Community Rising
supportersSupporters across the USA
Supporters (862)
All (862)
ACME Waterproofing
Adine Lagacy
Agatha Janis Billups
Agatha Vaeth
Alice Pollvogt
Allison Viger
Amber Gallant
Amelia Malik
Andorra L. Foley
Andrea Mateo
Andree McManus Jaehnig
Andrew Kovach
Andrew Mitchell
Angie Moorman
Anita Cahill
In memory of Alma Fulmer
Anita Clavette
Ann Curtis
Ann Marie McLaughlin
Ann Paris
Ann Rosenfield
Anna Bergalis
Anna Lizotte
Anna Marie McCrohan
Anna S. Green
Anne Ollmann
Anne Seitz
Anne Wood
Annette Roy
Anthony & Katherine Jimenez
April Ondis
Arthur Borduas
Ashlee Maloney
Ashley Balaconis
In honor of Karen LemkeWas thinking about why I became a teacher and remembered Dr. Lemke's influence.
Ashley Bigda
Ashley O'Brion
Ashley Shamos
Atlee & Corinne '99 Robinson
Bangor Theological Seminary
Barbara Berninghausen
Barbara Brann-Weir
Barbara Burlingame
Barbara Cassidy Foundation
Barbara Halle
Barbara Hufford
Barbara J. Deveau
Barbara Lajoie
Barbara Marguerite Gayle
Barbara Paxson
Barbara Sieminski
Barbara Williams
Becky & Bill Thompson
Ben & Bonnie Sidaway
Bernadette Metzler
Bernice Bradin
Bernice Martin
Bill Creed
Bob Chaddock
Bob Zilg
Bogdan Golja & Mary Ann Melizzi-Golja
In honor of Henry Golja
Bonnie Kenaley
In honor of Marjorie L. DavisAs a non-traditional student enrolled in the distance degree program, I greatly benefitted from the exceptional tutelage provided by SJC professors. The education received supported my successful completion of MSW and Ph.D. degrees. Therefore, I am forever grateful to the staff and professors!
Brain Mase
Brenda & Geoffrey Beard
Brenda Downey
Brett O'Kelly
Brett OKelly
Brian J. Mahoney
Brigitte Paine
Bruce Campbell
Bruce Poliquin
CJ Bourn
Candy '10 & Steven Winteregg
Carl W. Howell
Carmen Corbett
Carol Emerson
Carol Lachance
Carol Lachance, RSM
Carol Martin
Carol Strobeck
Carol Trebilcock
Carole Luce
Carolyn Dales
Carolyn Painter
Carolynne Hochreiter
Catherine & Robert Beniers
Catherine D. McMahon
Catherine King Francoeur
Catherine Munroe
Cecilia Martin
Chaia Even-Esh
Charlene Gerrish
Charles Marquardt
Charles O'Brien
Charles Vadakin
Charlotte Regan
Cheryl & Eric Greenleaf
Cheryl Fuhrer
Cheryl Wolf
Chris Kidger
Christena (Miscall) Lundy
Christina Gaughran
Christina Joyce
Christina Maguire
Christina Moore
Christina Watson
Christine Bartlett
Christine Rohr
Christopher Fuller
Christopher Putnam
Cindy Harrington
We love everything about Saint Joe’s! It was the perfect nursing school for our daughter and gave her an outstanding experience!
Claire Auger
Claire Kubasik
Colleen Gormley
Colleen Shea Hallee
Constance '68 & Michael Whitney
Constance Fourney
Constance Venskus
Cortland Stiles
Courtney Pierce
Craig & Angela '93 Becker
Cynthia & Michael Hagerty
Cynthia Buoye
Cynthia Murray-Beliveau
Cynthia Rice
Cynthia Tardif
Cynthia and Severn Beliveau
Dale Brooker
Dale Tardif
Dan McEachin
Daniel Hollis
Daniel Wellehan
Danielle Vermette
Darlene Chauvin
David & Theresa Herbein
David & Tracey Weatherbie
David '80 & Pamela McCarthy
David Benedict
David Bouffard
David Briggs
David George
David Keenan
David Larkin
David Lischer
David Roussel
DeAnn Daigle
Deanna St Germain
Debbie Owen
Deborah Breton
Deborah Kelliher Hazlin
In loving memory of my sister-in-law and floor proctor Janet Sanford Kelliher (SJC '67). I was able to teach for 30 years in public, private and parochial schools across the country because of the outstanding education I received at St. Joseph's College.
Debra Marcoux
Delores Baird
Delores Stuebe
Dennis & Agnes Farrell
Derrick '18 & Sonia Johnson
Diana A. Everage
Diane Atwood
Diane Dow
Diane Fongemie
Diane Gohlke
Diane Long
Diane Shaw
Diarmaid M. O'Donoghue
Donald & Phyllis Bard
Donald & Susan Sedam
Donato Tramuto H'19, Honorary Scholar-in-Residence
Donna Berry
Donna Churchill
Donna Cole
Donna Crowley
Donna Daley
Donna Doucette
Donna Hyland
Donna McCarthy
Donna McCarthy
Donna Wilson
Donna and John Reardon
Dorothy Kuszmaul
Dorothy McNaught
Dorothy McNaught
Dorothy Regan
In honor of David Driscoll
Dorothy Regan
Dr Colonel Solis
Dr. George A. Weiss (Hon. '06)
Dwayne Babb
Saint Joseph's College gave me a wonderful and satisfying graduate education that has afforded me several opportunities in the healthcare community and allowed me to grow as a registered nurse into an advanced level since my graduation.
Edna Flaherty
Edward Kirk
In honor of Elaine Kirk (Alumna circa 1955)
Edward Moss
Eileen A. Wallenhorst
Eileen Ginnetty
Eileen Skinner
Eleanor J. Williams
Elisabete Dos Santos
Elizabeth '70 & Gary Winship
Elizabeth Mallet
Elizabeth Schran
In memory of Carlene LemieuxI make this gift in memory of a wonderful coworker and friend who during her many years at SJC excelled at every job she was given.
Elizabeth Schran
Elizabeth Schran
In memory of Sister Bernadette HaydenI dedicate this gift to Sister Bernadette, a sweet and patient woman who served not only several SJC presidents, but all of us on the staff. May she rest in peace.
Elizabeth Winship
Ellen Turner
Ellen Turner, rsm
Emily Lesher
Emma Auclair
Emma Sinford
Eric '98 & Megan '98 Curtis
Eric Thompson
Estate of Pauline LaFleur
F.L. Putnam Investment Management
F.L. Putnam Investment Management
FL Putnam Securities
Farnoush Safavi
Ferraro Family Fund
Finella White
Francis Morin
Fred Yochum
Frederick Yochum
G.F. & C. Woodard
GL Connolly Foundation
Gail Parker
Garrett VanAtta
Geoffrey & Brenda '80 Beard
George Babeu
Germaine Michaud '62 & Paul Michaud
Glenn Doran
Glennell Munne
Gloria Clough
Gregg & Teresa '21 Skinner
Gregg & Teresa Skinner
Gregory McGinn
Gregory Teegarden
Gretchen Lord
Hall Implement Co.
Ham Family
Heather Marty Mullen
Heather Rumery
Heidi Jacques
Helen Burroughs
Helen Clauson
Helen Mcgovern
Helen Small
Holly Sanborn
Howe Family
IBM Internatinal Foundation
Ingrid VanOver Smith
Irene Zurey Preuss '67 & Richard Preuss
Iris Gagne
J. Harold Little
Jackie Cattabriga
Jacob Fles
Jacquelyn Morgan
James & Betty Kilbride
James & Pamela Bonnvie
James Kilbride
James O'Donnell
James Tanner
James Wellehan
Jameson Collins
Jane Greer
Jane Reilly
Jane Rosier
Jane Smith
Janet L. Hilde
Janice Mamich
Janice Whittingham Taylor
Janie Joyce
Janie Joyce
Janine Allen
Jason Cassette
Jay & Becky Pingree
Jay Pingree
Jean and Frederick Erdtmann
Jeannie Hansen
Jeannine Plourde
Jeff & Theresa '80 Moody
Jeff Crocker
Jeff Yaeger
Jenelle Harris
Jenna Chase
Jennifer Arruda
Jennifer Bernier
Jennifer Boucher
Jennifer Fitzpatrick
Jennifer Fitzpatrick
Jennifer Greslick
Jennifer Hyndman
Jennifer Lockerman-Sadeck
Jennifer M. Lockerman-Sadeck
Jennifer Southworth
Jerry Hubbard
Jessica Noonan
Jessica Rioux
Jessica and Christopher Dionne
Jill Berry-Bowen
Jill Chapman
Jill Targett
Jim & Maureen Reis
In memory of Ben & Marie Carey
Jim Dlugos
Jim F. Wellehan
Jimmy & Rachel Riley
JoAnn K. Mower
JoAnn Massetti Weiss
JoAnn Mower
Joan Dube
Joan Dube & Peter P. Dube Sr.
Joan Hyde
Joan Larkin
Joan Munroe
Joan Simms
Joanne Bean
Jocelyne Giangregorio
Jodi Breen-Waddington
Jodi Breen-Waddington
Joe Gallagher
Joe Uscenski
Joel Berenson
Johan Erikson
John & Florence Maguire
John & Lynda Wilson
Institute for aging - silver sneakers
John & Mary Mills
John & Susan Scheinman
John Brennan
John Casey
In memory of Noleen Casey '89
John Dooley
In memory of Frances T. Dooley
John Heffernan
John Kenneally
John McGuirk
John Munroe
John Zerillo
Jonathan Mitschele
Joseph Finn
Joseph G
Joseph Gallagher
Joseph Imler
Joseph Kilmartin
Joseph Valenza
Joseph Wolfberg
Josephine Alves '84 '92 & David Alves
Joshua Davis
Joy V. Williams
Joyce '63 & Roger Carroll
Joyce A. Hardy
Joyce Mahany
Judith Blackmore
Judith Crager
Best wishes in the New Year.
Judith Crager
Judith Davis
Judith Shields
Judith Tabaroni
Judy Eycleshymer
Judy Graham
We love being a neighbor to St. Joe's, and we love the programs offered by the Center for Faith and Spirituality. Thank you for all you do!
Justin Precourt
Karen Croteau
Karen Cutler
Karen Dostie
So proud of being a St. Joseph's alumni. Thank you for continuing to provide the education needed to prepare graduates for our ever-changing world.
Karen Ellsworth
Karen Jarvis
Karen Riley
Karen Rogers-Campbell
Karli Efron
Katelyn McCarthy
Katelyn Piche
Katherine M. Rondeau
Katherine Rogers
Kathi Lucas
Kathleen Clements
Kathleen Halliday
Kathleen Halliday (Ombres)
Obtaining the degree led to leadership positions. I became a Director of Nursing and then continued at Chapel Hill NC and became a Nursing Home Administrator. As a single parent at the time I couldhave n ever completed a degree if it had not been for St Joseph's distance learning program. God has indeed been good to me!
Kathleen Lucas
Kathleen O'Brien
Kathleen Thompson
Kathryn Cody
Kathryn Devaney
Kathryn Miles
Kathy Cobb
Kay Faulkner
Keith Douglass
Kelly Garner
Kelly Webster
Ken Lemanski
Ken Marino
Kenneth Patrick Allt Trust
Kerrie Salamone
Kevin Birch
Kevin Fitzgerald
Kevin Howley
Kevin Sullivan
Khanh Vo (‘89) and Nhu Vo (‘17)
Kimberlee & Richard Powers
Kimberly & Albert Osmanski
Kimberly Nickels
Kimberly Post
Kirk Ritchie
Kris Avery
Kristen Crawford
Kristen Crawford
Kristie Morris
Kristin Carlson
Kristina Foley Green
Kristine Avery
Land Design Solutions
Laura Shea
Laura Sullivan
Lauren Dineen
Lauren Malloy
Lauren Masse
Lauren Tigerman
Laurie Nagi
Leanne Burnham
Leighann Crawford
Leo & Nancy Pineau
In memory of Mary Alma Fulmer
Leslie Harding
Lillian Donnelly
Lilyan Hawkins
In honor of Sr. Kathleen Smith
Lilyan and Barry Hawkins '66
Linda Barker
Linda G. Geers
Linda Hotchkiss
Linda Nagy
Lisa Nollette
Lisa Schessler
Lita Semrau
Liz Schran
Liz Wiesen
Liza White
Lolita Roland
Lorraine McSweeney
Lynelle LeClair
Lynn Stewart
Lynne Gustafson
Lynne Irvin
M.V. McCann
Maetha Patterson
In honor of Joseph Coury
Maine Celtics
Marcel J. Gagnon
Margaret '87 & William Collins
Margaret Broadhurst
Margaret Cosentino
Margaret Detling
Margaret Zottoli
Marguerite Gerraughty
Maria Trivellin '70 & Michael Pizzo
Mariann Gilbride
Marianne Scheer
Marianne Turocy
Marianne Van Deursen
Marilyn Shotwell
Marion Costanza
Marion Hanscom
Marissa Stephens
Marjorie Berrier
Marjorie Gallagher
Mark & Shirley Romatis
Mark Davis
In memory of My mother, Shelby J. Martin
Mark Green
Mark Hibben
Marlene Davidson
Marsha Solder
Martha Holloway
Martha Patterson
Martin Millane
Martin White
Martina Garifine
Martina garifine
Mary '81 & Michael Bonneau
Mary A. Knightly
Mary Alma Fulmer
Mary Ann Daniele
Mary Anne Wallace
Mary Anne Wood
Mary Campbell-Barry
In memory of Constance Hegarty Campbell '52
Mary Duffy
Mary Ellen Cafiso
Mary Ellen Sansoni
Mary Fasner
Mary Lou Cunningham
Mary Lou Labrecque
Mary M. McBrady
Mary Murphy
Mary Pinheiro
Mary Plaia
Mary Quinn
Mary Reagan
Mary Rowland
Mary Sullivan
MaryAnn Dynesko
MaryClaire Attisano
Maryann Pendleton
Marybeth McNamee
Matt Cotreau
Matt Hanson
Matthew Gawel
Matthew Hart
Matthew Morse
Maureen '80 & Ken O'Rourke
Maureen Houle
Maureen Nardinger
Maureen Niles Cyr
Maureen O'Rourke
Maureen Reis
Maureen Wallace RSM
Medtronic Inc.
Megan Dunlap
Melissa & Jim Dlugos
Melissa and Jim Dlugos
Michael & Nancy Shea
Michael Callnan
In memory of Sr. Jean Little
Michael Harrington
Michael Hay
Michael J. Mulhare
Michael Joly
Michael Lapierre
Michael Mulhare
Michael Naples
Michael Theriault
Michele Moscone
Michelle Laughran
Michelle Murray
Michelle Vermette
Michelle Wingate
Mike & Cynthia Mulhare
Mike & Margaret McDevitt
Milicent Treat
Molly McCauley
Monique Reynolds
Nancy & Mark Terison
In memory of Sister M. Consuela White
Nancy '60 & John Sullivan
Nancy C. Hopper
Nancy Pagurko
Nancy Terison
In memory of Rita Bousquet McCarthy, mother of Dr. Maureen McCarthy O'Rourke '80
Neal Workman
Ned & Mary McDonald
Neil Pigeon
Nelda Booker
New England Communications
Nga Goodahl
Ngoc Diep Nguyen
Nina Eduljee
In memory of Pesi Bhote & Freddy Eduljee
Normand Dugas
Olive MacGregor
Olive MacGregor
Oliver Griswold
Pam Aliberti
Pamela Kosinski
Pat Gould
In honor of 1963 Alumni Fund
Pat Gould
Patricia & Jeffrey Eberhard
Patricia Boston
Patricia Brackett
In honor of Sister Sylvia Comer
Patricia Chasse
Patricia Cuddy
Patricia Halle Pabich Kimberly Ann Pabich 1989
Sister Stephanie was a great inspiration and role model for women.
Patricia Murray
Patricia Quinn
Patricia Reynolds Regan
Patricia Schlegel
Patricia Stack
Patricia Waters
Patrick Carey
Patrick Keegan
Patrick Stack
Patriot Mechanical
Patti Lacombe
Paul Bean
Paul Douphinett
Paul Marciano
Paula Ballesteros
Paula Ring
Paula Tamm
Peggy Garrett
Peter Geiger
Petroleum Maintenance Systems, Inc.
Philip & Maureen Yauch
Phillip Mitchell
Phyllis Anderson
Phyllis Harmon
Prime Time Sports, Inc.
Priscilla A. Davis
Priscilla Murray
Prisco and Phyllis DiPrizio
Rae Sanders
Randall & Maggie Walker
Randall Davis
Randall Porter
Raw Seafood
Ray Brown
In honor of Rob Wilson--his extraordinary contribution to the collegeA truly exceptional collection of people in a most beautiful setting serving students and their families.
Rebecca Ing
In honor of Dr. Patricia IrelandMy dream of being a College graduate came true through SJC!!
Regina Pilatti
Rene Mathieu
Renee Almy
In memory of Lee A. Almy, Sr.Thank you for your support with my nursing education!
Renée LeBrun
Renée LeBrun
In honor of Sr. Mary Kneeland
Rev. Francis P. Morin
Richard & Dorothea '61 Michaels
Richard & Joan Ersing
Richard & Pamela Roberts
Richard & Rosemary '68 Conway
Richard Birdsall
Richard Charette
Richard Peterson
Richard Rinaldi
Richard Vigeant
Richard Whitmore
Rick Gowen
Rick McAtee
Rita Miller
Rob Couture
Rob Fuller
Rob Poissant
Rob Poissant
In memory of Herve and Madeleine Poissant
Robert & Mary Sanborn
Robert Clifford
Robert Lenihan
Robert Letellier
Robert McGrail
Robert White
Robyn Kedzie
Roger & Glennis '67 Chabot
Roland & Susan Tufts
Roland Tufts
Ron Woodard
Ronald Woodard
In honor of Patrick WoodardThank you to St. Joseph's College. You have made a real difference in my life and I want to give back for all the help I received over the years.
Ronald Woodard
Ronna Nazarini
Rosalind Messineo
Rosanne Botto
Rosanne Botto
Rose Neal
Rosemary Guiga
Russell Podgorski
Ruth Conlogue
Ruth Slaton
Ruthann Vaughan
Ryan Dorland
Ryan Ertel
Ryan Watson
Sandra Carder
Sandra Krutz
Sandy Bowen
Sara Lapomarda
Sarah McEachin
Sarah McNamee Pfiester
Sarah Quinn
Sarah Rogers Faatz
Scott Hutchens
Sevee & Maher Engineers
Shanna Webster
Sharon Koob
Sharon Lilley
In memory of Earl L. Lilley
Sharon Remy
Sharon Storme
Shephard & Kathy Hill
Sheri Piers
Sherry Edwards
Sheryl Lee
Shinnecock Builders
Sierra Robles
Sister Margaret A. Coyne
Sister Mary Fasulo, RSM
Skinner Family
St Joseph Pray for us. Go Monks!!!
Skip Williamson
Spencer Nagi
Sr Janet Campbell
Sr. Carol LeTourneau, RSM
Sr. Dale Jarvis
Sr. Edward Mary Kelleher
Sr. Ellen Turner, RSM
Sr. Maria A. Ricci, RSM
Sr. Mary George O'Toole
Sr. Mary Jude, RSM
Sr. Mary Miller
Sr. Mary Quinn
Sr. Miriam T. Callnan
Stacy Oswald
Stan Gilbert
Stephanie Briggs
Stephanie Briggs
Stephanie Feyler
Stephanie Heatly
Stephen P. O'Bryan
Stephen Sansevere
Steve Jury
Steve Putnam
Steven Jury
Steven Painchaud
Steven Pinto
Steven Tavoletti
Sue Johnson
Sue Kelly
Susan Dionne-Jones
Susan Eibel
Susan Healy
Susan MacKay
Susan McAuliffe
Susan McKee
Susan O'Day
I want to support the Nursing Program.
Susan Peckham
Susan Santos
Susan Sedam
Susan Thatcher
In memory of Mary Alma Fulmer
Susan W. Bonak
Susan Weng
Suzanne Hartford
Suzanne LaCroix
Tammy Scarponi
Tayla Travers
Teresa Dacosta
Terese Myatt
Terrence Kennedy
Terry Byrd
The Beacon Charitable Corporation
The Clace Family
The Eagleston Family
The Estate of Jeannine R. Beaudoin & Bernard J. Beaudoin
The Estate of Richard L. Wright
The Travelers
Theresa Moody
Thomas & Diane McDermott
Thomas & Shelby Driscoll
Thomas Barlion
Thomas Fesler
Thomas Hall
Thomas Roche
In memory of Mary Roche '85
Timothy & Julie Bailey
Timothy/Erin Leary/Swezey
In honor of The outstanding leadership of Liz WiesenTim Leary and Erin Swezey served St. Joseph's College and the Sisters of Mercy from 1996-2002. Liz Wiesen is an outstanding leader, colleague and cherished friend.
Todd & Laurie Gifford
Tom Ouellette
Tonya Carlton
Tyler Nadeau
Victor Petzy
Victoria Robbins
Vilean Taggersell & Robert Levine
Vincent Palange II
Virginia Buckley-Kessler
Virginia Gengler
Virginia J. O'Brien
Virginia Peters-Grant
Wendy Galgan
Will Evans
Will Rothermel
In honor of Dan & Hannah Rothermel
Will Rothermel
William J. Stoloski
Yvonne Strader Grimes
For the future with gratitude.
Zinnia White
Angela becker
Cheryl michael
Ellen long
Liz lawson-gill
Mary mulrow
Michael buxbaum
Nicci kobritz
Randy freer
In memory of Miguel Llopiz Sr.
In honor of President DlugosI am inspired by those who work tirelessly and without complaint during these difficult days.
In memory of Mom and Dad
In honor of John Pratt