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Regis High School

New York, NY

Giving Weekend 2022

Founded by One | Sustained by Many

Caitlin Devine Masserano, Director of the Annual Fund & Development Operations

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (1,219)

All (1,219)
A Kevin Boda
AJ DeBonis
In memory of John McGann
Aaron Adviento
Ada Lee
Adrienne Ruggiero
Aidan Hone
Ailish Doran
In honor of PJ Doran 2019
Aki Liao
Alain Bertoni
Albert Avallone
In honor of Hon. Dennis Milton '69
Alberto Forero
In honor of Father Joseph Dorgan
A wonderful teacher of the classics
Alejandro Acosta
Aleksandra Pisarek
Thank you, Regis!
Alex Khan
Alexa Cardena
With the deepest gratitude to the school that gave my brother the best high school experience, ever.
Alexander Hogan
Alexander Tween
Alfred Small
Alfredo Noriega
Alicia Parrish
In honor of Mr. John Donodeo
Thank you to all the staff for their constant support and encouragement as the students challenge themselves every day. Special nod to Mr. Donodeo, who made every track competitor feel like a superstar! We will never forget that dedication.
Allan Isaac
Congratulations to the Class of ‘22!
Allan Ludgate
Allan Service
Allison Tyndall
Amy Wilson and David Flannery
In honor of Fr. Kevin O'Reilly
In memory of Fr. Kevin O'Reilly
Ana Marcelo
I love that our students are in a safe place to grow, have challenging conversations and offer themselves as help toothers.
Andre Castaybert
Thank you to all the Regis teachers who gave my sons and their classmates and friends an excellent education and to the entire Regis community for supporting this unique and wonderful high school.
Andrea Singer
Andrew Bakowski
Andrew Barbera
Andrew Bogusch
Andrew Brush
Andrew Cartano
Andrew Ceonzo
In honor of Vincent Harris '18
Andrew Marconi
Andrew McMahon
In gratitude for the outstanding educational experience made available to me.
Andrew Murray
In honor of Kieran Quinn
Thanks Christian. Great leadership in spicey times.
Andrew Snow
Andrew Vittoria
Andy Aoyama & Virginia Dwyer-Aoyama
Grateful for an education and experience that turned our sons into Men for Others and supporting this mission into the future.
Andy McGillicuddy
Angel Garcia
In honor of Aida Martinez
Form the next generations to change the world
Ann & Mike Coughlin
Thank you Regis administration and faculty!
Ann Chen
Ann Cimmino
Ann and Declan Madden
In honor of Margaret & Daniel J. Flynn
Ann-Judith Silverman
In memory of Dr. Dennis D. Kelly
Dennis treasured Regis. I treasured Dennis
Anne Russo
Anthony & Lauren Migliozzi
Regis will always hold a special place in our hearts. The most wonderful experience and education for our son and a total joy for our family
Anthony & Nicoletta Rotondi
Anthony Andreassi
Anthony Aulisa
Anthony Giordano
Anthony Macapugay
Anthony Mannarino
Anthony Roman
Anton Dela Cruz
Antonietta Dingli
Antonio Giaimo
In honor of my graduation today.
Arie Sukendro
Arsenio Santos
Arthur Bender
Arthur E Herzog
In memory of Arthur and Dorothy Herzog
Arthur E Herzog
Arthur Minson
Artur Kowalski
We appreciate Regis High School service!
Audrey Serban
Audrey Whitworth
Austin Moukattaf
I support Regis High School for the unmatched education and spiritual formation it provides its students.
BJ Waldie
Barbara Black
In honor of Walt Black
Barbara Brennan
Bart Robbett
Basil Kolani
Basil Kolani
My time at Regis were the most impactful four years of my life, and I've been blessed with having both my sons in various stages of their own Regis journeys. Truly a gift that needs to be paid forward.
Beata , Zbigniew Jawornicki
Belinda Hamer
A Regis education is like none other. I am so proud to be a part of this community.
Bennett Chan
Bernard Yozwiak and Teresa Jankovic
Bill & Lori Schwebel
Congrats to the Class of 2022!
Bill Amarosa
Bill Brown
Bill Condon
Billy Parker
Blaise Rogovich
Bob DeCresce
Bob and Emily Spinna
Bobbie Anne & Brad Cox
We value a traditional, Catholic education for our son, Brodi.
Bobby Johnsen
Bozena Bongiorno
I am eternally grateful for The gift of Regis: it gave my son a chance to acquire world class education, and it forever molded him into who he is today: kind, generous, humble, well-spoken, honest, always concerned with others, and close to God.
Brendan Carroll
Brendan Charles
Brendan Johannsen
Brendan Loonam
Brendan Ryan
Brendan Thomson
Brennan Carley
Brian Abamont
Brian Fitzgerald
Brian Kelly
In honor of Brian Edward Kelly, P'15
Brian Manning
Brian McGinn
In honor of Timothy J McGinn Sr ‘68
Brian Morrow
Thank you for the Jesuit experience
Brian Nishiyama
Brian and Aileen Kelly
With thanks and gratitude to Regis for a long family history of academic achievement.
Bruce Porcelli
Bryan McKenna
Bryant Valiente
Buzz Doherty
Caitlin Devine Masserano
In honor of The Masserano Family
Calogero Castania
Cameron Chu
In memory of Vincent Harris '18
Camille Deorio
Because of wonderful education my two grandsons recd at Regis God Bless you all
Candace Curran
Carl Carinci
Carl Popolo
Carla Porter
Carlo Buonomo
Carlos Caballero
In memory of Beatriz Caballero
Carmen NesSmith
In memory of Carol Owens
Carmine Versaci
Carol Hackett
The quality education
Carol McNerney
In honor of Finnegan Kearns
Carolina Grunner
Caroline Franklin Berry
As a former trustee, I value the mission and community of Regis. As a faculty member at another boys school, I know how important it is to educate young men, but also, to make them feel known and loved.
Carolyn Barcelona
Casey Quinn
Cassio & Adriana Braga
Catherine Attara-Fink
As a poor child seeing friends in grammar school enter Regis for high school back in the 1960's, I understood the importance of education for all walks of life and how proud they were to be in Regis!
Catherine Skarulis Amato
Catherine and Evan McCordick
In honor of Yvonne Reynolds, mother of Vincent Harris ‘18
Cathleen Sheehan-Wilson
Celine & Cesar Kastoun
Charles Allen
Charles Boer
Charles Hannafey
Charles Marion
In memory of Ken Bailie, '60
Charles Mitchell
Charles Moran
Charles Schmidt
Chris & Meg Hoopes P'16'18
Chris Markowski
Chris Mecane
Chris Migliaccio
Chris Murdy
Chris Tanzi
Christian Garcia-De La Jara
To keep Regis's academic excellence and as a gratitude for my son's education and high school experience
Christian Khoury
Christian Mariano
Christina Jang
Christina Kaecker
Christine Brown
Christine Cochet
Christine Ferguson
Congratulations to the Class of 2022
Christine McGovern
In honor of Stephen Patrick McGovern ‘22
Congratulations Class of 2022!
Christine Milano
Christopher A Kerins Kerins
Christopher Bellinger
Christopher Castano
Christopher Connell
Christopher Coyle
Men for Others... Grateful
Christopher Coyne
Christopher Croce
Christopher Daly
Christopher Fox
Christopher Franz
In honor of Thomas Swift '79
In honor of the first Regian I met, who helped Mr. Wiman manage a room of terrified 8th grade test takers.
Christopher Hayden
Christopher Jennings
Christopher Kane
Christopher Luccarelli
Christopher McArthur
Christopher Neufeld
Christopher Parisi
Christopher Rose
Christopher Wilcock
the Good News x expansive critical thinking x sense of community = a mission worth perpetuating
Chuck Dodge
Churdo Baggins
Clair Quaintance
Clara Chae and Julian Liau
Clara Pinto-Eaton
Claudia Ferguson
Claudia Hess Ferguson
Connor MacSpadden
Conor Mulroe
Conor Nicholson
In honor of Vincent Harris ‘18
Corinne Mahoney
We are so proud and happy to be a part of this great school community and feel truly blessed for the education and experience our son is receiving.
Cornelius Grealy
Coulter King
Craig Lis
Crystal Vargas
It was such an amazing experience working at Regis. Keep up the hard work!
Cynthia Dominguez
Cynthia Murphy
Extraordinary education.0
In honor of Gerald Poggi '61
I want to enable others to share the great impact Regis has had on my life and what it has meant to me.
Dan DaSilva
Dan and Mary Noonan
Daniel Aviles
Daniel Brancato
Daniel I.A. Cohen
In honor of Oscar Garcia R'18 (his graduation from Yale College)
Daniel J Conway
Daniel Kirchoff
Daniel Ngiam
In honor of the Regis Class of 1941
... whose legacies still inspire and impact
Daniel ONeill
In honor of Charles Donovan `94 and Laurence Broderick `94
Daniel Reid
Daniel Schieck
Daniel Simmons
Daniel Sullivan
In honor of Jim McGough
In memory of Jim McGough
In honor of Jim McGough -- the alumnus who interviewed me and convinced me of the gift of Regis. I'm grateful every day that he did.
Daniel Wolfe
Danielle Pizzulli
Dann Russo
Dario Cunico
Darryl Maxwell
Regis changed my life. I support Regis to continue to change the lives of young men & the communities they will serve.
David & Deanna Stesner
David & Valerie Hartigan
David Buza
Congratulations to the Class of 2022!!
David Flanagan
David Harman
David Imbert
David Kennedy
Giving to the Sustained by Many challenge!
David O Halloran
David Ritchie
Regis has been an important inspiration for my life. I have learned to respect and strive for Wisdom because of the School, but my greatest respect is for our Foundress. Not just for the Endowment which was an inspired act of goodness, but also for her contributions to St. Patrick's (notably the Baldacchino and altar) and her family home which is now the papal nuncio's embassy. Go Regis!
David Warren Grunner
DawnMarie Crump
Debbie Yuen
We appreciate all you have done for our son and your continued support always!
Deborah Murray
Declan Guilfoyle
Declan Meagher
Declan Tansey
Delmira Gonzalez
I love Regis Mission. I'm very thankful to Regis!
Denis Lyons
Denis Smetana
Denise Cunningham
Denley Chew
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Dennis Nolan
Dennis O'Brien
Dennis Potter and Jeannine Ali
Dennis Ryan
Derek Chen
Desiree Misciagna
Diane Brush
Diane Rosamilia
Our son is getting an invaluable education at Regis. Thank you for all you do!
Divino Paran
Dolores Macapugay
In honor of Martin Macapugay
I believe in the good work Regis is doing!
Dominick Fiorentino
Donald & Barbara Martis
Donald Battles
Donald Bianchi
Donald Diverio
Donald Kluge
Donielle O’Keefe
Doris Chan
Dory Marra
Douglas Brown
Van Name wants free drinks!
Douglas Evans
In memory of Fr. Robert A. McGuire, SJ
Fr. McGuire possessed a deep appreciation of how forces beyond the hallowed halls of Alma Mater could challenge a student's academic journey. His guidance and care were central to my Regis experience. RIP
Douglas Ray
Dr and Mrs Amar S. Ranawat
Dr.Maria Baratta
Drew Bancroft
In honor of Laura Lancto
Drew Jacob
Drs. Craig and Lisa Hjemdahl-Monsen
Duncan Barcelona
Dwayne Callender
Dylan Prior
Dylan Reilly
Ed Jentz
In honor of Major Bob Fitzgerald '53 USMC KIA Vietnam
Deo et Patriae
Edmund Wallace
Edward Conlon
In honor of John C Rowland '82
Edward Fox
Congratulations to all this year's graduates!
Edward Gamarra
In honor of Eduardo & Peggy Gamarra
Edward Garnett
Edward Gonzales
In memory of Sandra Smith-Gonzales
Edward Hattauer
In honor of Thomas Griffin ‘64
Edward Hayes
In honor of Michael LaRussa
Edward LoPresti
Edward Marut
In memory of Ed Lata
Big donation coming later in year as usual!
Edward Moran
Edward Mulholland
Best educational experience of my life.
Edward Mulligan
Edward Passarella
Edward Strickland
Edwin Lopez
Had a great education & would not be where I am today but forbRegis
Edwin Ortiz
Edwin Powers
Eithne Costello
Elie Chebli
Elisa & Jim McCann
Elisa Andreassi
In honor of Fr. Anthony Andreassi
Elizabeth Decker
In honor of John N. Morris ‘31
Elizabeth McCarthy
Elizabeth Tatarka
Elizabeth Uzielli
Ellen Skoviera
In honor of DGO’C
Ellen and Thomas Kelly
In appreciation of the outstanding faculty and staff of Regis High School
Eric Achacoso
Eric Di Giacomo
Eric Javier
Eric Scheuermann and Jennifer Weld Scheuermann
Eric and Ana Maria Graber
Great mission performance advancing on the grand vision. Keep on doing more of the same.
Erik Graber
Erin OBrien
Estela Nisola
Ethan Graber
Eugene Grossi
Eugene Suh
Congrats to our new alumni!
Eva Sipe
Evan Nagel
Evelyn Beato
One of a kind education!
Evin McCabe
Faith Ponterotto
In honor of Michael Ponterotto
Always proud of you!
Fiona Connolly
Francesca Damato
Francis Ambrosio
Francis Belloni
Francis Brickfield
Francis Cyran
Francis Gleeson
In honor of Helen Gleeson
Francis Ohemeng-Adu
In honor of Anastasia Arthur (my late wife)
Regis is a great school, with a great mission!
Frank Buono
Frank Martignetti
In memory of Laurence Broderick & Charles Donovan
Frank Michel
Frankie Novick
Frederick & Diane Eickman
Frederick & Kaoriko Katayama
Regis rocks! We're so grateful to Regis. Our son loves the school, his teachers, and his classmates. We love the community.
Frederick Dorchak
Frederick Sharp
Gail & Phil Schoch
Regis is an extraordinary place, our son received an incredible education for which we will always be grateful.
Gary Dobek
In memory of Timothy J. Grealy, Regis High School Class of 1976 & Manhattan College Class of 1980
Gary Tocchet
Gene Mazzaro
Geoffrey Pierson
Regis should be rightfully proud for being true to its principles of providing a superior classical education to qualified young men, just as it has done since its founding more than a century ago.
George Bacolini
George Brickfield
George Cuevas
George Culliney
George Gill
In honor of George J Gill, Sr
George Hodges
George Schwerdt
Gerald Billovits
For my Regis brothers. Past, present, and future.
Gerald Seixas
Gerard Drumm
Gerard Hackett
Gerard Moran
Gerard Noone
Gerard Schiraldi, DMD
Gian Sarolli
Giles Kavanagh
In honor of Fr. Frederick James O’Brien, SJ
The best High School in NYC
Giselle Paredes-Ty
Paying forward so that there will be more future Regians who can have the same opportunity and excellent education that my son is fortunate to have.
Glenn Cummins
Gordon Liao
Graham Johnson
Regis pushed me to be who and where I am today and I want that experience to be available for generations of young men to come.
Gregory & Susan Jaenicke
Gregory Caravelli
Gregory Paw
Gregory Syrek
Gus Bigos
Gustavo Galindo
Thank you Regis!
Hazel McNelis
In memory of Charles A. McNelis, SR.
Henry Deteskey
So future generations can "go out and set the world on fire!"
Henry Ferraioli
Henry Garcia
In honor of Daniel Garcia
Henry Harrs
Henry Ricardo
I owe a lot of my success and satisfaction in life to my education at Regis I am grateful that my son and grandson also benefitted from their time at Regis.
Hiram Veciana
Hubie Lem
In memory of Stephen Zwickert ‘80
I am grateful for the gift of a Jesuit and Regis education.
Hugh & Margaret Carty
Hugh Esterson
Humberto Sarmiento
Ignacio Dowling
Iskra Simidchieva
Istvan Gyenis
In memory of Elizabeth Gyenis
My mother passed away on 1/31/22. She had been a member of the Regis Mother's Club in the late 70's early 80's.
J. R. and Janet McMullen
In honor of Gerald Schirra '66
Gerry always lit up the room. It was impossible for him to not smile.
JP Freeley
In memory of Gerry Russello
Jack Bingham
Jack Bugas
Jack Dennehy
Jack Grein
Jack McCordick
Jack Moran
To keep alive the mission of Men and Women for Others!
Jack O`Neill
Jack Sweeney
Jacqueline & Nestor Alvarez
Jake Lem
James & Patricia Darcy
James Armbruster
James Barry
James Bonanno
Best of luck to the Class of '22!
James Donohue
In memory of Anthony Aracich, SI
James Doran
In honor of Kenneth Bailie
For the many excellent teachers, George Gil, Jack Phelan Johnnie Woods, Walter Brown, Steve Duffy and others. I continue to make use of the language skills that I began learning at Regis.
James Foley
James Guilshan
James Joyce
In memory of Jim Mooney
Beloved friend. Wish you were here.
James Kennedy
In honor of Class of 2002 20th Reunion
As I reflect on the last twenty years, I am filled with gratitude for the impact Regis has had on my life. I have been given so many gifts by Regis--especially in the form of relationships with friends, students, and teachers--that supporting the mission today is the least I can do to express this gratitude.
James Luccarelli
James Masterson
James Nelson
James O'Sullivan
James Oberthaler
In honor of Vito Acconci, '58
James Olivo
James Paul
James Peiser
James Periconi
In honor of Timothy Beckett, Class of 1966
One of the great ones who left us way too early!
James Potepa
James Radigan
James Ramson
James Sayer
James Simmons
James Sniffen
James Tynion
James W Kennedy
In honor of Grandpa John F. Lenzi
Grandpa believed in the importance of getting the best available education and, for his grandson, that meant Regis HS.
James Wilson
James Wright
James and Linda Filippo
James and Rebecca Cappello
Jane Dowling
Janet and John Mills
Congrats to the Class of 2022!
Janie Richardson
Janine Abbatecola and Peter Von Lehe
Jared Pilosio
In memory of Gerald Russello
Go Class of '05, keep the pace up!
Jason Chan
Jason Creux
Jason McCullough
In honor of Joseph McCullough
Jason Sardinas
Jean Boda
In honor of Joseph Ô’Brien SJ
Forever Grateful
Jean-Marie Piccininni
Jeanine and Phil Ferrone
To continue to educate and change the lives of fine young men .
Jeanne Sullivan
Jeanne and Michael Morris
In honor of Fr Anthony Andreassi Archive Fund
Jennifer Carbone
Very little to give to get so much
Jennifer Cristofano
Jeremy & Stephanie Hines
Jerold Kappes
Jerome Park
Jerry Lawrence
Jerry Smith
Jesse Gutierrez
Congratulations to the Class of 2022!
Jesus Navarrete
Jill Healey
For continuing to educate men for others
Jill Kirby
Jim & Ginny Tronolone
Jim Garnevicus
Jim Hoolahan
Jim Panos
Jim Slattery
Jim and Tara Neumann
Jiovani Visaya
Joan Barrow
Joan Delaney
Joan Markey
Joan Meade
Joan and Kevin Brennan
We are grateful for what has been given to our sons
Joann Coffin
Joanna Gassoso
Thank you to all Regis teachers for making my son's freshman year so incredible!
Joanne Chevallier
Joanne Ciaramella Sayer
Joanne Palmer
Regis develops boys of intellect, but more importantly, character. Our son loves the school, his teachers, and classmates and looks for reasons to stay late everyday! He has found a true home within his community there and values every interaction and opportunity for engagement. We feel so blessed that Regis is a part of his journey to becoming a man for others.
Joanne Porada
Jody Abzug
In honor of Dr. Gary Tocchet
Joe Amatrucola
Joe Mottola
Joe Pollicino
Joe Sammarco
Joel Corbo
Joelle Kelly
John & Patricia Woloszyn
John & Sally Devine
John Alexander
John Balletta
John Berkery
Go Regis!
John Boden
John Buckheit
John Butler
John Cagney
John Caronna
John Colgan
Congrats to the Class of 2022!
John Dean
John DiPinto
John Driscoll
John Dunn
Men for others.
John Fahy
John Feeley
In honor of Frank Cosola
My Italian immigrant grandfather, WW2 Silver Star winner and NYC Fireman who could never have imagined his grandson going to Regis. Thanks you, Regis. Onward!
John Ferris
John Garvey
In memory of John and Alice Garvey
A great investment!
John Gavin
John Geelan
John Geis
John Giambrone
John Golden
John Hum
John Jurkovic
John Keenan
John Kim
Congratulations! You all worked so hard for four years, and now the doors are beginning to open for you all! Best of luck on your future endeavors and keep up the amazing work!
John LaRuffa
In memory of Francis V LaRuffa, Jr, ‘56
I cannot quantify how much Regis means to me: friends, incredible teachers, four years of wondrous growth, work, fun, and the forming of lifelong friendships. Truly noble hearts.
John Latella
In honor of Andrew Pistilli '03
With best wishes to the Class of 2022
John May
John McNicholas
In honor of Vincent McNicholas
Life-changing gift.
John Michlik
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam.
John Morgan
John Morin
John Morris
John Muccigrosso
In honor of Fr. Louis Garaventa
on the occasion of his retirement from teaching (even at that other Jesuit HS in Manhattan)
John Murray
John Musci
John Nonna
John Owens
John O’Donoghue
John P Miscione
In memory of Deceased members of Class of 1959
John Petitto
John Polanin
John Prael
John Predovan
John R. Hein
In memory of Terence Leary '02
John R. Hein
In memory of Stephen Rose '02
John Rachinsky
John Ranieri
John Salvin
John Sawicki
Sense of obligation
John Schiavone
John Schorn
In memory of Stephen E. Zwickert '80
John Shay
John Spear
John Sym
John Timm
John Timony
John Tweedy
John Usarzewicz
John Valiplackal
John Werwaiss
John Wiencek
John Wynne
John Zablocki
John Zurlo
John and Patricia Tanzi
John and Randi Balletta
In memory of John Martucci
Forever grateful for a Regis education.
Johnny Johnsen
Johnny and Jennifer Cardona
Thank you Regis High School for the wonderful education, support and community you have provided our son.
Jonathan Barsa
Regis was integral to my spiritual development
Jonathan Gannon
Jonathan Iwaskow
Jonathan Judge-Russo
Jonathan Lawlor
Jonathan Masserano
Thank you Regis!
Jonathan Rusch
Jonathan Sterne
Deo et Patriae
Jorge Santiago
Jose Banez
In honor of Lynda Blankenship
Joseph & Bernadette Rachiele
In memory of Vincent Viaggio
God Bless the Class of 2022!
Joseph Ajello
My time at Regis was the most impactful four years of my life. I sustain the mission of Regis so that others can share in that experience.
Joseph Bringman
Joseph Callaghan
Joseph Clyne
Joseph Clyne
Joseph DeCarlo
Joseph DeMarzo
Joseph Devine
Joseph Garace
Joseph Haggerty
Joseph Jerkovich
Joseph Knobloch
Joseph Loffredo
Joseph Logozzo
In honor of Maria Logozzo P'88
Joseph Lyons
Ed Kulsick, a noble man with a truly generous heart, passed away on 5/26/2022
Joseph Mannino
Joseph Matranga
Let's keep Regis strong in NYC as NYC is no longer a desired location for many.
Joseph McGranahan
Joseph OReilly
In honor of Francis & Mary O'Reilly
Joseph Petrillo
Joseph Quinn
In memory of John Kelly '04
Joseph Rao
Thanks to all the faculty and administrators for all the great work they do all year.
Joseph Roosevelt
Joseph Sclafani
In honor of My father, Anthony Sclafani, who had the good sense to insist that I attend Regis. He even forced me to take the name Francis Xavier for my confirmation name in the hope that it would give me more of a competitive edge. My education was transformational. Thanks, Dad!
Joseph Sullivan
I am supporting Regis for the outstanding opportunity I was given in terms of the great teachers, the dedicated staff and the unmatched learning opportunities I was given, as well as the fellowship of my classmates in the Class of 1972. As this is our 50th Anniversary, I am increasing my annual gift to $5000 to reflect my gratitude and support for the gift of Regis!
Joseph T Lienhard S.J.
Joseph Tito
Joseph Zuccarello
Josephine Ferguson
Regis provided my son, and is providing my grandson an experience that is worth its weight in GOLD!
Joshua Zeitlinger
José Machuca
Joyce Choe - Park
Juan Maldonado
Juan Montes
In honor of Maria Montes
I want to support the formation of " men for others."
Judith Placido
Judy Betz
Julian Thesseling
Julie Asariparambil
Julie Luttinger
It’s a community I am grateful and proud to be part of
Justin Kelly
Justin Skaferowsky
Kanishka Agarwala & Maria H Barrera
Karen Hamilton
Kari Nixon
Kathleen McCarthy
Happy to contribute to help give other students the opportunity for a quality Regis experience.
Katy McEwen
Keats Sexton
For the continued pursuit of excellence!
Kelli Phillip
Ken Kellaher
In memory of Edward Kellaher, Class of 1937
Ken Kopecky
Kenneth Klinger
Kenneth Rosato
Kerry Garry
Kevin & Barbara Clancy
Kevin & Catherine Smith
Kevin Bannon
Kevin Brennan
In memory of Andrew Pistilli ’03
Kevin Cronin
Kevin Cullen
In honor of Patti Hannon-Faculty
Kevin Dunn
Kevin Field
Kevin Fox
Kevin Gil
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Kevin Hayden
Kevin Keogh
Kevin Koestner
In memory of Daniel Savio
Kevin Kopczynski
Kevin Lee
Kevin Math
Congrats class of 2022!
Kevin McKeegan
in honor of Anthony Fauci, '58. Thank you for your service to the nation.
Kevin McNamara
I want to keep this excellent school operating.
Kevin Mcdonald
It’s give back time!
Kevin Moclair
Kevin Morris
Kevin Morrissy and Family
Kevin Neylan, Jr.
Kevin Roe
Kevin Wallace
Kiera Bader
Kieran Brennan
Kieran Fallon
Kieran Quinn
Kim and Shwan Karim
Kimberly Joel
Kirk Reynolds
paying forward what I received.
Klaus and Lauren Metz
In honor of Aidan J Metz
Forever grateful for the gift of Regis. Congratulations to the Class of 2022! Go forth and set the world on fire!
Kristin Galvin
We are so grateful to everyone in the Regis community for making Regis such a special place!
Kristina Miruku
Kristofer Rodgers
Krystal Camacho
Kyle Nicholson
Laurie Burns-Larson
Lawrence Blake
Lawrence Cagney
Lawrence La Sala
In memory of Jack Rogers'83
Lawrence Vitale
Leslie Chebli
Lewis Stoffel
Liam Nicholson
In honor of Memphis Peralta
Congratulations to the class of 2022 on their graduation.
Linda Purvis
In memory of Christopher Purvis
Linda Stalter
In memory of David Stalter
Linda Talbot
Lindsay Daniels
Lis Kollmar
Liz Fleming
Very grateful for the Regis community. Thank you.
Lorcan Malone
Lou Pulice
Louis Foglia
Louis Recano
Louise Parisi
Louise Paul
Luigi Naguit
Luke Garvey
Regis changed my life, possibly saved it. I want it to continue in its mission to educate Men for Others.
Luke Gatta
Luke MacCarthy
Lynne Lauber
Lynne and Jeff Weinlandt
M/M James Lampariello
Madeline Caprio
Magda Correa
Marc Desjardins
Marek Grudnik
Margaret & Paul Maleszewski
Margaret Federovitch
Margaret Phillips
Margaret Valverde
Margaret and Anthony Russo
Marguerite Marett
Forever grateful to Regis for my son’s education and his and our lifelong friends.
Maria Camaj
Maria Donohue
Maria Sidoti
Maria Villagomez
Maria and Bannon
Marian Hobbie
Mariangela Allen
I watched my son grow into a wonderful man and make amazing lifelong friends.
Marin Dragojevic
Regis has affected the trajectory of my life, and my character, in ways large and small (albeit not always predictably). I give because I hope it will continue to be the inflection point for those that seek to live a good and meaningful life.
Marizen Nunez
Mark Baber
Mark Cole
Love Regis!
Mark Guffanti
Mark Joinnides
Mark Raccasi
Mark Reilly
Mark Riely
Mark Stappenbeck
Mark Tronco
Mark Ustin
Mark curanovic
Marta Hspij
Martin & Tessa Hilado
Martin Barry
Martin Dengler
Martin Dowd
Martin Doyle
In memory of Eileen M. Doyle P'74 P'76 GP'11
Martin Doyle '74 P'11
Martin Gavin
Martin Gavin
I went to Regis. No other motivation is required.
Martin Maffeo
Martin Matzuk
Regis was a great place to go to high school! Thank you for everything that you have done!
Martin Paul
Mary Ann Schroder
Mary Anne Hayden
Thank you, Regis!
Mary Ellen Brockmeyer
Mary Ferguson
Mary Leddy
Mary O’Grady
MaryBeth Wolfe
Marylou Fulford
Mathias Weiden
Matt Donnelly
Matt Sweeney
Matthew Chen
Matthew Dowd
Deo et patriae!
Matthew Harrigan
Matthew Kehoe
Matthew Lasek
Matthew Majsak
In memory of Vincent Harris
For nights together in strange houses and plenty of instigation. OTT my friend.
Matthew Nemeth
Matthew Quigley
Matthew Rodriguez '22
Congratulations to the class of 2022!
Matthew Slowinski
Matthew Ulloa
In honor of Teresa Ulloa
Maura Grunner
Maura Toomb Estevez
Maureen Enright
In honor of Robert S. Enright
In honor of my deceased husband Robert S. Enright
Maureen Regan
To maintain the legacy of an amazing institution and create opportunity for all deserving young men.
Maureen and Matthew Ragone
Melissa Bianco
Melvin Acevedo
Michael Allison
Michael Autuoro
Michael Bobrik
Michael Botta
Michael Byrne
Education is the silver bullet.
Michael Colavita
In memory of Mike Gillan, '63.
Michael Connor
Michael Conway
Michael Coyne
Michael Curran
Michael Fahy
Michael Fanelli
In memory of Vincent Harris '18
Michael Griffin
Michael Hart
Best educational experience of my life.
Michael Hayes,Sr
In honor of Mary Anne Hayes
Deo et Patriae
Michael Healy
Michael Juzeniw
Michael Kennedy
Michael Keogh
Michael Mangan
Michael McKeon
Michael McTiernan
Michael Mitchell
Michael Morigi
Michael Nanna
Michael Napolitano
Michael O'Rourke
Michael O'Sullivan
Michael Palitz
Michael Poulos
Michael Prasto
Michael Quilatan
In memory of Richard Kim ‘94
Michael Ragone
Michael Rogers
Michael Schwarz
I am blessed to be able to continue my support of Regis. AMDG.
Michael Shroff
Michael Valverde
Michael and Ann Smego
Michael and Christine Angelica
Michael and Joan Nicholson
Michael ‘93 and Lorraine Smyth P’22
Michelle Phillips
In honor of Andrew Phillips
So grateful for the education and opportunity these young men have been given. Thank you Regis.
Michelle and Luis Gomez
Mihaela Pelea
The amazing education and a true family he gained at Regis!
Mike & Denise Palmieri
Mike Browne
Mike Majsak
In honor of John Majsak
Thank you Regis for providing our boys with an outstanding educational experience!
Mila DeLoren
Thank you for four priceless years!
Milena Lischin
Miriam Amatrucola
Mona Browne
Monica Santander
Morgan McCordick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tomeo P'22
Best of Luck to the Class of 2022!
Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Castania
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Javellana
Thank you, Regis faculty and staff, for all that you do.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence LaBrec
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Seraphim
Nadine Rivellese
In memory of Eliane Rapacioli
Thank you Regis for reaching out young men to be kind, generous, and thoughtful in these difficult times.
Nai Zhang
Thanks for wonderful 4 years.
Nancy Cascella
Nancy Ferreiras
Nancy Gonsalves
Nancy McElfresh
Natalia Guerrero
Thanks to Regis administration, faculty, and staff for taking excellent care of our boys. Congratulations Class of 2022!
Nicholas Cagliuso
In honor of Anna V. Cagliuso
Nicholas Capuano
Nicholas Carinci
Nicholas Cavallo
Nicholas Gorski
Nicholas Lobaccaro
So proud of our Boys!!!! Congrats Class of 2022!!! Light the World on Fire!!!!
Nicholas Pitaro
Nicholas Santangelo
Nicholas Wunsch
In honor of Anita Wunsch
Nick Davies
Nico Molina
Nicodemo Allen
Nikki Rice
Noel Selegzi
In memory of Jim McCarrick ‘84
Nolan Shanahan
In honor of Jack Miller '91
Noreen Gillespie
Norma Rodríguez
Norman Law
Oliver Browne
Orange Flood Control LLC
Oscar Alvarez
Paolo Bianco
Patricia Allaire
In memory of Kenneth Allaire '85
Patricia Caballero
We support the mission of Regis! Thank you for providing the best experience to our son. Thank you for setting an example of what really means Men for others!
Patricia Ferreri
In honor of Ron Ferreri
Patricia Geoghegan
In honor of Oscar Garcia R'18 (his graduation from Yale College)
Patricia Keegan Abels
Patricia Laska
My son Jason received an exemplary education, a stronger religious perspective, following the "Men for Others" motto was instrumental in making him a good son, a good man, and a good husband and father.
Patricia Lobaccaro
Thank you to the staff and faculty for providing my sons with the best education
Patricia McCormick
Patricia Sanchez-Marin
Patricia Schuett-Luccarelli
Regis helped make my sons become the men that they are now. I hope Regis continues to help others the way that it helped my family.
Patrick Bugas
Patrick Clarke
Congrats to all the graduates!!!
Patrick Durkan
Patrick Egan
Patrick Eickman
Patrick Fasano
Patrick Galizio
In memory of Patrick L. & Rita Galizio
Patrick Mahoney
Regis creates the best and the brightest, most importantly men who serve the greatedr good.
Patrick Maloney
Patrick Megley
Patrick Norberto
I am who I am because of my time at Regis.
Patrick Phelan
Patrick Rausch
Patrick Scruggs
Paul Bressan
Paul Carousso
Paul Castaybert
Paul Dunn
I am glad to be able to support the school that provided me with an experience that was some of the best years of my life and from which I gained values that have guided me thus far.
Paul Elizalde
Paul Manwell
Paul Marett
Paul Narain
Paul Swinton
In honor of Theresa Lombardi Swinton
My mother was instrumental in my attending Regis. She knew a lot more than I at that time. I think that any student who is given the opportunity to attend would be much the better for accepting it, and then, by making others better in turn.
Paul Villani
Paul and Laura Kane
Pauline Bunt
Pedro Acosta
Pete Donohue
Peter & Deirdre Zuccarello
Peter Anderer
In honor of James O'Donoghue '99
Peter Cook
In honor of John Connelly ‘56
Peter Ferguson
Peter Gavagan
To keep such an important school going.
Peter Grondin
Peter Krause
Peter Lehu
Peter Luccarelli
Peter Moerler
So much to thank Regis for!
Peter Torre
Peter Zelinski
In honor of Timothy Becket Class of 1966
Phil Gillen
Philip Rossi
In memory of Jack Newman '61
Phillipe Chatelain
In honor of Teresa A. Chatelain P’09
REACH and Regis were blessings from God. Keep up His work.
Pietro Deserio
In honor of Anne Tileston, my partner of nearly 50 years.
Regis molded me for better and worse, but my professional success is directly linked to my Regis experience. I am quite proud of the accomplishments of my '66 class.
In honor of Robert August Schmidt, class of 1937
Best education I ever had (better than my BS, 2 MS degrees and MD). A noble institution. Wish my son the poet had taken the Latin I did (Ovid, Plautus, Catulus . . . )
Rachel Rivin
Rafael Baez
In memory of Iris Baez
In honor of Iris Baez who passed away last week. She strongly believed in the importance of God, family, and education. She will be missed but always remembered with lots of love. The Baez Family.
Raj Denhoy
Ralph Nofi
Randall Zuccalmaglio
Randy Balletta
In honor of John Martucci
Raquel Ramos
Ray Dillon
Ray Panek
Raymond Lamb
Raymond Lombardi
Giving back, in return for the benefit I reaped from my Regis education
Raymond McGoldrick
In honor of Celia Kilcommons McGoldrick
Raymond Rico
I am grateful for having been giving the opportunity to attend such a wonderful school!
Raymond Smith
In memory of Loiuis Scheeder, ‘64
Reena Raggi
Rich Hickey
Richard Anderson
Richard Chian
Richard Chun
In honor of Andrew Chun and Raymond Martin '90
Richard Corelli
In honor of Denis Achacoso
Today was the 112th Saturday noon ZOOM reunion for the Class of ‘66. Everyone from the Class of ‘66 is invited to our next reunion next Saturday!
Richard D'Arrigo
Richard Fasano
Richard Gayzur
Richard Joel
Richard Jotz
Richard Koo
Richard Lee
In memory of William P. Lee
Richard Murtha
Richard Nuzzi
Richard Pfeiffer
Richard Powers
Richard Snow
Richard Ward
In honor of Richard Jeanneret
May God bless Dick and Janet and their children
Richard Zielinski
In honor of Barbara Zielinski
Keep doing the Lord’s work!
Rita Bigelow
In honor of Andrew Bigelow ‘16
Rita Di Amario
Thank you Regis for making my son’s freshmen year a wonderful experience!
Rita and Joseph Heid
In honor of The Cappello Family
Rita and Tom Kitt
Thank you Regis!
Rob Accetta
Rob Cacace
Rob Gutierrez
In honor of Charles Donovan ‘94 and Laurence Broderick ‘94
For the tremendous and influential educational experience!
Robert Billings
Robert Burns
In memory of RIP George McGill, V. Acconci, & deceased of '58
Robert Buza
In recognition and thanks for all the Regis has done for me.
Robert Cilento
Robert Cobert
Robert Dalven
Robert Domingo
Robert Flanigan
Robert Flatow
Robert Hahn
Robert Hayden
Robert Imbelli
In memory of Dennis Ferrara
Robert Kelley
Robert Kestler
Robert Lapinski
Robert Leszkowicz
Robert Loewenstein
Robert Logan
In honor of Eileen Logan
Robert Maher
Robert Reichenbach
Robert Rienzo
Robert Scott
Robert Senkewicz
In honor of Fr James Carney, SJ
Robert Sexton
In honor of Benjamin Curran Sexton, Jr. and Frances Ruth Hamilton Sexton
Robert Shullman
Robert Thoms
Robert and Elizabeth Guarnieri
Robert and Peggy Oliva
Robyn Alperin
Roderick Cruz
Roger Flahive
Roland Isaac
Ron Llewellyn
Ron Windisch and Janice Stanton
Ronald Bajit
In memory of Winifreda Bajit
Ronald Espiritu
May ours be the noble heart
Ronald Statile
Ronald Tobin
Ronald Zuvich
Rosemary Nurse and T. Kyle Harris
Roswitha Metz
In honor of Aidan J. Metz
Rowena Rico
In honor of Raymond S'21
Thank you Regis!
Ruben Garcia
In honor of the REACH Program
Changed the direction of my life - much respect!
Ryan Curley
Ryan Fox
Ryan Heffernan
In honor of Paul J. Battaglia
Ryan Huber
Ryan Masserano
Ryan Mulvey
S Michael Moro
Sabino Casella
Sal Anfora
Salvador A Novoa
In memory of Maria G. Aznar & Juan G. Aznar
Salvatore DeLuca
Sam & Karen Guzzardo
Sandra Giorno-Tocco
Character development in young males is under siege and Regis is a beacon of light and hope for their futures.
Sara and Robert Kinnally
In memory of Vincent Harris, '18
Scott Barry
Sean Angeles
Thank you, Regis. Congratulations to the Class of 2022
Sean Doyle
Sean Greene
Sean McKeown
Sean Nolan
Sean O’Grady
Sean and Amparo Ally
Sergio Villegas
Shane Ceniza
Shane Conway
May ours be the noble heart.
Shane Mangin
Shane mcEwwn
Sharon Roth
Outstanding school… transformative education!
Sheila Layimer
Sheri Lyons
Siobhan McCormack
Sol Pua
Spencer Thomas
Spencer Weig
Stacy Bostwick
Stacy Koehler
We believe in and support the values of a Regis education and are blessed to be a part of the Regis community.
Stan York
Now just 42 left on this challenge. Douglas Adams would approve.
Stanley Krawczyk
Stefano Cascapera
Stella Steiner
Stephen Bogacz
Stephen Casari
Stephen Chiarello
Stephen Deere
Stephen Giordano
Stephen Ksenak
Stephen LoVerme
Stephen Maietta
Stephen Malone
Stephen Stuart
Steve Flatow
Steve Herd
Steve Wyszinski
Steven Ekert
Steven Hummell
Steven Markowski
Steven Pecorini
Steven Reisman
Steven Shekane
Sudhir Chandra Agarwala
Susan McGuinness
Susan Wengler
Suzan & Earl Sullivan
Love the school, teachers and all they believe in!
Sylvia Delaney
Terence Kannengieser
In honor of Sean Kannengieser
Teresa Moriarty
Teresa Sweeney
The Spinelli Family
The Disco Duck
The Haddad Family
Theodore Dros
Therese Liao
Thomas A. Osborne
Thomas Boyce
Thomas Brereton
Thomas Burns
I have been blessed with a great educational foundation from Regis and want to enable other young students an opportunity to fulfill their dreams. Thank you Regis!
Thomas Casserly
In honor of Thomas Walsh
Thomas Chippas
Thomas Collins
My experience at Regis helped me prepare for the challenges of the world and I want others to have this same gift.
Thomas Daly
In honor of KennyFriend MarioAmeller 1970
The best school in the country . . . Just the facts, Ma’am
Thomas Dorney
Thomas E Walsh
Regis changed my life beginning in 1957 until this day.
Thomas Fedrigoni
Thomas Fink
Thomas Girolamo
In memory of Peggy Besant
Thomas Giugliano
Thomas Hone
Thomas Kelly
I hope, and pray, that Regis will continue to admit, and evaluate, its students strictly on the basis of merit.
Thomas Kopczynski '89 and Dorothea Schlosser
Thomas Lardner
In honor of Sheila and James Lardner
Thomas M Gallagher
Thomas Martis
Thomas McCreesh
Great Education. Want to support it so it continues
Thomas McGivney
Thomas Miller
Thomas Naughton
Thomas Noone
Thomas Noone
Regis challenges and forms young men to serve others and build the kingdom of God.
Thomas Nowak
Thomas O'Hara
Thomas Pecorini
Thomas Ryan
Regis has provided me with life-long tools to help me live a productive and intellectually alert life while helping me sustain positive, rewarding family relationships. I am grateful for the challenges and guidance Regis provided.
Thomas Swift
Thomas Wadolowski
I am delighted to be able to support a school that provided me with a school experience that was arguably the best four years of my life and from which I gained values that have guided me well my entire life.
Thomas White
In honor of Mr & Mrs. Thomas J White
Thomss Kelly
Tiffany Tinson
Tim Chisholm
Tim De Santa
Tim OSullivan
Tim O’Connor
In honor of Timothy F. Beckett, Jr. ‘66
Tim and Diane Frost
Timothy Chorba
Timothy Scarella
Tom & Peggy Carroll, P'07
Tom Chin
Tom Curley
Tom Ferguson
Regis was one of the greatest and most formative experiences in my life. I am grateful for what it has given me and what it has provided to my nephew TJ Hartey (Class of 2023). AMDG
Tom Hein
In memory of Michael Gillan '63
Tom Kelly
In memory of Fr. Joseph Neville, S. J.
Tom Maloney
Tom Salama
Tomas Silva
A special four years and an incomparable opportunity to learn and grow with God at the forefront
Tony Falcone
In honor of Claire Vitale
Tony Mauro
Congrats and best wishes to the Class of '22! May ours be the noble heart.
Tony Sanchez
Tracey Gaffey
Traugott Lawler
Regis pretty much made my life.
Vernon McDermott
Victor Contero
We are your sons, fair Regis, our spirit is from you!!!!
Vince Alline
Vincent Fitzgerald
In honor of My dad
Vincent Grosso
In honor of In Honor of The class of 1972 -- those who are here those who have departed
Our time at Regis molds us for Life ! Thank You to the Jesuits and Lay Faculty who taught us and mentored us to become who we are.
Vincent Hevern
In memory of Gregory Trost
Vincent Romeo
Vincent and Hazel Sto Tomas
Violeta Lam Johnson
In honor of Lam & Johnson Grandparents
Vito Pitta
Wayne Merritt
Wendy Greenfield
William Arnone
William Berlinghoff
William Brandt
William Carew
In memory of Johnny and Richard
William Cooke
William Foley
William H Ferguson
May Ours Be The Noble Heart > welcome to our new Alumni ‘22 > Regis holds a special place in my life, that no other organization matches, and I am reminded of my 4 years almost every day in some small way - I wish the same to the class of ‘22
William H Mulligan, Jr
Regis opened up many opportunities for me. Forever grateful
William Haddad
For future life-changing educational experiences
William Hauck
In honor of Pete Landis
Thanks for the memories
William Irwin
William Kindschuh
William Lee
William Mahaney
William Manekas
William Marra
William McGeveran
William McLaughlin
William Pries
William Sonnemann and Olivia Soriano
William Werwaiss
Xavier Simon
In honor of Dr. William Carew
I sustain the mission for teachers and colleagues like Dr. Carew, who are a daily example of what it means to be #menforothers
Zachary Espiritu
Christopher cordts
Gaeron McClure
Gregory turnbull schwartz
James gillies
In honor of John Pike class of 1978
best education i ever had
Jim irzyk
alumni parent (along with Jody Abzug) of Jeremy Irzyk '17
John fink
In memory of Bob Bongiovi '69
Joseph Redington
Joseph tagliareni
Karen byrnes
Kira mckeown-adamo
In honor of Fr. James Croghan, SJ
Kira mckeown-adamo
In honor of Fr. James Ferus, SJ
Margaret phillips
Thank you Regis for providing an excellent education for my grandchildren.
Mary jane clarke
Regis offers an education that continues to help you grow throughout your whole life. My sons are so fortunate to be Regians!
Matthew oconnell
Matthew oconnell
Michael brett
An inspiring community!
Michael kunz
I am grateful for the teachers and mentors who helped guide me, particularly Ed Lavin. I sustain Regis to help today's teacher and mentors to have the resources they need to continue the mission.
Michael maskara
In honor of eillen maskara
keep up the good work
Paul walczyk
Robert blake
Roger ferrara
Sebastian pignatello
Steve seagriff
I am forever grateful and proud for the opportunity to have attended Regis High School.
Thomas Carmichael
Thomas gaye
Great values and lifetime successes
Tracey thatcher
W scott staruch
William Neville
In honor of John Jangl Sr. (1934)
Praying for the Class of 2022!
In honor of Dr. Naishad and Ellis Doctor (P '07)
In honor of Alva Rodrigues
May ours be the hero’s part, ready to do.
In honor of Charles E.F. Millard, Class of '50
In honor of CD & LB ‘94
In honor of Mike Cardinale
In honor of Thomas A. Hughes
My husband,Tom, loved Regis. Thanks

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Invitation to the Deo et Patriae reception this fall

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