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Lakeside School

Seattle, WA

Giving December

Thanks for helping us unlock the $25,000 match!

Samantha Dale, Assistant Director of Development

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (356)

All (356)
Aaron Goodisman
Abbie Wright
Addie Asbridge
In memory of Mark Sheppard and TJ Vassar
Aditya Sood
Aidan French
Alan Rothblatt & Sima Kahn
Alex Fenner
Alex Koh
Alexa Albert
Alexander Oki
Alicia Hokanson
In honor of Bernie Noe
Alison Webb
Amanda Carr
Amanda Lovelace
Amy Weimer
An Anonymous Donor
Andrea Augustine
Andrew Goodrich
Andrew Omori
Andrew Ratshin/Hilary Field
Andy and Shelby Tran
Anjali Wig
Ann Scott Tyson and Jim Gant
Arthur Coday, Jr., M.D.
In memory of Daniel Morris, PH.D.
Ashley Love
Avelino Lopez Garcia and Carla Dalla Nora
Azeb kalat
encourage the students and keep up the school with good work
Barbara Chessler
Bart Watson
Benjamin Diggs
Benjamin Nivison
This school has such a positive impact on our student, and is clearly so intentional about its approach to excellence, inclusion, and achievement. We are proud to be Lakeside parents!
Benjamin Salmon
Beno Picciano
Beth Levine
Brandon Zhang
Brendan Burns and Robin Sanders
Brenna O'Neill
Brian Frasca and Yi Jin
Brian Graham
In memory of Chris Hooyman '95
Brian McMullen & Ramona Emerson
Great education and high school experience for our daughter
Bryan and April Kelley
Bryndis Jonsson
Brynn Jaouen-Starr
Byron & Deborah Larson
Calista Victor
Cameron Hazen
Carol Borgmann
In honor of Samantha Dale
Carol and Stephen Szender
Caryn Cary
Amazing experience for us as parents and for our student! Thank you for all you do!
Cate Guyman
Catherine Maxwell
Chad and Lilya Crystal
Charles McKay
Charlie Balter
Charlie Dahlgren
Chiachi Ku
Christian Fitzgerald
Christina Huang
Christine Cozadd
Christopher Cunningham
Chrix Finne
Claire Murphy
Collin Jergens
Connor Madden
Courtney Chinn
Craig Arteaga-Johnson
Dale Kim
Dan Hull
Dane Iverson
Daniel Moran
Grateful for the financial aid office!
Darren and Kristin McNally
Dave & Amy Bensin
Dave Warren
David Becker
David Cho
David Hsiao
David Ordal
David and Wyn Levy
Dawn Aiken and Miguel de Campos
Dawn Lippert
In honor of the Lakeside girls soccer team & alums!
Denise Moriguchi
Derek Little
Devin Bruckner
Dexter Brown
Diane Marks Longoria
Donald Christensen
Donald Van Dyke
Doug Walker
Douglas Rait and Karlana Carpen
Dr and Mrs Rodney Utley
Drew Conkin
Edward Fleisher
Eleanor Miller
Elizabeth Dejanikus
Elizabeth Fleming
Ellie Rice
Emily Beller Holland
Emily Dozier
Emily Klebanoff
Eric Monek Anderson
Erin Dolan
In honor of Inspirational teachers, including Tom Rona, Millie Katz, Jim Wichterman, and Ann Stephens
Frederick and Susan Ingham
Garrett Lynch
Gena Schirer
Gene Carlson
In memory of Jane Carlson Williams
George Rowe
Georgette Klebeck
Gina Fridley
Glen & Alexis David
Gordon Gardiner
Gordon Sata and Doris Lock P'02
Gordon and Sara Hodge
Greg and Rodica Gilles
Gyoung Soon Choi
Hana Rubin
Hangki Lee and and Jung-sun Woo
Hao Li and Han Yu
Hayne Leland
Heather Dosch
Heather Fessler
Hillary Shurtleff
Hin-Fan Lau and Teresa Yao
Hugh Morris
Irawati Lam
Isaac and Simon
Jack Resnick
In honor of the excellent education my grandchildren have received at Lakeside in preparation for college and their life as contributing adults. The education spans the basic in class learning plus interaction with other students, society at large and a broader awareness of global needs.
Jake Greenberg
James Glenn
In honor of Fred Wright
James Hurdelbrink
James Kamihachi
James and Shannon Cartales
Janet Pajimula
Great school with amazing teachers and students
Janet Pajimula
Jared Drake
Jared Youmans
Jay Schwartz and Renee Willette
Jeffrey Shneidman
Jeffrey Stoll
Jemimah Okantey
Jena Myers
Jennifer Bernardez
Jennifer Chin & Owen Bennion
Jenny Skinner Robinson
Jeremy Lott
Jessica Hughes
In memory of Mark Jensen
Jimmy Pandra and Viv Rusli
Joe Pew
Joe and Karyn Barer
John Burns
John Garnevicus
John Kydd
John Romano
John Tidwell
In memory of Robert Spock
John and Jennifer Felten
John and Lindy Odland
Jonathan Altman
Jonathan Amkraut
Jonathan Man
Jorge Mendoza Ramierez and Osmara Cartes Mendoza
Joseph Lee
Support faculty!
Joseph Min
Joseph and Trudi Picciano
Jospeh Henke
Judson and Catherine Randolph
Julia Whatley
June Mee Kim
Karen Johnson
Kari Hedman
In memory of Sarah Hedman
Kate Lund
Katie Bernardez
Kayla McIntyre
Kevin Ke
Kevin Murphy
In memory of Maxwell Henningsgaard
Kevin and Diane McMurry
Kevin and Sandy Raftery
Kieran Snyder
Thank you Lakeside!
Kimchyan Gan and Lin Liu
Kiran Robertson
Kris Becker
Kristin Thompson
Kyle Lobisser
Laura MacGregor
Laura Young
Laurel Haeger
Lauren Bricker
Lauren Whatley
Lee Clifford
Lee Kuo
Lily (Burgess) wei
Lori Pender
Lynn Nielsen
Mackie Dulien
Maggie Fisher
Malcolm Hobbs
Mallory Lobisser
Margarett Shnorhavorian and David Horne
Mariann Drucker
In honor of Leah Drucker class of 2021 Colgate
Marilyn and Richard Dunn
Mario Lozano
Mark Kelly
Mark Wang and May Zhang
Mark and Aki Tameling
Mary Anne Boardman
Mary Leavens
Mary Moore
Mathew Johnson
Matt Altman
Matthew Markovich
Megan Schmidt-Warnecke
Meghan Mullarkey Kiefer
Melissa Crawford
Mia Anderson
Michael Fitch
Michael McNutt
Michael Zuberbier
Mike and Linda Morgan
Miles Moen
Ming Fan
Monica Kamalu
In honor of Max Henningsgaard
Moses Namkung
Nancy Daly
Nancy and Scott MacCormack
Natalie Phelps
In memory of Stewart Phelps
Nelson Jaquay
Nicholas Shaker
Nick Rothenberg
Nick and Elisabeth Manheim
Nicole Rendahl
Nicole Sailer
Nikko Hayes
Nina Ariani
We’re very grateful for the Lakeside staff & faculty for creating a safe & excellent community for learning & growing.
Nina Selipsky
Norman and Julie Yee
Omar & Sali Jimenez
Paul Harper
Paul Johnson
Paul and Vivienne Manheim
Paula Gorelick
Peter Christoffersen
Peter Jensen
Peter Lees
Peter Metzger
Peter Nowadnick
Peter Rasmussen
Phil & Marcia Killien
Phillip and Jody Hagen
Pradeep Bahl
In memory of My Parents, Mr. H. L. Bahl and Dr. Mrs. K. Bahl
Quentin Yerxa & Karen Freisem
Rachel Robinson
Ralph Siegel
Raymond Dearie
Raymond and Ayala Thomas
Raymund Acevedo
Rebecca Engelberg
Reid Rader
Rhonda and Todd Glass
Richard Ramsey
Rob Lilleness and Christy Jones
Robert Klinck
Robert Pekkanen
Robert and Dale Klein
Ron Koo and Lisa Olmos de Koo
Rosa Chang
Roy Umlauf
Ruth Kagi
Sam Barer
Sam and Sun Chung
In memory of Dr. Sukwhan Oh
Sara Higgins
Sara Wainwright-Feldman
Scott Daniel and Nancy Stewart
Scott Larson
In memory of Mick & Bonnie Larson
Scott and Louisa Malatos
Sean and Shelley O'Donnell
Seunghyun Lee
Lakeside provided an excellent education for my son, William Lee. Thank you!
Shane Easter
In honor of Jim Gaul
Shannon Saam
Shannon Vincent
Shari Burns
Sheila Jensen
In memory of Polly Dodd
Sheridan Reiger
Skyler Shepard
Sophia Pekkanen
Sophie Calderon and Sarah Peterson
Spencer Helsell, MD
Stephen Romano
Steve Chivers
Steve Man
Steve Taylor
Steven Bolliger and Candace Smith
Steven Price
Sungsoo Lee and Hye-In Mary Shim
In honor of Jeffrey Bonar
Susan Taylor
In memory of Ann Fulton
Susan YOungsman
Susanna Nazarian
In honor of Rick and Anne Matsen
Suzanne Kolenski
Teal and Eric Miller
Ted Burns
Ted Lee
Tess Eisenhart
Theo Ianuly and Pamela Moore
Thomas Daly
Thomas Puzzo and Reeney Ang
Todd Parsons
Tom Doelger
Tom Weeks and Deborah Oyer
Tracy Yuen Hugenberger
Trevor Klein and Jane Repass Klein
Trish Niemi
In memory of Jonathan King
Tyler Peterson and Sarah Skinner
Tylie Cramer
Vic Odermat
Vicki Weeks and David Jones
Vicky and David Thorsell
Victor and Emily Topacio
In honor of Andrea Zshornack Topacio
Vince Kwan and Jen Chan
Wally Krengel
Walter Euyang
Web Augustine
Wenqing Xu and Hongkui Zeng
Will Cero
William & Julia Cho
In honor of Dr. Jong Sik Park
William Black
William McAleer
William Way
Willie Pepper Milo & Yori Milo
Wren Healy
Xiaoshun Hu
Xin Liu
Yiping Duan and Lifen Zhoa
Yongbai Choi
Youell Family
Zakiya Pressley Rice
Mark veblen
In honor of Tasha Chang
Go Lakeside!!!
In honor of Alban Dennis
In memory of George S. Schuchart
Forever thankful for the Lakeside community for giving our kids a safe place for learning and sharing.

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