Community Rising
raisedShare why you support Saint Joseph’s!
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Camilla Bridge (Faculty/Staff)
18 days ago
Because our students learn how to make the world a better place.
Mark Russell
3 days ago
In memory of Harriette W Russell
My mother attended here.
Bernice E Bradin (Trustee/Past Trustee)
4 days ago
SJC is such a caring and welcoming community
Ramon Briones (Parent ’26)
5 days ago
Keep up the good work that you do with student athletes, both in their school and sports.
S Kathleen Smith (Alumni ’77)
7 days ago
In honor of The Sisters of Mercy
Grateful for my wonderful life in the Sisters of Metcy!
Shawn Sheehan (Faculty/Staff)
9 days ago
Thank you to all of our wonderful students. You are all inspirational!
Judy Graham (Trustee/Past Trustee)
10 days ago
Proud to be part of this great institution!
16 days ago
Always proud of my alma mater!
Mary Ellen Sansoni (Alumni ’05)
18 days ago
I had graduated from a 3 yr. traditional nursing school and decided to pursue earning a BSN. St. Joseph’s long distance learning program made it possible to do that long before the days of online learning. I am so grateful for that. I am so grateful that after practicing as a registered nurse for 40 years. I was able to get my degree.
Frances Wiesen (Faculty/Staff)
18 days ago
In honor of SJC Students
Thanks to our students who never cease to confound, amuse, and inspire! You make our community better.
Janet Elwell (Parent ’27)
18 days ago
Go Monks!!
Rebecca Davis (Parent ’29)
18 days ago
My daughter is student there
Dale Brooker (Faculty/Staff)
18 days ago
In honor of The Sisters of Mercy
Hung Nguyen (Alumni ’94)
18 days ago
Please accept my humble gift, as a token of giving back to the community, in the memory of my mother, Mrs. Hue Tran.
Dr. Hung Nguyen, DMSc, PA-C
Lynn Downie (Alumni ’94)
19 days ago
In honor of First Sergeant Ernest Eugene Utt
An exceptional human who served us all with pride and honor - he was taken from us doing what he loved. He is always in my thoughts and prayers, rest in peace my friend.
RONALD WOODARD (Alumni ’03, ’11)
2 months ago
In honor of Patrick, Shea Woodard and Mackenzie Donegan
For the love of education and enlightenment. May we never stop learning.
John Brennan (Alumni ’75)
a day ago
Merry Christmas
Lynda & John Wilson
3 days ago
Silver Sneakers
James Pabich
5 days ago
In honor of Patricia and Edward Pabich
The great level of respect my sister (Kimberly Pabich) and mother (Patricia Pabich) have shown for the college.
Cynthia Rice (Alumni ’82)
6 days ago
So appreciative of the education and life lessons I received at SJC
Monique LaRocque (Faculty/Staff)
9 days ago
Proud of our faculty, staff and students for their committment to a better world!
Maryann E Lovelidge (Alumni ’05)
10 days ago
Saint joseph is a great school.
Gweneth Johnson (Alumni ’23)
13 days ago
I'm proud to be an alum, keep up the Good work!
Sister Mary George O'Toole (Alumni ’51)
17 days ago
In honor of Sisters of Mercy who served as members of Administration, Faculty,StaffCan't wait to know what your ff
Can't wait to know what your total is for today!
Pat Gould (Alumni ’63)
18 days ago
In honor of Linda McCray, my freshman roommate, and to the enduring and meaningful friendships that began at St. Joe's.
Renée LeBrun (Alumni ’70, Faculty/Staff)
18 days ago
In honor of Sr. Mary George O'Toole
Karl Virgin (Grandparent ’26)
18 days ago
Go monks Go!
Joy Pulsifer (Faculty/Staff)
18 days ago
Go Monks!
Patricia Stack
18 days ago
Mercy graduate and granddaughter graduate. Excellent school
Elizabeth Stark (Parent ’26)
18 days ago
My daughter is having a fantastic experience Saint Joseph's. She is learning greatly and has made lasting and wonderful friends!
Laura Small
2 months ago
In honor of Stephanie Garland
I graduated from Sacopee Valley High School with Stephanie. Fond memories of our school days together.
John Casey
3 months ago
In honor of Noleen Casey School Nurse Scholarship
Please remind students about the benefits of becoming a school nurse.