller
Nate Maciak
Nathanael Ferrick
Nathaneil Klan
Nathaniel Ehrman
In memory of Anna G. Ciccozzi
Nhu Tran
Niagra Millen
Nicholas Shi
Nick Francani
Nicole Duda
Nik Blanchard
Noah Wagner
In memory of LTC Francisco Santos Junkin
Norbert Meister
Olivia Kallner
Olivia Spinelli
Pam Beamish
In memory of Kym Morey
Pasquale Pontoriero
Patricia Block
Patricia Brugger
Patricia Earl
Patricia Herbstritt
Patricia Kirik
Patrick & Courtney Barber
Patrick Bradley
Patrick Czytuck
Patrick Grab
Patrick Mazur
Patrick McGill
Patrick Pasqualicchio
Patrick Quinn
Patty Kloecker
Paul Major
Paul Podbielski
We were Bishop Gannon's "Diamonds in the rough" and he told us often.
Paul Rowane
Paul Straub
Paul Vojtek
Paul and Holly MacKenzie
Philip Katen
Priscilla DiBacco
Quentih Cuzzola
Quinn Suzette
R. Michael Beals
In honor of Richard A. Tullio '55
Raegan Johnston
Ralph Pasquino
Raul Rodriguez
Raymond Sutula
Rebecca Easly-Merski
Renee Deau
Richard Albreski
Richard Griffith
Richard Hayes
Richard Herbstritt
Richard Herbstritt
Richard Koehler
In honor of Dr Carl Fuhrman
Richard Martucci
Richard Riley
Richard Scolio
Richard Sertz
Richard Weber
Richard Weber
Richard Wiesen
Rita Page
In memory of Paul McFadden
Rj Brim
Robert Barber
Robert Baumann
Robert Dailey
Robert Dilley
Robert Ek
Robert Esser
Robert Falconer
Robert Fitzmaurice
Robert Gloekler
Robert Glowacki
Robert Jarzomski
Robert Kelley
Robert Kuehn
Robert M Burkley
In memory of Francis E Burkley and Rosemarie Burkley (Kuzemczak)
Thank you Mom and Dad for making the Cathedral Prep experience possible
Robert Marz
Robert Meehan
Thinking back to 1955, graduation day, and the four preceding years, about the great men and women of our faculty who devoted themselves to molding we young men of Cathedral Prep. Attendance at our 50 - and 55 -year class reunions was unforgettable!
Robert Milhisler
In memory of Delores Milhisler
Robert Minnaugh
Prep gave me an education that prepared me for life.
Robert Paterson
Robert Pruzenski
Robert Schoeller
Robert Schriefer
Robert Skrypek
Robert Slayton
Roll Ramblers !
Robert W. Jackson
Robert Wasilewski Wasilewski
Roberta Suleski Formica
Roger and Amy Swanson
Rogers Greg
Ron DiSantis
Ron Jones
Ron and Erin Mourton
We are Thankful that Mally was able to have the opportunity to be part of such a terrific school and are so pleased to see Ronan making his mark in the halls of Prep! Hi, to the Class of 91, those were good days!
Ronald Dombrowski
Ronald Gehrlein
Ronald Leone
Ronald Little
Ronald Seyboldt
Ronald Vomero
In memory of Robert Vomero (brother)
Ronald Zawistowski
Go Ramblers!
Ronan Mourton
Rory Monahan
Rosemary Grove
Russell Felix
Russell May
Ryan Moriarty
Ryan and Jenna (Scutella) Maciak
Rylan Sorse
Sage Beardsley
Samantha Muto
Samuel & Noelle Kim
Sandra Hilliard
Sara Chase
Sara Kallner
Sara and David Brown
Sara kallner
Sarah Dudenhoeffer
Sarah Gurung
Sarah Teed
Savannah Skrapczak
Schaal Glass Company
Scott Baldi
Segun Abogunde
Seip Veronica
Shane Green
Sheila Brown
Sofia Faivo
Sophia Primavere
Spencer Kanner
Stephanie Andrews
Stephen Downey
Stephen Ignaczak
Stephen J Kalista Kalista
In memory of Thomas J Kalista '62 Teacher and Baseball Coach
Stephen Mosier
Stephen Naculich
Stephen Vereb
Stephen Zimmerman
Steven Callahan
Steven Chimenti
Steven Hanson
Steven Spiller
Sunshine Cleaning & Janitorial
In memory of James N. Herr
Susan DePlatchett
In honor of Sisters of Saint Joseph
Susan Verdecchia Matteson
In memory of Tom Byrne and Fr. Joseph Gregorek
Over 50 years later, my VMA classmates are still my most cherished friends.
Suzette Quinn
Szoszorek Andy
T.J. Richter
TJ & Kelly Richter
TJ Arrowsmith
Tamara Bell
Teresa Fratus
The Britton Family Foundation
Thea White
Theresa Ferraro
Theresa Giles
Theresa Paluh
Thomas Bean
Thomas Bebko
Thomas Briggs
Thomas Burke
Thomas Cappello
Thomas Doyle
Thomas Doyle
Thomas Fialkowski
Thomas Giblin, Jr
Thomas Goodwin Jr.
Thomas Hansen
Thomas Hesch
Thomas McIntire
Thomas Schneider
Proud to be a graduate of Cathedral Prep
Thomas Swanson
In honor of Margaret Goetzinger
Thomas Uhrmacher
Thomas Veihdeffer
Thomas Weber
Thomas Weindorf
Thomas Weithman
Thomas Wittmann
Thomas Zmyslinski
I graduated!
Thomas and Mary Quinn
Tim & Pam Edkin
Tim Carneval
Fr. Hahn for President!!
Tim Swanson
Timothy Armanini
Timothy Dougherty
Timothy Emling
Timothy Mehl
Timothy Scalzitti
Timothy Toale
In memory of Tyler Toale, Class of 2007
Tom Chapman
Tom Dance
Roll Ramblers!!!
Tom Peterson
Tony Bucci
Tony Parsons
Tony Pol
Tony Yang
Trevor Hawes
Ty Harrison
Tyler Butterfield
Tyler Irons
Veronica Seip
Vincent DiLoreto
Virginia Holt
Walter Helminski
In honor of Family
Walter Kalista
Walter Strosser
Wendy Carone
William Bauman
William Boyd
William Burns
William Fessler
Roll Ramblers Roll
William Holtz
William J Holtz
William Johnson
William Koehle
In memory of Robert McMahon '68
Excellent teaching of MSGR Andrew P.
William Lewis
William MacAllister
William Millen
In honor of Joann Maxwell Mullen
William Miller
William Murray
William Pituch
William Reinhold
William Trott
William Welch
William Young
roll ramblers
Xavier Goshay
Adam braham
Anonymous anonymous
Gary dylewski
Keep producing tomorrow's leaders.
Sean cain
Theresa giles
In honor of Uncle Darby Giles, Class of 1968
Thanks for finding the messages in the clouds!
Roll Ramblers

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Partner’s Society


$100 - $249

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Patron’s Society


$250 - $499

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Champion’s Society


$500 - $1,499

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President’s Society


$1,500 - $1,499

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Cathedral Preparatory School
250 W 10th St, Erie, PA 16501
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