Rise and Shine for Ursuline
Day of Giving 2024 - Help us raise $229,000 on 2/29!
Early Bird Special! Double your Impact! Gifts Matched Dollar-for-Dollar up to $29,000!

Help us start our Day of Giving and Double your Impact! Gifts Matched Dollar-for-Dollar up to $29,000!
Home Stretch Two-to-One Challenge! Your gifts tripled up to $20,000

As we enter into the Home stretch on our Day of Giving, help us meet our goal. The next $20,000 in gift will be tripled by an anonymous donor! Now is the time to rise and shine for Ursuline Academy!
Night Owl Challenge! 29 Alumnae Gifts by Midnight Unlocks $5,000

Get a jump start on the Day of Giving for Ursuline. We need 29 Alumnae to make a gift before midnight tonight (Wed. the 28th), to unlock a $5,000 challenge!
Board of Trustees Challenge! $29,000 in Gifts by Noontime Unlocks $10,000

Lucky 29! If the Ursuline community raises $29,000 by noon on Feb. 29th, we will unlock an additional $10,000 from the Board of Trustees.
Past Parent Challenge! Unlock $2900 with 29 Past Parent Gifts

Lucky 29 for past parents! Unlock a gift of $2,900 from Mary-Jeanne ‘81 and Mark Manning P ‘21 when 29 additional parents of alumnae make gifts of any amount. “Our daughter is thriving in college – We believe this to be the result of the education and experiences she gained while attending Ursuline.”
Unlock an Additional $2900 with 29 more Past Parent Gifts

Let’s Do it Again! Our parents of alumnae have unlocked the first challenge. Let’s rise and shine some more! We need 29 more gifts from past parents to unlock another $2,900 challenge gift! Thank you for supporting Ursuline!
Alumnae Challenge! 229 Alumnae Gifts Unlock $10,000

Rise and Shine, Ursuline Alumnae! When we receive 229 individual gifts from alumnae, a generous alumna will unlock a gift of $10,000.
Parent Challenge! Ice Cream Truck for Students and Teachers with 150 Gifts

When we receive 150 individual gifts from current parents, we’ll bring the ice cream truck to campus later this spring for a free treat for all students, faculty and staff! Rise and Shine for Ursuline!
Student Challenge! $2,000 earns Pancakes and PJs Day

Our students are supporting Ursuline’s Day of Giving with fundraisers of their own. From Bagel Bar to Ice Cream Sundae Station to Basket Raffles to satisfy everyone’s interests, our campaign is strong on campus! When they reach $2000, they get a special “Pancakes and PJs Day” later this spring!
Faculty and Staff Thank You! Swig Can Cooler with any Gift

Faculty and Staff Thank You! Swig Can Cooler with any Gift
Faculty/Staff Challenge