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Trinity-Pawling School

Pawling, NY

For the Boys - Parent Giving Day

Help make a transformational difference… For the Boys!

raised of $130,000 goal
Trinity-Pawling School

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (115)

All (115)
Abdul Rashid
Alicia and Robert Ferreira
Alison Winslow
Thank you TP!
Allison and Larry Fehrenbaker
Amy & Rob Bocompani
Andrew Tumolo
Angie Hammel
Anthony and Diana Candullo
Ariel Ostad
Baret Family
Bobby & Melinda Edwards
With deepest appreciation to TP’s amazing faculty, administrators and staff for always supporting our son.
Brad and Julia Stewart
Burke Family
Glad to be part of an amazing community of people supporting young men of our future-
Caitlin Duncan
Blessed to be a part of the TP family.
Cassandra Reynolds
Chen Meng
Chuck Nuccio
Cindy Konrad
Courtenay and Anthony Caramico
Cynthia Bolding
Cynthia Casucci Hida
Dana Mauser
Darío and Rachel Figueiredo
Dawn DiDomenico
Deirdre & Cyril Prendergast
In honor of Pearse '24
Diego Migliore
Donna & Jack Cahill
In honor of Todd Hoffman, Ned Reade, Slade Meade, Michele Carlin, Nic Bell
Just saying thanks to T-P and the teachers that loved, guided and inspired our son doesn't seem enough. T-P is responsible for the kind, compassionate and successful young man we see today. We are forever grateful. XOXO
Eric Fugelsang
Francesca Dagobert
For the Boys
Gennaro & Lea DeMaio
Thanks to The Trinity Pawling community for all that you've done for our son's education and development.
Georgette & Jamie Jefferson
We will never forget the incredible educational and athletic experience our son Jordi received at Trinity-Pawling. Forever grateful!
Geri Barker
In memory of Matthew Dooley
As both a proud parent and now a grateful faculty member, I am so appreciative of the transformative experiences that TP has provided, not only for my own son’s but for all the boys!
Greg and Amy Pflaum
It's our son's first year at TP and so far, so good! Thanks to the teachers & staff for their dedication :)
Gretchen Wixtead
Heather & Evan Prizer
For the Boys, Heather & Evan Prizer
Henry Forcier
JP Macrigiane
Jaime and Jeff Overman
Jasmine Bellamy
Jeff Devenney
Jennifer and David Lahey
In honor of Joe Procopio, Brayden Lahey's grandfather
Jeremy Meltzer
Good Work Trinity-Pawling!!!
Jill and Anthony Greier
Jinchao Huang
Jing Bi
My son ANDI-G11
Jinhyeok Sohn
Joe & Stacy Corrigan
Trinity-Pawling has truly been a blessing to our son and family. The staff and faculty are amazing and are providing memories for the boys that will last forever.
John & Leslie Alessandro
Trinity-Pawling has provided the best experience for our son. We are so proud of the work ethic, effort, and improvement our son has shown. It's all because he is a part of the Pride. We are thrilled to support the school and intend to continue our support so future students can continue to benefit from Trinity-Pawling. For the boys!
John Befus
John Malachi
John and Julie Beimler
Julie Head
Julie and Andrew Levin
Katherine Hendrix
Katherine and Ethan Burke
Katheryn Allen Berlandi
In memory of Phillips Smith
Kathy Turner
Kelly and John Huguenard
Ken Macanka
Kevin and Joanna Costantino
We are so grateful for this amazing Trinity Pawling community. The dedication to the boys is unbelievable and we are so thankful Andrew can be a part of it. Thank you!
Kimberly Hobby
Kimberly Sturino
We are so proud of the thoughtful, hardworking young man you have become.
Kira Read
Kristin Frisina
Thank you to all of the Trinity-Pawling community - past and present. It's been a privilege to be part of this community.
Kristin and Bruce Major
Lan and Eric Takahashi
Laurie and David Wyman
Li Liu
Keep up the good work!
Libby and Matt Deely
Lida and Behzad Khameneh
Lisa Van Etten
In honor of Corey Van Etten
Work hard, play hard and keep smiling!!
Lisa and Mark Ashkinos
Liya Qiao
We are very grateful to the teachers at TP for helping Brian grow in all aspects.
Lorin and Jeff Miller
Louis Orofino
Thank you
Margaret Martsching
Trinity-Pawling has been great for my son. It's a place where he has learned to step into his true self and grow as a person!
Mary and David Jaffe
Melissa Hirsch
Thank You T-P!! For supporting and allowing our sons to thrive!
Melissa Mullamphy
Michael & Jackie Halpy
For the boys!! Every dollar counts
Michael & Monica Norton
Michael Rossi
For the Boys!!!
Michelle Laflamme
From the moment our family became a part of this school, we have experienced a warmth and support that truly makes it feel like a second home for our kids. The sense of belonging that permeates Trinity Pawling is truly exceptional. It is heartening to see Loïk excited about going to school every day, eager to engage in the various activities and opportunities that Trinity Pawling provides. We feel fortunate to be a part of the Trinity Pawling community and want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who contributes to making this school such a special place for our children!
Moira Abram-Hale
Monica and Tom Peterson
Monica and Tom Peterson on behalf of our son Tyler Peterson '25
Nicholas Peragine
TP has transformed my son into a young man. He'sLucky to be there
Parents and Trustees
Patrick and Daphne Daddino
Peter Giarrizzo
Thank you T-P!
Petra Eloranta
We are grateful that our son has this amazing opportunity to be part of the TP Community. He has grown so much and he has become an independent and responsible young man
Qun Ge
For the Boys! For the TP !
Qun Ge
Robert Melnyk
Robin and Thomas Caruso
Sal Zani
Slade Mead
Spencer Beard and Emmie King
Stephanie Baran
Tim Turner
Stay focused and finish strong
Wentao Liu
Willy & Kathy Katts
For the Boys - Katts Family
Yuyanpeng Lang
Barbara bock
In honor of Nathaniel Bock
Keep working hard and achieve your dreams!
Mark lincoln
Keep growing:)

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Trinity-Pawling School
Business Office, 700 Route 22, Pawling, NY 12564
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