Loyal Royal Day of Giving 2025
Today is the day to be a Loyal Royal!
Supporters across the USA
Supporters (491)
All (491)
Erin Tartaglia (Madden)
AJ Ablog
Jason Adams
Lisa Agresta
Justin Agresta
Kristin Ahaus
Julie Albertson
Matthew Albrecht
Paola Alejo
Eddie Alfred
Jenna Alspaugh
In memory of Bob Kirkhoff
Phillip Anderson
Katie Anderson
Nick Andrews
In honor of David S. Moore
Matthew Anglemeyer
Joe Annee
Jennifer Annee
Laura Armbruster
In honor of ~R~ grama, Anne Armbruster
Philip & Connie Arnold
Drs. Tessa ‘80 and Steve Antolin Asdell
Chad Ash
Jennifer Avery
Andi Rojas Baker
Grateful for Roncalli & the wonderful work they do!
Kevin & Audrey Banich
Geraldine Banister
Nic & Mo Barkley
Tom & Penny Barrett
Kara Bastida
Daniel & Pamela Bostic Bauer
Doug and Julie Bauman
Joe & Andrea Baumann
George Bean
Class of 2025!
Kristine Becher
Lisa Beckwith
Liz Beer
Kory Bell
Nancy Bemis
In honor of Elaine Jerrell
Ryan and Jaclyn (Bevis) Berger
Ron and Karen Mohr Bevis
Thanks for being Roncalli!
Erin Bohn
In honor of John, Teresa, and Kevin Carter
Rose Timpe Branson
Chris & Mary Beth Branson
Go Royals!
Mark & Estelle Britner
In memory of Anne Armbruster
Chris & Amy Browning
In memory of Elaine JerrellGo Rebe.....I mean ROAYLS!
Chris Browning
Michael Browning
Matt Buchmeier
Katie Carson Buckles
Jeff Buckley
In honor of Jim Padgett
David Burton
We love the community-based feel of Roncalli. I coach football, and we love the education our boys have gotten at St. Roch!
Diana Buxton
Christina Cadwallader
John Cahill
Edward Cahill
In honor of The Cahill Family Friendship Club
Loree Cardenas
We love the Roncalli family!
Julie Carpenter
Ron Carr
STACY Carrigan
Terese Carson
Let's go Royals!!!!!!!
Sue Carter
Brent Carver
Melissa Castillo
Colin and Annie Christie
Jim Cissell
Kelly Clark
Janet Clements
Bill Cobb
Leah Coffey
I will be in the Class of 2040! My GiGi works there! Go Royals!
Tessa Coffey
I will be in the Roncalli Class of 2038! My GiGi works there! Go Royals!
Matthew Coffey
I will be in the Roncalli Class of 2043! My GiGi works there! Go Royals!
DJ & Ali Coffey
Go Royals! ❤️💙
Joe Coffman
In honor of Sharon Coffman
Patrick & Dawn Collier
Liam Collier
Tim Crissman
In memory of Pat Crissman
Pat Crosley
Lani Cummings
It was my experience in the 23 years of working there that whatever was the best for the students was always taken as the most important part of a solution to any problem.
Nancy Russell Curd
Tommy Daeger
Matthew Dafforn
Jed & Amy Dant
Greg & Allison Clark Dant
In honor of Roncalli Basketball, Volleyball and Wrestling programsIn memory of Dennis Stephenson
Abby Davey
Marty and Fran Davey
Go Royals!!
Bill Davis
In honor of John "Jack" E DavisRoncalli has made a difference in me and my family lives.
Zandra K Deardorff
Kenny Deer
Andrew & Miriam Diez
Angela Dim
Blessed to be a part of Roncalli family. Keep up the good works.
Monica Dodson
Angela White and Matt Donovan
Joe and Diane Dubord
Kevin Banich is the reason we give. Awesome principal!
Jon Durrett
Holly Eble
Stephen and Angela Eckhart
Charles Elsener
Jeen Endris
God bless the Roncalli family! Go Royals!
Jessica Keller Engel
In honor of Walter Patrick
Eileen & Laurent Euzen
Raegan Evans
Mark Evans
Flynn Family
The Kruer Family
Summers Family
John Dickey Family
Dominic Fanelli
Amanda Farris
Barry Feldman
Brent Feldman
Debbie Feltman
Deborah Fey
Nathan Fishel
Excellent school and education
Sophie Fitzgerald
Drew Fleming
Ryan Flick
Maximilian Flynn
Malone Flynn
Miles Flynn
Bart Fox
Steven & Emily Freck
Julie Gantner
Lee and Sandy Garrett
Amy Garro
Jenny Garro
Timothy Gates
Larry Gehle
In honor of Terese CarsonRoncalli has been a great place for our family!
Rev. Stephen Giannini
Saint Pope John XXIII pray for us!
Joan Gibbons
Kelly Gibson
Mike Gilley
Great school that cares about the students
Emma Lawrie Goldenberg
David Gorski
Michelle Goss
David Grannan
Eileen Brady Green
Mickey Greene
Ben Grimes
Marilyn Gutierrez
In honor of Celebrating my 17th Kidneyversary
Olivia Mays Gutzwiller
Mike Haberthy
Grace Weisenbach Hageboeck
Daniel Hammerschmitt
Samuel Hansen
Go Royals!!
Regan Happe
Karly Harlan
Robin Bartram Andrews Hartkorn
In memory of David Bartram and Karl Andrews R’79
Robin Bartram Andrews Hartkorn
In memory of David Bartram and Karl Andrews R’79Forever missed! Go Rebels/Royals!
Ashley Bencik Hasse
Jason Hasty
Barb Hatfield R'78
Sara Hawk
Deana Haworth
Go Royals!
Ellie Haydock
Danny & Tina Hayes
Lisa Hayes
Kristen Annee Hayse
Patrick Heckman
David Heckman
Proud Roncalli alum!
Mike Hehmann
Amy Heidelberger
Matt & Allison Heinekamp
Daniel Heinrich
Ben and Nancy Carson Hermann
Romie Hersman
Go Royals!
Lacey Hersman
Grateful to be a part of this Roncalli Family! Go Royals!
Augie & Katie Hibner
Tyler Hicks
Jeremy Hill
Katy Hinesley
Erin Hobbs
Anthony Hoereth
Emily Hollowell
In honor of Olivia Hollowell, Class of '29
Matt Hollowell
In honor of Bruce ScifresGo Royals and thanks to Coach Scifres for your years of bringing young men and women closer to Christ.
Jody Horton
Barry Howard
Jerry and Mary Ann Hubbs
In honor of Pete Swartz
Tara Hupp
Kevin Hurley
Angie Huxley
Raymond Seguin II
Matthew & Sandy Iaria
Aaron and Jill Irwin
Krista Jaffe
Michelle Funke Jagielo
In honor of The Funke FamilyWhat a blessing Roncalli has been to my life. Thank you, Roncalli. Go Royals!
Greg Jansen
David and Ja-Deen Johnson
Karen Jones
Andrea Cox Jones
Brian and Amy Jordan
Denise Joseph
Don M. Doney Jr
Stacy Kappes
Katherine Karres
Emily Kazmierzak
Kyle Kedra
Great sport memories and practices in the gym.
Elsie J Kerr
In memory of William K KerrGreat school. Great opportunities tgere.
Elsie J Kerr
In memory of William K KerrGreat school. Many opportunities.
Mandy Jaffe Kessenich
Proud to be a Roncalli Rebel/Royal! ❤️🤍💙
Janie Pich Killion
Cathy Howard Kitchens
Jason Klee
Jennifer Kobylarz
Mike & Jane Kocher
Andy and Jen Kocher
Sarah Koors
Many family members attended Roncalli and my grandson Ethan Lentz is currently a junior.
Blair Kriner
Steve &Stacy Kritzmire
In honor of The hard working faculty of this proud school.The tremendous efforts of the leaders of this school.
Connor Kuntz
Amy & Joe Kuntz
Tricia Kunz
Go Royals!
TJ LaMarca
Nina LaRouche
Brian Lauck
Go Royals/Rebels!
Louie and Chris Lauck
Lori Lauck
Wendy & Judd Lawrie
Emily Lehner
Anthony Lemus
Kendell Lett
Erin Lewis
Angela Lewis
Sarah Ley
McKenzie Liegibel
Patty Liegibel
Brad Long
Good luck on the Campaign!
Steve Looney
Andrew Luck
Duane Lutgring
In honor of Mary Jean LutgringThinking about my Mom and the sacrifices that my parents made sending all 7 of their kids to wonderful RHS! 😀
Sean Lynch
Aura Lee Swiezy Lyons
In memory of Anna Marie and Tom Swiezy
Jeff & Kim Mader
Happy to support the ongoing mission of Roncalli High School!
Angela Maly
Thang Mun Mang
Here’s a grammatically corrected version of your sentence: "Thank you for allowing me to be a member of Roncalli High School in 2025. By: Thang Muan Kim"
Jeff Manley
Jonathon Maple
In honor of Banich Family
Jonathon Maple
In honor of Hibner Family
Amy Marack
Amie Martens
Jeff Mason
Shannan Masten
This is the community I spend most of my time with and it has changed my life for the better. Much love & Go Royals!!!!
Bridget Matzinger
Erin Maurer
Jennifer Fowler McBride
Shannon McClard
Brian & Mary McCoy
Robin McCurdy
Kip McDonald
Jennifer Underwood McGee
Dr. Patrick and Mrs. Cassie McGill
Roncalli has been a blessing to our family! ❤️🦁 👑 💙
Briggs McGill
Adelaide McGill
Proud to be a Roncalli Alumna! ❤️ ⚽️
Reese McGinsie
In honor of George McGinsieThe greatest true family and support group there is. This is in honor of my father but in honor of all that this school has done for my family. Thank you.
Chris McGinsie
Julie McGuire
Angela McHugh
Viviana McQuillan
Mary Michalak
Nathan Miller
Emily Miller
M Miller
Maggie Mills
Phil Milroy
Courtney Delaney Mink
Angela Minor
In memory of Shane Minor
Dolan Monroe
Scott Monteith
Anna Marie Moore
Brittany Moran
Mike Morelli
Janel and Brad Mosburg
Ben Moser
Jesse Moses
Go Royals!
Robert Mountel
Patrick and Lindsay Mullen
In honor of Bill Mullen
Susan Mullen
Peggy Murphy
Jim Naumovich
Marie Wood Neari
In memory of Nick and Kathleen Iaria
Wayne Nelis
Teresa Nielsen
Evan Norris
Benjamin North
Michael O'Brien
Derek O'Connor
Agresta, Storms & O'Leary
BJ Oconnor
Angela Bartram Oechsle
Jessica Ohime
Stephanie Okerson
Douglas and Julie Bartram Opel
In honor of Mallory and Meredith OpelOur half a century affiliation with Roncalli is one of our many blessings. So many great memories from that original gym. Truly a life-full of memories that we will all cherish forever!
Tony and Brenda Origer
Go Royals!!!
Clay and Jennifer Oskins
We have been blessed to be part of the Roncalli community. It has given our children the foundation of faith and purpose. ❤️🤍💙✝️
Susan Oslos
Michael Oslos
Jim Otley
Kristel Owen
I am very thankful for Roncalli, both as my employer and as a wonderful school and environment for my own children!
I am the parent of three Rebels and now a grandparent of a Royal. Thank you Roncalli for all you do!
Sheila Padgett
Erin Patrick
In honor of Wally Patrick '91
Jane Patterson
In honor of The Coffey FamilyIn honor of a beautiful Christian family!
Julie Perolio
Lindsay Perry
Mike & Patty Perry
Kristin Petty
Timothy Phelps
Michael Phillips
Kara Pickering
Greg Pierle
Jason Pinkstaff
Marci Pittman
Jacob Pollard
Robbie Prather
Grateful for Roncalli, for the wonderful memories made there, and for the great work all there continue to do!
Toby & Kathy (Russell) Ramsay
Brian Ramsey
Beth Reel
Erin Reilly
Julie Tolin Reilly
Go royals!
Israel Reyes
It is a great school to be in
Melinda Richardson
Michelle Richardson
Ashley Stephenson Ripperger
In honor of My dad, Dennis StephensonIn memory of Dennis Stephenson❤️💙
Michelle Roberts
We love being a part of the Roncalli family!!
Daniel Rojas
Go Royals!
Dave and Sarah Rose
Allie Ross
Paul Rossman
Denise Lani Pascual Rusiniak
Carla Russell
Sara Killion Schad
James Schafer
In honor of Charles and Agnes Schafer
Amy Schoettle
Angie & Eric Schoettle
Always priud to be a Roncalli Rebel/Royal! ❤️💙
Joe and Bonnie Schott
Stephen Schott
Maria Schroeder
Robert J Schroeder
Patrick Schubach
Denise Schweers
Roncalli is an excellent school and deserves our support.
Amber Seibert
Joseph & Jill Sering
Mary Sheets
Ray and Jenny Shelburn
Bill & Sheryl Sherman
Marcus Shutta
Adrienne Price Simmons
I absolutely loved my time at Roncalli. I grew up there with my mom teacher there well before I went to school there. Upon college graduation I came back to coach. Now I’ve raised my children here, attending camps and a variety of events, in preparation for them to attend to Roncalli in a few years.
Jill Sitzman
David Sloan
Jeff Small
David Smith
Aaron Smith
Julie Sommers
Go Royals!!!
Collin Sonderman
Nancy Sowers
Kimberly Stabelfeldt
Katie Stafford
Sean Stahl
In honor of Noriko StahlIn memory of Noriko StahlRoncalli has helped me grow inside and outside of the classroom. As I wrap up my senior year I look back to all the different times Roncalli has supported me throughout my high school career. The Roncalli community supported me during my darkest days and I feel called to give back somehow now.
Daniel Stahl
In honor of Noriko Stahl
Melissa Stahley
Kyle Stephenson
Britney Stephenson
In honor of Dennis Stephenson
Patricia Wohlhieter Stephenson
In memory of Dennis Stephenson/Honorary Alumni
Mark Stratton
In memory of Monica Q. Stratton
Justin Sufan
Joe Swan
In honor of Jeffrey Swan
Jason Taulman
Nancy Taylor
Lori Taylor
In memory of Coach Bob Kirkhoff
Dan Taylor
Susie Schoettle Thornburg
Edward Thorne
Brian Tolin
Sharon Armbruster Tolin
Angela Toner
Cole Toner Toner
J Marcos & Lori Torres
Nick and Natalie Torres
In honor of Marilyn Miles -- the legendary RHS English teacher!IHO Marilyn Miles -- the legendary RHS English teacher!
Jeff and Elizabeth Traylor
Emily Tredway
Laura Trumble
Tony & Erin Turk
Lisa Tyler
Thanks Roncalli for all you do.
Layla Uberta
Amber Underwood
Kate Vannoy
Mark Vaught
Jeff Vaught
Jeff Vaught
A great institution. Happy that my children have attended.
Esteban Velez
Roncalli always has our support. 🙏🏼
Rebecca Jansen Wade
Andrea Wagner
Ethan Wagner
Rebels Forever
Greg Wagner
Anthony Walters
Annie Wang
Michael and Abby Wantz
In honor of Mel Wantz and his continued love of Roncalli Basketball
Julie Watson
Love this school!
Gerald Weber
It's a great school.
Max Weisenbach
Tom & Theresa Weisenbach
Theresa and I challenge the RHS classes of '82 and '85 to make some level of donation and support the Royal Day of Giving!
Charles Weisenbach
Jacob Weisenbach
Go Royals!
Stefan Welsh
Michelle Wenzel
Jamin and Angela Wernke
02 02 000002
Marilynn and Jim Wernke
Michelle Wethington
Jay Wetzel
Gregory Wheatley
Paul White
Todd Whitney
Looking forward to the Roncalli journey!
Jeannemarie Wilczynski
Amee Wildey
Alex & Audra Will
Mark Willsey
Sandy Wilson
Jeffrey Wilson
Dave & Anne Wolf
Kim Wong
Doug Wyciskalla
Sophie Young
Go Royals Girls Soccer!
Brandi Young
In honor of the class of 2025!
Bill reardon
Gary steigerwald
We have 3 generations of Chartrand/Roncalli graduates hoping for 4
Mary Jo zajeski
In Memory of my mom, Rose Marie Strack Lynch ~ Sacred Heart High School
Jordan Click & Cecilia Click (Torres) R ‘03
Roncalli has been good to me. Through Roncalli, God has been so incredibly good to me. Time to give back.
I love the Roncalli students--it is an honor to spend each day with them!
Proud to be a part of Roncalli
Roncalli will always be a place that I cherish in my heart. I hope others there right now do so, and I hope future Roncalli goers truly experience this life of Catholicism and Life Prep with much fervor and curiosity.
In honor of Robert J. Boyle
In honor of Bob Tully
Roncalli molds fine contributors to society.
In honor of Duffy FarrellIt's about the people and relationships...past, present and future.