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Regis High School

New York, NY

Giving Tuesday

Thank you for a successful Giving Tuesday.! To make your donation to the 2024 Annual Fund, please visit

Kate Fiscus, Annual Fund Director

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (1,032)

All (1,032)
Abby & Mason Cua
In honor of Tristan Evangelista
Ada Lee
Adam Auer
Adrian Ortiz Villagomez
Regis meant alot to me, I hope the little I can give can go towards making the experience as special for someone else as it was for me
Aidan Moran
Aidan O'Gara
Aidan O’Rourke
Ailish Doran
Thank you!
Aino Naeris
Al Airone
Alejandro Acosta
Aleks Naeris and Ann Larson
Keep up the good work! In support of Danny Naeris and the Class of 2027.
Alex Clarkin
Alex O'Donnell
Alexander & Estella Cristobal
In honor of Tristan Evangelista
Alexander Chan
Alexander Motyl
Alexander Rodriguez
Alexander Tween
Alexandra Jeanty
Thank you!
Alfred Small
Alfred and Maryanne Small '62 P'87
Alicia Parrish
The opportunities that the school provides to the students are immeasurable. Thank you to the dedicated teachers and staff.
Alicja Liew
Alison Coen Searcy
Thank you, Regis!
Alison Coen Searcy
Alison Ragde
Allan Powe
In memory of Allan C. Powe, Sr.
Allison Tyndall
Andre Castaybert
Andrea Singer
Andres and Olga Sardinas
Andrew Aoyama
Andrew Bettwy
Andrew Cartano
Andrew Ceonzo
Andrew Cortez
Christmas is the time for giving, we must always remember that. We are forever grateful for the gift of Regis.
Andrew Jaico
Andrew Keenan
Andrew Merola
Andrew Murray
Andrew Schwebel
Andrew Sedia
Andrew and Sarah Baehr
Andrew and Stephanie Hubbard
Andrij & Dzvinka Burchak
Andy Vittoria
Angelo & Lisa Graci
Ann Chen
Ann Cimmino
Ann Conor
Ann Garnett
IN honor of my son Edward J. Garnett III
Ann Murphy
Ann and Mike Coughlin
Best of luck to the Class of 2024 ~Thanks to Regis for an outstanding education!
Anna Lee
Anna Marie O'Neill
Anne OSullivan
Anne Ryan-Ruud
In memory of James J. Ryan
Anne Scanlon
Anne Smyth
In honor of Michael David '93 and Michael Gregory '22 Smyth
Much success on this Giving Tuesday
Anne Sullivan
Anthony Castelbuono
Anthony Fauci
Anthony Lauriello
In honor of Assunta Lauriello
Anthony Pietropinto
Anthony Roman
Anthony and Joan Sclafani
In memory of Matthew A. Sclafani
Antonio Lobaccaro
Anup Varkey
Aoife Faughnan
Arie Sukendro
Humble and blessed to be part of Regis community ❤️❤️
Arlene & Hezekiah Latimer Jackson
Always walk in your Greatness as you represent Regis and its Alumni
Aubrey & Chandra Brown
Regis has a great school community and gives a lot to the boys.
Audrey Serban
B DCruz
Barbara Cerruto
To support the School
Barbara Friia
Barbara Szafianski
Barry Keung
Basil Kolani
Basil Kolani
Belinda Hamer
Belinda Hamer
I love Regis!
Benson Louie
Bernadette Morrissey
Bernard Waldie
Bernarda Vargas
Because one of the values ​​that Regis High School teaches is charity.
Bette Brennan
Bill McLaughlin
Birgit Gill
Blaise Rogovich
Brady McKaig
Brandon Putre
Brendan Bovaird
Brendan Loonam
Brendan Quill
Brendan Wiseman
Brian Gavin
Brian Keller
Brian Kelly
Brian Li-A-Ping
Brian Mcmahon
Keep it up
Brian Ross
Brian and Janet Hehir
Brian and Jeanne Payne
Bruce Alphenaar
Bruce Porcelli
Great school. Fond memories.
Byrne and Cary Sleeper
C Oldakowski
Congrats to Alex and his classmates !!
Calogero Castania
Carinn Stratford
Carlos Tenreiro-Braschi
Carlos Zhimnay
Carmen Agredo
Thank you !
Carmen Nunez
In support of keeping the high quality of education that Regis provides for many years.
Carol McNerney
In honor of Finnegan Kearns
Providing an amazing education and experience for my son.
Caroline Chang
As a Regis parent, I love Regis very much. It is a wonderful Catholic Boy's High School. They are with a lot of hard work and tremendous effort, to help our boys mature into great people in the future. Thank so much!
Caroline Christie
Regis has given me so much. I love giving back.
Caroline Manganiello
Caroline Schestag
Carolyn Scacalossi
Carrie Klimczak
Casey Quinn
Catherine Attara-Fink
My grandparents who lived through the Depression always told me to get a good education. Regis provides a great education.
Catherine McCordick
In memory of Frank and Bernadette Carroll GP '17 '19
Catherine Smyth
Cedar Q Waxwing Flinn
Celeste Maloney
Cesar Lazcano and Ana Dominguez
Charissa Sason
Charles Altieri
Charles Boer
Charles Hayward
Cheryl Mango
We are grateful for not only the strong education but also the beautiful community we have at Regis.
Chris McNally
Grimaldi reminder me!
Chris Vetell
Chris Williams
In memory of Doris Williams
Christina Auer
Christina Feile
Christina Yan
Christine & Mark Healey
Christine Cullen
Christine Intervallo
Christine Milano
Christine Rastetter
Christopher Bandera
Christopher Chan
Christopher Hayden
Christopher Kelly
Christopher Mecane
Christopher Mignano
Christopher Paredes
Grateful for Regis and the Regis community!
Christopher Paredes
In memory of Brian Brite
Christopher Prior
Christopher Tomeo
Christopher and Tiffany Grasso
Ciro Salcedo
Clara Pinto-Eaton
In memory of Abuelita Rosita Camacho de Pinto
Thank you Regis !!
Claudia Diaz
❤️ Regis HS
Colin Adamo
Keep up the good work!
Colin Freeman
Colin O’Leary
Conor Hunt
Corey Tapper
Cornelius Grealy
Cornelius McCarthy
Courtney Brennan
Let's go class of 2024!!
Craig Lis
Cristin Fellingham
Curtis Milhaupt
Cynthia Dominguez
Dan & Mary Noonan
Dan and Mari-Cris O’Neill
Danica Fryhling
Daniel Armao
Daniel Higgins
In thanks for the amazing gift of this incredible Jesuit education!
Daniel J Conway
Daniel Kirchoff
Daniel Lahage
Daniel Ngiam
Daniel O'Neill
Daniel Peveraro
Daniel Schieck
Daniel Tenreiro-Braschi
Daniel Whang
Daniel Wolfe
Daniel and Lisa Diuro
Danielle Pizzulli
Danny Brennan
Daria and Gilles Baltrusaitis
David Flanagan
David Flannery
David Flannery & Amy Wilson Flannery P'21'23
David Iasevoli
David Keane
David Kennedy
David M Byers
David Newton
David O Halloran
David Palladino
David Treussard
DawnMarie Crump
Deanna Passarelli
Debbie Miketta
Declan Cronin
Deirdre Alphenaar
Deirdre Dunn Haddad
Delmira Gonzalez
Thank you Regis for everything you do for us!
Denis and Pat Quinn
Denise Cunningham
Denise Plunkett
Denise&Michael Palmieri
With gratitude for the past & hope for the future
Dennis Carmody
Dennis McCooe
In honor of Al Russo
Dennis Potter
Dennis and Margaret McManus
Derek Chen
Di Johnston
Diana Faricelli
Diana Rotondi
Diane Brush
Dominick Fiorentino
Dominick Iocco
Dominique Ithurralde
Don Lepore
Donald & Barbara Martis
Donald Battles
Donald Kluge
Donielle O'Keefe
Donna Ehret
Dylan keep up the good work
Dorothy Saunders
Douglas Ellman
Dr. Monika and Mr. John Son
Dr. Oliver Cartano and Dr. Ada Lee P'19'25
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Casale, Jr. '73
Dr. and Mrs. Miran W. Salgado P'06
Dr. and Mrs. Vincent LaSala P'07
Drs Donald W. and Maureen O. Landry
Dylan Campione
Dylan Prior
Ed and Rebecca Taibi
Edward Donlon
Edward Gillespie
Edward Gillespie
Edward Mulligan
Edward Petruzzello
Edwin Powers
Eelka Lampe
Eileen Gill
In memory of Mr. Erich Kollmar and Dr George J. Gill
Eileen Nolan
Keep up the tremendous work and thank you.
Eileen Stanton
Ronan Krauss
Elaine Mark
Elio Martinez
Elise Jangl
In memory of John C. Jangl, Sr.'34
Elizabeth Murdy
Elizabeth Uzielli & Dennis O’Donnell
Ellen & Thomas Kelly
Emil Czechowski
Emmett Reilley
Enrico & Catalina
Eric LaMons
Eric Ngiam
With profound gratitude to a great institution and all who make it so.
Eric Schwebel
Eric and Jennifer Scheuermann
Erik Graber
Erin O’Brien
Estelle Haratsch
Ethan Corcoran
Eugene Ferraro
In honor of Paul Babish
Eugene McKillop
Eugene Stark
Evan Lumbra
Evelina Abreu
Keep up the good work!
Evelyn Beato
Ewa Komar
Faith Ponterotto
Thank you for all you do.
Fanny Rodriguez
Felicia Segar
The Krauss boys are smart, well-mannered, witty and sociable and although their parents raised them well, your education played a big role.
Fiachra McDonagh
Finn Donohue
Frances OMalley
Francesca Damato
Francis Belloni
Francis Cuttita
Francis O'Regan
Francis Ohemeng-Adu
In honor of Anastasia Arthur-Adu
Great education for students
Francis Renzler
Francis Rodrigues
In honor of Rosa and Aleixo Pereira
In memory of Rosa and Aleixo Pereira
Men for others
Frank Giancola
Frank Silvestri
Frederick Katayama
Simply put: We love everything about Regis!
Frederick and Susana Hoffmann P'07
Gail & Philip Schoch
The gift of a Regis education is immeasurable and launches young men out into the world to make a difference. So thankful for this remarkable school.
Gary Tocchet
Gautam & Ayesha Khakhar
Proud and blessed to be part of the Regis family!
George Bacolini
George Cuevas
Gian Sarolli
Gill Winifred
In memory of Dr. George J Gill
Gina Lempert
Glen Gregorio
Gordon and Anne Farley P'14
Grace Scutro
Greg Hill
Greg Rossicone
Gregg Tatarka
Gregory Terry
Gregory Vadasi '94
Gustavo Galindo
Thank you for everything Regis!! Galindo Family
Haddon Barth
Halina Baginski
In honor of Pawel Tabin, Paul's grandfather
Harry Blair
Heather Dagostino
Hegla Hess
Henk Haverkamp
Henrique Sousa
Henry Deteskey
Great school and wonderful community that gave my son many opportunities to flourish.
Henry Deteskey
Henry Ferrero
Henry Kolani
Hiram Veciana
Hugo Mora
Hyunju Lee
Ian Kremenic
Ignatius Grande
Ihor and Oksana DLABOHA
Isabel Guerrero
Isabella Beaton
In memory of Gerry Schirra, Rick Service & Steve Wolenuk
In memory of J.P. Cunningham & Pat Mazzeo
In memory of TIM BECKETT '66
Jack Dennehy
Jack Dennehy ‘17
Jack Smalls
Thank You Coach! Thank You Grandma Julia! Thank You Regis!!!!
Jack Sterne
Jack Sweeney
Jacqueline Cohen
Jacqueline Lamberti
Jakub and Agnieszka Bober
James & Tammy Perduto
James DR Grimaldi
Class of 1996
James Delgaudio
James Elliott
James Elliott
James Gill
James Hennelly
In honor of Dr. John Connelly & Dr. Louis Macchiarulo
James Higney
James Lurz
James McIntyre
James Morris
James Ng
James Peiser
James Sayer
James Sciutto
Janet Feile
Jared Wenzel
Jason Chan
Jason Creux
Jason Cuomo
Jason Gonzalez
Grimaldi reminded me
Jay Azarow
In honor of Charles and Dolores Azarow
A warm thank-you to my classmates for their friendship and support over the years!
Jean Pascuiti
Jean-Marie Piccininni
Jeanette DeLeon
In honor of Monserrate DeLeon, JR.
Jeanne Noonan
Jeannette Thomas
Jeannine Ali
Jeffrey Davis
Jennifer Anderson
Jennifer Bernhardt
Jennifer Cardona
Let’s go Class of 2024!
Jennifer Hamilton and Kevin Brennan
Jennifer Lanni
Turning wonderful boys into incredible young men
Jennifer Reeder
In memory of Benjamin Reeder
Jennifer Szafianski
Jerry Kappes
Jesus Llorca
Jesus Navarrete
To keep supporting a great school
Jim and Diane Rowen
Jim O'Sullivan
Jim Sheils
Jim and Suzanne
Jinwoong Km
Jo-Ryan and Jim Kushner
Joan Barrow
Joann Ryan
Joanna Gassoso
Joanna Tellis and Michael Amabile
Joanna and Grant Kletter
Joanne Casey
Joanne Chevallier
In memory of John L Ciani, SJ
Joanne Palmer
In honor of Don Gross
Our hearts are grateful!
Jocelyn Magahis
Joe DeLessio
Joe Pollicino
Joel Corbo
Joelle Kelly
Johanna Kennedy
Grateful for the blessings of a Regis education and the Regis community.
John Allen
Regis is a major part of who I am today.
John Boden
John Butler
John Colgan
Happy to support my Alma Mater
John Driscoll
John Duffin
John Fahy
John Finnegan
John Gallaro
John Giambrone
John Hein
In memory of Terence Leary '02
John Hein
In memory of Stephen Rose '02
John Hein
In memory of Kenneth E. McLaughlin '39
John Hein
John Karkheck
John Libretti
John Mannhaupt
I have a continuous donation streak going and don't want to break it.
John Mazzella
John Morin
John Nonna
In memory of Timothy Beckett
For the Beckett award
John P Miscione
John Panarella
John Potapchuk
John Roque
John Samanich
John Sesody
John Shay
John Spear
John Stine
John Sullivan
John Sym
John Valiplackal
John Verdon
John and Linda Shivickas
John and Mary Annese
John and Wendy Flanagan
Jolanta Witanowski
Jon-Peter Kelly
In honor of Carol Lee
Thank you, Regis.
Jonathan Cardona
Regis class of 2024!!!
Jonathan Rozanski
Jonathan Rusch
Jose Nacion
Joseph Bannon
Joseph Bringman
Regis helped make me the person I am today.
Joseph Clyne
Joseph Dandic
Joseph King
Joseph Knobloch
Joseph Lafiandra
Joseph Lienhard
Joseph Lumley
Joseph Maximos
Joseph Panzarino
Joseph Rachiele
Joseph Ramos
Joseph Rao
Joseph Rao
Joseph Redington
Joseph Ryan
Joseph Villarin
Joseph Zuccarello
Joseph and Carol Orr
Joseph and Erica Chan
Joseph and Maria Mejia
Joseph and Nicole Scheuermann
Joshua Payen
Joy Pietropinto
Joyce Bogus
Proud to support Regis
Juan Gomez
Supporting an amazing school.
Juan and Eneroliza Gomez
Judy Hubbard
Judy Pariseau
Truly an incredible school.
Julia Klise
Julia Tomeo
Because Regis has been a gift to our son and to all the young men who attend.
Julie Asariparambil
Julie Asariparambil
Julie Sniffin
Juliette Arrastia
Nancy Arrastia
Jung A Ahn
Justin Kelly
Justin Kiczek
Kai-lin & John Rausch
Kanishka Agarwala & Maria H Barrera
Karen Milton
In memory of Hon. Dennis E. Milton, Class of 1969
My late husband was a proud Regis alumnus.
Karen Sheehan
Karin Sanders
In memory of Paul David Ickovic
Karina Sanchez
Karinne Cruse
Kate Fiscus
Kathleen Facchini
Kathleen Manning
In memory of David J. Manning Regis ‘41
Kathleen Scanlon
Kathleen Schieck
Kathleen Seery
Kathryn Quaglia
Kathy and Mike Shrekgast
Keara Bergin
Keith Macias P'21
Kelly Garcia
Kenneth Klinger
Kenneth Palliparambil
Wishing everyone happiness and health♥️
Kerri Garipoli
Kevin Brennan
In honor of Mr. Eric DiMichele
Kevin Casari
Kevin Cheung
Kevin Condon
Kevin Cullen
In honor of Patti Hannon
Kevin Donoghue
Very grateful for Regis High School and the entire Regis community!
Kevin Donohue
Kevin Dunn
Kevin Fox
Kevin McNally
Always proud to donate.
Kevin and Laurie McNamara
Kieran Donohue
Kieran Fallon
Kieran Redington
Kieran Xanthos
Kim Klimczak
Kimberly Many-Jovanovic
Kimberly and Mitch Golden
Kinesioworks Physical Therapy
Congratulations to the Class of 2024! We are thankful to Regis High School, the teachers, counselors, school administration, and support staff for not only providing an exceptional high school education, but also paving the way for our sons to be well-rounded young men.
Kira Adamo
In honor of Colin Adamo '19
Class of 2019!
Kira Adamo
In honor of Fr. James Croghan, S.J
Thank you for your work with the Ignatian Parents Club!
Kira Adamo
In honor of Fr. James Ferus, S.J.
Thank you to Fr. Ferus for your work with the Ignatian Parents!
Kristine Lindo
Krizel Mendoza
Krystal Camacho
So proud to be apart of the Regis Advancement team!
Kurt Herspring
Kyle Dempsey
Kyle Nicholson
Kyung Christine Cha
Larissa Pai
Larry Blake
Larry McCartney
Thank you.
Laura Andriola
Laura Evangelista & Bradley Siciliano
Repaying a family debt for giving our son an incredible education.
Laura Pietropinto
Laurie Hindley
In honor of Fr. Vincent Biagi
Lauro Takata
Keep up the good work! Congratulations!
Lawrence and Barbara Volpe
In memory of John Volpe
Lazette Kwiatkowski
Lena Andriola
Leo Cinquemani
Leonard Marinello
Leonard Scicutella
Leonora Curanaj
Leslie Chebli
Liam Brozen
Liam McGraw
Liduvina DelGaudio
Honored that my son, James, is blessed to be educated at Regis High School.
Liliane Ndong
Linda Lorraine
Linda Stalter
In memory of David Stalter /husband
Linda Stalter
In memory of Dave Stalter/husband
It’s a wonderful Catholic Boy’s High School. They inspire the boys and help them mature for their future. God Bless!
Lindsay Daniels
Lionel Ivashkiv
Liping Lobato
Lis Kollmar
Lisa Bustillo
Lisa Kurbiel
Lisa Milazzo
Lisa Tanzi
Lisa Zeitlinger
In memory of John Scrudato Jr.
Livio Pellizzoni
In honor of Stipo Orlando
Liz Fleming
Liz Shamahs
Lizeth Herrera
In memory of Gisela Falu GP'25
Lorcan Malone
Loreley Villamide-Herrera
In support of the Class of 2027!
Louis DiNapoli
Louis Foglia
Louis Jerome
Louise Paul
Go Regis!!
Luigi Naguit
Luisa Cristofano
For the boys in jug.
Lydie Colleoc
Lynne and Jeff Weinlandt
MARTHE Haverkamp
In honor of Maurice P Reilly Jr.
Thank you Regis Community
Mack Sheehan
Maddy Sepe
Go Regis
Madeline Caprio
Thomas Caprio
Madeline Hernandez
Magda Correa
Mai Nguyen
In honor of Thank you to the Regis community!
Marcia Barrio
Marcia Reidy
Marco Deicas
Margaret Feddish
Margaret McClure
Margaret Norton
Maria Baratta
Maria Brizuela-Ahmo
Maria Cacace
Maria Durante
Maria Garcia
Maria Garutti
Maria Goodwin
Outstanding education for mind , body and soul at an Outstanding price
Maria Macapinlac
Very thankful for my son’s education in Regis!
Maria Sidoti
Maria-Teresa Scutro
Mariangela and Robert Allen
Our son's experience at Regis has been invaluable and we want to see its mission continue.
Marianne Ferrara
Maribeth Jette
Marie Postner
In honor of William J Postner ‘56
Marie-Yolande Neptune
Mario Casella
Maritza Irizarry
Thankful for all the blessings that Regis offers our family and son!
Mark Baber
Mark Francisco
Mark Joinnides
Mark Kletter
Mark McCabe
In memory of Mr. & Mrs. James J. McCabe
Mark O'Hare
Mark Stappenbeck
Mark Stevens
Marta Ross
Martin & Janneth Doyle ‘74 P’11
Martin Alperin
Martin Mroz
Martin Paul
Marty Maffeo
Mary Aglietti
Mary Clare Reilley
Mary Ellen Brockmeyer
Mary Jane Clarke
In memory of Mary & Patrick Clarke
Mary Kenny
Mary Sullivan
Mary and Kwvin Rush
MaryEllen Cavaleri
Mathias D.
Matt Adamson
Matt Gladstone
Matt and Shannon Kiraly
Matthew Babich
Matthew Byrne
Matthew Cappabianca
Matthew Chen
Matthew D'Ariano
Matthew Gaschler
Matthew Majsak
Matthew Mierswa
Matthew Nemeth
Matthew Potter
Matthew Ulloa
Matthew Walters
Matthew and Jessica Brennan
Maura Vance
Maureen Carr
Maureen Creegan
In memory of Joseph P. Cribbin
Maureen Franz
Maureen Guerin
Melissa Last
Regis has given my son the best opportunity to expand his learning, make lifelong friendships, and become a man for others. I will be forever grateful!
Melvin Acevedo
Michael & Stephanie Allegra
Michael Antonucci
Michael Arena
Michael Birajiclian
Michael Botta
In memory of Steve Rose
Michael Brezsnyak
Michael Coughlin
Michael Curran
Michael Fitzgerald
Michael Gocksch
Michael Guararra
Michael Gutierrez
Michael Higgins
Michael Holden
Michael Horber
In honor of Judy Horber
A wonderful spouse and mother.
Michael Jette
Michael Keane
Michael Kitt
Michael Kullen
Michael Malone
Michael McKeon
Michael Milito
Michael Mitchell
Michael Morris
Michael Murray
Michael O'Leary
Michael Obrecht
Michael Paslavsky
In honor of Michael M. Paslavsky P'10
Michael Poli
Michael Poulos
Go 2024!
Michael Poulos
Michael Rogers
Michael Schwarz
Michael and Linda Purvis
Michaela Andriola
Michelle Cox
Michelle Kaiserman
Michelle Phillips Krauss
In honor of Phillip and Ronans grandmother Peg Phillips who was so proud them and that they are part of Regis HS forever. Thank You Regis
Phillip and Ronan's grandmother Peg Phillips passed this July at 91 she wanted to live to see Phillip graduate and she was even more grateful to see Ronan attend Regis
Michelle Solgan
Proud P’27
Miguel Gonzalez
Mike Lazorchak
Mike Miranda
Grimaldi reminded me.
Miledys Sanchez
In honor of Mathias Dominguez
Regis has done an amazing job with teaching my grandson how to be a man for others. The teachers at Regis are the best, they are extremely supportive.
Mills Family
Molly and John Cesarz
Monica Lehmann-Gonzalez
Mr & Mrs John Sepe
Thankful for everything Regis !!
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Meagher
Mr. Charles D'Amico and Mrs. Susan Kelleher D'Amico P'18
Mr. Daniel Tenreiro and Ms. Carla Braschi de Tenreiro P'15'19
Mr. Joseph P. Amato and Dr. Catherine Skarulis-Amato P'12'14
Mr. Juan Mejia and Ms. Lucia Fanjul P'24
Mr. Julio Tapia and Ms. Maria Espinoza P'26
Mr. Marc V. Galdi and Dr. Leslie Petosa P'12
Mr. Michael Davies and Ms. Karin Lestelle P'04
Mr. Timothy Houghton '01 and Mrs. Mary Houghton
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Russo P'95
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Morrow '60
Mr. and Mrs. Chan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Florio P'11
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Anderson P'24
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNamara '80 P'14
Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Campione P'21
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Drumm P'01
Mr. and Mrs. James Connors P'97
Mr. and Mrs. John DuVernay P'99
Mr. and Mrs. John Giraldo P'24
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Raslowsky, II P'14
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clemente P'21
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Romano P'94
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Moronta P'26
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Hepburn '59
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O'Reilly P'87'91'93'05
Mr. and Mrs. Luke P. LaValle, Jr. P'95'97
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Palmieri P'01
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schirling P'81
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leszkowicz '61
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mandel P'00
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Dunham P'00
Myriam Rastaetter
Nan H Lee
Thank you for the amazing learning environment!
Nancy Armstrong
Thank you for all you do!
Nancy Ives
Natalia & Ivan Guerrero
In honor of Ilan Guerrero '23
Thank you for a wonderful education!
Neal Collins
Can never thank your amazing team of scholars and theologans at Regis enough for all you have done for my young freshman son! Grateful also for the positive impact the Ignation parents group has had on me. Your world leading institution has made me a better father and person. Honored to live as a man for others; always striving to do more. Keep saving the world.
Neal Collins
Honored to support the noble work at Regal Regis, developing a noble heart in my cherished son!
Neal Collins
Grateful for the opportunity to give and help my Regian any way I can. You are the best at teaching my freshman to grow a noble heart! Freedom!!
Nelson Pang and Angela Gonzales
Nicholas Cagliuso
In honor of Anna V. Cagliuso GP ‘’17
Nicholas Davies
Nicholas Panarella
Nicholas Santangelo
Nicholas and Kathryn DeCock P'26
Nicoletta and Anthony Rotondi
Nikil Gupta
Nikki Rice
In honor of the wonderful staff and faculty. Thank you! The Rice Family
Nora Byrne
Noreen Gillespie
Norman Law
Paying back all the things Regis gave me.
Norman and Nora Donoghue
Nunzio Cascetta
Blessed to be part of the Regis family!
Oheun Kwon
Orange Flood Control LLC
Thank you to Regis High School for your community!
PJ Doran
Pablo Moreno-Lopez
Patricia Cauley
Patricia Trillo
Patricia Willkomm
Patrick Carr
In honor of Teresa Carr
My mother Teri passed away a few months ago, and I remembered a time she told me she was proud of me, all she hoped for in a son, except she wished I got better grades in high school. What can I say? What I lack in intelligence I didn’t make up for with hard work, I guess. I got better grades at other reasonably illustrious institutions, and they didn’t do me much good, frankly—all due respect to grades, and Regis’s in particular. I remember one trimester in junior year I got an honors in math, but the teacher had made a mistake, which I informed her of, so she duly lowered it to a merit. I don’t know if my mother knew about that. Maybe I should have gotten help; maybe I should have been a different person entirely. Today I regret nothing except that life isn’t endless.
Patrick Egan
Thanks for the great education!
Patrick Fasano
Patrick Galizio
Patrick Rogers
Patty and Brian Woods
Paul Albinder
To support the school.
Paul Bressan
Paul Martin
Paul Sanchez
Let’s go Mathias!! Keep up the good work!
Pauline Mauceri
Pedro Acosta
Peter Ferraiuolo
Peter Grondin
Peter Henninger
Peter Luccarelli Jr.
Peter Marcello, Jr.
Peter Moerler
Peter Monteleone
Peter Remec
Peter Zelinski
In honor of Pat Mazzeo 1966
Peter Zuccarello
Peter and Ayumi Manda
Regis faculty and staff transformed our son into a man for others.
Phil Andriola
Philip Andriola
Philip Judge, S.J.
Phillip Krauss
Grateful to Regis for the education I received and the life time friends I have made.
Preston Ferraiuolo
Quince and Sueann Venturino
Ralph Lamberti
Ralph Nofi
Randy Balletta
In honor of John Martucci
Raquel Ramos
Ray McLean
Ray Prisament
Ray Quirolgico
Ray Rico
Rebecca Cappello
Recca Maborgne
Rev. Kenneth J. Gavin, SJ '62
Ric and Celsa Dumapit
Rich Miller-Murphy
Rich Mullin
Richard Chun
In honor of Andrew Chun
Richard Chun
In honor of Raymond Martin '90
Richard Fasano
Richard Kaecker
Richard Sunday
Richard Wickman
Rita Kitt
Rob and Megan Cacace
Robert Blake, M.D. '67
Robert Brennan
Robert Cortes
Robert Dalven
Robert Domingo
Robert Fanciullo
Robert Franco
Robert Kelly
Robert Loewenstein
Educational Excellence at its Best
Robert Lorenzo
Onward into the future!!!!!
Robert Lorenzo
In honor of Joseph and Anne Lorenzo
Robert Lurz
Robert Mackie
Robert McGovern
Robert Mccaffery-Lent
Robert Piotrowski
Robert Shullman
Robert Taverni
Robert Thoms
Robert Vitale
Robert Wertheimer
Thank you Regis
Robert and Maureen Barry
Robin and Michael Poulos
Roger Moran
In memory of Raymonde Vermeil
In memory of my mother-in-law who passed away last month at the age of 100.
Ron Zuvich
Rosana Ponthot
thank you Regis for helping our son
RoseMarie Mecane
Rosemary Adames
Rosemary Berkery and Robert Hausen P'11
Rosemary Nurse
A truly special school and community!
Rosemary Rogers
Rowena Rico
In honor of Graduates 2021
Roy & Mary Wing
Rudy Jacques
To pay it forward the opportunity that Regis is providing to our young men.
Russell and Syd Schneider
Ryan Carmody
Ryan Carragher
Ryan Curley
Ryan Heffernan
May Ours be the Noble Heart!
Ryan Huber
Ryan Lee
Ryan Yoon
Keep up the good work !
Sabine Sanchez
Salvador A Novoa
In memory of Maria G. Aznar, Juan G. Aznar
Deo et Patria
Salvatore Cavaleri
Salvatore DeLuca
Sam & Karen Guzzardo
Sam Marth
Samantha Andriola
Samuel Ngiam
Sandra Giorno-Tocco
Sandy and Anthony Brigode
Sara Duffin
Scott Moringiello
Scott Searcy
Seamus Carroll
Seamus Wiseman
Sean Doyle
Sean Glennan
In honor of Charles Vaughan (‘55)
Go Owls!
Sean Sonnemann
Sejal Redington
Shane Mangin
Sharon Roth
There is nowhere else like Regis!
Sheila Carmody
Sheila Latimer
“Men for Others”
Shwan and Kim Karim
Silvana Vushaj
Silvia Carlorosi
Keep up challenging our boys!
Siobhan McCormack
Sonja Mujko
Stacy Bostwick
Stacy Koehler
Stanley Jacob
In honor of Jacob Daniel
Stella Steiner
Stephanie Hackett
Stephanie Rupp
It is an honor to give to Regis, which gives so much to the world!
Stephen Kenny
Stephen Truhon
I have much to be thankful for.
Steve Wyszinski
Steven Hummell
Susan Ajello
Susan Cisneros
In honor of Ronan Krauss
Susan Tseng
Séamus Markey
Teddy Hills
Terence Dwyer
Thanks Mrs. Walsh. Rest in Peace.
Teresa Gillen
In memory of My Dad, Patrick Gillen
Teresa Sweeney
Teresa and Benedetto Dagostino
Terese and Bill Whang
Theodore Dros
Theresa Kaczynzki
Thomas Burns
Thanks for providing an excellent education for many decades!
Thomas Delaney
Thomas Ferguson
Thomas Healey
Thomas J Schatz
Thomas Lardner
In honor of Jim and Sheila Lardner
Thomas Massaro
Thomas McCreesh
Great Education!
Thomas Porcella
Thomas Raleigh
Absolutely agree with the mission of this incredible institution. A lifelong experience that the students will appreciate for the rest of their lives.
Thomas Ryan
Thomas Spencer
Thomas Wadolowski
Thomas White
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J White III
Tim Kirby
Tim and Sue Waldron
Timothy Brennan
Go Regis!
Timothy OSullivan
Timothy Pickering
Tom Chin
Tom Curley
Tom Fedrigoni
Tom Hein
In memory of Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare, SJ '48
Tom Nacinovich
Tommy Kelly
In honor of Michael Eamon Sullivan
Traugott Lawler
Valbona Sanxhaktari
In honor of Grandfather
Supporting this great community that GOD blessed us to be part of it, to their hard and dedicated work creating and building leaders! Today is a meaningful day for me as is my grandfather anniversary! Proud to be part of Regis!
Valerie Hartigan
Veronica Bannon-Clery
Viktoria and Brian Cameron
Vincent Alline
Vincent Auger
Vincent Gennaro
W Scott Staruch
Walter Looney
Wanda Chambers
The Chambers Family is Thankful for Regis!!! In support of Class of 2026
Will Connell
William Armbruster
In honor of Robert Sharp
Bob was one of the smartest guys in our class. I also remember him as exceptionally jovial, and a leading cast member in several productions by the Regis Dramatics Society.
William Brennan
William Burke
William Carew
In honor of In honor of the Regis Science Department
What a great institution!
William Eng
In memory of Sue Kem Eng
Regis opened a whole new world of learning and growth that have been with me through life.
William Ferns
William Hogan0
William Kahng
William Lurz
William Manekas
William Marra
William Mullin
William Murray
Happy to support all Regis does.
William Passannante
William Schieck
William and Fina Leong P'13
William and Margaret Luth
Wyeth & Krizel Mendoza
Xavier Simon
Yasmin Aquino
In honor of Mathias Dominguez
Yolanda Rodriguez
Yulianna Dominguez
In honor of Mathias Dominguez
So proud of you, keep striving for greatness!
Zachary Espiritu
Diane lagunes
Es design studio llc
Florence henniaux
Jim irzyk
John woloszyn
Nitika moran
We are so grateful for Regis!
Sebastian pignatello
Vincent rivellese
Thank you, Regis, for giving my son such a great education!
For the greater glory of God ... thank you, Regis
Absolutely blessed and grateful for our Regis Family!
Thank You for a Great Education !!
We are so grateful for this amazing school. God Bless!
In honor of The Esterson Family
Happy holidays

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