Giving Day


Supporters across the USA

Supporters (390)

All (390)
Abbie Jacques
Agnes G. La Storia
Alexandra Schran Leavitt
In honor of Sr. Marilyn Sunderman
Allison Viger
In honor of my hardworking daughter Sophia! Keep up the good work!!
Alumni Board
Andrea Vianello
Andrew Caron
Ann Rosenfield
Thank God for the Sisters of Mercy. Thank you for your many years of loving service to those of us who need a little extra encouragement and support in life.
Anne & Ralph Hendrix
Anne Ollmann
Annette Roy
Thanks for a great education along with all the help and support along the way.
Anthony Jimenez
Ashlee Maloney
In honor of Sister Joyce Mahany
Sister Joyce and Sister Mary George are the most wonderful human beings. Every time I see them they put a smile on my face and light up the room with their kindness. Thank you sisters for being a part of my life here at SJC!
Barbara Brann-Weir
Barbara McClary
Barbara Paxson
Barbara Posey
Bernadette H. F. Metzler
Bernard Bernacki
Bernice Bradin
Bert W. Johnson
Beth Ann Simno
Board Past Board
Bob Chaddock
Bob Zilg
Brenda Downey
Brenda and Geoff Whiting Beard
In memory of Sister Consuela and so many other Sisters of Mercy who dedicated their lives to SJC. In Honor of dear Sister Mary George and Sister Joyce Mahaney for their continued love and friendship. And in honor of my 1980 classmates and all of our memories of being at SJC. GO MONKS!
Brett O’Kelly
Brian Griffin
I really miss SJC, covering the switchboard and the radio station
Bruce Weaver
Camilla Bridge
This donation is in support of our students, who are doing the hard work of becoming just what the world needs of them.
Carl Becker
Carol Strobeck
Carole Luce
Caroline Golja
In honor of the advancement team
Caroline Golja
Caroline Trebilcock
Carolyn Painter
Now in my 90's, I am proud to be a graduate of Saint Joseph's College. I was honored to have distant learning in the 80's. Thank you for the opportunity of learning!
Catherine Deans
Catherine Ryder
Cecilia Martin
Celeste Philibert
In honor of Sister Leona, my 8th grade teacher.
Charlene Gerrish
The Sisters of Mercy were always there for me from Grade School through College. Thank You and God Bless!
Charles Vadakin III
Chelsea Welch
Chip Stiles & Janice Hastings
Chris Willer
Once a Monk, Always a Monk! A special thank you to all the Sisters of Mercy for your dedication and commitment to making this world a better place.
Christina Joyce
In honor of Sister Mary George
Great educators in the Mother McCauley tradition
Christina Maguire
In honor of Jack & Jenee Maguire
In honor of the many Mercy Sister's who shaped my future with the commitment to growth, learning, integrity, and respect. I am forever grateful.
Christine Bartlett
Christine Rohr
Claire Auger
In honor of Sister Mary Carmel
In grateful remembrance.
Claire Kubasik
In honor of Sister Kathleen Smith
I was surely NOT an English major. But Sister Stephanie worked very hard to get us ready to go out into the world!
Colleen Hallee
Collin Coppinger
Connor Dufour
Constance Venskus
In memory of Linda Lawler Doiron
Cynthia Buoye
Dale Brooker
We are forever grateful for the Sisters of Mercy and their impact not only on our learning community here at SJC but their impact on communities across the globe. 🙏 They truly are the shining lamps, giving light to others.
Dale Tardif
Dan McEachin
Danna Finley
David Gawlik
Keep up the good work Sisters of Mercy!!
David Keenan
David Lischer
In memory of Sr. Betty Kilbride
David Roussel
The greatest joy of my professional life was working with the Sisters of Mercy!
Dawn Denton
I had a wonderful experience with the distance learning program at St. Joseph’s especially in the summer sessions. I have many fond memories of fellow students and faculty. It was an enriching experience to be on campus as a mature adult after being away from a college setting for many years. Thank you St. Joseph’s for a quality education.
DeAnn Daigle
In honor of Sr. Simonne Laflamme
In deep gratitude for the liberation that understanding brings and the persistent love of the Sisters of Mercy.
Deborah Breton
Deborah Franklin
Thank you Sisters of Mercy for all of your hard work and dedication to impact lives in a positive way
Debra McLaughlin
In memory of my dear friend Charlotte who was on Alumni Association Board. She was a graduate of SJC and taught in the online Nursing Program. I have nothing but fond memories of SJC and even remember seeing Sister Joyce Cross country skiing!
Delores Baird
Denise Ryan Lenihan
In honor of Sister Joyce Mahany
Dennis Welfinger
Diane Atwood
In honor of Neal Workman
Diane Beatty
Donalyn Welch
Donna Crowley
Mercy sister's were my teaches from sub primary through out my education including nursing school. Forever grateful!
Donna Daley
In honor of Sister Mary George O'Toole
Donna L Doucette
Was in the remote BSPA Group and loved the experience and was able to utilize it as a springboard for career advancement and a Masters another College. Also loved the camaraderie of the group I was in. Highly recommend St Joseph’s College.
Donna L Doucette
In honor of My roommate Cheryl Higgins
In memory of Cheryl Higgins
We met so many interesting friends during our BSPA summer residency.One of the highlights was taking Virginia- a native Indian to see the ocean, Lynn Beach,Massachusetts,for the very first time.
Donna R. McCarthy
I was fortunate to have received both undergraduate and graduate degrees through the distance education program. In so doing, I spent several summer weeks on campus. Saint Joseph's campus must be one of the most beautiful, relaxing, peaceful places on earth...filled not only with incredible learning, but also such a refreshing, rejuvenating experience, both physically and mentally. May you continue to provide an extraordinary educational experience by God's grace.
Donna Wilson
Dorothea Michaels
So glad to have had four years of learning under the Sisters of Mercy during my time at Saint Joseph's College. God Bless them! Gratefully, Dorothea Michaels, class of 1961
Dorothy Regan
In memory of David Driscoll
Doug Kiley
In honor of Sister Mary George & Sister Joyce Mahany.
Edna Flaherty
Elizabeth Lawson-Gill
Grateful for the nursing education that continues to guide me everyday I care for patients.
Elizabeth Schran
I make this gift in memory of our dear Sister Sylvia Comer, the face of Mercy.
Elizabeth Schran
In honor of The Sisters of Mercy
Thank you, Sister Joyce for giving me the opportunity to join this awesome community 34 years ago. It has been a privilege to work alongside our Sisters and SJC's awesome faculty and staff, who are more than coworkers, they are lifelong friends. May this special Giving Day be successful off the charts!!!
Elizabeth Stark
Elizabeth Winship
In honor of Sister Mary George O'Toole
Sister Mary George was my favorite teacher when I was an Education student from 1966-1970. Since I graduated we have remained lifelong friends - Betsy Gribbin Winship
Ellen Theodores
Emily Lesher
Sister Michele and Sister Marilyn - I miss you both! I hope things are well!!
Erica Gabbianelli
Eugene Kiley
In honor of Eugene Kiley III
Fr. Frank P. Morin
Frank Greslick
Fred Yochum
Gail Parker
Garrett VanAtta
Gloria Clough
Gregg & Teresa Skinner
Thank you to all the faculty and staff that imprint the Mercy Charisma to all that come in contact with the college. A special thanks for touching the Skinner family so deeply. Monks for Life.
Gregory Teegarden
With gratitude for the Sisters, the heart and soul of Saint Joseph's College
Gretchen Anderson
Hall Implement Co.
Heather Kiley
In honor of Doug Kiley
Heather Rumery
Heather and Marty Mullen
Heidi McGouldrick
Thank you to our Sisters of Mercy for your love and grace!
Henry Padgett
Hilary Lamkin
Howard Kam Jr
In honor of Holly Paro, Academic Advisor
Holly provide excellent guidance and inspiration to achieve my MAcc at 69.
Hung Nguyen
In memory of my beloved mother Mrs. Hue Thi Tran.
Ian Barker
A strong supportive community
Irene Preuss
J. Bonnie Newman
In honor of the Sisters of Mercy and in memory of Bill and Louise Newman.
For the memories, the value and the values.
Jacqueline J LeCompte
In honor of Sister Mary George, and Sister Joyce Mahaney, thank you for the many fond memories and friendships shared throughout the years, and your dedication to achieving excellence for St. Joe’s.
Jake Thibault
In honor of Sr Mary Gracelle, RSM and Sr. Mary Jacinta, RSM
James Paruk
James and Kathleen Walker
In honor of All those great Mercy Sisters who put up with the first class of freshmen boys at SJC, including Sr. Michele who lived through it all.
If there was ever a time and year to give to SJC, it is now. Dig deep in your heart and remember these fine Sisters and their compassion. God Bless Them one and All!
Jameson Collins
Jane Bigue
Jane Greer
Janie Joyce
Janine Allen
Jarred, Eric and Cheryl Greenleaf
God Bless and thank you Sisters of Mercy for your service and love, including our Aunt Sister Mary Miller who also attended Saint Joseph's College in 1963
Jay & Becky Pingree
Jeff Hanson
Jeff and Debbie Crocker
In honor of The Sisters of the 1980s who enriched our education, supported us and created fond memories.
Jen Greslick
Jenelle Harris
Go Monks!
Jenna Chase
Proud to have gone to Saint Joseph's Parish School, Catherine McAuley High School and Saint Joseph's College where I was able to learn and grow from many of the Sisters of Mercy!
Jerred Edson
Jessica Ayo- Rioux
Jessica Noonan
In honor of Sisters Mary George and Joyce
To Sisters Mary George and Joyce, my basketball game-watching fans! Miss sitting with you and hearing your player skill commentary!
Jessica and Chris Dionne
In memory of Amy (Whitten) Herrick
Jimmy & Rachel Riley
In honor of Sister Mary George
Thank you, Sister Mary George, for your leadership, guidance, and kindness. We appreciate you and all you’ve done for SJC!
Joan & John Munroe
Joan Kimani
In honor of Sister Sylvia Comer
Sr. Sylvia was loving, patient and gentle. She welcomed me as a fresh off the boat foreign student and got me involved in Campus Ministry and Mercy Week. Here I felt welcomed and a part of a wonderful community. She was among the first to call my by African name Shiro
Joanne Bean
In honor of Sister Joyce and Sister Mary George and all the Sisters of Mercy. Go Monks! Congrats to the Advancement Team !
Joel Berenson
John & Lynda Wilson
John & Missy Adams
John Harder
In honor of Sister Michelle Aronica
John Kenneally
In honor of Sister Mary George O'Toole
At SJC we are a small school, but we are mighty! Monks forever!
John Zerillo
Jonathan Tuttle
Thank you to all the Sisters of Mercy!
Joseph Finn
In honor of In Honor of Mike Finn, all-time leader of goals and points for SJC Monk's Mens Lacrosse
Thank you for your service and dedication to the Kingdom of God.
Joseph Loughlin
Joseph Wolfberg
Joshua Beer
In honor of Fred Stone
In honor of Fred Stone for all he did for me and the St. Joe’s community. Also, thank you to the Sisters of Mercy!
Joy LeBlanc
My experience at SJC was life changing. Thank you Sisters of Mercy.
Joy Pulsifer
Judi Ryan
Judith Crager
Thank you for providing an opportunity to gain my Bachelors degree during summer sessions at St. Joes. Loved my time there on beautiful Lake Sabago.
June Hoffman
Karen Dostie
To the Sisters of Mercy for their dedication and compassion.
Karen Shea
Karl & Carla Savino
In memory of Sr. Therese & Sr. Gratia Harnois
Happy to be apart of such a wonderful community!
Kathleen Dennis
Kathleen Halliday
Kathleen Lucas
To all the Sisters of Mercy who dedicated their life's work to the education I received at St Joseph's College - Thank you!
Kathleen Mulligan
Dear Sisters of Mercy, attending Saint Joseph's College many years ago was a great pleasure and resulted in my ability to continue upgrading my position as a critical care nurse for many years.
Kathleen Quinn
In honor of Sister Catherine McCarthy, RSM
Kathleen Taylor
Kathryn Devaney
Kaylee Fernald
Kelly Webster
In honor of the Sisters of Mercy
Kenneth Marino
In honor of Sister Mary Kneeland
Wonderful college with a great team.
Kevin Frazier
We are praying for the success of your mission.
Kevin Howley
In honor of all the Sisters of Mercy for their dedication to St. Joseph's College. We have all been very fortunate to have been educated by them.
Kevin Sullivan
Kimberly Denman
Kimberly Folke
In memory of Gay A Ritter
My sister and nurse mentor who left me way too soon
Kimberly Osmanski
Sisters of Mercy - Thanks for all your service, smarts, sacrifices, and spirit.
Kristen Bowes Stella
Kristen Crawford
Laura Sullivan
Thank you to the Sisters of Mercy for being the shining lamp for our Community!
Laura Sullivan
Laurie Miller
Laurie Nagi
Leslie Hested
Remember dancing with Sister Mary George at a reunion!!
Leslie Nee
Liam Skinner
Lillian Donnelly
In honor of William J Donnelly
thank you to the Sisters of Mercy for this wonderful college
Lillian Souweine
Linda Kane
Linda Lebo
I chose St. Joseph’s College because of the background with the Sisters of Mercy!
Lindsay Drumm
Thank you to the Sisters for bringing a faith based College to Maine!
Lisa Merrill
A shout out to all of my former co-workers at SJC (June 99-Oct 14)! I hope everyone is doing well!
Liz Wiesen
In honor of Sister Betty Kilbride
A champion for the underdog, Sister Betty's delightful sass and profound kindness welcomed me to Saint Joe's. Her commitment to continued learning and openness to differences continue to serve as an inspiration to me.
Logan Skinner
Loreen MacNichol
In honor of Sister Aine Cyr and Sister Monica Cook
Always grateful for their love and guidance!
Lorna Garland
Louise Morang
In honor of Sister Mary Faith (Jean Caron) Mercy Nursing School Faculty She was a wonderful teacher, friend and mentor.
Lt Col P.L. Schiefer USAF (ret)
Lucas Bernacki
In memory of Dr. Beth Auger
Lynelle Leclair
Just because St Joe's is a GREAT school and know of many graduates doing GREAT! Thank you St. Joseph's College, the wonderful sisters, faculty and staff! WIsh it could be more...
M Pamela Aliberti
In memory of Connie Aliberti
Mame Bonneau
Marcus Barresi
Marcus Benson
Margaret Cosentino
Marguerite Gerraughty
Marie McCann
Marie Snow
In memory of Sr. Mary Consuela, RSM
Mark Green
Sister Eunice was my first office mate when I started at the College. We bonded over the Clinton impeachment proceedings. She watched it in the office on TV during her every free minute of the day. She couldn’t believe, with the state of Earth and all the environmental issues we faced on the planet, that the federal government was spending their time on this ‘ridiculous issue’. She was a true environmentalist.
Martha Patterson
Martha Sumner
I am making my donation to honor Sr. Mary Jude, who made a big impact for me to start my lifelong business career! Thanks Sister!
Martina Garifine
Mary C. Mulrow
Mary Campbell-Barry
In memory of Constance Hegarty Campbell ‘52
Mary Duffy
Mary Ellen Cafiso
In honor of Sister Mary George and Sister Joyce
It has been such a joy and privilege to work with our beloved Sisters of Mercy. Their love and dedication to Saint Joseph's College serve as an inspiration to us all!
Mary Ellen Sansoni
Mary Greely
In honor of All the Mercy sisters
Mary Keller
Mary Knightly
Please use this donation for scholarships.
Mary Labrecque
In honor of Fredric Vaughn Stone
I went to.grammar school and high school and Mercy Hospital school of nursing. I particularly have a special bond with Sister Consuela White, she was a angel. Now I use the college for silver sneakers which I love. Keep. Up the good work. God Bless. Mary Lou Labecque
Mary Pat FitzGibbons
I have a great memory. Dr Lemke's history class. We had a big paper/presentation. I did mine on "history and impact of radio" and talked them into giving my presentation over the school radio system. It was awesome. A lot of fun. :)
Mary Rowland
Mary Sullivan
In honor of sister Mary Jude Murray RSM
Mary beth Hoppe-CoKley
Thank you for a great education!
Mary mahan
In memory of Natalie Powers
Marybeth McNamee
Maryellen Foley Struck
Matt Morse
Matthew Ginnetty
In memory of Joe Gallagher , Class of 1978
Matthew Hart
In all the world there is one Sister Mary George and we are thankful that she is our Sister Mary George | all the best Matthew and Debra Hart
Maureen O'Rourke
Maureen Reis
I was influenced by many of the Sisters at the college in the early 60's. Both Sister Mary George and I were in our youth!
Megan Dunlap
Go Monks!
Megan Farrell Messner
Melissa and Jim Dlugos
Michael & Charline Turner
Michael Callnan
Michael Johnston
Michael Page
Michelle Laughran
Let’s do more to honor SJC’s Sisters of Mercy! 🙏
Mike & Margaret McDevitt
Mike Hay
In memory of John Waldron
Monique LaRocque
I'm so grateful to be a part of this beautiful community in the Sisters of Mercy tradition.
Nancy Heline
Nancy Kristiansen
Just grateful.
Nancy Pagurko
Please accept my gift as a sign of my continued gratitude to the Sisters of Mercy for all the help and encouragement I received as a student back in the 50's! Please know my heart will always be with SJC. Eternally Grateful, Nancy Pagurko.
Neil Pigeon
I Believe in You... Always Dad..
Nelda Booker
Nicholas Loupe
In honor of Brandon Thibodeaux
In honor of all of those men and women, like my buddy Brandon, that lost their lives either at war on foreign soil or here at home within their heads.
Oliver Griswold
Pat Gould
As Seniors we lived in Xavier, where Sister Stephanie also lived. I remember an evening when Sister Stephanie joined Joyce Carroll, my roommate and me for a snack of pistachio nuts and yes, they were the red ones...Sister Mary Mark and Sister Alacoque, had such great senses of humor and were great teachers. I loved my four years at St. Joseph's with the Sisters of Mercy, and I love the visits we make as alums.
Pat O'Brien Quinn
Patricia Regan
The friends I have from Saint Joe's have been a lifelong blessing. We fondly remember the Sisters and professors.
Patricia Stack
Patricia Ward-Bailey
Patriot Mechanical
Phyllis Irvin
Priscilla Davis
Randall "Pep" Davis
Raymond Mosca
Rebecca Compton
Rebecca Thompson
Regina Pilatti
Sisters of Mercy were there ( when our mothers were not ) to help guide us , help us , and hold us accountable. I am a better person and nurse because of you. ( 43 years of nursing ) . Thank you
Renee LeBrun
In honor of To all the Sisters of Mercy who were supported of me as a student, and many of whom became my colleagues during my thirty years working in the PR/Marketing Dept. My time there was a joy, helping to promote SJC to the outside world.
Richard Kiley
In honor of Gene Kiley III
You all are doing great work.
Richard Ruane
Richard Whitmore
In honor of Katie Whitmore
Rick & Maureen Charette
Rob Poissant
Robert J . Lenihan
In honor of Brian Seamus Lenihan
Great school 🙏🍀
Ronald Woodard
St. Joseph’s college changed my life for the better in so many ways. I made many friends and colleagues during my four summer sessions. I’m so happy I decided to attend SJCME.
Rosalind Messineo
Rosanne Botto
In honor of Joseph & Germaine Botto
Rosemarie Esposito
Rosemarie Manfra
Royster and Donna Tucker
In honor of Class of 2016.
In honor of Sr. Mary Jude Murray
Sr. Jude made a huge impact in my life both personally and professionally. She always had time to counsel, teach and share a smile.
Sandra Bowen
Sandra Krutz
Sarah McEachin
Sarah Nelson
Shannon McKee
In honor of Lauren McKee
Sharon J. Lilley
Dear Sisters, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your patience and time spent on me in the library during my Baccalaureate and Master's degrees. I have enjoyed a wonderful career by having received my education at Saint Joseph's. May God bless you all!
Sharon M. Capps
Shawn Sheehan
Sheila Rubio
Sheri Piers
My parents will never forget the road trips with Sister Joyce and Sister Sylvia to support the women's basketball team....Thanks for all the wonderful memories!!!!
Simon Gonzalez
Sister Mary Miller
I am proud to be a Sister of Mercy and of those Sisters who founded St. Joseph’s
Sophia Viger
Spencer Nagi
Sr. Carol Lachance, RSM
Sr. Dale Jarvis, RSM
Sr. Edward Mary Kelleher, RSM
Sr. Janet Campbell, RSM
Sr. Maria Ricci, RSM
Sr. Mary Fasulo, RSM
Sr. Mary George O'Toole, RSM
Sr. Mary Jude Murray, RSM
I feel honored to be a retiree of the Business Program at Saint Joseph's as well as many years as a Board Member. May this Giving Day be very successful. Sincerely in Christ, Sister Mary Jude.
Sr. Mary McCarthy, RSM
Sr. Mary Morey
In honor of Sisters of Mercy
Sr. Mary Quinn, RSM
Sr. Maureen Wallace, RSM
Stanley & Janet Gilbert
Stefania Strzalkowska
In honor of Zdzislaw Karol Strzalkowski
Stephanie Briggs
Stephanie Briggs
Thank you Sisters for making the college what it is!
Stephanie Feyler
Wishing you all the best on Giving Day! Go Monks!!!
Stephanie Gurski Porciello
Stephen Mohr
Stephen Sansevere
Steve Prather
In memory of Gary Landry and Kathy Murphy
To the Sisters of Mercy, thank you! To Sister Joyce Mahaney and Sister Mary George, a special thank you for your support of Monk's Athletics (Basketball) during my four years! Thank you for your selfless dedication to all who walked the halls of St. Joseph's College!
Sue Calcagno
Suzanna Barrett
Suzanne LaCroix
I am not alumni, but I am a Standish resident who is so pleased with how you have welcomed community members and opened your campus & facility to the seniors (elders) to Silver Sneaker classes and made the campus available to us. Thank you so very much. PS Jenna Chase is a gem and a keeper!
In honor of The Sisters of Mercy
I always appreciate how they took me under their wings
Tara Navick
Tatyanna Seredin
Thank You!!
Terese Myatt
Terry Byrd
Saint Joseph's College of Maine remote learning coupled with the onsite summer program allowed me to complete my degree while working full time. Program was ahead of its time. I am honored to give back a small gift to the Sisters of Mercy.
Terry Byrd
The Eagleston Family
Theresa Moody in Support of the Sisters of Mercy
In honor of the many Sisters of Mercy who have so well served St. Joseph's College.
Therese Mirisola
In honor of Sr Consuela
She made me the nurse I have been for the past 37 years….instilled the art and the science in my chosen profession….
Thomas & Diane McDermott
Dear Sister's of Mercy, Thank you for your guidance and dedication! Sincerely, Diane and Tom McDermott
Thomas Hall
Thank you! Our son is going to be a fantastic nurse because of you!!
Thomas and Debora Barlion
Tiffany Mears
In honor of I’m dedicating this to all the Sisters of Mercy, but especially Sister Michele Aronica who was my advisor. I appreciate her candor, support and advice. She’s also an amazing artist. God bless!
Tina Charpentier
Vincent Palange II
Virginia Buckley-Kessler
In honor of Sr. Mary George & Sr. Joyce
Virginia Gengler
In honor of Sisters of Mercy
Maureen & I have so many good memories of our time at St. Joe's and still get together with many of our classmates on a regular basis. God Bless the Sisters of Mercy and all that they do and all that they have done for us.
Will Rothermel
Will Wood
William Cosentino
We love the opportunity to work with our students and the SJC community! Roll Monks! - Bill & Margot
William Evans
As a distant student, the on campus time was wonderful. My fellow students were so nice and great to work with. The instructors were excellent and the Dean was outstanding
Winnie McMorrow
My time at St. Joes was very special to me.
Yu Hu
Zach Blodgett
Barbara lajoie
Charles marquardt
sisters of mercy- always positive teachers, who cared about our future...always willing to help, laugh, and jude was especailly helpful in my growth ,and career
Cheryl michael
David Mccarthy
In honor of Sister Consuela and a shout out to Sister Mary George!
Karen ellsworth
I would like to acknowledge the work done to bring women's basketball team to where it is now. My freshmen year we got tee shirts and had to sew our numbers on. So much positive change. Go monks.
Neal workman
In honor of Diane Atwood
Susan wallace
In memory of SR Anna McNaughton RSM
Sr Anna was my aunt (Sr Thecla) born and raised in Portland and taught in far upstate Maine, she came home to be professed and earned her language degree at Boston University She was a professor of French in St Joseph's language department and had taught and mentored students since the inception of "The College"as it was referred to by my family. Our family spent many happy afternoons by the lake swimming or skating in the early days of the college.
Wyndee grosso
Thank you for all you do
Thank you for all you do!
Nurses are the root of all good and the Sisters of Mercy helped lead the way.
In honor of Sister Mary George O'toole and memory of Betty Vantassel
Sr. Mary George taught me social theory. Betty taught me the practice of social work. What a wonderful team they made.
In honor of Sister Grace Barton
In honor of Sisters of Mercy
Keep up the good work!
Attended Summer sessions in 2004 and 2006, my first college experience! Instructors were exceptional. Great Roommate experience!
Godspeed to all at SJC
In memory of Sister Consuela and Everett A Davis
In memory of Sr. Sylvia Comer

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