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Regina Dominican High School

Wilmette, IL

Regina Dominican Giving Tuesday 2022

Portrait of a Graduate–The Crown, The Star, The Book

raised of $69,200 goal
Regina Dominican High School

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Supporters (333)

All (333)
$10,000 Match Unlocked!
$5,000 Match Unlocked!
$8,650 Match Unlocked!
Abby Ashley
Agnes Raap
In memory of Carolyn Shepard
Some of my favorite people were found at Regina! May future generations of young women find their confidence and their people at Regina.
Aileen Sullivan
Thank you for a wonderful education. Long live Regina Dominican!
Alex Kane
Alisha Welc (Suvada)
Regina shaped me into the woman I am today. Additionally, I am still close with many of my dear Regina friends to this day!
Alison Pontarelli
The education, friendships and foundation of confidence are what come to my mind when I think of Regina!
Amanda Blackshaw
So glad I went to RDHS! May the mission thrive well into the future.
Amy Coath
Amy Dieschbourg
Amy Dysart
In honor of Andrea Drugay, Debby Brosnan, Jennifer Cassettari Critchlow,
Amy Lecat O’Donoghue
Amy Reichle
Analisa Condon
Proud to support the place that helped shape the person I am today! Stand up and cheer for Regina Dominican!
Andreana Turano
Ann Galanis
In memory of Stella Rose Galanis, ‘16
Ann Marie Bell
In honor of In memory of our 1992 classmates Andrea, Debbie and Jennifer.
Anna Durkin
Anne Kelly
Anne Marie Brunner
Annie Tully
In honor of Andrea Drugay, '92
Aura Goeppinger
Barbara Doyle
Barbara Elkins
Barbara Haderlein McCartney
Beth Russell
In memory of Margaret Hogan
Beth Spallone
For my daughter
Bradley Frieswyk
Brady Luby
In honor of John Luby
My Regina education is the gift that keeps on giving!
Breanne Liscinsky
Bridget E Loftus
Brigid Rosati
Brooke Tuttle
Carol Mulvihill
Caroyn Ashley
Catalina Kadjan
Catalina Kadjan
Catherine Collins Kozelka
Catherine Costigan
So we can still dress alike and borrow each others clothes!
Catherine Glunz
Catherine Hill Kiepura
Catherine Krafft
Cathleen Duff
In honor of Patty Cushing class of 1970
After graduating from Regina I believed I could do anything I was willing to work for
Cathy Cerone
In memory of Margot Enright Ivers~Class of 1971
I'm so grateful for the lifelong friendships, opportunities and memories that are cherished today because of attending and being the parent of a Regina graduate.
Celina Stearney Radtke
Cheryl Longhini
Chris McGovern
In honor of Sr. Bernice Ann
Chrisanne Zolnierek
Remembering the education, friends, & fun.
Christie Papagiannis
Christine Finzer
Christine Gould
Regina was a terrific experience when I was a student, and has continued to influence my life in many positive ways ever since.
Clare Hoyt
Colleen Frasure
Colleen Gillan
Loved my time at Regina, as did my daughter.
Constance Uselman
Cristen Athas
Best life long friends ever
Dana Weis
Daniel Considine
In honor of My my daughters Shaun Considine and Sheila Kailus
Daniel Degnan
In honor of Paige Dicks
David Berg
David Ludden
Deborah Simmons
Debra Gallo
Delia Marshall
In honor of Kathleen Farrell
Diane Banas
Friendships that still support us. Class of 1966. Remembering Mary Denise McCarty Haddon.
Diane Clarke
Diane Garvey
While serving as the alumnae director, I was incredibly fortunate to meet hundreds of accomplished grads from every decade. Go Panthers!
Diane Nickless
In memory of Denise DeMaggio, ‘75 (Deceased)
Diane Rodevich
Dolly Schroeder
In honor of My parents, Dolores and Orlando Schroeder, who taught me girls can do anything they out their mind to!!!
Regina girls can do anything they put their minds to!
Donna Iglar
Eileen A Muench
Eileen Dietrich Baker
Eileen K. Herber
Eleanor Bly
Elizabeth A Luxem
Elizabeth Collins Duryea
Elizabeth Costigan
Elizabeth Hauff Joyce
Elizabeth Hollywood Day
Elizabeth Kaiser
Elizabeth Kinsella
In memory of Denny Kinsella
Elizabeth LaCrosse
Thank you for the lifelong friendships!
Elizabeth McCann
Elizabeth Yablonicky
Ellen Leemputte
Emily Goby
Emily M Kallemeyn
Erin McCourt Omori
Eve Nathaus
Flannery Donahue
Gail Sweeney Ghere
In honor of Eileen Sweeney, sister ‘1969
Gavin Schultz
Grace Schatz
Hannah Bucher
Helen Blovsky
Helen Considine
Hope Bradley
In memory of Sr Rita Cecile Boyle
James Kane
Proud to support RD in creating future leaders! Denise & Jim Kane
Jamie & Traci Trapp
It's important to provide an all girls education. Regina promotes leadership in many ways.
Jan Stoner
In honor of Jenny & Julia Stoner
Jan Strzalka
Jane Golz
Janice Dieschbourg
It’s not only a great education but an environment in which students can be themselves and become a strong young woman and leader
Jeanne Jardien
Jeanne McCulloch
Jeannine Wilk
Jennifer Bernard
Jennifer Herrington
Jessica Fry
Jill-Lynn Bruzzini
Jo Marie Lang
Joan Carrigan
Joan Grossbart
Joan Kitchie
Joan Kraus
Joann Sterzik
Joanna Ficht
Joanne Marsh
In memory of Mary Marsh
I am proud to be a graduate of Regina.
Jocelyn Josette Juan
In honor of Andrea Drugay
John Shanahan
My daughters became good confident young women
John and TC Wells
Judith Muench
Girls need to focus on themselves, their talents, their friendships and their goals --especially during the high school years.
Julia Stoner
Julia Strobel Peterson
Julia, Mark and Madeleine McGuire
Julie Brosnan
In honor of Debby Brosnan
Julie Denten Kelly
Julie Jacobson
I was lucky to attend Regina and meet some of the most amazing ladies! Regardless of how much time has passed, we continue to root each other on and celebrate our life milestones. Some of my favorite people on earth were Panthers and I am so grateful to call them my bffs today. Go panthers!
Julie Proesel Miller
Julie and John Grayhack
Kaitlyn Alleman
Karen (Granquist-73) Bukoll
Karen Bachmeyer
Karen House
In honor of Sister Marion
Karen Kiley
Karen Kinsella Koegler
Karen McAuliffe
Karen O’Brien
Karen Scotese
I enjoyed teaching at Regina.
Kate McHugh Knopick
Katherine Nickele
In honor of Patricia Astor Gomez
Katherine Woiwode
Kathleen Burke
In honor of Sister Marion O’’Connor, O.P.
Ensuring a successful future for a third generation of women
Kathleen Burke
Ensuring that a third generation of women will bring hope and joy to our broken world
Kathleen Carlin
Honoring the wonderful women of Regina Dominican.
Kathleen FitzPatrick
In honor of S. Rita Cecile Boyle
Sister's math classes taught me perseverance, hard work and logical thinking, and were a great prep f0r a career in science.
Kathleen Harlan
Kathleen Kane
Kathleen Kinsella
In memory of Dennis J. Kinsella (longtime RDHS sub & alumnae dad))
Kathleen Lakowski
In honor of Class of 2008
Kathleen Maher
For all our girls past and present!
Kathleen Menzer
From the Leahy Family
Kathleen Moore
In honor of My mom, who gave me the opportunity to go to Regina and thrive at an all girls school.
Kathleen Shanahan
Kathleen Shanahan
I’m so grateful for the lifelong friendships I made at Regina!
Kathleen Shea
Kathleen Steinfels
In honor of Claire Connors (‘99)
Kathryn Cressy
In memory of Stella Galanis’ 16
Kathy Nuelle
Loved my four years at Regina!! Wish I could donate more!!
Katie Boysen
Katie Maher Mallinson
The Great 78!!! 👑⭐️📗
Kelly Grant Bertling
Kelly McNichols Moore
In honor of The Class of 1985, a fantastic group of women!
Here's to helping enable more Regina women to make a positive impact in our communities.
Kim Schaefer
Koko Toyama
Thank you! Glad to support RDHS
Kristin Eng
Regina helped me become the woman I am today! I met my best friends at Regina and they are my family.
Lana Coelho
Laura Alleman
Laura Janssen
Laura Paxson Bannon
Laura Vogel
Lauren Kolodziej
In memory of Liz Kotecki '02
Laurie Baker Lawlor
Leigh Keyser
Leslie Steinmeyer
I want to share the same dedicated education and fun I had during my years at Regina with a deserving young woman.
Linda Mariani Gartner
In memory of my parents
for the sacrifices they made to give us a superior education
Linda Sorensen
Lisa Kon
Maggie Bambrick
Marcia Hill
In honor of Maureen McGavock '77, Mary Kay McGavock '73
3 Regina girls in our family! All of us have been grateful for the sacrifice of our parents and for the confidence that Regina gave us, to become successful women. Thanks to teachers and staff!
Mardi Woodward
Friendships and confidence
Margaret Cremin
Margaret Mullenix
Maria Monastero Bueno
In memory of Penny Ioannou, mother of Alumna Niki Ioannou Loumbardias
Marie Saavedra
Marilyn Wethekam
Martha Hebert
Martha McGivern
Mary (Mullenix) Heavens
So grateful to be a Regina Dominican alum!
Mary Anne Kelly
Mary Bak
Mary Berger
Mary Ellen McElroy
Mary Frances Falkenhayn
Mary Geraghty Kenyon
Mary Hrovat
I value an all girls' educational institution that honors and facilitates the potential of the young women entrusted to our care.
Mary Jo Duffy
Mary Kate Quirk
Mary Malinowski-McMahon
Mary Margaret Cowhey
Mary Milz
Mary Noonan
Mary Reddy
In honor of My mother, Betty Ann Reddy
Mary Vander Vennet Fincken
Maura De Volder
Maura Hoyt
Maura Lakowski
Maureen Donehoo
My story started here and continues as a nurse and through my daughters also in healthcare ❤️
Maureen Gannon
Maureen Griseto
Maureen Meskill O'Donnell
Maureen Pearson Schaaf
Maureen Sweeney
I am a proud alum of Regina and am very happy to see that it continues to thrive and grow!
Maureen Zajac
Meg & Dan Georgevich
Wonderful school -hope it will be around long in the future.
Meg Cagney
Meg Riordan
Megan Gorgone
In honor of Andrea Drugay, Debby Brosnan, , Jennifer Cassettari
Meghan Hickey Doyle
In memory of Debby Brosnan & Andrea Drugay
Meghan Kostyk
Regina Dominican helped me find my voice and speak up for myself and for what I believe in. I am grateful for my time spent at Regina and am so glad my daughter has been able to experience it as well.
Meghan McCabe
Was so blessed to receive the Regina education. The staff empowered us to be strong women and follow the passions that set our souls on fire. Regina’s education set me up for success in engineering and medicine but also created a drive in me to always pursue something bigger than myself. I am proud to say I am a Regina girl!
Michael Rabbitt
Michael Schaefer
Regina Girls have always sparkled!
Michaela Kearney Torrez
Michele Yanta
I am a graduate of Regina Dominican and am continually in awe of what this great institution accomplishes with and for the young women you educate - the future leaders of our great nation!
Michelle Buck
Grateful for my Regina education and so happy that my niece, Allison Buck, is now at Regina.
Michelle Walker
In memory of Marianne Kuhter
Mike Henn
In honor of Kate Henn
In memory of Kate Henn, an ardent supporter of Regina and its mission.
Molly Freund
Go Regina All The Way!
Monica Argumedo
In memory of Andrea Drugay
Mr. & Mrs. Yeganeh
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Murray
Nancy DeLetto
Nancy Hull
In honor of Maryellen Fitzgerald
Nancy Murray
Nancy Nora
Nancy Oroni Diini
Nancy Poffenbarger
Neil & Laura Drohan
Neil Kitchie
Nicole Berardi
Nicolette Conway
Nikki Toyama
Keep punchin’ Regina! 🥊 So glad this school continues to be a safe place for girls to learn and be equipped for their futures.
Nilda Mesa
In honor of Zoila Mesa
Nina Menon
Nora Ann Clancy
Paws up 🐾 Regina is the best!
Patricia Braasch
In memory of Andrea Drugay
Patricia Sheneman
I had an Excellent college preparatory experience at Regina Dominican. I made many life-long friends at Regina. I wish to help others prepare for academic, social & spiritual life .
Patsy Svare
In honor of all the fine women who gave of themselves so generously to teach us right from wrong, and raised up our hearts and spirits!
Patti Dahms Paroly
There's a lot to be said for an All Girls School where personal growth and leadership is encouraged and nurtured; young women believe in their own unique capabilities that will serve them well throughout life ❣️
Patti Mullen
Pattie Fuentes
Continued Academic Excellence!
Patty and Gerry McCann
Paula McCabe
Paws Up!
Payton Olszewski
Peggy Crane
Peggy McCormick
In honor of Dianne McDonnell
Peggy McNulty
Rebecca Campoverde
Rebecca Dieschbourg
Regina influenced my confidence as a woman and encouraged me to work hard toward anything I wanted. Go Regina!!
Rebecca Shufelt
Riley McInerney
Stand up and cheer for Regina Dominican!
Rose Clarkin Stack
Sally Foote
In honor of Nancy Marzano class of 78
Thanks for being a place for young women to bond and thrive.
Sally McIntosh
Samantha Leenheer
Sandra Graham
In memory of Karen Keres 63
Sara Cagle
Sarah Rosenak Jacobs
Sarah Stec
Sarah Thorrens
Sheila Garvey Gartland
Sheila Kailus
Stefanie Martinez Koenig
Stella Lee
Stella Papadopoulos
In honor of Andrea Drugay, Debby Brosnan, and Jennifer Cassettari
Stephanie Uhlarik
In memory of S. Matthew Ann and S. Noreen Marie, who taught me the Latin that's even now, 46 years later, proving helpful as I try to learn Italian!
Sue Quinlan
Susan Bennett
It's really important to provide an all girl school option and Regina fills this gap and does a great job of encouraging and supporting these girls for their future lives.
Susan Carnell
Susan Ginley Devine
Susan Sanders
Susie D’Amore Counselman
Teresa Llorente
Terese McCarthy Alsterda
Terre Tuzzolino
Terri Bielinski
The Martin Family
We loved the education our daughter received and the community she was a part of as a Regina student.
The Shaw Family
Theresa Delgado
Theresa Paulin
In honor of Susan Y Paul
A wonderful decision for our family!
Theresa Schneider
In memory of Susan Schneider Stoneburner
Yes, keep up the good work
Thomas Brady
Thomas Jaconetty
Timothy Sweeney
Eileen Sweeney - Graduate
Tracy Hollywood
Tracy Webb
Trish De Preter
Regina is a special and amazing place where girls thrive!
Varsha Vig
Venessa Krpan
Verna Allworth
Vicki Minardi (Clancy)
Vickie Grandinetti
Victor Palumbo
Super School, go Panthers!
Walter Farrell
Wyvetta, Leah and Erica Farfan
Jeanne goshgarian
I enjoyed an excellent education at Regina. Additionally, I made lifelong friends while I was a student there. I would like to help Regina continue to educate young women and prepare them for the next challenges of their lives.
Pam bachmeyer
In honor of Mary and George Schulte
For my grandma and grandpa, who were very proud of me for choosing Regina and how it built the foundation for me to find my own voice.

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Regina Dominican High School
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