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Proctor Academy

Andover, NH

Together for Proctor

Alumni, be part of a special year by supporting The Proctor Fund and help us reach the goal of 22% alumni participation! You can still support by making your online gift HERE!

Bonny Morris, Associate Director of Development

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (783)

All (783)
A. Knox Turner
A.M. Sheppe
Abbi Stern
Abbie Pederson
Abbigail Chau
Abigail Buccella
Abigail Usen-Berner
Abigail Young
Adam Courville
Adam Foster
Adam Gervais
Adam Wolf
Adrian Maldonado
Adrian Polite
Aimee Bellavance
Alan McLean
Alessandro Morosani
Alexander Collins
Alexander Felton
Alexander MacInnes
Alexander Milley
Alexander Sprague
Alexandra David
Alexandra Estin
Alexandra Forrester
Alexis Fagan
Alicia Barry
Alicia Hager
Alison Berman
Alison El Ayadi
Alison Mitchell
Alissa Van Nort
Allan Johnson
Allan Porter
Allison Atkin-Bagley
Amy McKain
Amy Noonan Holobowicz
Amy Pattison
Amy Westerman McKain
Andrea Hamor
Andrew Abendshein
Andrew Donaldson
Andrew Harrell
Andrew Hatt
Andrew Johnstone
Andrew Lawrence
Andrew Parker
Andrew Romer
Andrew Rusis
Andrew Sandler
Andrew Taylor
Andrew Taylor
Keep up the amazing work Proctor!!
Andrew Wright
Angela Giampaolo
Anja Crooks
Ann Thayer
Anna Donahoe
Anna Hollenbaugh
Anna Krajewski
Anne Marie Sheehy
Anne Neylon
Annie Lightbody
Annika Johnson
Annika Paulin
Anya Goodridge
Arnold Lane
Arthur Bueche
Arthur Cox
Avery Hoglund
Avery Melville
Axel Getz
Ayize Jama-Everett
Ayres Stockly
Baird Davis
Beau Collins
Becca Newhall
Benjamin Ainslie
Benjamin Hoglund
Benjamin Mello
Benjamin Naylor
Betsey Kalat Harvey
Blaine Hinds
Blakely Harris
Bob Hawes
Bonnie Thaler
Brad Andrews
Braden Miller
Bradford Cabot
Breanna Davis
Brett Wagenbach
Brian Hamor
Brian Levy
Brian Suiter
Britta Johnson
Brittaney Plante
Brittany King
Brooks Holmes
Brooks Whitehouse
Bruce Fourcher
C. Brewster
Caizhen Han
It’s our pleasure to support Proctor Academy, the two boys Jack and Leo who spent or will spend their wonderful time.
Calvin Johnstone
Camden Fletcher
Cameron Clark
Campbell Keith
Carl Jelleme
Carla Bultman
Carla Morgan
Caroline Coyne
Caroline Ellis
Caroline Heatley
Caroline Jones
Caroline Metsch
Cassie Bowse
Catherine Craig
Chadwick Hildner
Charles Forsberg
Charles Hall
Charles Howard
Charles Krupka
Charles Morris
Charles Owsley
Charles Stern
Charles Willauer
Chase Goodrich
Chelsea Taylor
Chiara Petrucci
Chloe Lowman
Chris Dale
Chris Whittaker
Christi Harris
Christiana Makinde
Christina Pagano
Christina Wood
Christine Frazier
Christopher Baker
Christopher Bartlett
Christopher Bremer
Christopher Cave
Christopher Cloutier
Christopher Dey
Christopher Durell
Christopher Hadley
Christopher Jones
Christopher Knapp
Christopher Lynch
Christopher Mitchell
Christopher Rogers
Christopher Sanborn
Christopher Spater
Christopher Turner
Christopher Webster
Clare McCarthy
Claudia Williams
Clay Courts
Colin Shaver
Connor Berube
Connor Hollenbaugh
Connor Saunders
Connor Tedesco
Connor Timbrell
Cope Makechnie-Hardy
Corbett Leith
Cortland Begor
Cory Cooke
Courtenay Taplin
Courtney Birch
Craig Chalifour
Crowley Gentile
Curt Millington
Cynthia Cooley
D.J. Hanlon
Dabney Geary
Dana Bent
Dana Berenson
Dana Fletcher
Daniel Ephraim
Daniel Hart
Daniel Morse
Daniel Pendleton
Daniel Rauh
Daniel Risotti
Daniel Valenti
Daphne Scalamandre
Darryl Daniel
Dave Boyd
David Coffin
David Colt
David Cook
David Hanlon
David Hubbs
David Laflam
David Lapham
David LeDuc
David Lejuez
David Moore
David Moulton
David Murphy
David Norman
David Page
David Sanderson
David Schleyer
David Scott
David Walker
David Wilson
Dawn Stevens
Deborah Cross
Delia Holland
Derek Lecours
Devon Webster
Donald McCarthy
Donald Woodbury
Donald Wright
Douglas Armstrong
Douglas Rendall
Douglas Windsor
Dwight Ratrie
Edward Brummer
Edward Harvey
Edward Johnson
Edward Lynch
Edward Pressman
Edwin Fowler
Edwin Levering
Elbridge Gerry
Eliza Perry
Elizabeth Appleby
Elizabeth Bartlett
Elizabeth Bauman
Elizabeth Blodgett Smith
Elizabeth Bouchard-Hall
Elizabeth Cameron
Elizabeth Corbin
Elizabeth Ferriero
Elizabeth Green
Elizabeth Kreibich
Elliot Anderson
Elsa Kevin
Emily Bouchard
Emily Charleston
Emily Mello
Emily Saef
Emily Vaughan
Emily West Werner
Emily White Hat
Emma Brophy
Emma Peele
Eric Benoit
Eric Ensign
Erica Calder
Erica Doyle-Calder
In honor of Alice Fowler
Erik Mayo
Erin Hinkley Shaffer
Eugene Stetson
Eugenie Niven
Evan Anthony
Evan Gaskin
Evan Procknow
Everett Jones
F. Burke
F. Hinkley
Finn Weber
Frances Whyte
Francheska Ventura
Frank Buckley
Frank Gibney
Frank Robinson
Frank Sessions
Franklin Farrel
Frederick Wyckoff
Freya Crooks
Gardner Kelley
Garrett Thompson
Gary Wright
Geoff Osmun
George Blair
George Erdle
George Evans
George Henschel
George Hildner
George Hoffer
George Kalathakis
George Morosani
George Munson
Georgia Bristol
Gordon Harper
Grace Macmillan
Gregor Makechnie
Gregory Samaha
Gregory Shine
Gregory Stetson
Gregory Wiener
Gretchen Hemberger
Griffin Franz
Guy Cocuzzo
Guy Kelley
Hadley Scully
Hailey Lowman
Haley Creed
Haley Peters
Hannah Goumas
Hannah Smith
Hannah Stowe
Hanno Webster
Harry Lunger
Harwood Comstock
Heather Moore
Heidi Schmidt
Henry Bechok
Henry Vaughan
Hilary McCamic
Holley Anstatt
As I get ready to send my first born off to college, i think back to only being in HS when i started at Proctor and wouldn’t trade those 3 years for anything!!
Howard Bleakie
Hunter Churchill
Hunter Law
Ian Altman
Ian Barton
Ian O'Connor
Ian Starkey
Ian Wood
Ingrid Viventi
Isabella Eaton
J. A. Hughes
J. Buckman
J. David Boyd
J. Smith
Jackson Lalla
Jacob Hines
Jacquelyn Morris-Hundal
James Bird
James Colony
James Dickman
James Duncan
James Gautreau
James Graham
James Graves
James Killeen
James Levy
James Pirtle
James Smith
James Thatcher
Jamie Gaines
Jamie Jaxtimer
Jason Eslick
Jason Smith
Jason Tracy
Javier Recio
Jean Tarrant
Jeanne Gosselin
Jed Hinkley
Jeffrey Abramson
Jeffrey Nowlan
Jeffrey Power
Jeffrey Ziter
Jennifer Bryant
Jennifer Galligan
Jennifer Jackson-Baro
Jennifer Putney
Jennifer Sjostedt
Jennifer Swift Wilson
Jennifer Vogt
Jennifer Wilson
Jenny Moran
Jeremy Carter
Jeremy Green
Jeremy Stowe
Jerome Lester
Jesse Putney
Jesse Schust
Jessica Cornell
Jessie Damroth
Jill Scannell
Jin Hayashida
Joe Pellerin
Joel Becker
Joey Mitchell
Johan Preuss
John Deas
John Fisher
John Gary
John German
John Goheen
John Halsted
John Keuper
John Kiaer
John Matthews
John O'Connor
John Pearson
John Pellett
John Scannell
John Simonds
John Turner
John Walker
John Welch
John Welsh
Jon Cotton
Jon Wullschleger
Jonathan Bursaw
Jonathan Cross
Jonathan Stoddard
Jonathan Tilton
Joseph Chase
Joseph Zeitler
Joshua Dunne
Joshua Hartwell
Joshua Norris
Joshua Ross
Julia Elliott
Julia Huggins
Julia Sargent
Julia Sushelsky
Justin Donaldson
Kadiatou Sibi
Kaedi Butterfield
Karyn Lamb
Kat Darling
Katharine Ambrose
Katharine Bent
Katharine Heyl
Katharine Kamio
Katherine Ball
Katherine Copeland
Katherine Flanagan
Katherine Kidder
Katherine Pattison
Katherine Schmidt
Kathleen Carter
Kathleen Smith
Kathleen Waskin
Kathryn Austin
Katie Lorentzen
In honor of Patrice Martin. Alice & Dave Fowler. The class of ‘91.
Forever grateful.
Katie Lorentzen
Katie Richardson
Katrina Roski Pearl
Keira Driscoll
Keith Barrett
Keith Church
Keith Davis
Kelly Griffin-Brown
Kelsey Boucher
Ken Glazer
Kenneth Jones
Kenneth Kellogg
Kenneth Lifton
Kenneth Lindquist
Kevin Gillespie
Kevin Hannaway
Kristan Dewey
Kyran Des Marais
L. Bowse
Lans Taylor
Larkin Richards
Laura Anker
Laura Horsley
Laura Lebourdais
Lawrence Casey
Lawrence Jones
Lawrence Levow
Lee Court
Lee Tufts
Leland Ross
Leo Waterston
Leon Cangiano
Leonard Elden
Lilli Gensler
Lily Munsill
Lindsay Brown
Lindsay Clements
Lindsay Cross Hanson
Lindsey Lynch
Linnea Saunders
Liv Eck
Liv Vogel-Eck
Livia Ginchereau
Logan Drewniak
Loren Tripp
Lori Patriacca
Lorna Newman
Louis Berns
Lucas Feinberg
Lucy Larkin
This is for the Proctor Fund!
Lucy Werner
Lukas Weber
Luke Ryan
Lyndsay DeVore
Lynne Besse
M. Cabot McMullen
M. Horn
Mackenzie Mallett
Mackenzie Timbrell
Madelaine Sullivan
Madison Clarke
Madison Gaskin
Malon Courts
Margaret Diem
Margaret Franz
Margaret McCabe
Margaret Nash
Margaret Shine
Maria Jones
Mariann Monteiro
Marion Smith Buglione
Marissa Williams
Marjorie Coulter
Mark Claff
Mark Johnson
Mark McGhie
Mark Shirazi
Mary Bogart
Mary Munsell
Mary Reavis
Matthew Bent
Matthew Carpenter
Matthew Cobb
Matthew Hauptly
Matthew Milley
Matthew Nathanson
Matthew Richter
Matthew Robertson
Maxwell Barrett
Maxwell Love
Guts! Integrity! Pride!
McKay Goodchild
Megan Casey
Megan Hanscom
Megan Manning Cairncross
Meghan Morin
Melanie McNamara
Melissa Tuckerman
Meredith Amenkhienan
Meredith Leoni
Meredith Yasek
Michael Boyd
Michael Freeman
Michael Hemingway
Michael Klau
Michael Mori
Michael Murphy
Michael Nash
Michael Walsh
Michael Woo
Michelle Asch
Miles Kittell
Love you Proctor
Miron Malboeuf
Mitzi Tolino
Mollie Burns
Molly Comrie
Morgan Koenig
Morgan Saunders
Moss Hartwell
Mugi Umemoto
Myles Abbate
Nancy Batten
Nancy Heyl
Nathan Theroux
Nathaniel Cheney
Nathaniel McMurtrie
Nicholas Green
Nicholas N Solley Jr.
Nicholas Takahashi
Nicole Bagley
Noah Barehmi
Nora Flanagan
Oliver Davis
Paris Healey
Patricia Pettengill
Paul Behnke
Paul Hartshorne
Paul Haus
Paul Jeppesen
Paul Rogers
Paul Rosenthal
Paulina Shea
Pedro Reynoso
Peri Chase
Pernilla Shaw
Peter Bechok
Peter Durkin
Peter Elbow
Peter Ensign
Peter Ettenborough
Peter Foster
Peter Hoagland
Peter Kernan
Peter Kroll
Peter Mueller
Peter Whitehead
Philip Kirby
Philip Pastan
Phoebe Lambert
Piper Sullivan
R. Cannon
Rachael Narins
Rachel Golden Kirscht
Ramon Agosto
Rana Abodeely
Randy Hinman
Raymond Murphy
Rebecca Leavitt
Rebecca O'Connor
Reed Dewey
Reed Harper
Richard Clemence
Richard Courts
Richard Farquhar
Richard Fisher
Richard Harris
Richard Miller
Richard Symington
Richard Wheeler
Robert Anderson
Robert Baxter
Robert Bristol
Robert Downey
Robert Dunbar
Robert Gillis
Robert Hutchins
Robert Ittner
Robert Kaynor
Robert Kvalnes
Robert Logan
Robert Manning
Robert Murchie
Roger Gibson
Ronan Walsh
Ryan Saunders
Ryan and Cassie Bowse
Place continues to change my life even though I attended 30 years ago.
Ryan and Cassie Bowse
Sabra-Jenks Graham
Sage Fletcher
Sam Jaxtimer
Samuel Barrett
Samuel Reeves
Samuel Thompson
Samuel Vineyard
Sanford White
Sara Froman
Sara Howard
Sarah Buhrmaster
Sarah Camp
Sarah Ferdinand
Sarah Greenshields
Sarah Jordan
Sarah Lindvall
Sarah McIntyre
Sarah Morgart
Sarah Taylor
Sarah Whittington
Sarena Stern
Sasha MacKenzie
Scott Dow
Scott Goodman
Sean Canty
Sean Leavitt
Sean O'Connell
Shane Wadleigh
Shauna Young
Simon Etherington
Siri Warren
Siri Warren
In honor of Dave Pilla - Encouraging my love of everything nature! You are so missed!
Sophie Lyras
Sophie Nasvik
Spencer Corkran
Spencer Harman
Spencer Schwenk
Spencer Wood
Stephanie Clarke
Stephanie Williams
Stephen Haycock
Stephen Sample
Stephen Shapiro
Stephen Stoner
Stuart Green
Suzanne Troyer
Sydney Minnehan
Tahg Healey
Talbot Hildner
Tariq Sheikh
Taylor Cullen
Taylor Smith
Tessa Herley
Thomas Bryant
Thomas Canfield
Thomas Colby
Thomas Courts
Thomas Dodge
Thomas Eaton, Jr.
Thomas Fletcher
Thomas Geibel
Thomas Harrell
Thomas McLaughry
Thomas Purdy
Thomas Rudkin
Thompson Litchfield
Timothy Bechtold
Timothy Brown
Timothy Frazier
Timothy Stillman
Tom and Betsy Spang
Tony Hadzima
Travis Mathis
Travis Warren
Trenholm Steuert
Trevor Cross
Trevor Foster
Trevor Foster
Tricia Taylor
Trilbey Smith
Trish Austin
Tristan Jones
Truman Fleming
Tucker Peters
Tucker Phippen
Ty Morris
Victoria Ball
Victoria Smith
Vincent Decrisci
Vincent Purpura
Vincent Shea
W. Martin
Walter Perry
Wari Isaac
Warren Davis
Wendy Brown
Whitney Sowles
Wilbur Bolton
Will Boyd
William Blair
William Boyd
William Buchsbaum
William Cox
William Davis
William Donovan
William Duke
William Faulkner
William Feinberg
William Ford
William Grant
William Hamill
William Hathaway
William Hood
William Lerchen
William Levandowski
William Luskey
William Martin
William Peabody
William Pierce
William Powers
William Reynolds
William Sides
William Taylor
William Whipple
William Whyte
Willow Rheault
Wynne Washburn
Zachary Dwyer
Zachary Zimmerman
Wesley koziol

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