Giving Day


Campaign ended Friday, March 19th, 2021, 11:58 pm EDT

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (955)

All (955)
A Touch of Health
Abbie Buckelew
Abby Losordo
Abby Young
Abi Arsenault
Adam Gray
Agatha Billups
Thank you for offering long distance education alternatives prior to the days of personal computers. God Bless you!!!
Alex Markakis
Alex Szarkowski
Alexandra Fontanetta
Alice Gamber
Alison Viger
Alison Vinci
Alison Vinci
Allison Talon
Allyson Allard
Ama Lynn Neel
Amanda Hatch
Amaya Dacier
Amity Chadbourne
Amy Jerome
Amy Landy
Amy Matthews
Andre Cushing
Go Monks!
Andrew Hagerty
Andrew Hatt
Andrew Mitchell
Andrew Morris
In memory of John Waldron & Michael Cloyd
Andrew Shea
Andrew Thibault
Andrew Vaughan
Andy & Cindy Kovach
Angela Rizzo
Angela Wright-Bouffard
Angie Moorman
Anita Wyman
Ann Berthiaume
Ann Kelly
Ann Marie Ross
Ann Matre
Ann McCluskey
Ann Podsiadlo
Ann Shisler
Anna Brooker
Anne & Ralph Hendrix
Anonymous Anonymous
Anthony Bernard
Anthony Kourinos
Ashlee Maloney
Ashley Eichelberg
In honor of Caitlin Weston
Ashley O’Brion
Audrey Perron
Austin Page
Ava Brownsword
Barbara Berninghausen
Barbara Bilodeau
Barbara Brann-Weir
Barbara Brann-Weir
In memory of Connie Porciello Young
Barbara Fitzpatrick
Barbara Godin
Barbara Paxson
Barbara Sieminski
Becky Thompson
I love SJC’s Silver Sneakers program
Benjamin Hatt
Bettina Aiello
Betty Cernuda
Beverly Heald
I am happy to support the mission of love shared by St. Joseph's College.
Bill Balboni
Let’s Go Monks!
Bill Cosentino
Roll Monks! Proud of our students!
Bill Irvin
Go Monks!
Billie LHeureux
Board Member Bob Zilg '76
Board Member Tom Driscoll
Board of Trustee President, Carol Strobeck
Bob Barba
Bob Chaddock
Bob Zilg
Bogdan Golja
Bonnie Kenaley
Bonnie Riggle
Bordick and Coutts Team Sports
Bradley pollard
Good Luck Monks
Brenda Downey
Brenda Downey
Brenda Hayden
Brenda Whiting Beard
In honor of The SJC Class of 1980 and Sister Mary George and Sister Joyce Mahaney
Brent & Christine DeMichael
Brett O
Brett OKelly
Brett O’Kelly
Brian Gilbert
Brian Hurley
Brianne Maloney
Bruce Walker
Bruce Weaver
Happy Giving Day! So happy to be supporting this fine community. Go Monks!!!
Brynna Meeker
CJ Bourn
Cabryn Gurdo
Caleb Levine
Calvin Field
Carl Faby
Carla Savino
Carlo Rizzo
Carol Baldi
Good luck!
Carol Flynn
Carol Lachance
Carolina DiBiase
Caroline Golja
Carolyn Ewald
Carolyn Perkins
Carolyn Scott
In memory of Harry and Elizabeth Scott
Catherine Hope
Catherine Kulas
Catherine Ryder
With gratitude for Sister Joyce!
Cathy Clements
Cathy Fetterman
Caton Downey
Charlene Krug
Charles Albiston
Charles Marquardt
Charles Napier
Cheryl Janelle
We support Claudia Janelle and SJC WOMENS SOCCER⚽️
Chrissy Howarth
Christina Joyce
Christina Maguire
I give support to ensure that the educational experience that makes Saint Joseph College so special continues.
Christina Watson
Christine Auclair
Christine Bartlett
Christine Ferro
Christine Girouard
Christine Howe
Christine Howe
Go Monks!!
Christine Kiernan
Christine LeMoult
Christine Rohr
Christopher Fuller
Christopher Willer
Christopher Willer
Help support the Future of SJC!
Cindy Gish
Cindy Grass
Claudette Fillion
Claudia Feldberg
Clemon & Ann Pardales
Cody Cormier
Colleen Allard
Colleen Heal
Colleen Shea Hallee
Connor Dufour
Constance Fourney
Constance Venskus
Constance Whitney
Corey McNamara
Corey, Amy, and Cam Fillion. Go #33!
Corinne Lee
Corrie Cantwell
Cortland Stiles
Craig & Angela '93 Becker
Cynthia Allen
Cynthia Fullerton
Dale Brooker
Dan Norton
Dana Vachon
In honor of Sister Mary George O’Toole & Sister Joyce Mahaney
Thank you SJC for a great relationship over the years... as a student athlete to a parent of a student athlete!
Daniel Carew
Daniel Cordero
Daniel Varle
Daniel Witham
Danielle Daigle
Danielle George
David Anderson
David Bouffard
In memory of Josephine Bouffard
David Collins
Go Monks!
David Fournier
David Herbein
David Lischer
David McCarthy
David McMahan
David Roling
David Roussel
Great memories of my time at SJC. Go Monks!
David Ruffen
David Walter
David and Julie Zeiler
David and Wendy Witham
Dawn Marceau
Dawn Mason
Dawn Stapelfeld
Deb Dauley
Debbie Callahan
Debbie Owen
Debbie Smith
Deborah Bain
Deborah Roth
Deborah Unczur
Delene Sanicola
Delene Sanicola
Delores Davisson Baird
Denise Balsamo
Denise Goodrich
Dennis Berard
Derek Broaddus
Derek Hall
Diane Atwood
Diane Emmons Shaw
Diane Frediksen
Diane Gohlke
Diane Roy
Diane Stanton
Dianne Barcellona-Wright
Dianne Fazio
Dianne Keenan
Dick Bailey
Dominic Biney-Amissah
Don Abbott
Don Barr
Don Berthiaume
Don Sanderson
Donald & Patricia Macisaac
Donald Flanagan
Donna Adams
Donna Crowley
Donna Daley
Donna Johnson
Donna Magill
Donna McCarthy
Donna Tucker
Donna and John Reardon
Dorothea '61 & Richard Michaels
Dorothy Lemelin
Dorothy Regan
In memory of David Driscoll
Douglas Beauregard
Dusty Hancock
Edna Gilreath
Edward Fabian
Elaine Bogdanski
Elaine Spiller
In memory of MARIE ENGLISH
Enjoy having St. Joseph College as a Good Neighbor!
Elizabeth Berthiaume
Elizabeth Cummons
Elizabeth Hanks-Leonard
Elizabeth Paroli
Elizabeth Schran
In memory of Don Tanguay
Make Giving Day 2021 memorable--become a giver! Thanks in advance.
Elizabeth Webber
In honor of Sister Fleurette Kennon
I wouldn't be the nurse educator I am today if it weren't for St Joseph College. As a direct result, my graduate nurses are on the front lines giving Covid vaccinations and working hard to save those affected by this virus. So grateful, so thankful.
Ellen Assante
Ellen Jackson
Ellen O'Hara
Ellen Turner
In memory of Margaret Turner
Em, Greg and Camille F.
Emily Lesher
Supporting my talented and resilient students!
Eric DiBiase
Eric Tirrell
Erik Murray
Erik Naslund
Erin Wood
Erina Healey
Estelle Page
Florence McGrath Russo
Flynn Family
Fran Tighe
Frances Wiesen
In honor of Sister Betty Kilbride
Francoise Carey
In honor of Michele Chadbourne
Go Monks!
Frank Gerhard
Keep it going Monks!!
Fred Yochum
Friedrich Schermer
GIanna Schermer
GRace Buffkin
Gary Matre
Gentile Family
Gerard Murphy
Will Pike is a legend
Gina Whitlock
Glen Aylward
Go Monks!
Glenn Downs
Glennell Munne
Glennell Munne
Visited Catherine McAuley House/ Sisters of Mercy in Dublin and was so welcomed and shown the amazing origins of our fine learning institution.
Glenroy Wilson
Gloria Dobens
Grainne Archer
Greg Barsamian
Greg and Doreen Dufour
In memory of Sister Grace Barton
Greg and Doreen Dufour
In memory of Mother Mary Denis Schwartz R.S.M.
Gregg & Teresa Skinner
For all the Blessings that Catherine McAuley & the Sisters of Mercy have brought to the world and the community of St Joes. Monk Strong - Mercy for life!!! Saint Joseph pray for us.
Gregg Skinner
Gregory Teegarden
For the students, the reason for all we do here at SJC.
Gunars Zandbergs
Gwenn Johnson
Haley Nason
Heather DeChane
Heather Grogan
Heather Mullen
Heidi Jacques
Henry Golja
In honor of Auntie Mary Ellen
Go Monks!
Henry Padgett
Keep up the good work.
Hilary Lamkin
Go Monks!!
Hill Family
Holly Wallace
Howe Family
Howie Healey
Irene Zurey Preuss
Ivy Lenihan
J. Bonnie Newman
Jack Hughes
Jacob Downing
Jacqueline J LeCompte
So proud to be an alumni of SJC. Will always have fond memories of friendships made at St. Joe’s.
Jake Demers
Jake Lake
James & Bernice Garvey
James Audino
James Bureau
Go Monks Volleyball !!
James Dougherty
James Killoran
James Stevens
Monks Soccer ✊🏻✊🏻
James Sullivan
James Wellehan
Jameson Collins
Jamie Smyth
Jan Kay
Jane Farr
Jane Greer
Jane Ovue
Janet Callahan
Janet Gilbert
Janice M Rey
Janice Murphy
In honor of Sr. Mary Kneeland
Janie Joyce
Jason Feldberg
Good luck jake mcgill
Jason Riley
Jean Kuhlberg Cremen
Jean Marchant
Jeannine Plourde
Jeff & Melissa Hart
Jeff Gorton
Jeff Yaeger
Jeff and Debbie Crocker
Jeffrey Magill
Jen Bowie
Jenelle Harris
Go Monks!
Jenn Coyle
Jenna Chase
Strong Mind, Strong Body, STRONG MONK!
Jennifer Arruda
Jennifer Cooper
Jennifer Fitzpatrick
Jennifer Goodfellow
Jennifer Greslick
Jennifer Keyes
Jennifer Richard
In honor of Carly Downey
Jennifer Sullivan
In honor of Coach Jenelle Harris
Congratulations Coach Harris & team. Hope your Preseason is a great start to an even greater year.
Jeremy Girouard
Jessica Dionne
In memory of Amy Whitten Herrick
Jessica Furtado
Jessica McGreevy
Jessica Noonan
Jessica Noonan
In honor of Don Tanguay
Go Monks!! Keep strong and thrive!
Jill '08 & Chris Stevenson
Jill Kehl
Jim Ford
Jim and Maureen Reis
Jimenez Anthony
Jimmy Riley
In honor of Sr. Mary George O'Toole
Joan Boben
Joan Dube
I am blessed to see Sr. Mary George, Sr. Joyce and Sue from Development / Advancement at Church every week!
Joanna DeBie
Joanne Bean
In honor of the Pandemic Response Team, especially Sheri Piers and her terrific staff. Thank you for keeping us all safe.
Joanne Bean
Joanne Besn
To our generous SJC donors: THANK YOU, YOUR SUPPORT MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE! To my talented Advancement staff: I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!
Jocelyne Giangregorio
Jodi Breen-Waddington
Joe Gallagher
Joe LaFond
Joe Nelson
Joel Berenson
Joel Darby
Achieve great things! Go MONKS!
Joel Darby
Joel Souza
Johan Erikson
John & Lynda Wilson
John Brennan
John Flynn
John Harder
John Kenneally
Go Monks!
John Lyons
John Maloney
John Naples
John Quirion
John Straub
John Tolan
John Wassenbergh
John Zerillo
John Zerillo
Go Monks!
Johnna Thibault
Jon Pratt
Jon Roberts
Go Monks!
Jon Tuttle
Jonathan Tuttle
Jordan Hatch
Joseph Finn
Congrats to Shane Puleo, record holder for assists at SJC.
Joseph Hanslip
Joseph Jabar
Joseph Kilmartin
Go Monks!
Joseph Loughlin
Joseph March
Joseph Welch
Joseph and Maria Happnie
Jouleyanne Campbell
Joy LeBlanc
Judith Adams
Judith Ann B Roth
Judith Avery
Judith Blackmore (Chartier)
Judith Crager
Proud to be a Monk.
Judith Hanlon
Julia Cronin (Ostrowski)
Good luck!!
Kaitlyn Gerhard
Karen Berrigan
Karen Dostie
Karen Enscoe
Karen Gravel
Karen Hartman
Karen Michaud-Holland
Karen Nadeau
Karen Roger-Campbell
Karen Rogers-Campbell
Karen Shea
Karen Witham
Karl Obermeyer
Karli Efron
Karmel Carmosino
Katharine Cahoon
Go Monks!!!
Kathleen Clements
Kathleen Digrande
Kathleen Maguire
In honor of Brendan T
Kathleen Quinn
Kathryn Devaney
Kathryn Miles
Kathy Wilmot
Keep up the great work!!
Kaylee Heath
Keil Martin
Keith Kelly
Keith Roy
Kelley Barsamian
Kellie Gabriel
Kelly Emery
Kelly Kelly
Kelly Webster
Kendra Drinkwater
Kenneth Allt
In honor of Florence Dussault
Kenneth Osbon
Kenneth Strickland
Kerri Whittemore
Kerrie McNulty
Kevin Berrigan
Kevin Fitzgerald
Kevin Girouard
Kevin Howley
Kevin Mahoney
Kevin Melega
Go Monks!
Kevin Murphy
Kim Buotte
Kim Carr
Kimberly Moscato
Kimberly Osmanski
Kimberly Post
In honor of Doug Post
Kimberly Rassol
Konstantine Zoganas
Koufos Family
Kristen Crawford
Kristine Avery
Kristine Avery
In honor of My dear aunt, Jean Sampson, who passed in November 2020 of Covid-19
Proud to be a Monk supporter and part of the Saint Joseph's College community!
Kristine Perrault
Lara Maloney
Larry Buffkin
Laura Chartier
Laura Sullivan
Lauren Hagerman
Lauren Halvorsen
Laurie Catanese
Laurie DeLuca
Have a great spring season!
Laurie Murphy
Layth Simaan
Leanne Yeaton Burnham & Matthew Richardson
Lee Lebrun
Lee Tonet
Happy to see the ongoing growth of this fine college.. Amazing...
Len Sheppard
Leon Chartier
Leonardo Matos
Lets go!! Men's soccer lets kill it this Spring and coming Fall
Leslie Anton
Leslie Mourmouras
Liam Skinner
Lillian Donnelly
In honor of Lydia Lippmann, RN 1936
Glad to support such a great college, that teaches values as well as academics
Linda Barker
God Bless Saint Joseph's College.
Linda Freeman
In honor of Jean Zimmerman
Linda Hotchkiss
Linda Lebo
Linda Matthews
Linda Quigley
Lindy Hooper
Lisa Frenette
Lisa Giovanni
Lisa Godding
Lisa Johnson
Lisa Magerer
Lisa Nollette
Lisa Pence
Good luck Monks!
Lisa Stanton
Liz Wiesen
Logan Skinner
In honor of Liam Skinner’s ‘18 poor golf game
Lori Omlor
Lori Sweeney
Go Lady Monks Soccer Team!
Lorraine Cox
Lorraine McSweeney
Louise Lowell
Lucas Bernacki
Lyn Doyle
Lynn Brown
Lynn Howe
Lynn Stewart
In honor of Sr. Michele Aronica
Lynne & Lawrence Robinson
Lynne Irvin
Maddy Downey
Maggie Lynch
Mame Bonneau
Marc Goulet
Marc Terrien
Marcia Clark
Marcus Benson
Margaret Detlong
Margaret McDevitt
Margery Sayward
Margot Cosentino
Go Monks!
Maria Hurley
Maria Tripp
Maribeth Hartley
Marie Karatsanos CONNOLLY
Marie Karatsanos Connolly
Marilyn Grimes
Marjorie Ellman Reas
Mark Glisson
Mark Green
Mark Van Zandt
Martha Kuhn
Martha Patterson
In memory of Connie Porcillo
God bless you all with wellness!
Martin Baker
Martina Garifine
Mary Ann Melizzi-Golja
Mary Anne Heroux
Mary Campbell-Barry
Mary Dubendris
Mary Duffy
Mary Ellen Cafiso
Let's grow this community! Go Monks!
Mary Ellen Sheils
Mary Kahkonen
Mary Knightly
Mary Leasure
Mary Naples
In honor of Class of 1980
Mary Paine
In honor of All sjcme students ❤️
Happy and thankful to be a part of SJCME community. Here’s to a happy and healthy new year! ❤️ 🙏🏻
Mary Pat FitzGibbons
Keep up the great work!
Mary Powers
Mary Smith
MaryPat Devine
In memory of Nora M. Ferguson
Maryann Dynesko
Maryann Harrington Pendleton
Marybeth Yeagher McNamee
Maryellen Morin
Matt & Maria Goodwin
Matt Flaherty
Matt Gawel
Go Monks!
Matt Hanson
Although how the school has made some controversial decisions AND how they treated me since I’ve graduated... still love this school and will always donate.
Matthew Boles
Matthew Cotreau
Matthew Ginnetty
In honor of Joe Gallagher, Class of 1978
Matthew Hanson
Matthew Kiernan
Matthew Medeiros
Matthew Morse
Maura O'Keefe
Maureen Hurley
Maureen O'Rourke
In honor of the class of 1980
Maureen O'Rourke
McNamara Family
Megan & Eric Curtis
Megan Downs
Megan Dunlap
Megan McDevitt
Megan Mourmouras
Megan Mourmouras
Meghan Bradley
Will always cherish my years at SJC!
Melissa Coleman
Melissa Kessler
I am such a support to my mom and her college!!!!!
Melissa Packard
Melissa and Jim Dlugos
Thanks to all for today's wonderful show of support for Saint Joseph's College and our students!
Melyssa Pelletier
Meredith Messer
Michael Burdin
Michael Callnan
Michael Cormier
Michael Coulombe
Michael Hagerty
Michael Hagerty
Michael Hilton
Michael Johnston
Go Monks !
Michael Juliano
Michael Kelly
Michael LaFerriere
Michael Matheson
Michael McSweeney
Michael Pardales
Michael Perry
Michael Poff
Michael Regan
Go Monk's Skiing
Michael Regan
Go Monks Skiing
Michael Shea
Michael Van Zandt
Michele Walsh
Michele Whitmore
Michelle & Brett Currier
Michelle Ham
Michelle Howard
Michelle Laughran
Michelle Lemire
Michelle Richardson
Mike Berg
Mike Fiorillo
Mike Hay
In memory of John Waldron
Mike Hay
In honor of Bob Zilg '76
In support of Bob Zilg's '76 Annual Fund drive!
Mike LaPierre
Mike Noddin
Mike Shea
Mike and Cynthia Mulhare
Miriam Flecca
Missy Adams
Moira Boles
Monique Brousseau
Please donate to this wonderful school!
Monique Crawford
Monique Reynolds
Morgan Cahill
Myles Glisson
N Carver
Nancy Beaulieu
Here's to Carly Downey and her teammates and a succesful next season!!!
Nancy Kristiansen
Neil Workman
Neile Nelson
Nicholas Malatesta
Nickolas Shuckrow
Nicole Feldberg
Nicole Gagnon
Nicole Salzano
Occyon Bolling
Olive MacGregor
Oliver Griswold
Thank you to everyone who has donated to help sustain this amazing center of learning and leadership. When we say SJC is "where community grows," this is the spirit we're talking about. 💙
Pam Aliberti
Pamela Roberts
Pat Gould
Patricia Brackett
Best of luck!
Patricia Chasse
Patricia Feldberg
Patricia Hamilton
Patricia Janelle Janelle
Patricia Pora
Patricia Quinn
In honor of Class of 1967 Scholarship
Patricia Robinson
Patricia Schiefer
Patricia Stack
Patricia Sulluvan
Patricia Ward-Bailey
Keep the kids coming!
Patricia Watson
Patrick Brennan
Patrick Haraden
Roll Monks! Class of 2022!!
Patrick Philippon
Paul Citak
Paul MacGregor
Paulette Sampson
Peggy Wyman
Pentucket - Good Luck Jelly
Peter Geiger
Peter Waddington & Jodi Breen-Waddington
Go Monks!
Phil Balsamo
Philip Reed
Philomena McPhee
St. Joseph's College is has touched the lives of many. It is a special place to teach.
Phyllis Anderson
Priscilla Dow Davis
Rachel Boucher
In honor of Miriam Massucci
Rachel Hughes
Rachel Riley
In honor of The Counseling Center Crew
Randy Brodeur
Randy Freer
Ray & Linda Talon
Rebecca Bureau
Go Monks Volleyball!!
Rebecca Dubowik
Rebecca Podsiadlo
Rebecca Podsiadlo
Rebecca Podsiadlo
In memory of Joan Podsiadlo
In honor of Joan Podsiadlo! SWIM HARD,SWIM FAST, GO MONKS!
Rebecka Beal Lussier
Regina Pilatti
Regina Smick-Attisano
In honor of MaryClaire Attisano
Here's to the Class of 2020!
Reis Hagerman
Good luck - we hope you exceed your goal !
Renee Luopa
Renée LeBrun
In honor of Sr. Mary Kneeland
Rev. Stephen Sansevere
Supporting SJC is supporting quality Catholic education.
Rich & Sue Flaherty
Rich Valente
Richard & Mary Lou Labrecque
Richard Kulas
Richard Newman
Richard Ruane
God Bless the St. Josephs College community
Richard Walker
Richard Whitmore
Richelle Davis
Richelle Wesley
Rob Dorr
Rob Sanicola
Great Day to Be A Monk!
Robert & Arlene Johnson
Robert Adams
#goMonks , Adams Family, Zack Adams SJC Baseball, class of 2025
Robert Bourget
Robert Carter
Robert Couture
Robert Howe
Robert Michaud
Robert Mucci
Robert Todisco
Roberta Ferrara
Robin Haley
Robin West
Robyn Aylward
Robyn Jackson
Roger Hickey
Ron and Cindy Harrington
Ronald Coyne
Ronald Phillips
Ronnie Farr
Rosalind Messineo
Rosemarie Holden
Rosemarie Manfra
Rosemary Fecteau, PhD
Keep Up The Successes.
Rosemary Miller Conway
Russell Podgorski
Ruth Ann '77 & Claire Matter
Ruth McGoldrick
St Joseph pray for us.
Ruth Zurey Slaton
Ryan Dorland
SJC Alumni Board
SM River Rats
Sally White
Sam Phalen
Samantha Smith
Sandra & Peter Bowen
Sandra Gould Krutz
Sandra Heckert
Keep up the good work SJC Women's Basketball!
Sandra Kearns Bowen
Good luck to the SJC community.
Sandra Raynes
Sandy DaGraca
Sarah Assante
Sarah Dyer
Sarah Gordon
Sarah Harty
Sarah Vasil
Scott Andrews
Scott Stephens
Sean & Sarah Harrington
Sebago Technics, INc.
In honor of Don Tanguay
Seleina Waible
Sergio Vieira
Shanna Webster
In honor of My fellow Monks #alwaysamonk
Shannon Colson
Shannon Kent
Shannon Martinello
Shari Falcone
Sharon Capps
Shauna Harris
Shay Bell
Sheila Janocha
Sheri Piers
Sherly Cordero
Sherry Hebert
Shirley Wright
Go Monks Women's Soccer!!
Simon Gonzalez
Siobhan Mahoney
Sister Janet Campbell
Spenser & Mary Kate Adams
Sr. Carol LeTourneau
Sr. Dale Jarvis
Sr. Joyce Mahany
Sr. Mary Miller
Stacey Casale
Stefania Strzalkowska
Stephanie Briggs
Blessed to be part of the SJCME Community! GO MONKS!
Stephanie Briggs
Stephanie Briggs
Go Monk Community!
Stephanie Briggs
Thank you to all the staff that supports the SJCME online and on campus monks.
Stephanie Feyler
Stephanie Spencer
Stephen Jones
Stephen Schuler
Stephen and Susan Tuttle
Do GREAT work! Congratulations Class of 2021!
Steve Chase
Let’s go Monks!
Steve Gagne
Steve Putnam
Steven & Heather Jury
Steven Doughty
Stuart Hotchkiss
Sue Buxbaum
Sue McAuliffe
Susan Anderson
Susan Hurley-Giacoppo
Susan Johnson
Susan Krzeminski
Susan McGill
Susan McGill
In honor of Billy Feldberg
Susan Rice
Susan Santos
Susan Trefry
Susan Van Allen
Susan WhittyKennedy
Its an honor to contribute to such a great college.
Susanna Esposito
Sylvia Hickey
Tara Travers
Taylor Reuillard
Teresa Leblanc
Terry O'Brien
The Bosselait Family
The Buxbaum Family
The Dions
The Eagleston's
The MEMIC Group
The Pardales Family
The Romatis Family
The Roy Family
Theresa Hendrix
Theresa Labrecque
Theresa Moody
Theresa Murphy
Thomas Hagerty
Thomas Hall
Thomas Marchant
Thomas McDermott
Thomas Rabbitt
Thomas Uustal
Timothy & Julie Bailey
Tina Piraino
Tom Barlion
Tom Dann
Tom Driscoll
Travis Matheson
Trevor Wright
Go Women's Soccer!!
Trista Collins
Tyler Dunphy
Tyler Girouard
Wonderful college !
Vanessa Feeney
Vic Petzy
Vincent Palange
Virginia Buckley-Kessler
Virginia Gengler
Virginia Siano
Wade Oliver
Wendell Wood
Wendy Galgan
Wendy Radwan
Will Rothermel
Will Sanborn
William Heath
I treasure the time I spent at St. Joe's. Thank you to all the students, Sisters & other faculty for a wonderful education and experience.
William Mathews
Willis Flaherty
Wilma Taliento
Winifred McMorrow
Yvette Dickinson
Yvonne Strader Grimes
Giving a little at a time for the future.
Zachary Remillard
Cheryl michael
Christopher ryan
Elizabeth lawson-gill
Class of 1980
Marion Costanza
Mark wyman
Mary mulrow
Mary sullivan
Steve jury
Love the Humanities at SJC 🥰
Keep up the good work!
Helping SJC students follow their dreams.
In honor of David Quintal
Happy to help students in achieving their goals. Best on this special day. Of St. Joseph.
Go Monks!
In honor of Don Tanguay
Saint Joseph’s College of Maine logo
Saint Joseph’s College of Maine
Attn: Office of Institutional Advancement, 278 Whites Bridge Rd, Standish, ME 04084
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