RamDay of Giving
Make a gift!
Celebration Matching Gift Challenge!
An anonymous donor has come forward to offer a matching gift challenge as a gesture of gratitude for the overwhelming response from the Allen Academy community to the first RamDay of Giving! Donations will be matched 1:1 up to $2,500!
Finish Strong! Matching Challenge
Pebble Creek Land Company (owned by Allen Academy parents, Molly and Davis Young) has made a generous contribution to end the RamDay of Giving on a high note! Any donation made will be matched 1:1 up to $5,000! Double the impact of your gift and make twice the difference!
Honor a Teacher

Make your gift in honor of a faculty member and that teacher’s name will be placed in a drawing for an extra paid vacation day! Be sure to check the In Honor box and fill in the teacher name in the giving form!
All School 100% Challenge

For each Grade Level that reaches 100% participation, Head of School, Mr. Danckaert will kiss the beloved class pet, “Tickles” the bearded dragon! If 1 grade reaches 100%, he kisses Tickles 1x if 10 grade levels reach 100%, he kisses Tickles 10x!
Cheers to 1886 Society!

Any donor who gives at the 1886 Giving Society level or higher ($6,000 and above) will receive a one of a kind commemorative etched bottle of champagne as a keepsake.
Early Childhood 75% Challenge

Any grade level, Pre-School thru Pre-K, that reaches 75% participation will enjoy a sweet treat from the Cotton Candy Cart! Be sure and fill in names and grade levels for each of your children on the giving form. One gift will count for each grade your child(ren) are in.
Lower School 75% Challenge

Any grade level, K thru 5th grade, to reach 75% participation will enjoy a Chik-fil-A lunch with an appearance from Rambler the mascot! Be sure and fill in names and grade levels for each of your children on the giving form. One gift will count for each grade your child(ren) are in.
MS/US 75% Challenge

Any grade level, 6th grade thru 12th, that reaches 75% participation will enjoy VIP treatment on Homecoming day! They will lead the homecoming parade to the Ram statue and be given special recognition at the Homecoming Pep Rally! Pizza will be arranged for lunch at a future date. Be sure and fill in names and grade levels for each of your children on the giving form. One gift will count for each grade your child(ren) are in.
Leadership Giving

25 random names will be drawn to receive an Allen Academy branded ribbed blanket who have given at a leadership level of $1,500 and above!
High Five! Challenge

The first 100 people to give a gift of $100 or more will receive a High Five Allen Academy highlighter set PLUS be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift certificate to the Ram Store!
Grandparents are the BEST!

We love our Grandparents! Any current or former grandparent who show their support on Allen Academy’s RamDay of Giving will receive an Allen Academy gel beaded hot/cold pack. Great to keep handy for those grandchildren visits!
Winners (45)
Alumni Challenge

Any Alumni who make a gift on the RamDay of Giving will be entered into a drawing for a $10 gift card from Blue Baker. There will be 25 winners! Much gratitude to Blue Baker (owned by Alumni/Current parents) for generously donating the gifts cards!
Winners (7)
Board of Trustee Challenge

For every 50 gifts, the Board of Trustees will give $5,000….up to $15,000 total! Every 50 gifts unlocks $5,000.
Another $5,000 gift to Allen will be unlocked when we reach the 100 donor mark! Thank you to our Board of Trustees!
Another $5,000 gift to Allen will be unlocked when we reach the 150 donor mark! Thank you to our Board of Trustees!
"Kick Start" Matching Challenge

Cindy and John Himmel, grandparents of Jackson (5th) and Jacob (2nd) have generously offered a matching gift challenge to help kick start the RamDay of Giving! Every donation will be matched dollar for dollar up to $5,000! Like you, the Himmel’s firmly believe in the mission of Allen Academy and as a demonstration of their commitment have offered to get the day off to a great start!
Surprise After School Matching Challenge
A very generous donor has come forward to offer a SURPRISE Challenge! A current/alumni family will match donations made between 3:00pm and 5:00pm dollar for dollar! Double your impact!