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Roncalli High School

Indianapolis, IN

Roncalli High School Walkathon

Rebels - Walk This Way!

Tina Hayes, Director of Advancement

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (1,218)

All (1,218)
Bob Acton
Jennifer Acton
Tony Acton
Sam Agresta
Julie Albertson
Melissa Allard
Amy Allen
Amy Allen
Jennifer Allen
Patrick Allen
Nicole Amodeo
Nicole Amodeo
Frank Anderson
Anne Armbruster
Connie Arnold
Rhonda Asher
Karen Aton
Lisa Babb
John Bacon
In honor of Sarah England
John Bacon
In honor of Sarah England
Becky Baker
Becky Baker
Lori Baker
Betty Bardonner
Julie Bardonner
Andrea Barger
Karen Barker
Carlos Basto
Gina Battiston
Phillip Beaver
Elizabeth Beer
Elizabeth Beer
Amy Belden
Anissa Benich
Anissa Benich
Stephani Benitez
Anne Benson
Allen & Jeannette Berger
Mike Berger
Mary Kay Bishop
Catherine Black
Brenda Blanchard
Roxana Blandford
Mary Bobko
Douglas Bognar
Douglas Bolen
Jay Boring
Lurainia Bosley
Joy Bosley
Heather Van Bree
John Brockman
Jennifer Brooking
Sean Brown
Larry Buckel
John Buechler
George Buening
Margaret Buening
In honor of Ray Buenibg
Jenette Buening
In honor of Ray Buening
Clayton Bullock
Shawna Burch
Michelle Butts
Vicki Caldwell
Good luck and congrats on your efforts. Mike & Vicki Caldwell
Matt & Ashley Caldwell
Nick& Lisa Caldwell
Nick & Lisa Caldwell
Julie & Jason Callis
Go Olivia!!
Diane Cantwell
Diane Cantwell
Flora Jane Carie
Heather Carpenter
Go Ansley!
Stacy Carrigan
Carrie Casserio
Tony Cassiero
Rita Casteel
Cathy Choi
Kennedy Clan
Kennedy Clan
Gary & Sandy Clark
Joanne Cleary
Janet Clements
Tami Clouse
Dant Insurance Co.
ED Jessie Cobb
Jill Cole
Jerry Comer
Blue Chip Consultants
Don Cooke
Linda Cooksey
Tracy Corbett
Mandy Cothron
Jerry Cothron
Mandy Cothron
Gotta Have it Courier
Norwood Craig
James Craig
Peggy Cunningham
John Curry
Kelly Curtis
Theresa Cushing
Brian and Besso Davey
Theresa Day
Jamie Dees
James DellaRocco
Rosemary Delph
Sarah Denk
Jane Dias
Thomas Dietz
Mark Doerr
Joe & Hannah Doku
Kathleen Dolengo
Cindy Doninger
Matthew Donovan
Lucy Doyle
Patricia Doyle
Mark Doyle
Mark Doyle
Robin Eads
Cathy Eaken
Holly Eble
Cordelia Eble
Christina Eble
Diana Ebling
John Edington
In memory of Vera Jo Edington
Kendra Eldridge
Sherri Ell
Barbara Emmack
Judy England
Eileen Euzen
Jean and Randy Ezell
Joann Farris
Amanda Farris
Lisa Fath
Disne Feder
Diane Feder
Go Rebels!!!
Lynn Ferguson
Adrianne Ferguson
Lynn Ferguson
Amy Filis
Rebekah Findley
Phyllis Fleischer
Jenni Fletcher
Daniel Fowler
Jennifer Fox
Susan Fry-Pedersen
Chad Fuhrman
Joel Gallagher
William Gallagher
Kathleen Gallagher
Joseph Gangstad
Julie Gantner
Julie Gantner
Curt Garnett
Christina Geibel
Ashleigh Geier
Nancy George
Tyler Gesse
Larry Gesse
The Sisters Gibbs
John Gibson
Kelly Gilles
Barbara Gilley
Christina Gilley
Patricia Gleitz
Diane Glithero
Laurie Goebel
In honor of Kathy Peach
Cecile Gonzalez-Cerimele
Daniel Goodman
Hilda Goodman
Emily Goodman
Jennifer Goodnight
Erin Gore
Amanda Graves
Bill Green
Magdalene Green
The Waymire Group
Jennifer Gudat
Kathleen Haberthy
Beth Haggenjos
Clare Halfaker
Elizabeth Hall
In honor of Michael Hall
Mary Hall
In honor of Michael Hall
Deb Hallberg
Maura Hamilton
In honor of Donald Challis
Daniel Hammerschmitt
R. Hannon
Gina Hansen
Annie Harrell
Go Rebels!
Brent Hastings
In memory of Edward Hastings
Madonn Hasty
Lori Hawkins
Kristen Hayse
Michael Hehmann
Michael Hehmann
Judy Heidelberger
Erick Heinrich
Megan Henry
Heidi Herndon
Heidi Herndon
Susie & Jim Higgins
Love you! Grandma & Grandpa
Carla Hill
Erin Hobbs
In honor of Donald M Challis II
Good Luck Isabelle! Live your best life!
Mark & Becky Holm
Theresa Hooten
Amy Houtz
Therese Houze
Greg Hranec
Steve Hurrle
In honor of Barbara Hurrle
Ruth Hurrle
Chris Hurrle
Go Hurrle Rebels!
Ruth Hurrle
Tricia Huth
Sandy Iaria
Dunbar Carpentry Inc
Queen's Inc.
Laura Irmer
William Irwin
Michael Jackson
Amy Jordan
Tony Kaelin
Mary Kappes
Mary Kappes
Betsy Kappes
Camille Kauffeld
James Kedra
Leigh-Ann Kellams
Keri Kelley
Nancy Kidwell
In honor of The Russell Rebels
Raechel Kill
Tammy Killin
Michelle Kincaid
Susan Kinkade
Robert Kinkade
Teresa Kirkhoff
Patty Kirkman
Joan & Paul Kjeldsen
Tracey Kloss
Good Luck with your Walkathon Gman - we know you will do great!!! We are so proud of you!! Love Tracey, Tim & Tyler!
Barb Koller
Steve Kritzmire
Amanda Kuehr
Jane Kuhn
Proud of you, Emma.
Shelley Kuzmic
Adam Kyle
Amazing Breakfast LLC
Susan Ladd
James Ladd
Go Rebels!!!!!!!!!!!
Mary Lady
Come on family let's get these pledges in .
Esther Law
Kimberly LeMasters
Carolyn Leffler
Nate Lewis
Amy Lezon
Christopher Limaco
Stephanie Littell
Amy Long
Jeff Lowry
Kate Lucy
Go get ‘em Lou
Dan Lutgring
Timothy Luttrell
Timothy Luttrell
Timothy Luttrell
Mike Lux
Tricia MIlto
Kim Mader
Kim Mader
Christina Madriz
Beth Mahin
Beth Mahin
Shaun and Jessica Mahoney
Margaret Maloney
David Maloney
Heather Mandel
Matthew Markins
Lisa Marshall
Nathan Marshall
Ann Marsicek
Lisa Mattingly
Robert Mayhugh
Cheryl McAllen
Marianne McCalip
Deborah McCullen
Donna McElwain
Donna McElwain
Patrick McGill
Linda McGinnis
Sean McGraw
Michael McKay
Laura McLinn
Jennifer McNeeley
Megan Mcginley
Shannon Mears
Paul Meek
Paul Meek
Kellie Meer
Kellie Meer
Cint Meinerding
Victoria Meinerding
Victoria Meinerding
Kimberly Mellene
Linda Sergi Melton
Robert Mercuri
C. Mescall
Connie Metts
Sally Middleton
Michelle Mina
Michelle Mina
Steven Minor
Memaw & Minya
Go Noah!
Mary Moody
Jeff and Polly Moore
In honor of William Moore
Davidq Moran
Doris More
Laurel Murphy
Brenda Murphy
Brenda Murphy
Kristy Muse
Anne Neitzke
Sarah Nelson
Jim Nelson
Proud of you Maddy!
Sarah Nelson
Jim Nelson
Proud of you Ava!
Nelson & Amy Nettles
AJ Neu
AJ Neu
James Newett
James Newett
Samuel Nichols
Daniel Noone
Daniel Noone
David Nowak
Debbie Nuckols
Virginia O'Brien
Jennifer Ochoa
Karen Oddi
Hoping for good weather for your walk!
Karen Oddi
Andrea Oddi
In honor of Charles Dale Franke
So proud of my niece Emily L.! 😘
Julie Oelschlager
Brenda Origer
Beth Orsay
Carolyn Oursler
In memory of Papaw Oursler
Keep up the great work! My grandson loves Roncalli!
Mary Oursler
In memory of Mom and Dad Vollmer
Theresa PageKress
Zai Par
Wally Patrick
Erin Patrick
Ron Paul
Christopher Paynter
Karen/Jim Perkins
Jim Perkins
Christopher Berger and Gaetan Pettigrew
Katherine Pfeffer
Go get em!!
Judy Phillips
In honor of George Phillips
Thank you for educating my granddaughter!
Christine Phillips
Andi Pierce
Andi Pierce
Pink Pots
Tonya Poynter
Kelly Prather
Joseph Prather
Heather Prentice
Kennedy Prentice
Sue Prewitt
Mackenzie Purvis
Jesse Purvis
Keith Pyle
Diane Quinlin
Tom Quinlin
Go Rebels!
Innovative Slots Racers
Eric and Amanda Rail
Patricia Ralston
Patricia Ralston
Kathy Ramsay
Toby Ramsay
Kathleen Ramsey
Deborah Randsburg
Blake Ress
Amy Rieger
keep it going
Bob Rohrberg
Vince Romano
Maria Romero
Robert Ross
Sandra Ruhana
Carla Russell
Melissa Russell
Go, Freak, Go!
Jeff Sabahi
Angie Samuelson
Nelia Sangalang
Joey Savoth
Jim Schafer
Michele Schilten
Anita Schneider
Theresa Maloney Schoen
Jeremy Schoettle
Laura Schofield
Sarah Schornack
Megan Scott
Devon Scott
Lilly Secrest
In honor of Robert Wood
Sandy Serna
National Sign Sales & Service
Allyson Sever
Mary Sheets
Robert Sherman
Great School
Lisa Shock
Lisa Shock
Sherry Sigler
Claudeine Da Silva
John & Stephanie Simmons
John Sipe
Jill Sisk
Jill Sizemore
Dan Smith
Shelby Smith
Hannah Smith
Karen Smith
Agnes Smith
Jennifer Snyder
Steven Sorenson
In memory of Judy Sorenson
Steven Sorenson
In memory of Judy Sorenson
Molly Spearing
Bob and Amy Spotts
Bob and Amy Spotts
Chad Sprouse
J Stafford
Paula Stahl
Good A
Indy Steel
Ruth Stegemoller
Gary Steigerwald
Gary Steigerwald
Lynn Steigerwald
Marla Steigerwald
Tina Stinson
Tom & Rita Storm
Donald Striegel
Kevin Sullivan
Denise Swingendorf
Carrie Syberg
Carrie Syberg
Gpa and Gma Syberg
Ben Syberg
Myranda Syberg
Benjamin Syberg
Keith Syberg
Myranda Syberg
Dione Taylor
Theresa Taylor
Computer Aided Tech
Khua Thawng
David Tillar
Deron Tippett
Angela Tomlin
Dorothy Trackwell
Erin Turk
Danielle Turnak
Summer VanHorn
Brent Vaught
Deric & Rachelle Vaught
Connie Ventress
Summer Viles
Brian Volk
Scott Vollmer
Tim Vollmer
Sherry Vollmer
Deborah Wagner
Jill Wagner
Mary Wally
Linda Walters
Linda Walters
Greg Waltz
John Wardzala
Jennifer Warner
Dani Weaver
Andrew Whitaker
Angie White
Linda White
Kathleen White
Marnie Widdifield
Ellen Wininger
Ellen Wininger
Patricia Wisler
Kyle Witmer
Terry Woehler
Sheila Wolter
Patricia Wood
Janet Wood
Janet Wood
Barry Wray
Linda Wyciskalla
Mercedes Xochitlatoa
Mercedes Xochitlatoa
Kristin Young
Carly Young
Bev Young
Barb Young
Rick/Anne Youngblood
Tanya Zumwalt
Good job Sam
Catherine black
Ralph hague
Kody, keep up the good work! I'm proud of you!

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