MKA Day 2019
Why do you GIVE
Every person who shares why they support MKA on social media with #MKADAY will win MKA swag
The First
First Alumni in each year to make a gift will win MKA swag
The Participation
Every child in the grade with the highest parent participation on MKA Day will win MKA swag
Every alumni in the class, per decade, with the highest participation on MKA Day will win MKA swag
The 7th Gift for 7 Scholars
The person who makes the 7th gift on MKA Day, in honor of the 7 Community, will win MKA swag
The 50th Gift for 50 Years
The person who makes the 50th gift on MKA Day, in honor of the 50th Anniversary, will win MKA swag
Morning Power Hour
Everyone who gives a gift during Morning Power House (11am-12pm EST) will win entered to win a breakfast basket of local Montclair goodies
Early Bird Gets the Worm
The person who makes the first gift on MKA Day will win MKA swag
Procrastination Award
The person who makes a gift closest to 11:59 p.m. on MKA Day will win MKA swag
The Distance Award
The person who makes a gift who lives the furthest away from MKA (MS campus) will win MKA swag