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Montclair Kimberley Academy

Montclair, NJ

MKA Day 2019

Montclair Kimberley School

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (317)

All (317)
A Beasley
A.J. Royce IV
Abbie Erbes
Adam & Sabrina Rodgers
Adam Lerner
Ahmed Abdel wahed
Aidan Okamoto-Wolf
Aiden Newman
Alan Zhou and Madeleine Hui Li
Alex Frieder
Alexander Holz
Alexis Levengood
In honor of Leigh Vanderklein
Ali Feldman Schosheim
Alice Terrell-Bryant
Alise Barrett
Alyson Waldman
MKA is a very special place to me and my family!
Amanda Abrahams
Amanda Spagnoletti
Ami and Andy Talkow
In honor of Alix, Emily and Josh Talkow
Amy Parker
Amy South
In honor of Patty Strain
Andrew Kyrejko
Andrew Stahl
Andrew Stern
In honor of Lya and David Neumann
Keep up the good work JP Vizzone!!
Angela Garretson
Angelique Carbo
Anya Barrett
Aruna Srivastava
Ashley Conde
Austin Knowles
Ayana Goore
Banylou Mearin
Barbara Kane
Barbara Kaplan
In honor of Doug and Lauren Kaplan,anniversary’
Becki Hirsh
Ben Parker
Benjamin Stuart
Bernadette Aulestia
Beth (Webster) Twomey
Really great program
Bora Goekbora
Bram Zeigler
Brandon Carter
Brian Purcell
In honor of Al Rehus
Brian Waniewski
Cait Diruggiero
Candace (Messinger) Rabinowitz
Carlos Guzman
Carmen Fleetwood-Paul
Charles Gephart
Charles Gray
Charlotte Lillard
Cheryl Augustine
Cheryl McCants
Cheryl Rizzo
CherylAnne Amendola
Chris & Lourdes Perry
Chris Burchell
Christian Ely
Christopher DeLara
Christopher Smith Smith
Cougar Pride!
Craig Hirsh
Daisy Altamore
Damien Barrett
In honor of Doni Barrett
Daniel J. Weiner Weiner
Danielle Fuchs
Dara Marmon
David Ames
David Brandley
David Glotzer & Wendy Lazarus
David Levin
David McCants III
David Ramsay
In memory of Shirley Ann Fitzhugh
David Riley
Deborah Levine
Deborah Turvey
Dena Lambie
Go for it!
Denise Sarkor
Derek Morf
Donald Karp
Donna Starke
Duncan Currie
Dwight Jackson
Edie Brennan
Edina Jung
Edward Currie
Edwin & Kathryn Davison
Eleanor and Marc Santo Domingo
Elizabeth Koenig
Emanuel & Karen Slater
Emily Nisbet
Emily Tompsett
Erin Hotchkiss
Florence Arcilla
Francesca de la Torre
Franklin Sachs
Gail Zabriskie Wilson
In memory of Jane Redfield Forsberg TKS 1952 (?)
Ganchi Family
Gemma Giantomasi
Geoff Krouse
George Hrab
Gloria Park
Gregory Mancusi-Ungaro
Gretchen Berra
Harris Podvey
Heather Symons
Hobart Van Deusen
In memory of H. Craig morse
Hooray for old Montclair Academy!!!
Hollie Reddington
Hossein Ekrami
Igor Alves
Thank you for celebrating the vital MKA Community Scholars program this year. :)
Jack Hardman
Jaclyn Spedaliere
Jacquelyn Lipson
Jake Kleinbaum
James Hobbins Hobbins
Jamie Taylor
Jane Berra
Janet Mason
Jean Caggiano
Jean Debrosse
Jean Jones
Support MKA and the MKA Community Scholars program!
Jean Witherington
Jeanne Rockower
Jeffrey Jacobson
Jeffrey Schiffman
Jenna Sakolsky Clancey
In honor of George Hrab
Congratulations to a wonderful program on 50 years!
Jess Bishop
In memory of Al Rehus
Jilian Malloy and Tiffany Malloy
Jin and Dan Rubenstein
In honor of Maryanne Kesler and Tony Jones
Joelle Francht
John Crowley and Kathya Crowley
John Murphy
John Phillips
John Sanders
John-Paul Julien
Jon Tarrant
Jonathan & Jennifer Larsen
Jordan Schildkraut
Joseph Bograd
Joseph Sierotko
Julia Bonsal
Julia Weil Lazarus
In memory of Nixon Bicknell
I am proud to make a gift in memory of our extraordinary teacher, Mr. Bicknell. He was a towering figure to so many, and is dearly missed.
Julie & Matt Sherman
In honor of AllIe & Ben
Julie Kim
Julie Porter
Julio Dolorico
Just made my donation in support of the Community Scholars Program! Let's go Class of '84
Kaila Fleisig
Kate Corcoran
Kate Lindsey
In memory of Ann Curtin
Kathleen Brough
Wonderful school!
Kathy and Christopher Eng
Keith Williams
Kelly Distefano Fritz
Kelsey O'Connor
Kelsey Palmisano
Kerri McGuire
Kerry & Paul Murphy
Kevin Olson
In memory of Nixon Bicknell
Go Cougar Scholars!
Kim Romola
Kimberly Saunders
Kris & Jim Bromley
Kristin Halvey
Lance Barnard
Laura Brown Vassilowitch
Laura Treadaway
Lauren Hooper-Rogers
Lauren and Jason Fass
Lauren and Jim O'Connell
Laurie Smith
Laurie and Bruce Goodman
Lavina Datwani
Lawrencec Nazarian
LeRoy Watkins
Leigh Conforti
In honor of Class of 2021
Leonard Silverstein and Jeanae Mazzone
Linda Larkin
Linda Williams
Lindsay Braverman Forman
Lisa Ramos-Hillegers
As one of three siblings who benefitted from the generous support of community scholars, and a current educator, I understand that all forms of support matter. Happy to contribute.
Liza Spina
Lucile Mason
In honor of Our classsmate, Andy Tarnell.
Maira Castro Conteh
Margaret J. Cunningham
In memory of Dr. Byerte W. Johnson
Keeping the spirit of Community Scholars Going!
Margaret Wager
Maria Arellano
Marie Ihnen
Mark Strobeck
Mark and Aman Malaspina
Mark and Cory Lebovitch
Marshall Welch
Martin & Judith Daly
Mary Elliott
Mary Louise Rubin
Matthew Palmisano
Max Nussbaum
Melissa Maddox-Evans
Meredith and Aaron Gardner
Michael Bromley
Michael Frost
Michael Halchak
Miles Hackett
Monika Krausz
Monique and Wanda French-Brown
Monique&Wanda French-Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Garrubbo
Nancy B Kelly
In memory of Jane Redfield Forsberg
Most amazing pre school to tertiary education! How lucky was I to have had this experience. To all keep up your support to enable MKA to be even better .
Nancy Castro
In honor of my mother, Nancy Torres Castro
Nancy Ward
Naomi Lynch
Natalia Torres
Nicholas Galasso
Nicole Romola
Nilie Pajoohi
In memory of Andy Weiner, our classmate & just a really good guy
Owen Grover
Owen P Grover Grover
Paige Barrett
Pam Davis
Parker Weil
Patricia Park Connell
In memory of My parents, Ellie and Jack Park
Thanks for providing such a wonderful education for our children and warm hospitality to the parents!
Patricia Perlmutter
Paul and Joanne Freeman
Petia Morozov
Piotr & Anna Uzar
Quinn Buchan
Rachel Levine
Rebecca Scuorzo and John Scuorzo
Richard Eytel
Richard Moskowitz
I greatly value my years at MKA ('81) as significant and formative. Glad to support you today.
Richard and Swati Engel
Robert Livesey
Robert Nagel
Russell Goodrich
Salem Belay
Sam Eisen
Sarah Bradley
In honor of Tom Fleming
Shannon Fry O'Hara
Sharad Sahu
Sharif Siddiqui
Shazia & Sajid Zaidi
Shireen Meistrich
Shruthi Kinkead
Sridhar Ganeshan
Stacey Martin
Stacy & Scott Rosenblum
Stacy Cochran
Stephen Zabrowski
Steve Christian
Steve Lucas and Emily Rosenblum
Steven Clayton
Steven Goldberg
Steven Pestka
Great work!
Steven and Nicole Andrews
Stuart Hinda
Stuart Hinds
Susan Bradley
In memory of Tom Fleming
Susan Ciccone ODonnell
It is important to give back to the institution that has given so much!!!
Susan Straten
In honor of George Hrab's 50 years
Susana Toscano
Talkow Family
Tanya Barnes
Theresa Butler
Thomas Fusco
Thomas and Peri Rosamilia
Tim Carlson
Tim Lynch
Tom & Zandi Nammack
Tyla Parker
Vely Louis and Kimberley Louis
William Blake
William Bromley
William Carson
William Gill
William Hall
William Hughes
Zoe Lynch
Angela mccaffrey
Go Cougars!
Christina cotton
Jan shaw
John halvey
Marc aronson
Savita subramanian
In honor of Dr. Tom Holt
in honor of Dr. Holt
Christopher Louis supports MKA!
In honor of Nixon Bicknell
In honor of Deborah Jennings
In honor of Doris W. Cohen
My education at Kimberley was better than that at college. Keep up the good work. I am happy to donate to a scholarship fund for others who otherwise couldn't attend.
Great job MKA!!
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Montclair Kimberley Academy
201 Valley Rd, Montclair, NJ 07042
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