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Roncalli High School

Indianapolis, IN

Today is the Day to Give Like a Rebel

Tina Hayes, Director of Advancement

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (214)

All (214)
Justin Agresta
Julie Albertson
Sally & Dennis Anderson
Royce Antolin
Darla Coop Armbruster
Laura Armbruster
Tessa Asdell
Matthew Babb
Kevin Banich
Doug Bartram
David & Lisa Beckwith
Katie Billerman
Holly Bischoff
Tom '92 and Erin '94 Bohn
Rae Anne Brizendine
Daisy Brown
Chris Browning
In honor of Jack Halloran
Kimberly Buckley
Great day to be a Rebel!
Diane Cantwell
Suzanne Carr
Terese Carson
Roncalli has been such a wonderful place for me and my family. Thanks to all who make Roncalli such a special place.
Carrie Cassiero
Adam Cline
Lauren Cline
Tami Clouse
DJ & Ali Coffey
Go Rebels!
Tiffany Costley
Robert Cropper
Pat Crosley
Marty Davey
William Dever
In honor of William Dever Sr.
Jane Dias
In honor of Russell J. Dias
Betsy Doyle
Jeen Endris
John Erickson
In memory of Carla Erickson
Sam Erickson
In honor of Carla Erickson
Eileen & Laurent Euzen
James Feltz
Jenni Fletcher
Bart Fox
Tom Funk
Joe and Karen Gallagher
Joseph Gangstad
Go Rebels!
Curtis Garnett
Greg Gehring
In memory of Jake Laird
John Gibbons
Glad to help! I want those socks!
Joan Gibbons
Lynne Gorski
Timothy Greene
Mickey Greene
In honor of Max Greene
Kelly Gridley
Michael Haberthy
Love supporting our Rebels!!
Daniel Hammerschmitt
Quinn Harmon
Annie Harrell
Danny Hayes
Tina Hayes
Maggie Hayes R'26
Charleen Hayes
Vivie Hayes
Kristen Hayse
Jesse and Stacy Helmuth
In honor of Jeff Traylor
Megan Henry
Lacey Hersman
Augie and Katie Hibner
Jeremy and Jenni Hill
Go Rebels! The gymnasts will miss Bus 3. It was their favorite.
Lori Hofmann
Aaron and Jennifer Hollowell
Emily Hollowell
So grateful for the impact my Roncalli education continues to have on my life!! God bless!
Matt and Kari Hollowell
Tony Hollowell
What I liked most about the buses at Roncalli: I enjoyed the foam coming out of some of the seats, which looked like the corner from a WWF ring after being bitten by Hulk Hogan in a fit of rage.
Laura Hollowell
Roncalli has been a beacon of light in our world, fostering authentic growth and holiness in every student that walks through the doors. May God bless the work of Roncalli High School, and may she stay ever faithful to the Catholic Church.
Nathan and Jessica Hollowell
Go rebels!
Fr. John Hollowell
In honor of Dr. Joe and Diane Hollowell
Dan Hollowell
We’ll fight ahead for the blue, white and red!
Aaron Hommell
"...So come on let's vie for Roncalli High! Our alma mater..."
Karen Houser
Denise Joseph
Jennifer Kedra
Mandy Kessenich
Proud to be a Roncalli Rebel!!!
Larry & Janie Killion
Michelle Kincaid
Nicole Kirch
Cathy Kitchens
Janice Klaiber
In memory of Matthew Eckrich
Kevin Klaiber
In memory of Don & Rita Klaiber
Sarah Koors
In honor of Robbie Schutz
Therese Kosina
Rob Kratoska
Teresa Kruse
Amy Kuntz
Toni Layer
Ali Leffler
Go Rebels!
Seth Lindsey
Steve and Karen Looney
In honor of Joe Looney - Class of 1979
David and Marla Lutgring
Ray & Ann Mader
Shaun and Jessica Mahoney
Matt Mariutto
Lora Mascari
Jim & Melissa Maslar
Cathy Matis
Savannah Mays
Martina Mays
Marianne McCalip
Dr. Patrick and Mrs. Cassie McGill
Michael McKay
James Meer
Mike & Janet Merritt
Tricia Milto
Sue and Bill Mullen
Nelson & Amy Nettles
John and Toni Newett
Joey Newton
Tony Origer
Garrett Oursler
In memory of Grandma
Great to be a Roncalli Rebel!
In honor of Terese Carson
Lynn Phelps
Proud to support Roncalli
Christine Phillips
Kyla Poynter
Bernie Price
In honor of Dr. Jack Price
Mark & Jan R'86 Prince
Toby & Kathy Ramsay
Brittany Ratcliff
Beth Reel
Noah Resler
Michelle Roberts
Love those Show Choir gals!!
Jane Roesch
In memory of John R and Patty L Roesch
Sarah Rose
Allie Ross
Carla Russell
Donna Schmidt
Eric (‘91) & Angie (Lauck) ‘98 Schoettle
Always proud to be a Roncalli Rebel!
Jennifer and Cory Schornack
Ken & Ellen Shackleford
Ray Shelburn
In honor of John "Jack" Halloran '94
Lisa Shock
Olivia Sigler
Sydney Silcox
Jason Sims
Jill Sizemore
Jeffrey Small
Dorie Sonley
Mark Stratton
Jennifer Straumins
Chris Strykowski
Bobbi Terhune
Sharon Tolin
Angie Toner
Elizabeth Traylor
Marilyn Traylor
Isabella Traylor
Lydia Traylor
Charlotte Traylor
Jeff Traylor
Adam & Sara Trickle
In honor of Rosie Trickle- Class of 2037
Tony & Erin Turk
Danielle Turnak
Go Rebels!
Rachelle Vaught
Mark Wallem
Anthony and Linda Walters
Josh Webb
Chuck & Jane Weisenbach
Anne Welsh
Stefan Welsh
Marianne Whelchel
Marnie Widdifield
Audra Hillan Will
Laura Williams
Scott Williams
Stacy Wisler
Let’s go Rebels!
Robyn Witty
Eric and Amy Wolf
Anne Wolf
Julie Wray
Barb Young
Jennifer avery
Camille kauffeld
We will fight ahead!
Let's do this Rebels!
In honor of Bob Armbruster
Good luck. Drive safely

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Roncalli High School
Attn: Fran Davey, 3300 Prague Road, Indianapolis, IN 46227
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