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Riverdale Country School

Bronx, NY

Riverdale's Giving Day 2024

Riverdale’s Fifth Annual Giving Day!

Anna Genoese, Assistant Director of Annual Giving and Development Operations

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (489)

All (489)
Aanchal Kochhar and Sumit Sharma
Aaron Horwitz
Abbe Karmen
Adam Heller
Adam and Cara Raleigh P’34,’36
Adrian Chraplyvy
Akhil & Pearl Mago
Aleem Khan
Alex Friedman
Alexandra Luskin
Alexis Asch
Alfredo Angueira
Alfredo and Eve Angueira P’35
Alicia Zhang
Alison Fenton-Willock and Andwele Lewis
Amanda Howard
Amrita Sharma
Amy Kessler
So grateful to the incredible Riverdale faculty and staff.
Andie Jensen ’13
Andrea Grajales
In memory of Fran Giallorenzi and Dolly Kapahi
Andreas Kroker
Andrew Kutscher
Andrew Wuertele
Andrew and Michele David P’27
Andrew and Rachel Lustgarten
Andriy Popel
Anh Tran
Anitra and Michael Hadley
Anjele & Timothy Fischer
Ann Grasing
In honor of Marie Capasso & the RCS Development Team
I am thrilled to support Riverdale and its wonderful faculty and staff who work tirelessly to ensure that meaningful educational and co-curricular experiences are possible for every student.
Anna Mestel
Anna Prestopino
Anne Peters
Anonymous Anonymous
Ariana Kourepenos
Ariel Schneider
Ashley Camerini
Ayan Sawhney
Aziza Kain
It is such a simple way to strengthen our new community, and this kind of support goes a long way!
Barbara Lipton
Bella Kaplan
Ben and Laura Hakim P’22,’25,’28
Benjamin Jenkins
Beth Siegel Carpenter
Betsy Fields
Bill Argenta
Bob ’63 and Jackie Shapiro P’89
Boram Nam
Brandon Miller
Brendan Whitworth
Brett Selinger
Brian Mihok
Brian Swift
Brian and Christina Earle
Bridgid Hein
Brook Bennett
Brooke Weiner
Bruce Allerhand
Cara and Adam Raleigh
Carly Chasen
Caroline Golja
Carrie Mendez
Carter Burwell and Christine Sciulli
Catherine Crocker
Cathleen Chawla
Charles Kim and Jean Su Maeng Kim P’29,’31,’36
Cheng Ju
Chester Pennock and Allyson Peltz Pennock ’10
Christian Maloney
Christina Genoese
In honor of the Development Department
Christine Currence
Christine Young
Claude Shaw
Clifford Simon
Cole Miller
Courtney Colodner Dallaire
Craine Gelia
Cristen Kromm
Excellent quality of instruction from faculty, solid administrative support and care, and a wonderful community!
Cristina Miller
Dafina Cobbinah-Pinckney
Dan & Tamara Nemo
Dana Gresko
Daniel and Jill Wallen
Danielle Rothstein
Danny Cohen
Dasha and Ilya Laufer
Dave Leis
David Kranich
David Kromm
David Steiger P’19,’22
David and Amy Chasen P’20,’24
David and Emily Tobin
David and Kim Seeherman P’20,’22,’26
David and Lisa Carnoy P’24
David and Vannita Chiang
Dawei Gongsun
Loving the community!
Deborah R
Great school
Derek Smith
In memory of Joel Doerfler
Dev Chodry
Diana Caskey
Diane Sixsmith
Dick Bernhard ’51
Dominick Boyce
My children love the Riverdale experience. Falcons, continue to soar to new heights!!!!
Dong Yang
Donna & Greg DiFelice
Donna Ulijn
Donnamarie Barnes
This is the 50th Anniversary year of my graduation and for every year since then Riverdale has remained an important part of my life from being the only place I wanted to send my son to school to the friendships that are lifelong and enduring and vital to my life.
Dvir Oren
Dylan Frank
Ed Schaffzin Suellen Jacobs Schaffzin
Edward Gelband
In honor of Makoto Miyakawa
Thank you to Riverdale and also a loving grandpa who we recently lost.
Edwin Sosa
Elise Harmon Varga
Elise Michael
Eliza Brail
Elizabeth Lewis
In memory of Ann Lawrie Sloan Aisa
My sister and I both graduated Riverdale Country School for Girls soon after the end of World War II. We both appreciate greatly the way our teachers opened our minds to diversity and critical reasoning, to prepare us as independent females and contributors to society. Also we owe a debt to Miriam Dennis Cooper who led the way for us with compassion, flexibility, and rigorous ethical standards.
Ellen Greengrass
Ellen Hoffman-Goldwasser
Emily Chang
In honor of Emily Chang
Emily Sandow
Emily Tarkan
Emma Brick
In memory of Joyce Wong
Eric Cohen
Eric Cohen and Stefanie Lerner Cohen ’93
Eric Wong and Janny Pon P’24,’28
Erica and Yaron Werber
Etim Edim
Evelyn Navarro
Fernando Irausquin and Jorge Petit P’26
Francine Canin
In honor of the Development department
Fritz Wahl
Gabriel Manzon
Thank you for supporting our children and providing them with a sense of community!
Gabriella Papper
Gaspar Epstein
Gauri and Ranjit Lakhanpal
Gauri and Ranjit Lakhanpal
Thank you for so perfectly finding the balance between fun and rigor! Shivan's best years!
George Mu and Meg Johnson
George Wang
George Wang and Shanshan Xu P’31,’33
Georgia Tucker
Go Falcons!!
Gerardo Rodriguez
Giordano Salvador
Grace Campbell-Hay
I will always support Riverdale! Both of my children have spent very happy years at Riverdale and you can count on me for support.
Greg Lang
Gregory Fischbach
Gregory Flynn
Guy & Nesli Shapira
Harry Crosby
Such a wonderful experience for Thea and an incredible community of students, teachers, administrators and parents.
Harry and Kelly Mamasky
He Yang
Helen Corcoran
Hilary Peltz
Hollie Kutscher
Hong sheng
Hugh “Tim” Millar
Ian Luskin
Igor Fert
Igor Fert P’33,’35
Ilya and Dasha Laufer P’34,’34
Irausquin-Petit family
Iris Yao
Isabel Deutsch
Isabel Suede
Ivan and Nasim Matteoni
Jack Barrett
Jack Krentzman ’19
Jack Kuhns
Jacques Gelin
Jake Crowley-Delman
James Duval
Proud and grateful to be part of this community!
James Stubenrauch and Georgia Tucker
James and Sheri Langel
Jamie Mansfield
Jamie Schreiber
Janet and John Barrett
In honor of Grace Ball
Janice Sung and Christopher Comstock
Janny Pon and Eric Wong
Jason Strauss
Jay Ptashek and Karen Elizaga P’21,’25
Jay Stern
In honor of Leo Stern Jr
Love Riverdale!
Jay and Lisa Neugarten P’20,’22,’27
Jay and Wendy Marks
Jean and Andrew
Jeanine Hightower-Sellitto
Jeff Barrett ’18
Jeffrey Barrett
Jeffrey Hollender
Jeffrey Meckler and Carolyn Straus Meckler P’18
Jeffrey Nusbaum
Jemma An
Jen Silva
Jenna and Jeffrey Witten
Jenna and Jonathan King
Jennifer Davenport
Jennifer DeMelo
Jenny Buck
Falcons Fly High!
Jenny Selvers
Jenny and Jeff Bernstein
Jeremy Merkelson Merkelson ’00
Jeremy Shell and Jessica Elghanayan Shell ’95; P’28
Jessica Lappin
Jessica and Eric Roth
Jianqun Zhu
Jill & Maury Apple
Thank you for inspiring our boys to be their best selves!
Jillian Flynn
Jillian Salant
Jillian Sixsmith-Cox
Jing Wang
Joan. D. Steinberg
In honor of The Yamin-Manocchia families.
Jodi Ganz
John Harper
John Lambert
John Pizzi
John Polevoy
John Theodore
John Zakian ’68 and Cynthia Wallquist
John and Olinda Simon GP’25
John and Randi Sienkiewicz
Jonah Nir ’21
Jonathan and Rebecca Greller P’19
Jordan Brail ’14
Jordan Licht and Jocelyn Benson
Joseph Padula
Josh Wexler-Waite
Joshua Rothstein
Julia Holzman
Julie Choi
June Gallina
Riverdale is a wonderful community for our family
Justin Wong
Karen Helf
Karen Lau
Kate & Matt Walsh
Kate and Greg Maurer-Hollaender
Katherine Grobeck
Katherine Luskin
Kathryn and Josh Phillips
Kathy Franklin
Katie & Brett Brumberger
Katie Gendron
Katie Zorn
Katie Zorn P’27
Keitha Francis
Kelley Nicholson-Flynn
Kelly Suchman
Ken Hightower P’28
Ken and Esther Yapp P’30
Kenneth Hightower
Kenneth and JoAnne Deitch
I had a wonderful experience at RCS between 1949 and 1956. The details are too numerous to mention, but briefly it comes down to: the friends, the faculty, the spirit. Ken Deitch '56
Keyu Zhu
Kimberly Skelton
Kirk&Debbie-Ann Morrison
Kova Jurn
Kristina Berger and Perry Ziff
Larry & Hallie Nath
Larry Bailis and Susan Shevitz
Lawrence and Heather Yablon P’22,’23,’27
Leah Moore
Lei Nelson
We love RCS!
Leland Paton
In furtherance of providing outstanding educational experiences to RCS students.
Lenny Payan
Lenny and Heidi Payan P’33,’37
Leo Nir ’23
Leonie and Dan Davis
Lichun Kuo
Linying He
Lisa and Jay Neugarten
Lise Evans
Liz Martorella and Ben Swinburne
Lori Estiverne
Lori Estiverne P’32,’35
Lorraine Evo
Lourdes Melendez-Gamez
Riverdale is part of our family!
Lu Li
Dedicate to Benjamin Lewis Kaplan, a brilliant Riverdale student and alumnus
Lucy Sopher
Lyn Boreland
Maddy Foley
Maggie Barrett
Malcolm Ditton
Marc Sternberg and Katie Goldstein
Margaret Donkor
Margaret Littwitz Gelin
Marie Capasso
Mark Dappert
In memory of Mr. Herbert F Murphy
Mary Ludemann
Mary Mitchell
I give to Riverdale in honor of my grandson, Philip Waterman, who loves the school so much and is thriving and in honor of my son in law, Philip Waterman, class of '84, who is as fine a man as they come. If Riverdale had even a small hand in shaping who he is today I am thrilled to support such a wonderful institution.
Matt Balaban
Matt and Kate Walsh P’27
Matthew Ringh
Matthew Seemann
Maya Hartman
Meenal Raghava
Love Riverdale and all it does for our children.
Melissa Miness
Melody & Gordon Kaplan
Meredith Franz
Meredith and Dan Gitner
Michael Barrett
Michael Butler
Michael Flanagan
We loved the school musical last week and want to see many more years of great drama!
Michael G. Moreno ’07
Michael Gardner
Michael Kelley
Michael Kho
Michael Kornhauser and Janelle Currin P’36
Michael Sclafani
In honor of Joel Doerfler
Michael and Eppie Ying GP’26,’30
Michael and Lise Evans P’29
Michael and Tamara Stark P’28
Michele C. and Andrew B. David
Mieasia Edwards
It’s an amazing community! Mind, character and community are values they live by!
Mika and Guillaume Bouvard
In honor of Mike Powers
Thank you to the incredible Riverdale Community for all that you do and more.
Milton Sipp
Falcons Fly High!!!!❤️
Min Ding
We love the school and the community.
Mira Flynn
Miranda Hirsch
Miranda Jensen
Molly fallek
Monika Le
Morrietta Nkomo
Riverdale is a special place and we’re grateful to be part of the community.
Nanci and Craig Hyman
Nancy Oti-Roberts
In honor of Tiffany Butts
Falcon fly high!
Natalie Schwartz Graziose
Thank you Riverdale!
Neal ’85 and Graciela Meltzer P’24
Ned and Cindy Butikofer P’03
Neddy Benkert
In memory of Max N. Benkert, Class of ‘79
Nedim Baruh
Neil Barve and Aditi Davray P’30,’30
Nick Fahey and Kova Jurn P’36
Nicky Enright
Nicole Cornet
Nicole Sundell
Nicole Young
We love Riverdale and the many ways they engage our child and encourage her curiosity.
Nitu & Vijay Bachani
Noah and Sheera Prawer
Pallavi Nanda and Ranjit Bawa
Palmer Hughes
Pan Ding and Xiao Tong
Keep going Falcons!
Parisa Verma
Patricio and Juliana Diaz
Patrick & Jodi Milner
Paul & Jennifer Friedman
Paul and Emilie Salama-Caro P’29
Pavel Khodorkovskiy
Our family is impressed by what RCS does to support the kids' interests, in particular by giving our daughter the opportunity to see what the neurosurgery career track is like, and organizing the trip to the NY state math competition.
Philip Hall
Puja Malhotra
Rachel & Gary Kane
Rachel Horowitz
Rachel Klein
In honor of Mike Michelson
Ramon Rodriguez and Jennifer DeMelo P’27
Randy ’97 and Amanda Merkelson
Raz Rahman
Regina Krumholz
Reva Minkoff
Robby and Meredith Ohmes
Robert Goldman
Best school ever. Thanks for schooling me!
Robert Karofsky
In honor of Jackson, Madeleine and Andrew Karofsky
In honor of Jackson, Madeleine and Andrew Karofsky
Robert Leeds, III
Robert Mikesell ’95 and Sloane Schuster Mikesell ’95; P’28
Robert Swingle
Roberta MacIvor
Best community I have ever been a part of! Go Falcons!
Roberta Yuan & Terence Woolf
We love Riverdale!
Robin Alston
Robin Lynn
In honor of Judy Swig '66
Robin van Bokhorst and Marisa Rose van Bokhorst P’31
Robyn and Marc Landow
Rodney Cohen
Rodney Watts
The school’s commitment to diversity, and general awesomeness!
Romenesa Foundation
Rosalia & Richard Miller
We think Riverdale is the right school for Celine and Sebastian Hall, our grandchildren. It holds up our family's ideals. We like the way Riverdale knows and appreciates our grandchildren.
Roy Pulvers
Ryan and Adrienne Israel
Sam Herzfeld
Sam Herzfeld ’95
Sam Mestel
Samantha Resnik
Samuel Wollner
Sandeep Bidani and Nandita Sood P’26
Sandra Erazo
Sara Kutscher
Sarah Horne and Ethan Rosenthal
Scott and Emily Stackman P’35,’36
Scott and Sara Jacobs P’29,’34
Scott and Tiffany Miller
Seema Shah
Sheila and Tony Davidson
Shervin and Mariam Korangy P’26
Sonali Divilek
Sood Bidani Trust
Spencer Dickman
Stacey Kinnamon
Stephen and Kelly Mack
Stephen and Melissa Shapiro P’29
Sue Fleming
Sumit Roy and Reemah Sen
Susan Freyberg Wolfert
Susan Steinberg Stern
In honor of my forever RCS friends
Susan Trerotola & Nancy Mahon
Suzann Mockovak
Suzanne and Matthew Dickman
Here's to TB. My best friend for 47 years.
Tamara Stark
Tanya Zuckerbrot
Taylor Zakarin
Ted and Barbara Janulis
Terence Lam
Terri Austin
Terry Colliton
The Albuquerque Family
Go classes of 2034 and 2036!
The Greller Family
Thomas D'Addio and Rachel Klein
Thomas Remien
A wonderful school!
Tiffany and David Mendell
Tim Millar
Tim Sacks ’99 and Tracy Dansker ’06; P’37
Ting He
Tobie Lau
Todd & Jennifer Stone
Towanda Mathurin
Yes, we can!
Tracey McCallum
Tracy Sacks
Trevor Williams
Umit Kaya
Val Boreland
Vance & Mia Young
Vanessa Wittman
Vernon Mason
Victoria Goldman
Fantastic education and school spirit ❤️ RCS
Victoria Press
Viju & Shalini Vijayan
Viju Vijayan and Shalini Sankaranarayanan P’26
Wayne and Nancy Merkelson P’97,’00
Wei Wang
Wendy & Doug Topkis
Wendy Marks
For inspiring our children every day of every school year!
Wendy Wang
Weston and Gabby Gaddy
William DiBlasi
Wilson Collado
Xinyu Zhao
Yanru Yu
Yibing Lu
Yoon Sim
Yu & Alice Jiang Zhu
Yufeng Ding
Yunhong Liu
Yvonne Shelton
Zachary Landow
Zhilin Qin
In honor of Leo Chang 2022
Zhonghua Chang
In honor of Leo Chang 2022
Zhonghua Chang and Zhilin Qin P’22,’23
Zoe Williams
Alexandra ezra
Anna genoese
In honor of Marie Capasso
Catherine collins
Elizabeth elghanayan
James bussel
In honor of Harold Klue
he was a wonderful teacher in the way he left you alone and monitored you at the same time
Kara feigeles
Robert Swingle
Shanshan Xu
The children benefit from an excellent education, a beautiful campus, and faculty who strive to bring the best into the classroom.
Amazing community of learning
Go Falcons!
Thanks for all what you do for our children!
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Riverdale Country School
5250 Fieldston Road, Bronx, NY 10471
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