Circle of Faith Distinction Dinner
Roncalli’s Official Kickoff to the Circle of Faith Annual Fund Campaign
Date and time
Thursday, September 22nd, 2022
5:30 pm – 8:30 pm EDT
Update #1 - 2 years ago
Online registration for this event is now closed, but you’re still welcome to attend the event! If you would like to join us for the celebration, please contact Fran Davey at [email protected] or (317)787-8277. Thank you…we’re looking forward to celebrating with you!
Posted on Monday, September 19th, 2022, 9:02 am EDT
Circle of Faith Distinction Dinner
Roncalli High School, Ascension St. Vincent Gymnasium
Join us on Thursday, September 22nd as we honor individuals from the Roncalli community with awards recognizing contributions to our school, our church and our world. Guests will be invited to support our commitment to our students, teachers and families with a gift to our 2022-23 Circle of Faith Campaign.
- Andy Elsener R’97 - Alumnus of the Year
- Matt Taylor R’04 - Royal Award
- Mark Stratton - Honorary Alumnus
- Frank Sergi - St. John XXIII Award
- Terri Madden & Jenny Randol - Volunteer of the Year
Doors will open at 5:30 PM for a social hour with the program and complimentary dinner beginning promptly at 6:30 PM. Please join us as we celebrate Roncalli!