Day of Thanks
Thank you so very much for your support today. We continue to be deeply moved by the generosity of our community. The site will remain open for 10 days, we encourage you to share this with family and friends.
How does my donation help?
All donations, when added together, enable us to offer scholarships and financial aid to young boys who might not be able to afford to attend Saint Paul’s otherwise. Every dollar actually does count and matters a great deal to us!
How can I hear the boys singing?
There are so many ways to enjoy the choir! During the school year the boys sing 12:10 Mass every Tuesday through Friday. They also sing the 11:00 Mass Sundays from September through June.
We are delighted to be singing a limited seating spring concert this Sunday, May 9th at 3:00 pm. More information can be found on our website:
Our yearly Christmas Concerts are typically the first two Sunday in December at 3:00 in the afternoon. Keep an eye on our website at for updates on performances.
Follow us on Facebook for more information.