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Trinity-Pawling School

Pawling, NY

One Day for Trinity-Pawling

Honor Your #1 Hero with your Support on our Day of Giving

raised of $250,000 goal
Trinity-Pawling School

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (534)

All (534)
AJ Beckwith
Adam Arena
In memory of Miles Hubbard
I always stopped at TP around 7am on our way up to Vermont for a weekend and sure enough - Hubbs was there - he always made me laugh. I miss him a lot.
Adam Dilly
Addie and Craig Burlington
In honor of JP Burlington
Adrienne Ptak
In honor of MacGregor Robinson
Alan Snow
Alex Feldman
In honor of Maria Reade
Alexander Dunn
Alexander Feldman
Alexander Hilton II
In honor of Irwin Liu
Alvah Rock
Amy Bocompani
Andrew Baker
Andrew Cox
In honor of Coach Coratti, Mrs. Reade, and Mr. Taylor!
Andrew Donohue
In honor of Sally Pryor
Andrew Kirkaldy
In honor of Chris Gillman and Taylor Pirie.
Thank you for your tireless efforts with our guys!
Andrew Masset
In honor of Bill Dunbar
Mr. Dunbar was my first year JV football coach. He was small but wiry and tough. He taught me how to tackle, block and throw. RIP...
Andrew Sanita
In honor of Miles Hubbard
In memory of Miles Hubbard
Andrew Sanita
In honor of Teacher and Coach Bill Cooper
In memory of Teacher and Coach Bill Cooper
Andrew Slabaugh
Andy Nelson
Tommy Seitz for continuing to lead our class thru difficult times.
Ann Fletcher
Anna Olsen
Thank you for believing in our son and giving him an opportunity to attend Trinity-Pawling as a part of the class of 2024!
Anthony & Courtenay Caramico
Anthony & Hope Colantonio
Anthony Arcudi
In honor of Papa Bear
Anthony McHugh
In honor of Maria and Ned Reade
Your kind and loyal dedication to the school and its mission. Thank you
Anzhuo Xu
Arlene Toscano
Austin Oswinkle
In honor of Earl Scott Carlin
Earl was one of the most amazing people who has ever touched my life. He showed me what it meant to do the right thing not the popular thing. When the sun is shining just right on a beautiful day, I always look up and tell Big Earl thank you. Thank you for looking down on your boys and and smiling. Miss you brotha.
In honor of MacGregor Robinson
Trinity-Pawling misses you every day.
Barrett Seaton
Barry Thompson
Dedicated to all the faculty and staff who provide such a fantastic learning environment and growth experience for their students... TP is a wonderful place, we will always have fond memories and will continue to give support.
Beau Barile
In honor of Duncan P
Ben Girolamo
Ben Sherman
In honor of Ty Benham
Ben Stewart
Bill Dunbar
Bill Kelly
Bill Pettit
Bill Platt
In honor of Hubert Manifold
Mr. Manifold was a math teacher back in the day who probably hasn't received the recognition he deserves as a dedicated and highly competent TP faculty member. I was a terrible math student but, one day, Mr. Manifold held me after class and coached me on some (for me anyway) difficult concepts. "You can do this," he said and I 've never forgotten it.
Bish McDonnell
In honor of Charles E McDonnell Jr.
Bob Sheehan
In honor of Robin Boggs
In memory of Robin Boggs
Robin was my roommate 2 of the 4 years at TP. He was a great roommate, friend and fellow athlete. We had many adventures and fun together. To all my Classmates of '75, those that I started freshman year to those I ended with my senior year, but the real heroes were the faculty, staff and coaches we loved.
Bob Spang
In memory of Eric “Zeke” Peterson
Lived with...Attitude is Everything
Bob Waegelein
Booker Corrigan
Brad Hardy
In memory of Miles Hubbard
Just a great mentor to me during my time at TP as a student, and afterwards as well. He ALWAYS put the School's and Students needs ahead of his own.
Brian Foster
In honor of Bill Cooper
Great coach and mentor
Brian Grimm
Brian Hayum
Big Blue '84!
Brian Stone
In honor of My mother
So many to choose from. Bottom line is my mother always wanted the best for me. TP was that place for me.
Bridgette Arthur-Mensah
In honor of The Faculty & supporting staff
Bruce Colley
In honor of Matt Damn, David Erdman, Labell, all our amazing classmates of ‘71
Matt Damn, David Erdman, Labell, and all our amazing classmates of ‘71
Bruce Ferguson
In honor of Dave and Debbie Coratti's 40 years of leadership and service to T-P. Thank you!
Dave and Debbie, congratulations on your well-earned retirement and thank you for your leadership, guidance, and service to so many of us who had the privilege of learning from you.
Bryan Cahill
Stay safe boys! Hail TP
Bryan Sanchez
Bud Hoopes
C. Brock Bauknight, Jr
In honor of Dave corrati
In honor of Josh Frost
in honor of his exemplary leadership at the World Language department position and for always supporting his fellow language teachers.
Cal OCallaghan
In honor of Tim Hickey
Carol Markey
Carol and Ted Kneeland
Caroline Trottier
Cathryn Rocco
In honor of Dutch Keel and Mrs Berlandi
Can’t thank Mr Keel and Mrs Berlandi enough for their compassion and support!
Charles Csaszar
Charles Dow
Charley Curran
Charlie Cook
Charlotte Haims
In honor of Bill Taylor
Mr Taylor is such a class act! A wonderful headmaster, mentor and approachable person on campus. Trinity Pawling is fortunate to have his vision.
Charlotte and JC Stites
Chase Smith
Chico Kieswetter
In honor of Miles Hubbard
As a classmate of Miles, I could see he was for Trinity Pawling all the way.
Chris Burke/Building Services Crew
Chris Cattani
A big thank you to all the past & present faculty/staff of the Trinity-Pawling School.
Chris Gaylord
Dedicated to Chuck Little. Chuck was passionate about music. In eleventh grade he built his own electric guitar and eventually painted it bright yellow with tiger stripes. He left this planet way too soon and will always be a part of the Big Blue Crew.
Chris Hattar
Chris Nolan
In honor of all the TP Heroes especially Coach Gillman and Coach Hoffman
Chris Roux
Christian Degenhardt
Christian Keyes
Christian Sundahl
In memory of Hubbs
Christina Roberts
Go TP!
Christopher Bailey
Christopher Gillman
Thank you to the Trinity-Pawling community - past and present - faculty/staff, students, alumni, and parents. Trinity-Pawling is an incredible place.
Christopher Kelly
In Honor and Memory of Miles Hubbard.
Christopher Pateman
Christopher Ryan
Christopher Thompson
Chukky Okobi
Cindy Konrad
Clark Herman
In honor of Irwin Liu
In memory of Irwin Liu
Irwin Liu was a dear friend who died suddenly and tragically several years ago. He was an outstanding human being, wrestler, student. He exuded a joy for life and undying loyalty towards his family and friends. He epitomized what the school either is or should be about. I really miss his presence. He was not afraid to take on prior Administration about what he perceived as unfair treatment of his fellow fighting gentlemen. That was an act of courage that I will be eternally grateful for.
Clark Shafer
Cody Doyle
Colin O'Shea
In honor of Coach Coratti
Colleen FOLEY
In honor of Mr. Keel a true gentleman!
Connie Rafferty
In honor of Carp, MBR, MacG
Connie and Rex Farr
Connor McNamara
In honor of Greg “Carp” Carpiniello & the rest of the TP alumni and staff during my time at TP
Among many others, Carp left a lasting mark on my time at TP and instilled the right attitudes and lessons that have contributed towards my successes as an adult. I appreciate all the he and Trinity Pawling have done for me in my life. Go Pride!
Connor Sallee
Cooper Vengrove
Crawford Pike
Curtis Flynn
The 88 that walked in May of 1984
Cynthia Bolding
All the staff and faculty are Heroes. It takes everybody working together to help these young scholars grow into young men. Thank you for all that you do!!!!!
Dan Glasser
Dan Hoag
Dan Marma
Dan Rooney
In honor of Phil Smith
He put up with my immature bull shit and let me graduate!
Dan Walbolt
In honor of Ty Benham
Dan Wyman
Dana Koch
In honor of Kevin Neal Acrish
Daniel Csaszar
In honor of Mr. Harff
Mr. Harff has been a true role model! Thank you for everything!
Daniel Lennox
In honor of Nick and Regan LaFontaine
Darren Palmer
Dave Coughlin
Dave and Debbie Coratti
In honor of Miles Hubbard '57
Dave and Jane Blaymires
In honor of Chris Gillman & Emily Tucci
Michael's heroes are Mr. Gillman and Ms. Tucci! Thank you for your daily support, inspiration and continuous encouragement!
David C. Genter
David Clarke
David Grum
David Jollin
David Lindsay
In honor of Matt Dann
Matt Dann was one of the few people who slapped me in the back of the head as hard as he could and I still had total respect for him!!!!!!
David Mayeri
I miss Coach Hubbard. May his memory continue to be a blessing. Sending my best to Janet, Sharon and all of Coach Hubbard’s family.
David Neligan
David Peck
In honor of Ted Kneeland
Ted Kneeland was the inspiration behind a life of learning that I didn't recognize until after I graduated from Trinity-Pawling. Thank you, Mr. Kneeland for a well learned life.
David Sample
David Tyree
David Waters
In honor of Jack Karpoe
David Wills
Deborah and Sylvain Blanchard
Denise Palmer
In honor of Faculty and Staff
Thank you for helping us raise our 3 boys
Dennis Fischer
Class of 1968
Dennis Golden
My Hero is Matthew Golden: teacher, coach, older brother, my grandson.
Dennis Slater
Dennis Sullivan
Devin Manning
Dianne Avlon
Dick Bauer
Dom Gaccino
In honor of Andrew Kirkaldy
Don Burgett
Donald Keel
Donald S Pettit
In honor of Jon Pettit
Donald Wilmot
In memory of Jack Karpo and David Terrell
Coach Karpo was a wonderful football coach and teacher who prepared me for life after T-P particularly in Chemistry and Mr. Terrell was my hockey mentor who helped me in choosing where to pursue hockey in college.
Donna and Jack Cahill
If we could add a few more zeros to the donation - we would! We are forever grateful to Trinity-Pawling and the lasting impact this wonderfully special school has had on our son’s life. 💕 So many current and former teachers and staff to thank - Ms. Barker, Coach Bell, Mrs. Carlin, Mr. Dinsmore, Mr. Dore, Mr. Fritts, Coach Gillman, Mr. & Mrs. Hoffman, Mr. & Mrs. Kellogg, Coach LaFontaine, Mr. & Mrs. Mead, Mr. Reade, Headmaster Smith and Ms. Tucci.
Doug Ebert
In honor of The entire Class of '64 and in memory of our fellow classmates who are no longer with us.
Doug Ebert
Doug Hawley
In honor of John Owen - one of the best teachers O ever had.
Doug Phillips
Drew Wyman
Dwight Stephens
Edward Miller
In honor of Miles Hubbard
Edward Pryor
Edwin Powell
In memory of Tyler Benham #56
Elena and Don Reed
Elizabeth Larned
In honor of Dutch Keel, for the incredible difference he made for MacLean during his TP years—and after!
Elizabeth Smith
Elizabeth and Lincoln Ellis
In honor of Bill Casson and Ned Reade; both who, in different ways, have made significant impacts on Blake.
Elliott Smith
Emily Tucci
In honor of Mrs. Foster
Emma Christiantelli
Erik Olstein
Ethan Fehrenbaker
In honor of Coach Ferraris
Evan Davis
In honor of Brian Fidler
Florent Lacroix
Frank Fritts
Fred Begeman
Toussaint C. Romain's work as a Civil Rights leader in Charlotte and around the country, A True Hero speaking and standing up for what is right.
In honor of Debbie and Dave Coratti
Gabriel Avis
In honor of Kent, Connie, Chris, Joe, Ned, and Mark. Thank you!
Gabriel Walsh
In honor of Kevin Acrish
Always in our thoughts, friend!
Gari Stroh
Gedney Webb
Geoff Partel
Geoffrey Fitzgerald
My heroes are Ned and Maria Reade, they were my mentors, coaches, teachers, and my parents away from home. It was a true blessing to have the Reade's as part of my life at TP and I will eternally grateful for that experience.
George Stewart and Alexandra Turner
George and Tom Hess
Geri Barker
In honor of Matt Dooley
In facing challenges Matt is all about spreading joy and positivity! Keep smiling Matt!
Gordon A. Uehling III
Greg Spore
Gregg Sanik
In honor of my T-P Heroes .... Mr. Mathew Dann, Mr. William Dunbar, Mr. Jack Karpoe, Mr. William Cooper, and Mr. Miles Hubbard.
Gregory Bieger
Gregory Szazynski
Gus Swartz
The Class of 1990! All of you men are amongst the best I’ve ever known!
To our #56 TB. Class of 90 will forever have an empty space, without you.
Hadwen Fuller III
Coach Hutchinson, Corratti, and Henry
Hannah Alley-Keller
Harrison Bramhall
In honor of Mike Weber
For putting up with me through APES! And inspiring me to pursue science.
Hayden Carillo and Family
In honor of Josh Collins
Heather Berner
Helen and Ted Riehle
Henry Durling
In honor of All Faculty
Henry Hatfield
Henry Rickert
In honor of my hero, Andy Rickert
Herbert Case
Hill Lenderman
Howard Mount
In honor of Coaches: D. Coratti, P. Henry, J. Hutchinson
In honor of all the great T-P Teachers, Coaches and Staff...I specifically would like to thank Coaches D. Coratti, P. Henry, J. Hutchinson for all the advice and wisdom shared both on the field and off the field. It is teachers and coaches like you that help shape young men for a life of perpetual learning, fortitude and compassion. Thank you!
Hunter Olstein
Hyatt Choate
Ian Craig
Ian Sears
J.A. Dean Williams
JB Ferrarone
JP Burlington
In honor of The Class of 1995
Jack Cay
In honor of Chris Tschupp
Jack Esselen
In honor of John Owen
Great English teacher!
Jack Gump
Jack Haims
Jack Makris
Jacquelyn Belcher
In honor of Coach Sam Clougher
Jake Repaci
James Day
James Desrosier
James Duffy
James Ferrarone
James Gibson
Keep growing TP
James Harmon
James Parker
In honor of Coach Foster
James Roe
Jamie Hiteshew
Jan and Peter Brough
Jane Hanrahan
In honor of Bill Casson
Jane and Bob Preston
Jane and Robert Holder
Janet Keating
In honor of Debbie and Dave Coratti
Jason Stiles
Jay Bresnehan
Jay Sullivan
Jeff Beck
Jeff Mandigo
In honor of Dave and Debbie Coratti
Congratulations on a well-deserved retirement! Thanks for everything you have done for me and my family.
Jen Grahn
Jesse Wildrick
In honor of Dave Coratti
Dave Coratti was a great mentor in the years I needed direction the most. I hope more young men get the same chance at greatness he enabled for me.
Jim and Janet Heubel
In memory of Eileen Heubel
Jim and Nicolle McDougal
Jinhyeok Sohn
In honor of Mr. Golden and Mrs. Grahn
Joanne and Bob Yunich
Joe Cerra
John Baylis
John Covino Covino
John Doherty
Honor of all the great faculty, staff, coaches ,administration and students past and present who have helped to shape so many lives in a positive way.
John Gedrick
In honor of Editors & Writers of the Phoenix
Heroes for a Free Press
John Gedrick
In honor of Acolytes & Vergers
Heroes of All Saints Chapel
John Gedrick
In memory of MacGregor Robinson
Hero for Mentors
John Litscher
John Shuttleworth
John Sikes
John Wilson DeLoach
TP is my hero
Jonathan Girard
Jordi Jefferson
My TP hero is Chris Gillman. He makes each and every day special for the boys of TP through his unrelenting support and enthusiasm. Thanks for all you did for me and all you continue to do for the boys!
Joseph LEBLond
In honor of Robert Gardiner
One of the funniest and best man I have ever know. He was my fathers best man in his wedding and life long friend of the LEBLOND family .
Joseph Sai Hung Poon
Josh Collins
Joshua Frost
In honor of Maria Reade, who started the T-P Farming Program in 2011. Thank you!
Judy Sartorius
John Sartorius 111
Justin Fried
Karin Shultz
Kasey Diotte
Katheryn Allen Berlandi
In honor of This donation is in honor of each member of the Scully (dining) Hall team.
Keegan West
In memory of classmate Hunter Karen. Rest In Peace brother.
Ken Macanka
Ken Weeman
Kenneth McDougal
Kent Burnham
In honor of Mike Webber and Slade Mead
Kent Hiteshew
Kevin Foster
Kevin McClatchy
In honor of Tim Hickey
Kevin Neal Acrish
In honor of Kevin Acrish
Died too young
Kevin Zhong
Kevon Olstein
In honor of Mr. Kerins
Kimberly Marks
In honor of Emily Tucci and Rachel Kellogg
We appreciate all of your hard work!
Kirk Vartan
In honor of Brad Abbott
Mr. Abbott was the father of our friend and classmate Bill. He was our math teacher and a pretty intense coach on the basketball court as seen in this pic. We miss him.
Kristie Orourke
Kyle Hargens
Kyle Playsted
In honor of Mr. Rob Davenport
Kyle Zacharewicz
My hero is Dick Hilmer '73 When I grow up. I want to be just like him.
Lara Doyle
Lauren and Sean Gleeson
Laurie DelBalzo
Lawrence Jones
Lawrence Luce
In honor of Fr. Thomas Orso
Lesley and Toby Hoopes
Lewis Lazare
Libby & Matthew Deely
In honor of David & Debbie Coratti
In honor of the thousands of lives you've enriched over your very storied careers. Congratulations!
Lisa and Rhody Baker
Lorin Miller
In honor of Nick LaFontaine
Nick LaFontaine has been a true partner in the education of my two sons. He’s had a positive impact on both of them that can’t be overstated. Thank you!
Lucas Hughes
In honor of Bill Dunham and Ralph Fedele
Ralph and Bill are the best wrestling coaches ever.
Luke Murray
In honor of MacGregor Robinson
Thank you for believing in me!
Lynda and Mark Jacob
Lynn and Dick Baker
Malcolm Gilbert
Manny De La Cruz
Marc Schwarz
Marc Welch
Marcus Eldredge
In honor of Coach Gillman
Margaret Barton
Margot Pyle
Marilyn Beck
Mark Horncastle
In memory of Raymond C. Horncastle
Too many heroes to choose just one, but...Without mom and dad, there was no TP for me!
Mark Knepshield
Mark Shreiber
Mark Sullivan
In memory of Mike Stabile
Thank you to the amazing teachers and staff who supported the class of 97.
Mark Sullivan
In honor of Ted Mosle
Mary and Mike Colhoun
Mathilde Hopkins
Matt Bresler
In honor of the students who make this school what it is.
Matthew Dragalin
In honor of Mrs. Jameson
Thank you Mrs. Jameson. You made a difference and I am forever grateful
Matthew Golden
In honor of Nick LaFontaine, Chris Gillman, Roberta Lidl, and Arlene Toscano
Maura Cody
In memory of Ben Taylor
Maureen Till
Thank you to Katie Berlandi for helping my son through some tough times-very appreciative of you And your kindness
Maurice Vaughn
Meg and Larry Eaton
In memory of Miles Hubbard
Megan Burlington
In memory of Dr. Gamage
Meghan and Andy Nelson
In memory of Lora Gray
Merrill Shafer
Michael Burns
Michael Friedman
Michael Fritz
In honor of Dave and Debbie Coratti
Thank you Dave and Debbie for your dedication to TP Students for an amazing 40 years!
Michael Melford
Michael Paderewski
In honor of TB Class of '90
Michael Tandy
Michael Tyrrell
Michael Waller
In honor of Miles Hubbard
Miles I want to thank you for the impact you had on my life. When I was a student, you were always checking in on me and making sure I was getting done the things I needed to get done. You dedicated your afternoons to athletics and put in countless hours making sure we were prepared for practice and games with uniforms, etc. You also made the effort to get to know the students on campus, and for some, you became a mentor and someone to look up to. I just want to thank you for your love and passion for Trinity-Pawling. You were a model citizen and always required us to be positive stewards and representatives of T-P. Thank you, Miles!
Mike Barone
In honor of Mark Barone
In memory of my father, Mark Barone. I was fortunate enough to see him every day at T-P as a student. I miss and think about him every day and I’m grateful for the sacrifices he made so that me and my brother, Joseph Barone ‘14, could receive a great education. Always our hero.
Mike Kellogg
Mike Waller
I am donating in honor of the following wonderful people who had a part in my life during my time at T-P: The Class of 1975, Phil Smith, Bill Dunbar, Dan Lee, John Lloyd Owen, Jack Karpoe, Miles Hubbard, Bill Cooper, David Tirrell, Fr. Herron, Walter Adams, Brad Abbott, Ty Tuttle, Ed Powers, Eric Ruoss, Ted and Carol Kneeland, Bill Smyth, Frank Luongo, Kevin Dooley, Bill and Bonnie LaBelle, The Bogers, Bill Kite, Jim Ferguson, Mr. Ugalde, The Harringtons, Mr. Regan, Herb Dalton, Dave Erdmann, Tom Mayer, Mr. Duford, Mr. Simpson, and probably others I am not remembering at this moment.
Molly Feeney
Morgan Fahey
Morton Fearey
In honor of Dave Reece
For the memory of Dave Reece wrestling Will Snyder behind the cage - and so many more.....
Najae Brown
Nancy Horncastle
In honor of my heroes Raymond C. Horncastle and Miles Hubbard
Newton Clark
Norman Schwartz
In honor of Kenny McDougal in the FCS playoffs.
Oh Bear
In honor of Tyler Benham
Owen Mulhern
Patrick Houst
So many teacher, classmates and faculty members helped me during my time at Trinity Pawling, hard to just honor one. Thank you Trinity Pawling for starting me on a path to becoming the man I am today.
Paul Cudmore
In honor of David H. Montross '62
Paul Mancuso
To the entire TP community. You are all hero’s and make TP a special place.
Paul Miller
Paul Miranda
In honor of Dr Kenneth King
A genuine gentle giant spending his life looking after others with his medical practice for over 30 years in Brooklyn NY.
Paul Renzulli
Peter Boggs
Jack Karpoe as an outstanding coach and teacher!
Peter Drew
Peter Geagan
In honor of Dave Reece
Mr. Reece took a chance on the two Geagan boys & supported our family to experience all TP had to offer- it changed our lives- and so did running cornfields! Thx Red Light!
Peter Gesswein
Peter Lockwood
In honor of the A-Team and Rachel Kellogg
Peter McCabe
Peter Nostrand
Peter Salaverry
Peter Whitlock
Peter Wyeth
Philip Chasin
Philip Norkeliunas
Piper Skelly
Polly and Barry Gleichenhaus
Rachel, Jay, and Tucker Kellogg
In honor of Miles Hubbard '57, Chiz Umunakwe '18, and Matt Dooley '23
Randall Schmid
Raymond Begey
Regan and Nick LaFontaine
In honor of T-P's amazing faculty and staff!!
Rich Kane
In honor of Bill Dunham
For all of the guidance he has shared with our son Ryan
Richard Cutting
In honor of Irwin Liu.
Richard Henderson
In honor of The Class of 1971- "The Fighting Gentlemen"
To The Class of 1971: "The Fighting Gentlemen". Never has a greater group of gentlemen been assembled. Thank you all for your loyalty and friendship as we share our 50th Reunion together. God's Blessings and" Fides et Virtus"
Richard Kelley
Richard and Gail Sullivan
Rick Meyer
Matt Dann, who took a personal interest in my success at T-P, and John Lloyd Owen whom I credit with much of my success as a writer.
Rob & MJ Davenport
Rob Georges
In honor of The Coratti's amazing careers!
Robby Phillips
Robert (Ross) Bruce
Robert Brownlee
Robert Clark
Robert Dunbar
Robert Gould
Robert Grasing
Robert Gunkel
Robert MacGregor
Robert and Sara Ferraris
Roberta Lidl
In honor of Dave Coratti
Robin Caruso
In honor of Doc Mandigo
While we are truly grateful for all of the amazing faculty and staff at TP, I want to take this opportunity to thank and honor Doc Mandigo. Thank you for your continued patience, commitment and support. You have been an integral part of our son's daily life for which he will be forever grateful. And while TJ's time at TP draws to a close, your influence will be with him always and will continue to motivate him on his journey through college and beyond. Thank you Doc!
Ronald Falbee
In honor of Pete McCabe
For a lot of hard work over the years for something that was important to our class - you’ve done a great job!
Ronald VanAmberg
Jack Karpoe - he knew how to push me to get the most out of me.
Ronnie DiMaggio
In honor of In honor of Mr. Meade, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Reade, and all of the other facutly and staff that dedicate their lives and careers to bettering the boys that come through TP. And to Hunter Olstein for reminding me to donate!
Rusty McInerney
Ryan Devanny
Ryan Particelli
Ryan Schell
Rynard Gundrum
In honor of John Hutchinson
John Hutchinson, Taught us discipline on the football field and in the classroom! I am now at least 25 yrs older than he was when I knew him but he still inspires me today!
Sally Miller
In honor of Michele Carlin
So thankful that Mrs. Carlin always had a safe place to land and plenty of chocolate chip cookies for our son and the boys at TP!
Sam Barnard
Sam Clougher
Sam Engelhardt
Samuel Hemingway
Sandy Bryant
In honor of Kate Vengrove
Keep up the great work at Trinity-Pawling!
Sandy Guthrie
In honor of The 50th Reunion of the Class of ‘71
Sandy Keys
In honor of TB #56
Sanford Myers
Scott Bortis
In honor of Mr. Albert Degrasse for having taught me so much more than english.
Scott Collins
Scott Follett
Scott Harff
In honor of Chris Gillman
Mr. Gillman works tirelessly to support all students at Trinity-Pawling in a daily basis. He is an incredible role model for the students and the faculty alike!
Scott Seckel
In honor of The Class of 1984
My classmates are my heroes.
Scott Tennant
In honor of Eric G. Ruoss
My teacher, coach, mentor and friend.
Sean Gallagher
All Heros in the Class of 1984! Chris Gaylord Leader of All!!
Sean Hennessy
Sean Ray
Sean and Jill Casey
In honor of Miles Hubbard and Dave Corrati
Forever grateful for Hubb's investment in me. I am also grateful for Coach Coratti and want congratulate him on his years of service and commitment to TP
Shayne Skov
In honor of Jim Mcdougal; Chris Coratti; Maria Reade
I hold profound gratitude to each of you for your guidance over the course of my 3 years at TP. I came to Trinity-Pawling as a young man struggling to find himself and left a changed man. I can whole-heartedly say that without your willingness to engage in my education and maturation I would not find myself where I stand today. My sincere and heartfelt thanks to each of you for standing by me when I needed it most.
Sheryl and David Lynn
Sid and Julie Head
Slade and Alison Mead/Greene
In honor of MacGregor Robinson... missed everyday!
MacGregor, a friend who made a tremendous impact on many students and faculty alike. You are missed, my friend, you are missed.
Stephen Connolly
Stephen Dora
Stephen Perez
In honor of Bob Ferraris and Trinity-Pawling Hockey
Thank you Coach Ferraris, Coach Gill, and Coach Harff and all of Trinity-Pawling hockey for the guidance and mentorship during my time at Trinity-Pawling. Best 2 years of hockey I have experienced in my life. These will be memories that I cherish for a lifetime.
Stephen Ross
Steve Shattuck
In honor of Derek Wink
Mr. Andrews, my 11th grade English teacher, who gave me a really hard assignment involving Hamlet. I whined about it a LOT. But it led to a lifelong love of Shakespeare and his plays. John Lloyd Owen, my senior English teacher. RAF pilot. He made me memorize “To be or not to be”, which I still recite to myself when I try to sleep. He taught an AP English course using books I remember fondly and am glad I never have to read again. And he forever dissuaded me from cheating by announcing at one exam he was proctoring: “If I catch you cheating I won’t take you to the principal. I’ll just break your arm.”
Steven Beisel
Stew McKnelly
In honor of Susan C McKnelly
My Mom is the one who made the decision to send me to T-P. It was one of the hardest decision she said she every made but one of the best decision she every made. She love T-P and what it did for her son!! I miss you and love you Mom.
Student Gifts
Suzanne Najman
In honor of the faculty for their tirelessness
Suzanne and George Berky
In honor of Ned Reade
TR Dellin
Taylor Maury
In honor of Hotspur Hoffman
In loving memory of Hotspur Hoffman - the best dorm puppy there ever was. Always up for a back scratch and listening to Jerry rip the Tiger.
Taylor Pirie
In honor of Ned Reade
Taylor Weber
In honor of Ned & Maria Reade
Some heroes don’t wear capes. My heroes wore flannel shirts and smocks! Well done, thou good and faithful servants. Well done!
Team Admissions
In honor of JP Burlington
The Admission Team would like to make this donation in honor of JP Burlington. JP has dedicated countless hours to the Trinity-Pawling Admission office especially since the start of the pandemic. His tireless dedication to the school and solid leadership of the admission team is a testament to his dedication and love for his alma mater. With great appreciation for his commitment to school and community, Kim, Bill, Bob, Andrew and Amy
Teddy Berner
Terrence O'Neill
Terry and Gillian Stewart
The Rev. Canon Margaret Clark
The Strader Family
In honor of Roberta Lidl
We thank you, Roberta, for all of your wisdom, counsel and guidance, always shared with such warmth and good humor ❤️
The Strader Family
The Whitman Family
In honor of: Andrew Kirkaldy, Rachel Kellogg, Nick LaFontaine, Jodie Najman, Chris Gillman, and Taylor Pirie for your tireless support of our son in helping him through some of his toughest times this year. And, for being exceptional role models of the type of leaders these boys should aspire to be in life!
Theodore Allegaert
In honor of William H. Beattie, '82
Theodore Kelly
Thomas Giroux
In honor of Father Orso
Late night mentor session with Father O... He dispersed some advice in the form of an Ancient Chinese Proverb: "Pain makes man think; Thought makes man wise; Wisdom makes life endurable." That nugget hit me hard and immediately opened my perspective to a new paradigm that has been a rudder in my life journey. I asked which great philosopher penned that prose. He took a long drag on his cigarette and casually mentioned he just thought of it in the moment. His impact on so many has been, and continues to be immense.
Thomas Higgins
Thomas Holman
Thomas Linacre
In honor of Robert Reavil Lacey
In memory of the only "natural" athlete I have ever known who gave so unselfishly of his time and talents to help me during track season.
Thomas Linacre
In honor of Creighton "Gatch" Gatchell
In the Fall of ’61, I was Junior trying to make the Varsity football team as an offensive end and Gatch was the starting quarterback. Every Sunday afternoon, Gatch and I would go down to the football field and workout. He would practice his footwork and passing and I would run the patterns I’d learned from a book written by Raymond Berry, the Hall of Fame receiver for the then Baltimore Colts. I never played that year until the last game. Gatch suggested to Coach Karpoe he put me in and in the huddle, Gatch said, “I’m going to throw the ball into the end zone and you be there!” I said I’d be there. The ball was snapped, Gatch dropped back to throw the ball, I faked out the cornerback covering me and took off down the field. Gatch launched the ball with a high arch that seemed to float making me think I had plenty of time to get in the end zone. As I watched the ball begin to descend, I suddenly realized the ball was going much faster than I had anticipated and If I didn’t turn on the afterburners I’d be woefully short of receiving the ball in the end zone. I began running for all I was worth and as I watched the ball descending, I realized my only chance of catching it would be to launch myself into the air. So, I did and as I hit the ground with my arms outstretched, I watched the ball glance off my finger tips and land harmlessly on the ground. Of course, I felt humiliated, embarrassed and ashamed that I had under estimated Gatch’s throwing power. But on reflection, what I’ll always remember most about this experience was how unselfishly Gatch had donated his time to make me a better player. Gatch gave me a great opportunity and memory that remains with me today. T-P has given me many things that endure today. The vocabulary learned in John Lloyd Owen’s English class, the confidence with public speaking in Mr. Matern’s Debating Club and an understanding of mechanics from Mr. Karpoe’s Physics class and, of course, the opportunity to play organized sports. Most importantly, T-P gave me the opportunity to improve myself, to stretch myself and learn the value of setting goals for yourself, appreciating the hard work and sense of self-satisfaction that comes from achieving those goals. Thank you T-P and thank you Gatch !
Thomas McCrady
Thomas Miller
Thomas Shafer
My TP days were great! Hope to be back soon.
Thomas Swon
Tim Lau
Tim Stehly
Tim Williams
Timothy Henningsen
Timothy King
In honor of Eileen Heubel
Timothy McCabe & Karen McCabe
My hero is my Brother Peter Class of '68. He taught me sooooo much :-)
Toby Berner
In honor of Ms. Najman, Mr Dunham, and Mr. Frost
Big thanks to these three teachers for writing what I’d have to guess were first-class, out-of-this-world college recommendations, because I don’t think Haverford would have even considered me, nay even glanced at my application otherwise.
Todd Hoffman
In honor of Earl Scott Carlin
Todd Smith
In memory of Brian See '91
Todd Williams
Tom & Cathey Albertson
Tom Ahrensfeld
In honor of the David Erdmann Family and the LaFontaine Family
Tom Ahrensfeld
Tom Drake
Tom Hess
Tom Leck
In honor of Miles Hubbard
Tommy Seitz
Tony and Kate Vengrove
Torrey Cooke
Tracy Laumer
In honor of Emily Tucci
In honor of Emily Tucci -For all the great support, encouragement and guidance you give to these boys. You are appreciated!
Tracy Laumer
In honor of Coach Kirkaldy
Thanks for your dedication on and off the field in helping these boys see their potential and supporting them in reaching their goals. You are appreciated!
Trent Gaffney
Trevor Cole
Trey Aiello
To all the faculty and staff past and present. Thank you for all you do everyday at TP. You’re all Hero’s!
Tricia Dencker
Tyler Marma
Wally Danforth
Walter Hauser
Walter Wright
Wayne Conlan
In honor of Coach Foster & Corratti
Wentao Liu
Wile E. Coyote
Will Estony
Will Rickert
In honor of My mom, Andy
William Bosanko
William Busch
William Foster
In honor of Johnny Penniman
William Hartog
William Holinger
In memory of Dave Montross
Dave was a prefect & an athlete at Trinity-Pawling. He had sort of a joyful sense of humor and always seemed mildly amused and astounded by everything, especially other people. He served in the U.S. Air Force, and went on to become a consultant in the Personnel/HR field. More recently, from my perspective he seemed to be a wonderful father.
William O'Hare
In honor of TB #56
William Richards
William Scott $$$
In honor of Gregg Sanik
Just like our Year Book says, I watched him from across the street and man he was good.
William and Jennifer Taylor
In honor of Kathy (Mrs. O) Osekoski, Elsie Glover, Kevin Acrish, "Johnny D", Brian Fidler, Ned Reade, Dave and Debbie Coratti, Van Metcalf, and Bill Casson
Willis Stephens Jr.
In honor of Mr Erdmann, Ty Tuttle, Mr & Mrs Kneeland, Dan Lee, Mr Duford
To the Class of 1973 living and passed. Each of you made an indelible mark on the school and each other. Special mention to Don (“I promise I’ll make it to the NEXT reunion) Hunt and my roomie and best bud, Bryan Colley. Thanks to the current administration and faculty for preserving our alma mater.
Willis Stephens Jr.
In honor of William Dunbar
A finer gentleman I have never known...
Yoon Ane
Yvonne Bradley-reid
In honor and memory of Mrs Liz Hutchinson. She was an amazing role model, great listener and tremendous support during the time girls attended T-P. You are loved and missed.
Zef Vataj
Zeldy and Duncan White
In memory of Grattan Vincent Armstrong '66
Zev Sonkin
In honor of #oneday thanks for the call Mcdougs!
Andrea ponzellini
In honor of Mr and Mrs Dunbar
David smith
Duncan tenney
In honor of Mathew E. Dann
Thank you!!!
Duncan tenney
In honor of Jack Karpoe
Duncan tenney
Duncan tenney
In honor of Florence & Tom Carnegie
(see above)
Duncan tenney
In honor of Florence & Tom Carnegie
Eric drath
Hai you
John mcdermid
Go Class of 1965!
Micah chase
Class of 84 - My classmates have been a pillar of support to me and each other. At this point (37 years later) I think we can say that dedication and acceptance of each other is built to last the test of time. Honorable mention to Ted (Zeus) and Carole Kneeland. Two of the greatest teachers I've had and made enormous impact on T-P. Zeus challenged me to push us beyond our expectations and Carole was not my teacher and still managed to be one of my greatest influencers. They were all in!
Mike schell
Peter marx
In honor of Mr. Jack Karpoe
Mr. Karpoe would announce to the class the failing test scores of his students, trying to act like a tough guy, but he did it with a certain warmth that made us understand that he cared about us and that things would be ok in the end.
Ricky flint
In honor of Bert and eddie
in honor of bert and eddie for always having clean dishes for all of to eat off of. Also for all of the domestic engineers and other support staff that we took for granted but kept t-p a beautiful environment for us to live in.
Schuyler peck
Scudder sinclair
I will always support TP. I great place to grow up
Wendy Nevid
In honor of Coach Coratti and Dunham
for the 50th!!!!
In memory of Tim Hickey
In memory of Joseph Goldwasser ‘82
Ah yes, the class of ‘71, a great collection of young Fighting Gentlemen ...
In honor of JP Burlington '95
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