Giving December
Thanks for helping us unlock the $25,000 match!
Thank you for your support of the Lakeside Fund! Every year, gifts to the Lakeside Fund directly support the people and programs that make the robust educational experience possible. Your donation, of any amount, has a direct impact in every corner of Lakeside’s campuses. Your gift can support an area that is most meaningful to you: greatest need, faculty excellence, educational excellence, financial aid, arts, and athletics. Your generosity plays an important role in shaping Lakeside’s future.
If you have any questions, please visit the FAQ section of the campaign or reach out Samantha Dale, Assistant Director of Development.
Update #5 - 3 years ago
FUND FACT: Lakeside is committed to faculty and staff excellence and offers more than $250K each year in professional development opportunities.
“Lakeside is a really special place because of the extra work teachers put in to give us more opportunities to be exactly who we are.” - Phillip M., Class of 2022
“What I appreciate most about the Lakeside faculty is their unconditional desire to help students.” - Mikaela B., Class of 2022
Faculty Excellence
Posted on Tuesday, December 28th, 2021, 1:00 pm EST
Update #4 - 3 years ago
Fund Fact: 100% of Middle Schoolers participate in both performing and visual arts, and 90% of freshman participate in the arts.
“I feel like it’s important to support Lakeside as a young alum. I definitely feel like I’m a part of the community, giving back to the school that prepared me for a really weird world.” - Jared Youmans, Class of 2016
Posted on Tuesday, December 21st, 2021, 1:15 pm EST
Update #3 - 3 years ago
“I’ve always sought out the opportunity to support educational and faculty excellence at Lakeside because I wouldn’t be where I am today if not for the teachers I had there.” - Brooke Loughrin, Class of 2010
Brooke shared how her Lakeside education was instrumental in helping her launch her career, and why, as a young alum she supports the Lakeside Fund.
Posted on Tuesday, December 21st, 2021, 1:00 pm EST
Update #2 - 3 years ago
FUND FACT: 1 out of 3 students at Lakeside receives a financial aid award; the average aid grant is 77% of tuition. Lakeside awards over $8 million in student financial aid.
Wellesley Wilson and Tearon Joseph share how important the Lakeside Fund is to the robust financial aid program at Lakeside. We can’t imagine a third of our talented students gone from our classrooms because tuition was financially out of reach. Please join Wellesley and Tearon in supporting the Lakeside Fund.
Financial Aid
Posted on Tuesday, December 14th, 2021, 1:00 pm EST
Update #1 - 3 years ago
FUND FACT: More than 80% of students participate in Lakeside’s 13 sports with 23 varsity teams. Your donation helps support the growth students experience on the athletic fields and courts.
Congratulations to the volleyball team for winning Districts! Co-captain Sophie B. ‘23 shares her athletic experience at Lakeside.
Posted on Tuesday, December 7th, 2021, 1:00 pm EST