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Saint Paul’s Choir School

Cambridge, MA

Day of Thanks

Thank you so very much for your support today. We continue to be deeply moved by the generosity of our community. The site will remain open for 10 days, we encourage you to share this with family and friends.

raised of $110,000 goal
Parent Guild

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (178)

All (178)
Alex Bellanton
Alice Stanley
You guys need money.
Amalia Amburn
Amy Delaney
In honor of John Robinson and Emma Kerry...and every teacher at SPCS
Could not be more grateful for the years James had at SPCS and for each and every teacher who dedicated so much time to the boys. And for the families who will always be a part of our life and our village!
Andrew Griswold
St.Paul's parishioner since 1990 and Business Manager of the Parish and Choir School from 2002 to 2015. Congratulations on staying open in person all through this year. As John Dunn used to say, keep up the good work!
Ann-Marie and Matt Lawlor
Anna Marie McMahon
Thank you, SPCS, for all the beautiful memories and superb music!
Arthur Cody
Thank you for the spiritual inspiration of the magnificent music.
Austin Walters
Barbara Why
Brendan Raftery
Brian McAuliffe
Cambridge Children's Dentistry
Carole Smith
Carrie Bradley
Catherine Barilleaux
In honor of the class of 2023, especially Gerard Martin Barilleaux
Cathy & Fred Grein
Changgang Lou
Changgang Lou
In honor of the great teachers and staff of SPCS. Thanks for your dedication!
Charlies & Sheila Donahue
In memory of Joseph Policelli
Chris and Mindi Connelly
Much continued success to this stellar institution! Thank you to all who have taught and influenced our sons throughout the years.
Christa Hagearty
In honor of Alice Golden
Christine Ellerbrock
In honor of Ira Barilleaux
Christoforetti Family
In honor of Amy Marie Christoforetti
Christopher Vezeau
Cindy O'Brien
In honor of Sebastian Haferd
Sebastian's parents are very strong Catholics and truly caring, and this has a wonderful effect on Sebastian.
Colin Lapus
In honor of John Robinson
Dan & Maureen Lapus
Daniel Alvarez
In honor of the teachers at SPCS
David Neef
Keep up the good work Sebi!!
Dcn Tim & Dr Elke ODonnell
Deb & Arthur Chamian
In honor of Philip
Dianne Flaherty
To all the boys that make it all worthwhile! We do what we do because of you. May we never lose sight of that.
Donnelly's Uniforms
Dr. Rose-Laure Moussignac
Congratulations to my talented nephew, Sebastian and his amazing father (Head of School) Dr. Thomas Haferd. Always keep music in your heart and stay true to your Catholic faith.
So proud of nephews Olivier and Xavier, and so thankful for your school and teachers!
East Boston Savings Bank
Edwin Breslin
Eileen and Paul Shakespear
In honor of Sharon Gallagher and John Dunn
Emily Kennerley
Emily Nohrden
St Paul’s Choir School is such a special place, for so many reasons. We want the school to succeed in continuing to allow boys to have an excellent education in a great environment that allows boys to have fun but also develop high expectations for themselves.
Evelyn Yamauchi
Congratulations, Sebastian!
Fe Lapus
Frank & Marisa Doherty
Garry & Kai Tsang
Geoff & Annamarie Why
Thank you for the wonderful academic and musical education our two sons experienced.
Gerard & Catherine Barilleaux
Thank you to the SPCS faculty! To Tom, who always maintains calm; to Dianne, our rock; to Patrick, who keeps it real and inspires the boys to create; to Eric, for his devotion and humor; to Alyssa, for her lively sessions and dedicated work to composition; to Karen for her brilliant reflections; and to James, our inspirer. We have very much to be thankful for indeed. God bless and keep you now and always, SPCS.
Gideon Augustin
Hannah Olivet
In honor of Atticus Olivet
Howard Ying
Thanks to all of the amazing people who made SPCS a wonderful experience for Nicholas and us!
J Abede Alexandre
Congratulations, Sebastian The Apple didn’t fall too far from the tree. Your Mom is an amazing person. She is one of my most respected colleagues in the field of Psychology. Follow her example and the sky is the limits. I wish you much success in all that you do.
James Delaney
In honor of SPCS. So grateful!
James Keough
An amazing school with an amazing staff. Thank SPCS.
James McTigue
Jeanne & John Keenan
Keep singing!
Jennifer Greiner
In honor of Eamonn Greiner
Jennifer Kordell and Tim Moran
Thank you to the fabulous teachers and staff! Particularly to Mr. Maurer (a true polymath!); Ms. Barilleaux (for instilling faith); Mr. Moran, Mr. Warner, Ms. Greiner and Ms. Cunha (for supporting rigor and hard work); Dr. Haferd (for your leadership); Ms. Flaherty (for holding everything together); and Mr. Kennerley, Dr. Bellott, Mr. Adach, Ms. Chladil, and Ms. Cocozza (for elevating the joy of music).
Jeremy & Sarah Greiner
Jeremy and Sarah Greiner
Jerome Haferd
In honor of For Sebastian Haferd class of ‘21
Yay Sebi!
Jesus Cachimuel
God bless the St. Paul choir school 🙏
Jocelyne David
In honor of Sebastien Haferd
John Trever
In honor of Robert W Trever MD
SPCS is a blessing in our lives!
John Trevor
SPCS is a gem in Harvard Square!
John and Karen Moran
In honor of our grandson, who has been thriving at St. Paul's Choir School
Joseph & Marisa O'Boyle
Joseph Golden
In honor of Alice Golden
In honor of my late wife, who was a huge supporter of the St Paul's Choir School
Judy Beatrice
Judy Sundue
Julia Monaco
Kai Tan
Thank you so much for all the teachers and staff at Saint Paul's! You're making a huge impact on our sons!
Kan Phan, Siem Reap Cambodia
Je suis fier de mon petit-fils
Kara Clark
In honor of The staff and faculty of SPCS
Thank you for your dedication!
Karen Celano
May St Michael and all the holy archangels guard St Paul's, and may God bless it always.
Karen Donnellan
Such a fantastic school. Miss hearing the boys.
Karl Schmid
In honor of Zyan Mehdi who loves St. Paul's and is thriving there. From his grandparents. Much love to St Paul's.
Kate Keating
In honor of Sebastian Haferd
Congratulations on your success. Best wishes in the future. Kate
Katherine Shanks
Katy Greiner
How can we keep from singing? :) Love you, Eamonn! Keep crushing it!
LaFarge House Jesuit Community
Landry Family
Thanks to the dedicated teachers, administrators, priests, parents, board members and students who make SPCS what it is!
Laura Montgomery
Always cherish the music, and best of luck in secondary school, Sebastian!
Longleaf Lumber Company
Lucy Casiano
Madeline Porcelli
Marc & Sophie Migliazzo
Margaret Woisin
Marialyce Haferd
In honor of Sebastian
With deep gratitude for all St. Paul's Choir School has done for my grandson
Mariana Fontoura
Keep up the good work!
Mark & Barbara Poliks
Thank you for all the wonderful music during such a challenging year!
Mark O'Keefe
Martin Etcheverry
Thank you Saint Paul's Choir School!
Mary Ellen and Jim Marino
In honor of the priests, faculty, and administrative staff who have made St. Paul's Choir School an educational, musical, and spiritual treasure for students and their families.
Mary Hendry
Mary Vachon
In honor of Christopher and Shawn Allan
Mathias Why
Thank you, SPCS!
Maureen MacNeil
In honor of In honor of Daniel’s favorite teachers, Ms. Thurston, Mr. Moran, and Ms. Flaherty who are simply the best! God Bless You!
Michael & Alicia Matthews
Michael Melley
In honor of Colin Lapus
Mike & Dinah McDonald
Mike Gorham
Mimsie Ciecuch
Molly Quinn
In honor of Sebastian :)
Monica Pacheco-Tougas
Nancy Kopell
This donation is in honor of Sebastian Haferd. Congrats to Sebastian! Good luck at Andover. Nancy
Nature's Classroom
Pamela Butler
For the joy the choir brings to people.
Patrick Moran
Thank you to the teachers, students, parents, and staff whose camaraderie has always been at the heart of the school.
Patrick Snyder
In honor of all LGBTQ+ students who may be struggling with their identity, as I once was.
Extremely grateful for my time at this school. I hope you may provide LGBTQ+ affirming support and resources.
Paul & Jacky Haley
Paul Cravedi
In memory of Reverend Dennis M Sheehan
Rafay Mehdi
Reenie Murphy
Rev. John Arens
In honor of Frederick and Mary Arens
Richard Jones
In honor of Dave Aronson
Love you Dave
Robin Curtiss
Rosmary Scully
Ryan Barilleaux
Ryan Drager
Sally Brady
In honor of Upton Birnie Brady
Thank you for continuing years of marvelous music.
Sally Nelligan
Samuel ONeill
Because our world needs men dedicated to lives of virtue and service to others.
Sean Connor
Sean Doherty
Sean Hurley
Shawn Allan
Shawn Allan (parent '21) Thank you SPCS for providing my son with a rich and wonderful academic and musical journey! I sincerely appreicate the marvelous faculty members who share their passion for learning and teaching and the incredible musical and choir program that has helped form Christopher into an outstanding person.
St. Sebastian's School
State Street
Steph Uhde
Congrats Sebi!! Much love from Ohio ❤️
Stephen Kelly
God bless the Choir School!
Steve and Lynne Andaloro
Sue and Rich Carr
In honor of All Choir School Alumni and their families from our founding in 1963 to our soon o be Alumni Class of 2021.
Susan Dawson
In honor of Raymond F. Glover
Suzanne Szescila
God bless the students, teachers, staff, and fundraisers!
Theodore Why
Glad to support the new generation!
Theresa Theis
Congratulations, Sebastian!
Thomas & Rose Haferd
In honor of The extraordinary teachers, priests and supporting staff at St. Paul's
In memory of Robert Bils and Jane Laube - dearly beloved Godparents
Thank you for all you have done for our son!
Tim & Grace McGuirk
In honor of John G. Dunn
Wishing the boys well and our congratulations to the faculty on a successful year!
Tim & Jen Moran
Tracey Merrill
Truax Family
Valli Wade
WIlliam Bolt
In honor of Lawrence Bolt
Thanks to my late Dad who drove a few of us back and forth to St Pauls many times. SPCS biggest fan ...
William Haferd
In honor of Sebastian Haferd
Congratulations Graduate, on all your Hard Work
William Kelly
In honor of Bill and Peg Kelly, parents of alumni Fr. Bill Kelly, '76, Paul Kelly, '77 and Stephen Kelly, '81, on the occasion of their 60th Wedding Anniversary.
With gratitude and prayers to St. Paul's Choir School, which has shaped the life of the Kelly family both now and for generations to come.
Winnie Ip
Yuri & Bridget Maricich
In honor of Faculty and Staff of the St. Paul Choir School.
For Dr. Haferd for his vision and undaunted faith; Mr. Kennerley, for inspiring in these boys a genuine love of beauty, desire for excellence, and sense of camaraderie that will last a lifetime; Mrs. Flaherty for being the rock and foundation, without which we’d be lost; Mr. Maurer, for his abiding dedication to raising up men of learning and virtue; Ms. Cunha, for teaching these boys how to think and write with joy; Mrs. Celano, for so seamlessly uniting the heart and the mind in the study of the Catholic faith; Mr. Moran, for inspiring the imagination of the boys and constantly challenging them to think beyond their immediate world; Mr. Warner, for his infectious love of Latin; Ms. Chladil, for going above and beyond with each boy, regardless of experience, to make sure he learns music theory; and Mr. Adach, for playing the organ so beautifully, helping to coral these boys, and imparting a love of liturgy. We are so deeply grateful for all you have done for Xavier. God bless the Choir School!
Yuri & Bridget Maricich
Zachary and Mariya Davis
We support Saint Paul's because it blesses the whole community through its musical program and provides extraordinary moral and intellectual education for our son.
Alan o'driscoll
Judy beatrice
In honor of Msgr. Dennis Sheehan
Great education and commitment to developing young men of character, integrity, and leadership!
Judy beatrice
In honor of Ms. Sharon Gallagher
A great supporter and leader for the choir school who always enjoyed and shared her many gifts with the choir school and St, Paul Parish.
Nancy nicolaou
Scott Moussignac
In honor of Sebastian Haferd
Sebastian, you have grown into a wonderful young man. We are proud of everything you have accomplished.
Happy to support youth in getting a quality education by teachers who work hard and truly care!
Sing well!
In honor of The excellent SPCS teachers, staff, and the hard-working boys!
To support the school, faculty, and students with their music education!
In honor of The teachers at SPCS
Thank you to all the teachers who supported me at SPCS.
In honor of 3rd and 4th grade teachers

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Saint Paul’s Choir School
29 Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
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