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Lakeside School

Seattle, WA

Lakeside Fund Day

Thank you for being all in for Lakeside! We unlocked the $50,000 matching challenge! If you would like to make a gift to the Lakeside Fund, please visit -

Samantha Dale, Assistant Director of Development

Supporters across the USA

Supporters across the World

Supporters (605)

All (605)
Aaron Hinojosa
Abby Euyang
Thanks for your hard work!
Adam Hartzell
Addie Asbridge
Alex Li and Jenny Wei
Alex Miropolsky
In honor of Mr. Doelger, a brilliant educator.
In memory of my mother, Larisa.
Alexander Krengel
Alexis Fein
Alice Harper
Alice Niu
Go lions!!
Alice Streidl
Alicia Robbins and James Andrews
Thank you!
Alison Ehrlichman
Cheers to the Class of 2029 and incoming class of 2032!
Alison Kingsley
In honor of Andrew Price
Allison Schuchart
Alson Burke
Amanda Campbell
Amanda Darling
In honor of Latasia Lanier
I feel so grateful to work with amazing colleagues who are tireless in their support, love, and care of ALL the young people with whom we come in contact.
Amanda Wygal
Ambra Benjamin
My Lakeside education has been invaluable to me in life and even more so than my university education. Happy to give back.
Amy Bautista
Amy Carter
Amy Crichton
Amy Pitelka
Amy Rice
Amy Teng and Al Nelson
Amy Yu
Amy Zubko
Amy and Jon McCullough
Ana Flávia & Robert Hedrick
Ana Vilchez Diaz
Lakeside School not only support student they support parents community, too!
Andrea Lieberman
Because Lakeside School changed my life for the better and I want to help make that experience possible for others.
Andrew Mun
Angela Stugren
Anh Nguyen & Alex Rawson
Anh Schluep
Ann Allen
Anna Kirby
Anna Stock
Annabell Douglass
It’s my alma mater!
Annabelle Jack
In honor of Kathryn Pryor
Annette Lund
Anny Bi
April & Bryan Kelley
Love Lakeside! Thank you for being such a wonderful school with enthusiastic faculty and inspiring our students. We are grateful everyday that we get to count you in our community.
Ariana Mohit
Autumn Bradley Roth
Ayala and Raymond Thomas
Balu Chenicheri
Barbara Morrissey
I loved my high school years! So glad this school continues to inspire and nurture today’s students.
Bart Watson
Beatrice SampongEvans
In honor of Mrs. Judy Brown who helped to unlock the love of literature and writing for so many!
Ben Godwin
Ben and Joanna Sun
Benjamin Salmon
Benjamin Straley
Beth Levine
Bethiel Abhenit and Yemane Teame
We appreciate the diverse and inclusive atmosphere you foster.
Bin Ge
Go lions!
Birage Tandon
Bora Pak
Brad and Laura Stevenson
Brenda Jackson
Brendan McCullough
Brett Eisenhart
Brett Faulds
Brian Suchland
Brianna Reynaud Jensen
Grateful to be part of this community!
Brinda Sarathy
Bruce Bailey
Brynna Jourden
Burt Mayer
Butch and Rachel de Castro
Caitlin Thompson
Cameron Hazen
In memory of Paul S Douglas '67
Carl Engelhardt
Carol Borgmann
In honor of The stellar members of the Lakeside development, alumni relations, PGA, and archives team!
Caroline Johnson
Cate Lewison
Catherine Humbert
Catherine Symon
Cathy Martin
I loved being a part of a community that always gave so much from their hearts❣️
Charles McKay
Chris Allison
In memory of Mark Jensen Jr.
Chris Burrows
Chris Gregorich
Chris Salmon
Christiana yun
Christina Cheledinas
Christina Lieu
Christopher Heim
Christopher Wright
Christy Bates
Cindy Benson and Peter Gregory
Claudia Zhou
Go Lions!
Clayton Christy
I miss everyone at Lakeside school. Take Care!
Colin Bekemeyer
Corinne Drumheller
Craig Phillips
Crystal Chong
Crystal Ondo
Daiga Galins
In honor of Carol Borgmann's 20 years at Lakeside!
Dain Driscoll
In honor of Rockstar Development Director Daiga Galins
Dana Miller and Griffin Whitney
Daniel Moran
Go Lions!
Dany Daher
Dave Wiley
David & Marian Blazes
In honor of Jack ('18) and Libby ('20)
David Buerger
David Mahan
David Niu
David Ordal
David and Julia Clarke
Deborah Douglas
Derek & Shanna Del Conte
Dexter Brown
Go Lions!
Di Tran
Dianna Rose
Dick Rodbury
Dilwonberish Aberra
For our kids and their future!
Dinny Polson
It was a fabulous education fr bth my children and a great network for them
Donald A Dietz
Donald Hegstrom
In honor of Jennie Wong
Donna McIntyre
Doug Walker
In honor of Bonnie Walker
Douglas Booms
Eiko Tubridy
Eleanor Jacka
Eleanor Long
Elena Mayer
Eleni Carras
In honor of Tom Doelger & Bill Dougall
In memory of Kendra Jones Kelly ‘91
I’m not only grateful for the education I received, but also for the lifelong friends I have made, as early as the 5th grade.
Elisa Alessi
Elise Simons
Elizabeth Bolen
Elizabeth Jolley
Elizabeth Profita
Elizabeth Rives
Elizabeth Vigdor
Emi Brown
Emily Aktepy
Emily Langlie
In memory of Arthur S Langlie class of 1948
Emmy Armintrout
Eric Carlson
Eric Freedman
Eric Monsowitz
Eric Winder
Eric and Katie Simmons
Erich Patten
Erin & Julio Esteban Mejia
Erin Highland
Ethan Frink
Etsuko Kimura
Thank you!
Eva Mader
In memory of Steve Higgins
Evan Johnson
In honor of Bruce Bailey
Bruce Bailey deserves a ton of recognition for all the years and hard work he put in, in many varied roles. Best wishes to Bruce and Lakeside
Evan Johnson
In memory of Ken Van Dyke
ken van dyke was a fantastic teacher!
Evelyn Callahan
Familia Garcia
In honor of Nuestras(os) abuelas(os)
Fang Tu
Looking forward to the another 100 happy years!
Feaven Berhe
Feng Wang
Frank Zhou
Frederick and Florence Wright
Fuki Masuzawa
Garrett Ramstead
Gaye Oncul Kok
Gayle Barker
Superb education for all who attend
Gerald and Barbara Schneider
Gia Guo
Gia Lee
Gigi Gilman
Gilbert Allard
Gina Kwan
Ginger Ferguson
Gordon Carey
Gordon Gardiner
Gordon Hodge
Gordon Sata and Doris Lock
Grace Brown
Grant Huling
I just discovered "On Occassion: Tom Doelger Speaks." What a great project.
Greg Treger
Gretchen Schreiber
Gwen and Marc Gavin
all the best!
Hal Strong
Hannah Chung
Hannah Zhang
Hans de Grys
In memory of a friend and mentor, TJ Vassar '68
Heather Johnston Fessler
Helena Cerna
Hilary Myerberg
I am a former employee and very fond of this school
Hillary Shurtleff
Hongming Dong
Hui Li
Love Lakeside
Huifen Li
In honor of Cecilia Sun
Iben Falconer
Ievgeniia Zhovtobriukh
Ilana Singh
India Ornelas
Isaiah Ali
Jack Delafield
Jack Liu
Jae Zhou
James Doran
In honor of Vickie Doran
Thank you for all you are doing for our grand daughter.
James and Ann Swaner
Jamie Zembruski
Jane Hedreen and David Thyer
Jane Ridgeway
In honor of my amazing teachers!
Janelle and Bradley
We love our Lakeside community!
Janet Pajimula
Janie Leonhardt
Jared Strote
Jay Bensal
Jeffrey Jorve
Jen Huang
Jena Myers
Jennifer Anderson
Jennifer Lane
Jennifer Owen
Jessica Barrett
Jessica and Tom Hughes
In honor of Mark Jensen
So grateful for the academic and global citizen education our kiddos get at Lakeside.
Jill McKinstry
Jill& Peter Rinearson
Grateful to the teachers, staff and supportive parent/guardian community in providing a strong foundation for our adult children.
Jim Pridgeon
We're delighted to support the Lakeside community - keep up the great work!
Jim and Alison Flaggert
Jimin Li
Jin Ah Lim
Go Lions!!!
Jin Xu
Jing Zhao
Jodi Markus
Joel McMurry & Isabel Hujoel
John Cronkhite
John Daly
John Hammarlund
John Kydd
John Powell
I hope Lakeside will always be able to provide future students the same experience I had.
John Scott
Excellent supportive learning environment!
John and Inti Knapp
John and Muriel Knapp
In honor of Alistair and Eli Knapp
We know our grandkids are getting a superior education and social experience.
John and Susan Reed
Johnpaul McLean
Love this campaign! Great work team. Love and miss you!
Jolene Cox
Jon Pedersen
Jon Purcell
In honor of the Experiential Ed Dept., and my mother, Ying Purcell. Designated to the Lakeside Outdoor Program.
Jonathan Schwarz
Jordan Hopkins
Joseph Min
Joseph Murphy and Laura Kleisle
Josh Weiner
Joshua Wallace
Judith and Dale Cummings
In honor of Serena Swanson
Faculty and staff who give so much support and really care about students.
Julie Furlan
Thank you for creating a fantastic learning environment for students and a supportive community!
Junhua Wang
Juno Lee
In honor of Lee Chang Su-Jen
My mom is the first generation female allowed to attend university in Taiwan. She has her own low income students fund under her name, we think she will be very pleased to see Lakeside School continues to thrive in educating our future generations.
Justin Spiller
Kaci Benedetti
Kai Bynum
I love our school!!
Kallin Spiller
Happy Lakeside Fund Day! Thankful for every teacher, student and coach I crossed paths with through Lakeside, forever thankful to call myself a Lion for life.
Kamila Defo
Kannan Dhanasekaran
Kari & Bruce Larson
Kari Frame
Kari Wertheimer
Karin Butler
Thankful for this school and its incredible support of its students and community!
Karl Uri
Katherine Steuart
Katie Ahrens Prentice
Kenneth Miller
Kenyatta Etchison
Kenyatta Saunders
Kerry Quinn
Kevin Kimura
In honor of Kim-An Lieberman
Kiera Rudden-Flanagan
Kieran Snyder
Lions <3
Kirsty Su
Kris Becker
Hands down the best education!
Kristen Klitz
Laird & Shawna Parry
Lan Ji
In honor of Isabelle Yuan
Lani and Terry Carpenter
Larissa Sandalic
Lars and Shannon Johnson
Laura Stevenson
Laureen Miller
Laurel Haeger
Lauren & Tom Milne
Lauren Deal Yelish
Lauren Young
Lea Stern
Leila Ali
Lewis Moten
Liang Yang
Libby Ramsey
Ligeng Dong
Lin Cheng and Cheng Wei
In honor of Vincent Wei
Our son learned a lot in Lakeside School.
Linda Ralph
In honor of Grandson, Jake Ohtake
Linda Rumans
In honor of Hans de Grys
Lindsay Aegerter
Linus Chou
Lisa Broesamle
Liza Comtois
Louise McConkey
In honor of Mrs Burke
I enjoyed being a student at St Nicholas.There was such a wealth of subject matter to study and learn. I really enjoyed being with the students. The teachers were great I had a great experiences there that I won"t forget
Lucy Burkland
Luke Belcher
Madeline Engel
Maggie Zhang
Mahri Leonard-Fleckman
Marcia & Palmer Pettersen
Maria Eitel
Maria Renz
Mariana Keller
Marianne Bautista
Mariska Audriani
Mark Middaugh
Mark Quinlivan
Mark Stiefel
In memory of Daniel Hirschstein, Class '76
Marsi Gorman
Go Lions!
Mary Kimball
Mary Streidl
Matt Schreiber and Mara Lippa
Matt Williams
Matt and Eda Champagne
Matthew Lewis
Meaghan Krueger
Megan Coughlin
Megan Smith
Melinda Lewison
Mengyuan Du
Mi Yu
Miaomiao Zhang
Michael Chandler
In honor of Alban Dennis
Michael Dunn
Michael Liu and Jing Feng
Michael McNutt
Michael Place
Michael Repass
Michael Shum
Michelle Chen
Michelle and Xiaohu Gao
Mikaela Bautista
Mike Balzer
Misha Kovacevic
In honor of the stellar teachers and administrators!
Molly Schuehle
Monica Kamalu
In memory of Max Henningsgaard
Mukul Karnik
In support of Lakeside school, teachers and community!
Myrna Ratner
Najib Morcos
Nancy & John Woolley
Nancy Anderson Daly
Nancy Rawles
In memory of Zinda Foster
Natasha & Rob Greyber
Natasha Jones
Nathan Benjamin
Nicholas Garrison
for LEEP or other financial aid, if practical
Nick Rothenberg
Nikolina Horvat
Nina Ariani
Ning Sun
Nitasha Singh
Octavia Moore
Olin Miller
In memory of Yanling Miller
A very special place! Thank you!
Oswaldo Ribas & Eugenia Chang
Pamela & Robert Gregory
Pamela Beyst
Patrick Chinn
Patrick and Virginia Sainsbury
Paul & Michelle Bautista
Paul Cressman
Paul Edmonson
Paul Johnson
Lion4Life and Paying it forward. Every little bit helps!
Peng Li and Qing Chen
Peter Bodik
Peter Lee & Ji Yeon Park Lee
Peter Meleney
Peter Osgood
Peter Overman
Lakeside surrounded me with creative, intelligent and motivated people during the most formative years of my life. My classmates and teachers brought out the best in me. I will always be grateful for it.
Petrescu Family
Peyton Mader
Phoebe Andrew
It's A great school to support
Phoebe Ann Moore
Ping Shao
Go Lions!
Piper Pettersen
Press Cramer
I’m all in for Lakeside because it’s the best school ever!
Qian Zhang
In honor of Raina Wu
Qing Chen
Go Lions!
Qing Chen and Jun Fang
Go lions!
Quinn Gilman
Qun Guo Andrei Pascovici
Rachana Mundra
Rachel Greene
Honored to be part of the Lakeside Community
Ray Gastil
Ray and Natalie Dearie
Go Lions!
Raymond Gray
Rebecca Engelberg
Rebecca Ku
Rebecca Ramos
Reed Simons
Reem Abu Rahmeh
Reid Rader
Reyhaneh Nikzad
In honor of Hassan Nikzad
Richard Hartung
Richard Hurst
Can't beat a great education
Rick Javier
Rick Rossland
Risha Henry
Rizza Rawcliffe
Rob & Nilu Jenks
Robb Johnson
Robert Breyer
Robert Sellers
In honor of Megan and Drew
Robert Zoffel
In honor of Coreen Agnew Zoffel
Robert and Barbara Cowan
Robin Aronson
Robin Ullman
Robyn Horton
Ron Santii
Ronald Brown
Ronan Le Bras
Ross C. Baker
Happy to support financial aid!
Ross Smith
Ruth Kagi
Ryan's Family
we are in one of lakeside community, we own this communitey and we have responsility to build this community more and more better.
Sabrina & Kelly Coleman
We love the growth & development of our daughter in the classroom, community & competitive volleyball arena. She is thriving & building skills for success in life.
Sadie Mackay
Sally Brown
Sally and J Crone
In appreciation for all the wonderful educational opportunities and experiences officered at Lakeside.
Sam Liu and Tina Lin
Samantha Dale
Sandra/Kivonne Schneider/Tucker
Sara Sharkey
Sarah Bernards
Sarah Hodges
Sarah Koo
Sarah Leung
Sarah O'Hara
Sarah ONeal
Sarah and Tim Tien
Sarah and Will Nicholson
Saron Zewde
The support and opportunity that my child and many like her get is phenomenal .
Sathya Venkatapathy
Scott Bekemeyer
Scott Counts
Scott Reed
In honor of David Nash
Seana Seraji
Sergei Kalfov
Shael Anderson
In honor of David Ingham
Shamik Das Chowdhury
Great job and happy to donate more on coming dsys
Shane Burnett
Shannon Fitzgerald
Sharon Williams
Shawna Sweeney & Keith Drabek
Go Lions!!
Sherrie Sparks
Shewit Gele
Lakeside is a wonderful school, cares about the students, parents/guardians and staff.
Shira Brewer
Shirley Ren
Love Lakeside Upper school. Go Lions!
Sidonie Winfield
Silvia Casadei
Amazing community of faculty, staff, students and families!
Silvia De Biase
Simranjeet Singh
Siri Oswald
In memory of David Ingham
Solomon Atsebha
Sonya Schneider
Stacy Globerman
We LOVE Lakeside!!
Stan Evans
In honor of Mr. Dwight Gibb, Teacher
In gratitude for Mr. Dwight Gibb, Teacher.
Stephanie Saad Cuthbertson
Stephen Brown
Steve Barrett
Steve Chivers
In memory of Mark Powell, class of '76
Steve Smith
Steve and Kim Oberto
Steven Quinlivan
Stowe Talbot
Sue Mystkowski
Sumi Singh
Suzanne Eide
Sylvia Ross
Sylvia Youngblut
Tammy Quichocho
Tanya DeMarsh-Dodson
Taylor Fox
Temam Kurkura
Tenzin Chokey
Teresa Rosen
The Cancelmo Family
The Moll family
Theodore Ianuly
Thomas Cusick
Thomas Gorai
Thomas Rose
Tina Subherwal
Toby Ehrenkranz & Peishan Jiang
Tom & Joe Poe Daly
Tom Clark
Tom Pigott
Torresola Planas Family
Trista Bamer
Vaughan Hennum
Vicki and David Weeks and Jones
In honor of Jeffrey Manson Haug
Victoria Dang
Victoria Goodhope
Vinayak Sharma
Vipin Gupta
Vivian Zhou
Waid Louie
Wei Li
Wei Shao
Welles Wiley
In honor of please direct this donation to the Peter A. Wiley '76 endowed scholarship fund
please direct this donation to the Peter A. Wiley '76 endowed scholarship fund
Wentao Feng
Whitney Suttell
In honor of My Student Support Team colleagues who take such good care of our students and families every day.
Wiebke Whitney Whitney
William Clise
William McAleer
Winfred Wong
Winston & Jennifer Yeung
Go Lions!
Worth Oelschlager
Wudma Ataro
Xiaoshun Hu
Xiaoyuan Zhou
Xin Ge
Xin Lu
Xudong Ni
Yong-Pin Zhou
Yuanfei Wang
Yue Wang
Yue Yuan
Yumi Lee
Yuriy Zhovtobryukh
Yuyan Lou
Great school, great community, great people and great support! Thank you all!
Zach Bench
In honor of Rod and Mary Jo Bench
Zach Siegler
Aizhong Zhang
Emily and chris li
Heather Rock
John p and sally r morbeck
Kimiko Sasaki
Leslie flohr
Nancy penrose
Ruchita bhargava
Xinli Zhou
I am one of Lakeside.
Yewubdar guma
Truly an amazing school to be a part of; so proud to be a Lakeside Lions family!
In honor of Dan Ayrault
Go Lions!
I'm Grateful for my Lakeside Education.
Great school with a lot to offer!
In honor of Chris Wearing
Every little bit helps!
In honor of Zinda Foster
Thank you for creating a fantastic learning environment!
Go Lions!

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