Give To What You Love
Tabor Boy Deckhouse Fund Challenge
Peter & Jennifer Francis P’14,’16 are offering a 3:1 challenge to the Tabor community if you make a gift to support the Tabor Boy Deckhouse Fund. For every $3 raised for the deckhouse, Peter & Jennifer will match that amount with $1 up to $100,000.
$4,391 matched
$95,609 to go
Raise $25,000 and unlock $25,000
When members of the extended Tabor community contribute $25,000 to support one or more of the many priorities on campus, including Academics, Arts & Athletics, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Faculty, Financial Aid, Ocean Programming, and Waterfront & Campus, an anonymous donor will unlock $25,000 for the Fund for Tabor. When the community meets the challenge, the donor is prepared to extend an additional $25,000 challenge to support the Tabor experience.
$25,000 raised
$25,000 unlocked!