VCMS Viper Dash
February 12th-March 27th: Donate to Support Field Trips, Free After School Sports, and 8th Grade Graduation Activities!
raised of $15,000 goal156
secsSupporters across the USA
Supporters (156)
All (156)
Adriana Saucedo
Adrianna Mendoza
Aileen Garcia
Alan Gomez
Alicia Ortiz
Alma Ortega
Amanda Graber
Ana Gomez
Ana Martinez
Ana Perez
Andre Ayuso
Andre Ayuso
Andrea Garcia
Angelica Varela
Arlene Mejia
Barena Wilder
Betza D
Blanca Leon
Boots Simmons
Brenda Estacuy
Brigite Taylor
Brizcida Castillo
Byron D
Camille Aikens
Carmen Garcia
Celina Acevez
Celina Acevez
Cesar D
Cesar Dominguez
Christian Dominguez
Cintia Medina Picco
You go girl!
Claudia Robles
Cristal Ode
In honor of Naomi
Crystal Sibaja
David Gregg
Deisy Morales
Deysi Canas
Diana Garcia
Diana Huber
Dianna Israyelyan
Edeth Sanchez
Edgar Perez
Eduardo Atilano
Elisa Sardinas
Elizabeth Orozco
Elsa Garcia
Elyzabeth Frausto
Hope you enjoy your last year of middle school!
Emily Elliott
Ennio Di Blasio
Erica Ramirez
Erin Beattie
Eva Alvarado
Gerardo Zepeda
Gessy Portillo
Glenda Grajeda
Guadalupe Pocasangre
Harmony Cervantes
Helen Rivera
Henry Amaya
Hillary Oberstein
Ingrid Hernandez
Iris Hernandez
You can do it!
Irma Pablo
Ivonne Escobar
Jasmin Gomez
Jennifer Ortiz
Jessica Jimenez
Joann Vittali
Jordie Guzman
Jose Morales
Kawanjai Chaisomboom
Laurie Walker
Lili Bello
Lisa Zadok
Louise Henderson
Serena We are so proud of you Love you so very much Papa and Grandma
Maira Lopez
Manvel Movsisyan
Marena Barrientos
Maria Barillas
Maria Campos
Maria Martinez
Maria Meza
Maria Rodriguez
Maria Zepeda
Marianna Pinerua
Martiza Pineda
Maryanne Lorenzen
Mayra Lopez
Mayra Salazar
Miriam Sanchez
Mirna Banegas
Nere Lartitegui
Joaquin, so proud of you. You go!!!! Amama
Nicole Drake
Nunez Family
Nunez family
Ofelia Ortiz
Oscar Alvarez
Paisley Uter
Patricia Perez
Peter Schindelman
Polo D
Rebecca Avery
Ricardo Alvarez
Rigoberto Bernardino
Robert Henderson
We’re so proud of you. You’re such an amazing young lady. We love so much. Have a great time running. Love, Uncle & Auntie
Rosario Pixcar
Roxana Martinez
Sandra Arroyo
Sandra Arroyo
Have fun! Love you
Sandra Arroyo
Go Carly! Love You!
Sandra Arroyo
Let's Go Niko!
Sandra Arroyo
Have fun!
Sean & Tirzah Flores
Serena we are so very proud of you and all your accomplishments in 8th Grade. Have fun running!
Shawn Huber
Run, run, run to Magic Mountain Serena
Signe Grant
Sucely Mazariegos
Susana Vicente
Sweet Air Solutions
Thank you Teachers and Staff for making VCMS a special and safe place for my kiddos
Tatiana Chuliukova
Thank you for support!😊😊😊
Tiffany Seiz
Toly D
Urania Suarez
Vanessa Viramontes
Vanessa Xum
Yesenia Flores
Zulma Stephanie Cabrera
Sandy Diaz