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Roncalli High School

Indianapolis, IN

Loyal Royal Day of Giving 2024

Today is the day to be a Loyal Royal!

Tina Hayes, Director of Advancement

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (435)

All (435)
Justin and Shawna Agresta
Lisa and Marcus Agresta
Dianna Ahaus
Thank you for continuing to provide a safe environment for my current and future Royals to come!!
Matthew Ajamie
Roncalli gave me a great education and some of the best friends for life! I’m honored to still be connected to roncalli by helping coach the boys track team!
Julie Albertson
Paola Alejo
Phil Anderson
26 Years and I could not imagine serving at a better school.
Katie Anderson
Nicholas Andrews
In honor of Officer David S. Moore
Joe Annee
Mr. & Mrs. Antolin
Friends at CSO Architects
CSO is a proud supporter of Roncalli High School - Go Royals!
Joan Armbruster
Children, grandchildren & great grandchildren attended or attending now. 2 children are working there
Laura Armbruster
Tessa Antolin Asdell
Go Royals!
Chad and Katie Ash
Lisa Babb
Zach & Andi Rojas Baker
Proud to be loyal Royals!
Joe & Jeannie Banich
Keep up the good work, Kevin Banich!
Kevin and Audrey Banich
Nancy Barkley
Nic & Mo Barkley
We are blessed to be a part of the Roncalli Family!
Dan & Pam Bauer
Doug and Julie Bauman
Lori Beaupre
David & Annetta Beauregard
Kristine Becher
Thank you for the excellent education my kids obtained!
Liz Beer
Christopher Belch
Jessica Bell
Valerie Bendel
Rodney Bertram
Karen Bertram
In honor of Mary Ann Richter
My daughter is the Assistant Girls Basketball Coach and my son is a freshman.
Katie Killion Billerman
Teresa Billerman
Erin Bohn
In memory of John Carter R'74
Angela Boyle
In honor of Robert J. Boyle
Rose Timpe Branson
Mary Beth and Chris Branson
Sean and Jenifer Brown
In honor of Sean Laughlin
Chris & Amy Browning
In honor of Elaine Jerrell
Saint John 22rd, Pray for us.
John Buechler
Keep up the great work of molding future saints!
Diana Buxton
Janice Capezzuto
In honor of Karen Kortzendorf
My sister Karen and I received an excellent education at Roncalli. Best wishes to future graduates!
Ron Carr
Terese Carson
Go Royals!
Steven Carson
Educational excellence in a strong Christian environment
Sue Carter
Colin and Annie Christie
Marla Cissell
Jim Cissell
Jordan & Cecilia Click
Ryne Click
Leah Coffey
I am a future Royal, Class of 2040! Go Royals! I love Rowdie!
Tessa Coffey
I can't wait to be a Royal! I am the Roncalli class of 2038.
James Coffman
Patrick Collier
Tiffany Costley
Lauren Webb Craig
Grateful for the foundation and lifelong friendships Roncalli provided me! I can’t imagine my high school years any different. Go Royals!
Friends at O’Riley - Branson Funeral Service & Crematory
Tim Crissman
Jeremy and Christina Cromer
In memory of Steven R. Dillon
Pat Crosley
Nancy Curd
Jeff Curtis
Kelly Devine Curtis
Tommy Daeger
Matt & Amy Dafforn
Lee Ann Daly
In honor of Tommy Dicks and all the Class of '80 no longer with us.
Abby Davey
Marty and Fran Davey
John Davey
Annie Davey
Tony Davey
Michael Davey
Travis and Theresa Day
Keep the faith!
Mary Coffman Devore
Thanks for all you do to help push the students of the school. My family goes all the way back to Sacred Heart. My dad graduated in 1963 I believe. Me and my 9 siblings all went there. Some of my nieces and nephews past, present and more to come! Proud to be a part of the family!
Matt Dexter
Jane Dias
Joelle Dill
Catholic education helps parents instill God-given worth in his creation as well as moral foundation. Proverbs 22:6
Angela White and Matt Donovan
In honor of Fr. James Wilmoth
We are grateful for the academic and spiritual opportunities offered to our sons and the lifelong friendships they have built from their time at Roncalli.
Emily and Brad Dozier
Thank you faculty, staff, and coaches for all you do!
Bruce Dressman
Joe & Diane Dubord
Joe Dulworth
Rebel 4 life
Holly Eble
Dan and Beth Elsener
Charlie Elsener
Jeen & Brad Endris
Proud parent of a Class of 2024 and Class of 2020! Finish strong seniors!
Jessica Keller Engel
Roncalli is awesome! Thanks to everyone who has donated!!
Kyle Ethridge
Laurent & Eileen Euzen
Ronan Euzen
Raegan Evans
The Hartnett Family
Pat Hartnett and Family
The Newett Family
Ethan Newett 2018 Tyler Newett 2020 Ainsley Newett 2022 Casey Newett 2025 🙏🏼
Himes Family
Emily Dubord Feider
Brent Feldman
Michael Feltz
James and Lisa Feltz
Ken Fikes
Mark Fink
Gina Fleming
Ryan Flick
Bart and Christie Fox
Steven & Emily Freck
Amy Dawson Gandolph
Julie Gantner
Jenny Garro
Tim & Denise Gates
Rev. Stephen Giannini
Saint John XXIII pray for us!
Mike Gilley
Great school that cares about the success of there students
Eva T Gleixner
Ashley Gomez
Jennifer Goodnight
David Gorski
Joseph Grabczak
Mickey Greene
Lauren Greve
In honor of Vince Guerrini
Judith Grimes
Mike Watkins Real Estate Group
Jeff Gumerson
Grace Hageboeck
The SJS Raiders love our Roncalli Royal neighbors!
Clare Halfaket
Curtis Hall
Roncalli set my wife and myself up for a successful life.
Gary Halter
Regan Happe
Karly Harlan
Karen Harmas
Mike Harris
Ashley Bencik Hasse
Robert Hasty
In memory of Mrs Armbruster
Best wishes on this annual day of giving. Thinking of Mrs Armbruster and all the staff who work so selfishly to continue to make Roncalli High the premier Catholic school that it is.
Mark & Ann Hauser
Annabelle Hawk
Deana Haworth
Ellie Haydock
Tina & Danny Hayes
Cookie O'Connor Hayes
In honor of Tim & Kevin Hayes
Vivie Hayes
Christina Hayes
In honor of The Girls Soccer Team!!!
Maggie Hayes
In honor of In honor of the girls soccer team!
Randy Heckaman
David Heckman
Go Royals!
Mike Hehmann
Kyle & Amy Heidelberger
Ben and Nancy Carson Hermann
Olga Herrera
John Herrick
Lacey Hersman
In honor of Roncalli Girls Soccer
Go Royals!
Augie & Katie Hibner
Tyler Hicks
Jeremy Hill
Kaitlan Hinesley
I love my students!
Susan Hoereth
In honor of Della Hoereth
Matt Hollowell
Emily Hollowell
Joe & Diane Hollowell
In honor of Terese Carson
God bless the Roncalli Family!
Rebecca Holm
Thank you for all you do!
David Holmes
Aaron and Caroline Hommell
Jody Horton
Barry Howard
Jerry and Mary Ann Hubbs
In memory of Pete Swartz
Joe & Nikki Huff
Tim & Shelley Huffman
Tara Hupp
Brian & Agena Hurrle
Raymond Seguin II
Tony & Kristen Ianni
Ashley Irwin
Aaron and Jill Irwin
David and Ja-Deen Johnson
Amy Jordan
Denise Joseph
Jennifer Kennedy Kedra
Roncalli does excellent working preparing kids for life. Academic excellence is just a small portion of what they learn. I am most proud of the faith based, Christ centered learning encountered in every area of Roncalli.
Kyle Kedra
Sammie Kegerreis
Elsie Kerr
Ri Khuma
Mark and Teresa Kirkhoff
Jim & Emily Kitchens
Cathy Kitchens
Kevin & Janice Klaiber
Jason Klee
Maggie Doyle Klene
Jennifer Kobylarz
Go Royals!!
Andy Kocher
Pauline Koehler
Frank Kolisek
Rob and Katie Kratoska
Steve Kritzmire
Outstanding Organization run by outstanding people teaching outstanding young adults.
Anne Kruer
Joni Kuhn
Debra Ladyman
David Lauck
Dan, Katie Lauck
Brian Lauck
Go Royals! Go Rebels, class of ‘95!
Judd Lawrie
Lets Go!
Anna Marie Lawrie
Emma Lawrie
Stan and Karen Lawrie
In memory of Doug Lawrie
Judson Lawrie
Caren LeMark
I am so honored to be entrusted with teaching the best kids ever! Thank you Roncalli parents!
Nate and Ali Leffler
Sophia Lewis
Angela Lewis
Brad Long
Stephen Looney
In memory of Joe Looney
David and Marla Lutgring
Sarah Hughett Lux
Marty & Kathleen Hayes Lynch
In memory of Katie Lynch
Aura Lee Swiezy Lyons
In memory of Tom Swiezy
Jeff & Kim Mader
John Maloney
Angela Maly
Jonathon Maple
In honor of Principal Kevin Banich
Holly Mappes
David Mappes
I support those at Roncalli trying to make a positive impact like Mr. Weisenbach!
Amy Marack
Emily Marten
Lora Smith Mascari
In honor of all of my Roncalli Family!
Jeff Mason
Cathy Matis
Nanette Matney
Shane Matthews
Austin Mattingly
Shannon McClard
Dr. Patrick and Mrs. Cassie McGill
Proud to be a Royal Family! 👑
Julie McGuire
Proud to be a Royal!
Angie McHugh
Ryan McQuillan
Linda Sergi Melton
Janet Merritt
So grateful for RHS!
Emily Miller
Timothy Miller
Nathan and Brittni Miller
M Miller
Maggie Mills
Phil Milroy
Jenny Driscoll Mirkovich
Pete Molloy
Dolan Monroe
Brittany Moran
Mike & Andrea Morelli
Hannah Morgan
Rick and Julia Morwick
Lindsay Schluge Mullen
Susan Mullen
Wayne & Chris Nelis
Margaret Carrico Nelson
Sam Neu
Andy and Linda Niewedde
Lori Noble
So thankful for Roncalli and everything the teachers, staff, coaches and community has done for our kiddos over the years!
Benjamin North
Derek O'Connor
Stephanie Okerson
Douglas Opel
In memory of Mallory & Meredith Opel
Come on Royals! ❤️💙
Jennifer Oskins
Kristel Owen
Kathy O’Connor
Go Royals!!!
I loved Roncalli when my children were there and now my grandson is a Royal. I am proud to support Roncalli and the wonderful people who make it a great school.
Sheila Padgett
In memory of Jim and Judy Padgett
Jane Patterson
In honor of Terese Carson
Fred and Lynn Patton
Keep up the great work!
Patti Peats
In honor of Bob Peats - grandfather
Alex Perez
Jim & Betsy Perkins
Valerie Carter Perry
Pete Piazza
Kara Pickering
In honor of the Cromer kids… Luke, Jacob & Gracie
Jessica Pierle
In memory of Patty and Ishu Khan
Jason Pinkstaff
Jane Pittman
Sophie Podgorski
Jacob & Maggie Pollard
Tim Puntarelli
Happy to have devoted my life to Roncalli and Catholic Education. The spirit of John XXIII is still alive there and his presence is still felt. Kids are still happy and thriving. Continues to be a safe, loving place for kids to grow. I would choose my career there all over again. Go Royals!
Tom Quinlin
Michelle Radomsky
Amanda Rail
Toby & Kathy 95 Ramsay
Elizabeth Bowers Ratliff
Bill Reardon
Beth Reel
Curtis Reeser
Peggy Reeves
Julie Tolin Reilly
Erin Reilly
Israel Reyes
Jeff Richardson
Greatest highschool ever!
Shaun Richardson
Gregory Roberts
We love Roncalli!!
Fr. Bob Robeson
Sarah Rose
Allie Ross
Paul Rossman
Sara Killion Schad
Colleen Schade
Jim Schafer
Kaleb Schlatter
Giving a little back to a place that's given me o much.
Evan Schludecker
Mark Schmalz
That I won't burn in hell.
Amy Schoettle
Angie & Eric Schoettle
❤️ 💙 Go Royals! !
Will and Claire (Curtis) Schott
Grateful for this school, its staff, and its retreat program that supported, shaped, and brought us together. Go Rebels, Go Royals!
Scott and Kathy Lauck Schreiber
Maria Schroeder
Charlotte & Stan Schutz
In honor of Robbie Schutz
Bruce Scifres
Roncalli was a wonderful place to work for 30 years, and an awesome school for our 4 kids to graduate from! Without question, God’s work is done there every day!!
Kerry Scott
In honor of Derek Scott
This school has had a great positive influence for my grandson.
Francis Sergi
In memory of Trish Sergi
Joseph & Jill Sering
Ellen Shackleford
It's an amazing school!
Ray Shelburn
Cassandra Shell
Jefferson Shreve
Deborah Shutta
Great School!!!! Our grandkids are so blessed to attend such an excellent school!!! such an ex education
Jodi Silcox
Ken Sitzman
Dave Sloan
Jeff Small
Julie Sommers
Let's go ROYALS!!!
Nancy Sowers
Dick & Michele Stafford
Daniel Stahl
They are a pillar of Catholic education in our community and produce some of the brightest and most ethical leaders for our community.
Melissa Stahley
Scott Stewart
Mark Stratton
Gerard and Kim Striby
Justin Sufan
Joe Swan
In honor of Jeffrey Swan
Erin Rainey Sweet
Aaron Sweet
Chris Swiezy
Go Roncalli!
Jason Taulman
Chip & Lori Taylor
Go Royals!
Dennis Terry
In honor of Betty M Terry
Ed and Mindy Thorne
Sharon Armbruster Tolin
Cole Toner
Angie & Dave Toner
Nick ‘02 and Natalie Agresta ‘02 Torres
In honor of Marilyn Miles
IHO Mrs Marilyn Miles
J Marcos & Lori Torres
Chris & Katy Treadwell
Tony Turk
Layla Uberta
Amber Underwood
Christy Vavra
Jeff Veldhof
In honor of Dylan Koglin
Greg Wagner
Anthony Walters
Go Royals!
Michael Wantz
Paul and Cammy Ward
Catholic education important to us and our children
April Waters
Julie Watson
Jo Watt
In honor of Catholic school teachers
Rock Solid Hardscapes Larry Webb
Tracy Weed
Chuck & Jane Weisenbach
Roncalli continues to transform the lives of young people as it has for over 100 years dating back to our start as Sacred Heart Central.
Max Weisenbach
Tom & Theresa Theresa Redmond Weisenbach
In honor of Megan Ann Weisenbach
Incredible school doing phenomenal things with young adults daily!
Michael Weisenbach
In honor of Robert J. Weisenbach
Theresa Wells-Ditton
Stefan Welsh
Michelle Wenzel
Jamin and Angela Wernke
Gregory Wheatley
Carrie Wheeler
Paul White
Eileen Wilkerson
In honor of Kenny Wilkerson
Audra Hillan Will
Laura Williams
Jeffrey Wilson
Josh Wolford
Margaret Workman
Fr. Tim Wyciskalla
Go Royals!
Brandi Young
Mary Jo Lynch Zajeski
Maureen Zimmerman
John click
Werner family
Anne neitzke
Lindsay perry
Gary m steigerwald
Victor szczechowski
Mike tully
In memory of Jason Codarmaz
In honor of Grace Hovanec
Keep up the good work!
My kids have enjoyed going to Roncalli. There are many opportunities for spiritual, intellectual and social growth at Roncalli. My kids have grown in all areas.
Thank you, Roncalli, for all the support for past and present students and families
In honor of Kenny and Adam Boehm

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