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Roncalli High School

Indianapolis, IN

Roncalli High School Walkathon

Walk Hard. Play Hard. Pray Hard.

raised of $85,000 goal
Tina Hayes, Director of Advancement

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (1,120)

All (1,120)
Indianapolis Fire Dept. Station #1
Michelle Adkins
Melissa Agresta
Lisa Agresta
Kimberly Akers
Julie Albertson
Grace Albertson
Vicki Allen
Pat Allen
Vicki Allen
Marisela Almaraz
Go Victor Go!
Marie Ameis
Nicole Amodeo
Joyce Anderson
Kathryn Anderson
Jennifer Annee
Royce Antolin
Monica Armin
Kaleigh Arvin
Aricia Asano
Sue & Don Aton
Favorite Aunt
Lisa Babb
Becky Baker
Andrea Rojas Baker
Sid Baker
In memory of Judith A. Baker
Jack & Mary Balint
Betty Bardonner
Andrea Barger
Karen Barker
Karen Barker
Caitlin Barnes
Alison Barratt
Caroline Barry
Mary Beaman
Joanne Bean
Pamela Beck
Billy and Mandy Beikes
Amy Belden
Amy Belden
Mary Bellew
Anissa Benich
Stephani Benitez
Cheressa Marie Benjamin
Michelle Berger
In honor of In memory of Luca Berger
Nancy Berry
In honor of Uncle George
Katie Billerman
Katie Billerman
Roxana Blandford
Maggie Bonamy
Kathy Boone
Mr. & Mrs. William Borst
In honor of Malea Borst Cooper 1991
Lori Bosley
Mike Bosley
Barry Boyer
Good Luck Asher!
Leah Bradley
Julie Bradley
Joyce Brandenburg
Jennifer Brooking
Desiree Brown
Audrey Brown
Amy Browning
Bob and Martha Buckel
In honor of Patrick Havens class of 1975
Pamela Buckel
Bob and Martha Buckel
In honor of Patrick Havens class of 1975
Jennifer Buechler
We love RHS! :)
Rebecca Buening
Dayana Buquer
Andrea Burggrabe
Chari Burke
Carol Burkhardt
Good luck on your walk Adelle.
Susan Burkhardt
Bob Burns
Diana Buxton
Chris Byrne
Bernie Price - CYO
Dominic Cacchione
Maria Cahill
Michelle Cain
Vicki Caldwell
Roberta Campbell
Kelly Campbell
Suzanne Carr
Randy Carr
Ronald Carr
Jennifer Carson
Angela Cash
Margaret Casper
Carrie Cassiero
Rita Casteel
Kim Chatham
In honor of Diamond Dragoo
Jim and Jenny Cissell
Kent Clady
Sandy Clark
Walking for Roncalli! Good work Taylor!!
Sandy Clark
Rebels walking for Rebels! Good job, Lauren!
Marianne Clawson-Allbright
Janet Clements
Happy Walking!
Stacey Cleveland
Laurie Clodfelter
Tamara Clouse
Rosia Cobb
Your awesome Patrick!!!!!!
Julie Combs
Julie Combs
Jennifer Comer
Jenny Comer
James Conn
Marlene Conn
C & R Concrete Contractors
Maria Coronado
Connor Craig
Tim Crissman
Morgan Crowe
Christine Crowe
Sandra Crowe
Betty Crusen
Caroline Cullen
Francis & Sharon Cunningham
Keep up the good work. Love you.
Lori Curtis
Kelly Curtis
Kimberly Dant
Marty and Fran Davey
Amy Davis
Diane Davis
In memory of John 'Jack' Edward Davis
Joe Dawson
Joann Dawson
Good Luck Roncalli Students. You are amazing!
Travis and Theresa Day
Susan DelPriore
Rosemary Delph
Lisa Dennis
Keep up the good work Alex, we love you and are so proud of you. Love, Aunt Lisa and Chopper
Alexander Dentistry
Lisa Denzer
Tim Derloshon
Proud of you Patrick
Kristen Dial
Jane Dias
In honor of Ron Vermillion & Russ Dias
Collette Dillon
Pamela Dockery
In memory of Connor Kellams Great Grandpa Tom
Katherine Dollens
Mary Doninger
Mary Joan Dorsey
Tina L Duenas
Donna Dugan
Jonathan Durrett
Shannon Eckart
Keith Eckstein
Mary Eiland
Solvonex - Supporting Ian Eldridge!
Morgan Ellis
Jeen Endris
Linda Endris
Keep up the good work❤️
Linda Endris
We are happy to support you in this!!
Indy Steel Erectors
Brenda Ernst
Eileen Euzen
Raegan Evans
Kim Evans
Raegan Evans
Thiele Family
Babcock Family
Janet Farmer
Diane Feder
Diane Feder
James Feltz
Carol Jean G Ferrante
Scott Fleming
Paul Fletcher
Cherry Fowler
Awesome Opportunity To Make A Positive Difference!
Jennifer Fox
Teresa Fries
Chad Fuhrman
Carrie Gallagher
Amy Gandolph
In honor of Luca Berger
Joseph Gangstad
Carey Gaskill Gaskill
Jennifer Gaulin
Kristin Gebhart
Kristin Gebhart
Susan Geier
Reggie Geier
Susan Gibson
Chelsey Gilles
Kenneth Gillum
Dianna Gin
Erika Giron
Michele Golab
Anthony Gorball
David Gors
Lynne Gorski
Michelle Grabczak
Kathleen A Graham
Go Gabby Go!
Grandpa and Grandma
Karyn Graves
Ruth Gray
Ruth Gray
Mariah Green
Keep working hard!!
Heather Green-Schembra
Timothy & Ellen Greene
Judith Grimes
John Guerrettaz
Veronica Guilfoy
Megan Guthrie
Megan Guthrie
Vicki Guzman
Diana Guzman
Kathleen Haberthy
Elizabeth Hall
In memory of Michael Hall
Nana and Grandpa Hallberg
Alice Hamm
Kristin Hammerschmitt
Linda Hammerschmitt
Gina Hansen
Jamie Harper
In memory of Amy Tucker
Anne Harrell
Lisa Harrington
Deborah Hart
Sheila Hasty
Shirlee Hauth
David Hawkins
Kathy Haycox
Brad Hayse
Jennifer Hedges
Michael Hehmann
Mary Heisig
Lacey Hersman
Katie Hibner
James Higgins
Jeremy Hill
Kham Za Hmung
O’Riley Funeral Home
Pleased to support Roncalli students!
Karen Houser
Amy Houtz
Amy Houtz
Therese Houze
Janice Hovanec
Janice Hovanec
Mary & Jerry Hubbs
Baron Huebler
Maryellen Huggins
Jennifer Hurley
Daniel Hurley
Christine Hurrle
Chris and Dave Hurrle
Christine Hurrle
Kristen Ianni
Schaefer Technologies, Inc.
Noel Jackson
Timothy Jeffers
Laura St John
Anne Johnson
Charles Jones
Linda Jones
Andrea Jones
Linda Jones
Cathy Jones
Lisa Jones-Moore
Melanie Kaelin
In honor of Erma Hill
Mary Kappes
Mary Kappes
Mary Kappes
Jennifer Kappes
Camille Kauffeld
Brian Keeney
Sarah Kegerreis
In honor of Barb Hurrle
Sarah Kegerreis
Jill Kehoe
Carol Keller
Erin Keller
Paul Kelley
Erica Kelly
Susan Kennedy
Pamela Kennedy
Jenny Kiefer
Good luck Patrick :)
Robert Kinkade
Susan Kinkade
Teresa Kirkhoff
Patty Kirkman
Cathy Kitchens
Great job Garrett!
Justin Koehler
Paula Koneda
Kathryne Kratoska
Teri Kruse
Amanda Kuehr
Amy Kuntz
Kraig Kunz
Bonnie Kurz
Gary Langston
Karen Lasiter
Christine Lauck
Brian Lauck
Esther Law
Caren LeMark
I love supporting Roncalli and their students!
Allison Leffler
Shannon Lemaster
Brooke Lentz
Mona Lewen
In honor of John and Catherine Maymon
Kari & Sharon Lewis
Adrianne Linder
Seth Lindsey
Matt & Stephanie Littell
Frank Litz
Tristan Litz
Vincent Lockard
Lori Loebig
Joe Lucas
Robyn Ludlow
Rhonda Lyle
Jeffrey Mader
Christina Madriz
Christina Madriz
Angela Magno
Beth Mahin
Jessica Mahoney
Steve and MarAnn Mahoney
Angela Maly
Heather Mandel
Khup Mang
Amy Marack
Pa & Marianne
Mary Marshall
Debi Marshall
Barbara Martin
Kathy Massengale
Debbie Mathies
Rose Maue
Wade McClurg
Abby McElwain
Cassie McGill
Jon and Novella McGinley
Go Patrick!!
Kathleen McGuire
Angela McHugh
Michael McKay
Carol McKenzie
Mark McKenzie
Good luck Jack!!
Kathy Ducote and John Mccullen
Kelly Meek
Kelly Meek
Kim Mellene
Efer Meraz
Debbra Meyer
Reva Michealree
Ben Miller
Grandma/Grandpa Miller
In memory of Great Grandma Miller
Tricia Milto
Luke Monroe
Ellen Moore
Go Roncalli!
Brittany Moran
Doris More
Andrea Morelli
Andrea Morelli
Michaela Morris
We are so proud of you, Eli!
Julia Morwick
Michael Murphy
Kristy Muse
Toni Music
Christina Nalley
David Neu
David Neu
Ronald Nevitt
Ronald Nevitt
Toni Newett
Tracy Newman
Suzanne Nielsen
Sandra Noe
Andrea Nolting
Jonathan Nolting
Elizabeth Oelker
Pattie Orrick
Carolyn Oursler
In memory of Papaw Oursler
Thanks for the fabulous education you provide for these students and for making Roncalli safe! Donate it's a great walk!
Mary and Steve Oursler
In honor of Grandma and Grandpa Vollmer
Garrett Oursler
In honor of Mamaw and Papaw
Keep up the great work. Roncalli is the Best
Kristel Owen
Maryanne O’Brien
Kelly O’Brien
Maryanne O’Brien
Rich & Kathy Pacholski
David Parra
Go McKenna Go!
Judith Parrett
Jessica Parrett
Judy Parrett
Erin Patrick
Teresa Payne
Mary Peats
Kim and Todd Pennington
Jim and Karen Perkins
Katie Petralia
Andi Pierce
Nicole Pierce
Marci Pittman
Marci Pittman
Teresa Plummer
Grace Ponist
Dylane Poteet
Andrew Povinelli
Beverly Povinelli
Geoffrey Prendergast
In honor of Geoffrey&Elizabeth Prendergast
Geoffrey Prendergast
In honor of Geoffrey&Elizabeth Prendergast
Robin Prendergast
Donna Prendergast
Great job Vinny & JJ. Love you Mama & Papa
Robin Prendergast
Jennifer Priest
Monica Purdy
Keith Pyle
Shana Quebe
Laura Quebe
Keep up the good work, Jax!
Sheila Quinlan
Diane Quinlin
Jamie Quinlin
Diane Quinlin
Jamie Quinlin
Carla Quire
Sherry Beth Quire
Carissa Quitugua
Cherie Ramos
Lisa Ramsey
Scott Ransburg
Brittany Ratcliff
Deborah Ray
Amy Reed
Justin Reed
Amy Resler
Jeff Richardson
Amy Rieger
Michelle Roberts
Fr. Robert Robeson
In honor of Jim and Kay Beeson
Kelly Rockhill
Have fun!! Love ya!
Jamie Roland
Vinny and Angie Romano
Sarah Rose
Allie Ross
Angie Runholt
Jose Sanchez
Gabby Sanchez
Lourdes Sanchez
Good luck!
John Sanders
In honor of Jean-Koebel Sanders
Brenda Sandlin
Janice Santana
Joseph Schaefer
Amanda Schneider
Daniel Schoettle
Jeremy Schoettle
Daniel Schoettle
Melissa Scott
Sheryl & Bill Sherman
Douglas Shinkle
Vicki & Jason Shives
Carol Shives
Lisa Shock
Becky Shreve
Keep Calm and walk on!
Jeannette Shrum
Maninder Sidhu
Sherry Sigler
Kelly Siler
Erin Marie Sills
Leo Silva
Tammy Simmons
In honor of Mildred Hochstrasser
Deborah Sissons
Erin Skartvedt
Jeff Small
David Smith
Kim Smith
Rachel Smith
Lindsay Snyder
Julie Sommers
Steven Sorenson
Patricia Sorenson
Amy Spencer
Amy Spotts
Erica Springer
Amy Sprouse
Jeannie Staehler
Sharon Staehler
In honor of Fr Michael Keuchet
Jennifer Stafford
M.Gail Stanley
Keep up the good work
Marla Steigerwald
Theresa Stevason
Judy Stolmeier
Myra Storms
Mark Stratton
Gerard Striby
Nicerpar Suiaung
Tami Sulit
Brendan Sutherland
Ben Taylor
Dione Taylor
Amanda Tellmann
Sharon Tolin
Scott Toon
Lauren Tracy
Jeffrey Traylor
No better cause!
Jose Trejo
Jeff Tremain
Kelly Tremain
Sharon Tucker
Erin Turk
Deric Vaught
Jerryl Vaught
Jeffrey Veldhof
Connie Ventress
Mandy Verstijnen
Van Vinson
Uncle Danny, Aunt Tina, Maggie and Viv
Stephanie Volk
Lawrence Vollmer
Scott Vollmer
Robert Vollmer
In honor of Grandma and Grandpa Vollmer
Keep up the good work Garrett
Michael Vollmer
Anita Wa
Jeanne Wagner
Jennifer Wallem
Angela Walsh
Gregory Waltz
Gregory Waltz
Julie Warholak
Julie Watson
Julie Watson
Mindy Waugh
Peggy Weil
Have fun, Eli
Stefan Welsh
Judy Welsh
In honor of Grandpa and Grandma Vollmer
Marianne Whelchel
Linda White
Sara Wiley
Connie Williams
Laura Williams
Kimberly Wilson
Amy Wilson
P Wisler
P Wisler
Trish Wlodarczyk
Patty Wood
Connor M Wood
Jaime & chris Woolley
Margaret Workman
Rebecca Wright
Debbie Wright
Patricia Wulf
Kristin Young
Bev Young
Barb Young
Bev Young
Kristin Young
Anne Youngblood
Ann Zakrowski
Keep up the good work Rebels!
Art Zakrowski
Seana Zoderer
Good luck, Catie! ♡
Julie biasi
Collette dillon
Keep up all the good work!
Erin eagan
Larry and ruby gesse
Beth mahin
Beth mahin
Beth mahin
Good luck with school, buddy.
In memory of Grandpa Gin
In memory of Grandpa Gin

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Roncalli High School
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