All In for Ursuline Day of Giving 2023
Help us reach 750 donations and raise $225,000 from our third All In for Ursuline day of giving!
Supporters across the USA
Supporters (556)
All (556)
80 Alumni Adjustment
Abby Black
Abby Johnson
Abigail Daly
Adelina Zarse
Alana Rose
Alexander Costa
Alexander Ward
Alexandra Wolfe
Alison Leed
Amy Alessi
Amy Bachman Ursillo
Amy Cembor
Amy Kierce
Amy Marjani
Andrea Boudreau
Andrea Morahan
In honor of Paula Wild BuckleyIn Loving Memory of Paula (Wild) Buckley from Joyce Wild and Andrea Morahan & Family
Ann Fitzgerald
Ann Joyce
Ann Scott
Anna Dolan
In honor of Alyssa Tavalone/Mikaela Prego/Christina Murray
Anne Ferrucci
Anne Peck
Anne Regnier
Annemarie Kennedy
Arlene Ford Dyment
Ashley Gioioso
Ashton Fagan
Avery Ambrefe
To Mrs. Petti for sparking my love of travel!!!
Barbara Brandt
Barbara Burnim Day
Barbara Power
In honor of Elizabeth Power
Barbara Roche Rico
In honor of In honor of the Ursuline Academy faculty and their commitment to excellence
Barbara Shanahan
Nora has had a wonderful experience. She started in 7th grade and will graduate this year.
Bei Chang and Dan Buzard
Bernadette Howard
Beth McManus Howard
In memory of Deceased Members of the Class of 1976
Beth Plunkett
Beth Sterling Zorn
I volunteer in youth ministry in my diocese of Richmond, VA. I posted on Facebook that we had a teen who was in immediate need. I really intended to ask my local friends for baby stuff, but I had no idea what would come- my friends from Ursuline started sending financial donations for her. I was dumbstruck by the generosity of my high school friends that I have sadly not really seen since I live so far away. The Ursuline alum really are special and this new mom was so blessed by the generosity of strangers. Recently in Mass, we heard the reading from Matthew with a message that made me think of these women, “Whatsoever you do for the least of my little ones, that you do unto me.” It inspired me to give in honor of all those generous women of the class of 1990 who saw my Facebook post from 500 miles away and stepped up to be part of this young women’s story. Thank you for helping us build this kind of community.
Betty Ann Wakely
In memory of John and Betty Kenney
Billy Fisher
Breda Hurley
In memory of Lori Sullivan
Brendan King and Kasey Crist
Brenna McDonnell
In memory of Taylor Manning
Brian McHugh
In honor of Shirley McHugh
Brian McManus
Brian and Catherine Ward
Brian and Leia McHugh
Bridget J. Keane
Caitlin Burchill
#UAPRIDE ! ! ! Go Bears!
Cameron Trenor
Camille Kelley
Cara Maggioni
Because Mary reminded us!
Cara Nicholson
Both my daughter ('23) and I ('92) had such a great experience at UA. I personally think the teachers and staff are amazing.
Carol Connolly
Carol O’Brien
Carol Tomase
Caroline Maloney
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” — Eleanor Roosevelt UA Ladies, please keep your dreams alive and support each other. Blessings to you all!
Caroline Saad
Ursuline provided an amazing foundation for my career and for my life.. as well as connecting me with my life-long friends- thank you, UA!
Carolyn Hern Hickey
Carolyn Ng
Carolyn Paldo
Carolyn Thorne
In honor of Margaret Lannon Thorne
Carrie Pearson
Casey Friedman
Casey Jordan
Casey McManus
Cassandra Celestin
Catherine Black
Catherine Heider
Catherine Treseler
A great 6 years in plaid! Go bears!
Cathy Fagone
Charlene Pastore
In honor of My fellow classmates from the class of '77Some of the strongest women I know!
Charles Crocini
In honor of Lucy CrociniTo the greatest granddaughter!
Chris & Nicole Ketchen
We will be forever grateful for the Ursuline community. Thank you for all you do for our daughters.
Chris Busch
Chris Cusson
Christina (Burke) Culgin
Christina Luniewicz
Christina and Jon Lang
Christine Daly
Christine Morrow
Cindy Carlo
Claire Ginder
In honor of Mary AdamsMay Ursuline thrive!
Claire Gormley
In honor of Taylor Manning
Colleen Peters
Colleen and Greg Morzano
Courtney Deban
Cynthia Aber
Cynthia Iris
Cyrus & Joanne Gibson
Superb quality of substantive education and instillment of personal values
Dana Lepper
Danielle Pourbaix
Danielle Wain
David&Peggy Palmieri
Deb Walsh Hartigan
In honor of A tribute to the class of 1976
Deborah Henry
Dede Long
We are a proud new Ursuline family- this is to honor Olivia Fauza, 8th grade, and her amazing mother, Raquel. We love Ursuline!
Deirdre Lydon
Deirdre Pelrin
Diana Bradley
In honor of Pater and Eileen Bradley
Diana Bradley
In memory of Class of 1976 Memorial Bench
Diana Gulew
Diane Hayes
Dina Connor
Donna & Mike O'Connor
In honor of Our daughters, Erin '03 & Julianne '08
Donna Burns
Donna Morrison
Dorothy Comella
Eadaoin Mulligan
Edward Spadoni
Eighth Grade
Eileen O’Connor
Elaine Fazekas
Elephteria Boutalis
Eleventh Grade
Elizabeth Costello Burke
Elizabeth Jensen
Elizabeth Mahoney
Elizabeth Sheehan Collins
Go bears : ) Keep up the good work!
Elizabeth Thomison
Ellen Geminiani
Support of the school that helped me succeed academically
Ellen Sennott McGillivray
Ursuline is a beautiful gift! And one that keeps on giving.
Ellen and Sean Moynihan
Elspeth Palmer
Emma Luniewicz
Emms Ballenas
Erik Org
Erin Cashen
In honor of Dennis PetersI graduated with Colleen, his wife. She is one of the most selfless, compassionate and strong people I am blessed to call a friend. This is in memory of her husband and daughter’s father she lost far too young.
Erin Cummings
Fiona Daly
For the Alumnae ’76 Memorial Tribute Challenge from Rachel Buckley '07 and the Buckley family
In memory of Paula Wild Buckley, Class of 1976
Fran Simeone
Franca Hobbs
Francesca Ruscito
Frederick and Camille Lee
From Joe on behalf of the A-Team!
This gift is made in honor of my colleagues in the Advancement Department (the A-Team: Janet, Mary-Ellen, Vicky, Roseanne, and Abby) during Women's History Month. Thank you for all you do in support of women's education. -- Joe
Gail McCready
Gail O’Donnell Jones
George Violin
In honor of David PutnamKeep up the good work!
Gerald and Margaret Wilkens
Gina Wells
Grace Kelley
Grace Nolfi
Gracey Gioioso
Greg Meurer
Gretchen & Jason Eldridge
Gretchen Putnam
In honor of Yvette M. Putnam
Hannah Daly
Harilal Gatha
Heather Kelley
Heather M Kollath
Heather Smart
Helen Kay
Hugh Cole
Inez Moore
In honor of Our "Mothers" Rachel and BridgetIn memory of Our "Mothers" Rachel and BridgetWithout Our "Mothers" love and dedication we would not have become the women we are today.
Jaclyn Hourihan
In honor of Francine Lahey
Jacqueline Leveroni
Jaime Chase
James Adams
James Downey
James Fitzgerald
James Julian
James McGrail
James and Denise Simpson
Jan Snyder
Jane Feely-Marinella
Jane and Prem Singh
In memory of Martha McCann & Arlene Mollo
Janet Comiskey Giannini
Janet Reynolds
In honor of my co-workers! Proud to work by your sides!
Janice Clark
Jarrod Gero
Jason OConnell
Jayne Graham Hayes
Jean Jarvis
Ursuline was an amazing part of my life and I feel so fortunate to be able to give back. I want to see other women benefit from the wonderful education that Ursuline provides.
Jean Lodge
In memory of Robert and Mary Lazzaro
Jean Wholley Lee
Jean Zmijewski Taddeo
I support Ursuline for the wonderful religious education I received, for being captain of the swim team, and for my teachers, especially Mrs. Barbara Brandt! I am now a Spanish teacher because of her incredible influence!!!!
Jean-Sebastien Godbout
Jeanne Cronin
Jeff and Mary Keough
Jen Mcnulty
Jenn Memmott
Jennifer Coliflores
Jennifer Coppinger
Jennifer Doherty
Jennifer Goonan
In memory of Mrs. Lahey
Jennifer Hallisey Mangan
If not for Ursuline Academy… education, my career, my friends, my spiritual core.
Jennifer Kordell
Jennifer Rubin
Jennifer Williams
In memory of William G. Morgan
Jessica Coliflores
Jessica Keaney
Jill D'Andrea Fischmann
Jill Hernando
Jill Hirschfeld Forte
Jill Meyers
Joan Parker
Joan Putney
Joanna Gormley
My SON attended Ursuline. He went to Sister Angela’s pre-school in the 1970’s!
Jody Cullinan
Joe Ziska
In honor of Kathy MacKenzieIn recognition of Pi Day and math teacher extraordinaire, Ms. MacKenzie.
John & Lyla O'Connor
John Forte
John Peterson
John Powell
John Roche
John and Jean Connors
Joseph and Margaret Finucci
Joseph and Marion DiTullio
Josephine Cassis
Joshua Reynolds
In honor of Janet Z. Reynolds
Joyce Williams
In honor of Maty Lawler McCarthy
Judith Costello
Judith and Louis Panagotopulos
Juli Navin
Julia Tarnell
Juliann D'Attilio Gautam
Julie & Peter Brassard
Julie Griffin-Carty
Julie Walker
Kara Clark
Kara Hadge Prone
Karen Hurley
Karen Liu
Karen Mortillaro
Karyn Bishop
I believe in Catholic education and my daughter is receiving an excellent one at Ursuline Academy.
Kate Morse
Katharine O'Meara
Katherine Nickley
Katherine O'Malley
Katherine Ziska
In honor of Mrs. Glancy
Kathleen Consigli
Kathleen Culver
Thank you for providing young women with a strong education. And thank you for providing my senior with a school that has come to feel like home to her these past few years.
Kathleen Finnerty, o.s.u.
Kathleen Fletcher
Kathleen Furey
Kathleen Gillespie Hennelly
In honor of Class of 76 deceased membersI support Ursuline as it educates future leaders!
Kathleen Kelly
Kathleen Nini
Kathleen Porter Garro
Kathleen Powers
Patents! Let’s get that ice cream truck visit for our girls!
Kathleen Price
Kathleen Zacharias
Kathryn Doyle
Kathryn Fitzgerald
Kathryn MacKenzie
Katie Amighi
Katie Day-Meza
Katie Fox
Katie McNally
Katie Moore
Katie Murphy
Katie V.
Keith and Kellynd Graham
Kelly Anselmi
Kelly MacAulay
Kelly Sullivan
In honor of Mrs. Lahey
Kendra Butters
Kerri Gillis
Kerry Brosnihan
Kerry Cashman
Kerry and Charlie Cownie
Kevin Barley
Kim Munsey
Kimberly Airasian
Kimberly Smith
Kimberly Sullivan
Kristie McManus
Kristin Helm
Kurt and Julie Steinkrauss
Women's History Month
Lauren Kelley
Lawrence Furey P '18/Partners in Mission
Leigh Ann Luetzen
Leo Janas
Libby Gormley
Lilly Higgins
Linda Day
In support of the fine education my beautiful granddaughters are receiving at Ursuline!
Linda Galasso
Linda Robinson
Lindsay Gioioso
Loved my time at UA and happy to be back coaching the hockey team! Thank you UA!
Lisa & Paul Schneider
Lisa A. Rubini
In honor of Sr. Mercedes Videira
Lisa Adams
Lisa Castellano
Lisa Garrison
In honor of Sr. Paulette Durcharme
Lisa Garrison
In honor of Sr. Pauline Belanger
Lisa Gilbert
Lisa Graves
Lisa O’Brien
Lisa Seifart
Lori Connolly
Lori Satran
Lorna Maiona
Luis Montalvo
Great school with wonderful teachers
Lynn Valzania
In honor of Maryellen Valzania
Lynne-Marie Reveliotis
In honor of All who need prayer
In honor of Sr. Jean Marie, O.S.U.
Maggie Burns
In honor of My classmates who have gone too soon.
Maggie Chipman
Here's to strong women!
Margaret and Thomas Rogers
Margaret (Peggy) Thorne
In honor of My Legacy Daughter and Granddaughter
Margaret Connolly
In memory of Katherine '
Margaret Fetters
Margaret O'Hara
Margaret O’Leary
Margaret Tempesta
Margo Merchant
In appreciation for the wonderful education I received at Ursuline and the gift of faith. Class of 1964
Maria Pino
Marianne FitzGerald
Marianne Hickey
Marianne LeBlanc
Maribeth Bluyus
Marie Reynolds
Marie Schlegel
Marie and Steve Giordano
Marissa Foley
Mark Lepper
Mark Zarse
Martin Cunniffe
Mary Ambrefe
In honor of Michael Mayer
Mary Ann Fitzpatrick
In honor of Katie, Kathleen & MaggieGood friends become family members!
Mary Beth McMahon
In honor of class of 1982
Mary Beth Roche
In appreciation for the teachers who pushed us to be the best versions of ourselves and in gratitude for the classmates who still inspire me.
Mary Beth Roche
Mary Chin
In honor of Class of1976 Memorial Tribute
Mary Didiuk
Mary Eileen Spano
Mary Elleen Patton
Mary Ellen Nyerick
Mary Erina Driscoll
Onward Giving Day!
Mary Feely Moriarty
In honor of Constance L Feely Fund
Mary Ganley
Mary Hofmann
Mary Jo Keaney
In honor of In memory of Sr. Ursula and Sr. Dorothy DoyleFor wonderful young women to grow in faith, in friendship, in scholarship and in service.
Mary Kate and Tim Rose
Mary Kelley Donovan
In memory of My deceased classmates from the class of ‘76-Janet Clancy-Padayhag, Mary Handy, Stephanie Jarzembowski Whitney, Wendy Moore, Susan O’Brien, Amelia Pagounis, and Paula Wild Buckley.
Mary Luniewicz
Mary McGaugh
Mary McLaughlin-Habib
In honor of Janet Clancy-Padayhag, Mary Handy, Stephanie Jarzembowski Whitney, Wendy Moore, Susan O'Brien, Amelia Pagounis, Paula Wild Buckley
Mary Mullen
In memory of John and Katherine Mullen
Mary Paula and Tom Lydon
In honor of Maeve HofmannIn honor of Maeve Hofmann - Keep up the good work!
Mary and Tom OHara
Mary lou Burke
Mary-Ellen Gioioso
In honor of our three daughters, Lindsay '14, Ashley '16, and Gracey '21. So incredibly proud!
Mary-Jeanne O'Connor and Mark Manning
Marykate Adams
Matylda Kasperkiewicz
In memory of Brent Borodic, too early departed son of our friends, Millie and Gary Borodic, peaoe Thank to whom, our daughters received the best education and foundantion. Thank you!💕
Maura Fitzgerald
In honor of Anita Brefini
Maura Polombo
Maureen Crehan Whelan
Maureen Doran
Have loved Ursuline and all that it stands for since my first day of Freshman year. My contribution will help other girls have this wonderful experience.
Maureen Dunn Gendrolius
In honor of Mary Lawlor McCarthy 1967Proud graduate!
Maureen Flatley
In honor of Deceased members of the Class of 1976Thank you for reaching out. This is a great idea.
Maureen Fox
Maureen Gibbons
Maureen Greenwood
Maureen Kavanaugh
Maureen McGaffigan
Maureen Newman
Maureen Palermo
In memory of Bridget Ryan
Meagen AMEX
Meaghan Burnham Leslie
Meg Kaster
Meg and Chris Kaster
Megan Donald
Megan Hobson
Megan Scipione
Meghan Hobbs
Meghan Jaeger
Meghan Rich
Melanie Kelley
Melanie Messina
Melissa Kirk
Melissa Nasrah
Melissa Welch
Meredith Giannotti
Meredith Lepper
Meredith and Tory Kempf
Mi-Mi (Chen) Hillman
In honor of Mrs. Atkinson
Michael and Courtney Bernazzani
Michaela (Pastore) Rothmann
Michaela Chipman
Michaela Pavlik
So impressed with the updates to Ursuline. Elise is excited for the opportunity to attend.
Michele Chabot
Michele Sullivan
In memory of Jacqueline Sullivan '71
Michelle Kubat
In memory of Ronald Resha, Sr.
Molly Mahn
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Coughlin
In honor of Ursuline’s Future!Go Bears!
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Talutis
Murphy Family
Nancy Kaaz
Nancy McDonald
Natalie Mayo
Nicole Bacigalupo
Nicole Grady
In honor of my daughter who has loved her school and community!!
Nicole Siedel
Nicole Vermillion
I support Ursuline because the school encourages women to do good in this world!!
Nina Owens
Ninth Grade
Nola Kelley-Heafitz
Nora Kate O'Brien
Noreen Maddox
Normand Vermette
Pam Kirk
Patrice Roundy
Patricia Adams
Patricia Bruno Bowlin
In memory of Susan O’Brien, Mary Handy and Wendy Moore
Patricia Cummins
In memory of Bridget Ryan, Sr. Martha Gleason, Daniel FoleyMay we all continue to serve our communities in the spirit of Serviam
Patricia Cummins
In honor of Sr. Mercedes VideiraMy years at Ursuline were full of fun and my best friends today are still my Ursuline classmates!
Patricia Kelly
Patricia Renola
Patricua Almquist
Paul Bimmler
Paul Brady
Paul McCann
Paul Murphy
In memory of Jane MurphyGrammy
Paul Reynolds
Ursuline is such an inspiration . . . consistently nurturing positive, purposeful creativity in all their students - living out the true purpose of education!
Paul Rufo
Paul Wilson
Peter Crispi
Peter Fetter
Peter Hoffmeister
Peter Reynolds
In honor of Janetl ReynoldsI am proud of all the work Janet does to help Ursuline shine! Ursuline empowers young women to reach for the stars and make the world a better place.
Peter and MaryAnn Sullivan
A special thank you to Ursuline and their commitment to academics and faith.
Rae-Anne & Jeff Butera
Ray Tarantola
Reagan Peters
In honor of my kind and helpful teachers and my wonderful friends at Ursuline Academy.
Regina Londergan-Paul
Rick & Denise DeLucia
Rita Morris
Robert Hickox
Rose & David O'Connor
Rose Rhodes
In honor of Rile B Rhodes
Roseanne Shannon
Rosemary Simmons
Ruth Keeley
Great Catholic School That my daughter attends.
Sabeena Chacko Raskin
Sally Ruscito
Sally Seufert Holmes
In honor of Reverend Mother Lorette, OSU, Principal, 1965-1967
Sandra Howe
Sandra Sicard
Sara Zrike M
Yay Ursuline!
Sarah Arscott
Sarah Brody
Sarah Malneritch
Sarah Nickley
Sarah ODonnell
Scott Kelley
Sean Holleran
It’s a wonderful school. My daughter is thriving at Ursuline.
Sean Lynch
Seventh Grade
Sharon Reed-Eramian
UA is forever in my heart !
Shawn Dooley
Sheila Chervenak
In honor of Papa Cherv
Sheila Daly
Sheila Farragher
In honor of Lori Larkin Sullivan
Stacie Manning
Steph Gioioso
Stephanie Talutis
Stephanie Wilkens
Stephen and Mary Kavanaugh
To continue educating and instilling Christian values in the young women of Ursuline Academy.
Steve Luber
Steven and Katherine Porcella
Suellen Walsh
My Ursuline education was foundational to my development toward becomming a mature, healthy functioning adult in the world. Many thanks to all in the Ursuline Community who helped me along the way!
Susan Clamcy
Susan Glancy
In honor of My musical seniors who will sing and make music in other places next year! I will miss you!
Susan Hehir
Susan Leist
Susan Mosher
In honor of Those whom we have lost much too soon from the Class of 1976
Susan Petrone
Susan Stewart
Suzanne (Ferguson) Burkhardt
I owe so much to my Ursuline experience!
Tenth Grade
Teresa Flinn
Terri Schneider
Ursuline girls are the best! 😊
Thea Fabio Merrill
Therese Buckley
Thomas & Kay Doyle
Tiffany Gero
Tom & Kate Gormley
Tom & Kate Gormley
Tom and Marisa Cunniffe
Tonia Reilly
Tory & Meredith Kempf
Tracy McGrath
Thank you to all the faculty and staff at Ursuline
Twelfth Grade
Victor Greene
Victoria Cabot
Victoria Nikitina
Vilma Michienzi
Virginia Boyle
Virginia Gillis
Warren Hoppie
Yvonne Racine
Allison dow
Cynthia kelly
Deborah CURRAN
In honor of sister martha gleasonwonderful friend and devoted ursuline
Eve kelley
In memory of Ed & Loretta Kelley P’86
Joan quealy
Lisa wright
In memory of James J Sullivan
Patricia Cloonan
Priscilla oheir
Stephanie ryan
In honor of 1976
With appreciation for all the faculty and administration who dedicate so much time and energy!
In honor of Mary C FerrisMade incredible long lasting friends! My Mom would love this!
In honor of A wonderful granddaughter who loves Ursuline so much.Keep up the great work-
In honor of Kate Levesque
In honor of Sister Mercedes
In memory of E.SheehanUrsuline is wonderful!
In honor of Deceased members of the class of 1976
In memory of Michael Haynes, Past Parent and Board Member.
My daughter is thriving at Ursuline - academically, athletically and socially. It is wonderful be part of such a special community.
In honor of Sr. Nesta
In honor of Mrs. Brown, Mrs. MacKenzie, Mrs. MacLeod, and Mrs. Scott, Your support, guidance, and encouragement have been an invaluable part of our daughter's Ursuline education. Her future is so much brighter because she had you guiding her for the last four years.
In memory of Paula Buckley