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Cathedral Preparatory School

Erie, PA

Legacy Gala Registration

Rambling Roses

Date and time

Saturday, February 8th, 2025

5:30 pm – 11:00 pm EST

Bayfront Convention Center
1 Sassafras Pier
Erie, PA 16507
View map
Jimmy Smith '11, AVP of Development and Strategic Initiatives

Attendees (466)

Aaron Merski
Aaron Phillips +1
Abigail Fessler
Adam Kalivoda
Adam Williams
Adrienne Fischer
Adrienne Kalivoda
Al Lubelski
Alexander Kanonczyk
Alexandra "Oshie" Merski
Alexandria Kloecker
Allison Benacci
Allison Bohrer +4
Almi Clerkin +5
Amery Nies
Amy Haft
Amy Kloecker
Annie Kaverman +5
Anthony Himes
BJ Lechner
Barb Haft +1
Barbara Jones
Barbara Lechner
Becky Grab
Beth Rajakovich +1
Bill Masiroff
Billy Reitzell
Bob Achille
Bob Marz +5
Brad Whitman
Brian Philip
Brian Sivillo
Bridget Philip
Bridget Phillip
Bridget Shames +1
Brighid Doyle
Buzz Felix
Caitlin Clark +1
Carol Ryan
Charbel Latouf
Charles Joy +1
Charles Rush +3
Charlie Raimondi
Chet Moffett
Chris Bleggi
Chris Clark
Chris Corder
Chris Klebanski
Chris Malec
Chris Peck
Chris Pol
Christina Bell
Christine Rush
Christopher Ehrman
Christopher Martin
Chuck Boyd
Chuck Weiss +1
Claudia Dombrowski
Colleen Bloomstine
Colleen Martin
Courtney Barber
Craig Lorei
Cuinn Larmon
Damali Donovan
Dan Ek +1
Dave Neis
Dave Nies
David Brown
David Roach
David Wagner +1
Dawn Campbell
Dee Woodward
Diane Kupniewski
Dominic DiRaimo +1
Dominic Sansone +1
Don Fessler
Donna Rush
Edie Archer
Eileen Hecker
Emily Fessler Suchanec +1
Emily Hutchinson +1
Eric Ehrman
Eric Presogna
Erin Felix
Erin Mourton
Fernando Melaragno +4
Fr. Jason Feigh
Fr. Mike DeMartinis
Francis Kloecker
Fred Rush
Frederick Tomassi
Garett Brugger
Garrett Clark
Gary Carver +1
Gary Paparelli
Gerald Kanonczyk +2
Geri Haines
Grace DiGiacomo
Greg Dufala
Greg McCullum
Greg Rogers
Harold Bender
Harry West
Henry Fessler
Holman Gao
Jackie Dill
Jacob Clark
Jacqueline Williams
Jacquelyn Himes
James Toohey +5
James Washburn +1
Jana Sossong +1
Jane Rastetter
Jason Easter
Jason Ladouceur +1
Jayson Nickson
Jean Kloecker
Jeanine Teed +1
Jeff Johnson
Jeffrey Evans +1
Jennifer Brugger
Jennifer Coughlin
Jennifer Lombardi +1
Jeremy Reeves
Jerome Wegley +1
Jerry Clark
Jerry Dill
Jessica Lucas
Jessica Presogna
Jim Colvin +4
Jim Rutkowski +8
Jimmy Smith +1
Joanne Achille
Joanne Rogers
Joe Kloecker
Joe Kloecker
Joe Nolan +2
John Bloomstine +1
John Dill +6
John Dill
John Hersch
John Hill
John Laird
John Simmons +1
John Trucilla
John Zack +1
Jon Patsy
Jonathan Rilling +1
Joseph Bell
Joseph Kloecker
Joseph Kloecker
Joseph Mischler
Julia Fessler
Julia Kreidinger
Julie Wilson
Justin Panighetti +1
Karen Malec
Kate Fugate
Kate Kanne
Kate Klebanski
Kate Wagner
Kathryn Hoffman
Katie Dufala
Katie Gress
Kellie Laird
Kelly Ehrman
Kelly Herbstritt
Kelly Kabasinski
Kelly Mischler
Kelly Richter +5
Kerr Robinson
Kerry Roach
Kevin Haft
Kevin Kupniewski
Kevin Moore +1
Kevin Sambuchino
Kevin Smith +1
Kirsten McCain
Kitty Welton +3
Kurt Kanne
Kyle Strayer +1
Larry Szoszorek
Laura Blake +1
Lauren Boris
Lauren Sivillo
Lavona Smith
Lia Dill
Libby Waltman +5
Linden Dahlkemper
Lisa Fatica
Lisa Kaveney
Lisa Slomsk +3
Lora Johnson
Maggie Hersch Swanson +1
Marcel Mallory
Maria Ehrman
Marie Clark
Marie Vereb
Mark Catrabone +1
Mark Fatica
Mark Kloecker +1
Mark Louis +1
Mark Patrizia +1
Mark Wisinski
Martin Kelly +1
Mary Drexler
Mary Magorien
Mary Rutkowski
Mary Trese Squeglia
Mary Wisinski
Matt Clark +1
Matt Costa
Matt Gress
Matt Marucci +5
Matt Squeglia
Matthew Benacci
Matthew Ehrman
Matthew Zonno
Max Easly
Megan Schmidt Hersch
Meghan Easter
Meghan Fuhrman
Meghan Gildea - Anderson +3
Michael Gildea +1
Michael Grab
Michael Palmer +1
Michael Squeglia +1
Michael Tellers +1
Michael Vereb
Michael Vereb
Michalee Brown
Michelle Easly
Mike Brown
Mike Mischler +1
Molly McGuinness
Nancy Bird
Nancy Fischer
Nathan Ehrman +2
Nicole Reitzell
Nicole Sambuchino
Norb Klebanski
Pam Swanson
Pat Czytuck +1
Pat Michael
Pat Wachter
Patricia Merski
Patrick Barber
Patrick DeMarco +1
Patrick Grab +1
Patty Hoffman
Patty Kloecker
Patty McMahon
Paul Causgrove +1
Paul Causgrove
Paul Lorei
Pete Eaglen +3
Peter Wagner
Rev. Leo Gallina
Rick Herbstritt
Ricky Reeves +2
Rob Doyle +6
Robbie Fugate
Robert Barber +1
Rolf Daeschner +1
Ronald Merski +2
Ronald Mourton
Ruth Oligeri
Ryan Doyle
Sara Brown
Scott Archer
Sean Wiley +1
Shannon Latouf
Sonya Whitman
Stephanie Hall
Stephen Easly
Stephen Konzel +3
Steve Quinn
Steve Weiser +1
Sue Quinn
Susan Bender
T.J. Richter
TJ Hoffman
Tara Johnson +3
Thomas J Ridge +1
Thomas Swanson
Tim Nies
Tim Roberts +1
Tom Fessler +9
Tom Jones Group KW Erie
Tom Kaveney
Tony Pol
Tony Squeglia
Veronica Seip +1
Will Bloomstine
samantha Muto


Individual Ticket to the Gala

No longer available

Table of 10

No longer available


Tuition Angel


A Tuition Angel is a donor who provides financial support to help cover tuition for current students at Cathedral Prep. With a contribution of $500 or more, Tuition Angels are recognized for their commitment to making a Cathedral Prep education accessible for qualifying families.

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Registration options


We are dedicated to shaping the future leaders of our community by providing our students with an education that is unmatched throughout the region. It is our goal to make a Cathedral Prep education accessible to all qualified students and also secure the resources necessary for the financial stability of our school.

We cannot continue this mission without your help. Your contribution is critical to ensuring the future sustainability of Cathedral Prep, the future success of our students, and the future of Catholic education in the Erie community.

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Cathedral Preparatory School
250 W 10th St, Erie, PA 16501
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