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Ursuline Academy

Dedham, MA

Rise and Shine for Ursuline

Day of Giving 2024 - Help us raise $229,000 on 2/29!

raised of $229,000 goal
Janet Reynolds, Director of Annual Giving

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (532)

All (532)
Adrienne Greene
Alana Rose
Alexander Ward
Alexandra Lyon
Alicia Forte
Ursuline soccer!
Amy Marjani
Amy Weddleton
Andrea Boudreau
Andrew Coughlin
Ann Boyle Cussen
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Boyle
Ann Joyce
Ann Kelly
Ann Kirby
Ann Marie and Jay Connolly
Anne Maguire Hynes
In memory of Tommy Hynes
Anne Regnier
Thank you to Mrs. Glancy for the wonderful Arts experiences Madeline had at Ursuline!
Annemarie Carey
Aria Pinelli
Thank you Ursuline! The Pinelli Family
Ashley Gioioso
Avery Ambrefe
Barbara Brandt
Barbara Brouckaert
Barbara Power
Barbara Roche Rico
Bella Matthews
LOVED my time at UA💚Thank you Mr. Ward!
Beth Choiniere
Beth Howard
Betsy Thomison
Board of Trustees
Bob and Pat Todd
Brendan King
Briana DiNicola
Bridget J. Keane
Brooke Mascia
In honor of Sydney Long
My Niece is a student there. She is a beautiful and smart young lady. Ursuline will help her achieve her future goals.
Bryce & Leigh Ann Luetzen
Caitlin Valair
Camille Kelley
Camille Lee
Cara Gould
In honor of Inez Walsh Moore
The connection my mom, Inez and their classmates have/had was and is extraordinary and deserves extra recognition. I had a great experience at UA as well. But their class was something special!!
Cara Nicholson
My daughter and I are both proud UA Alums! My niece is a current student.
Caren Mulcunry
Carol Cleary
In memory of Inez Walsh Moore '62
Carol Tomase
Carolyn Evans
Carolyn Hern Hickey
Carolyn Manning
Carolyn McGrail
Carolyn Tallents
Carolyn Thorne
In Memory of David A. Thorne
Casey Friedman
Casey Jordan
Casey McManus
Cassandra Mazur
Catherine Hsieh
Catherine Kamara
Catherine Kilroy
Cathy Coutts
Chloe Potash
Chris Cusson
Christina (Burke) Culgin
Christina Luniewicz
Christina Owens
Christina Stenholm O'Leary
In memory of In memory of deceased members of the Class of 1968
Christine Morrow
Christopher Long
For my daughter!
Cindy Harrington
In memory of Inez Walsh Moore '62
Claire Emery Cobb
Claire Gormley
Claire Monahan Ciampa
In memory of Mother Veronica (Sister Martha Gleason)
Mother Veronica taught Latin I, II, III for me and was a most gifted teacher. What an inspiration she was! “Arma virumque cano.” She also was the moderator for my four years of Glee Club, which provided me with many joyful memories. I miss her, but her memory lives on vividly.
Colleen Shea
Corinne Monahan
In honor of My parents-Joseph and Doris Creedon
Courtney Bernazzani
Courtney Deban
Crowley Carolyn
Crystal Enright
Cynthia Goode
Keep up the very necessary work instilling service in the world.
Cynthia Iris
Dana Bruce
Dana Lepper
Dave & Peggy Palmieri
David Giordano
Deb Hartigan
Dede Long
In memory of Helen and Verner Edwards
My beloved Grandparents encouraged learning as the key to unlock the promise of America all of my life. They would be so proud to see their Great-Granddaughter in a school as marvelous as Ursuline Academy. It is a blessing directly resulting from their incredible wisdom and belief that in America, anything is possible for anyone. Sincerest gratitude for all the staff and for the vision of St. Angela- divine wisdom that continues to light the path for the girls.
Deirdre Christensen Pelrin
Deirdre Fahey Sonntag
Deirdre Julian
Deirdre Kirby Lydon
Demetra Salles
Denise Simpson
Dennis and Marilynn Regan
Diana Blakely
Diana Bradley
In honor of Eileen and Peter Bradley
Diana Gulew O'Leary
Chicks of '06!
Dina Connor
Donna Burns
Donna and Angelo Scipione
Doug and Mary Mandel
Dr. George Violin
Dr. and Mrs. Harilal Gatha
Drew Curlett
Eadaoin Mulligan
Ed & Gina Spadoni
Congratulations Ursuline, and thank you faculty and staff for all you do!
Eighth Grade
Eileen Cataldo
Eileen Connors
In memory of Jane Gould and Inez Walsh
Eileen Keefe
Go 2024!!
Eileen Lindburg
In honor of Wm P Reynolds
Eileen Whyte O’Holleran
Eizabeth Mahoney
Eleanor O'Connell
Elephteria Boutalis
Eleventh Grade
Elizabeth Costello Burke
In honor of In memory of Inez Walsh Moore '62
Elizabeth Dunlavey Cashman
Elizabeth Jensen
Ursuline has had a tremendous impact on my life, and I am thankful every day for the education I received at UA. The school and my students continue to inspire me to be a better person and educator. UA is truly a special community!
Elizabeth Mathew
Elizabeth Murphy
Elizabeth Rogers
Elizabeth Sheehan Collins
Ellen Moynihan
Ellen O’Brien Perfetti
Emersyn Smart
Emily Doran
Emily Hewitt
Eric Meyers
Erin Flaherty Dacey
Erin and Mike Donaghy
Keep up the good work Bridget!
Felicia Carey
In memory of Sr. Ursula, Mrs. Lahey, Mrs. Dempsey, Mrs. Breffini, Mrs. McCann
Fran and Jim Coughlin
In memory of Alicen McGowan '65
Gail Agreste
Gail McCready
Gale Burns
Gina Leimkuehler
Gino Gioioso
Proud of our three Ursuline graduates!
Grace Kelley
Gracey Gioioso
Grazia Gioioso
In honor of my daughter, and three granddaughters. All Ursuline alumna now.
Greg Connor
Greg Meurer
Gretchen & Jason Eldridge
Gretchen Putnam
In honor of Yvette Putnam
Heather and Jon Smart
Holly Pap
JC Considine
Jaclyn Hourihan
Jacqueline Crooks
Jaime Chase
James Fitzgerald
James McGrail
Jan Dillon
In honor of Kiara Tahiraj
Jane Feely Marinella
In honor of Constance Lynch Feely Scholarship
Jane King
Jane Singh
Janet Michienzi
Janet Reynolds
In honor of all of my amazing colleagues who work so hard every day to make Ursuline a wonderful place!
Janice Barrett
In honor of Inez Walsh Moore ‘62
In loving memory of my classmate, Inez Walsh Moore. May She Rest in Peace.
Janice Clark
Jayne Losey
Jean Lazzaro Lodge
In memory of Robert and Mary Lazzaro
Jean Lee
Jeanne Cronin
In gratitude that my education at Ursuline Academy in Boston was only possible through the kindness, caring, and generosity of many, many people who I did not know.
Jeanne Supple Cavanaugh
Jen and Tim Moran
Jenn Gorman Memmott
Jennifer Coliflores
Jennifer Drury
Jennifer Kuchta
In memory of Thomas Edward Sheehan, II
Jennifer M. Payne
Jennifer McGrail
Jennifer McNulty
Jennifer Tahiraj-Doherty
In honor of Kiara's grandmother
Jenny Rowe
Jerry McManus
Jess Dow
Jessie Jones
I Rise and Shine for each and every 7th and 8th grader! Xoxo, Ms Jones
Jill Meyers
Jillian Lawler
Joan Cusson
Joan Mathews Iani
In honor of My mother, Rita J Mathews
Joanna Gormley
My granddaughters, both out of college, tell me how well prepared they were at Ursuline and how much their years there meant to them.
Jodi McDonald
Joe Ziska
In memory of Inez Walsh Moore
Johanna Power
Grateful for the Ursuline community!
Johanna Wilber
John Craven
John Maheu
Thank you, Ursuline!
John Maziarz
John Peterson
John Steinkrauss
In honor of Nancy Steinkrauss
John Varghese
Joseph & Franca Hobbs
Joseph Carrozza
Josephine Shea
Judith Panagotopulos
A wonderful school providing important education.
Judith Schwartz
Julia Tarnell
Julia and Patrick Tracy
Ursuline Academy is a great environment for our girls to thrive as students and grow into leaders.
Juliet D'Andrea Fischmann
Kaitlin Sullivan
Kara Hadge Prone
In honor of the class of 2004 as we approach our 20th reunion
Kara Kinosian Floyd
Kara McGann Cafasso
Karen & Michael Gormley
Karen Anastasia Murphy 1984
Karen Mortillaro
I am an alumna of Ursuline Academy in New Orleans and I am the Director of Mission and Identity for the Ursulines of the Central Province. In that role, I am in a unique position in that I work with Ursuline schools all over the country. I assist each of our schools in promoting and integrating their Catholic and Ursuline Identity. I am proud to serve and support Ursuline Dedham in all they are doing to keep the tradition of an Ursuline education alive!
Kat Ziska
In honor of Mrs. Glancy
Kate Gormley
In memory of Inez Walsh Moore
Kate Levesque
Kate Mogavero Mullaney
In honor of Barbara Sullivan 74
Kate Morse King
Kate Toomey
Katelyn Hunt
Katharine OMeara
In memory of Mary Lou Thompson Class of 1974
Katherine Finucci + Steven Porcella
Katherine Hargadon
Katherine Nickley
Katherine O’Malley
Kathi Dunn Rogers
Kathleen Buckley McMorrow
In memory of Margaret Fox Buckley
Kathleen Cochrane
Ursuline has been a great experience for our Granddaughter!
Kathleen Culver
Thank you for providing a wonderful education!
Kathleen Fitzgerald
Keep up the good work Lily and Bridget!❤️
Kathleen Furey
Kathleen Keane
Kathleen Kelly
Kathleen Linso
Kathleen MacIvor
In honor of Inez Moore '62
Kathleen Meade
Kathleen Nini
Kathleen and Peter Powers P’23
Thank you, Ursuline Academy!
Kathryn Donnino
Kathryn Fitzgerald
Kathryn MacKenzie
Grateful for Ursuline!
Katie Amighi
Katie Day-Meza
Keith and Kellynd Graham
Kelly MacAulay
Kelly Reynolds Miller
Kenneth Ensdorf
Kerri Gillis
Kerry Cashman
Kerry Gilligan Nero
Kerry and Charlie Cownie
Keep up the good work Lila! Go bears!!
Kevin Barley
We love Ursuline!
Kiera Delima
Thank you for providing a safe and wonderful learning environment!
Kim Coughlin
Kim Munsey
In memory of Sally Naser
Kim Smith
Kimberly Airasian
Kimberly Paster
Kristie Banks McManus
Kristin DiCenso
Kristin Helm
Kurt and Julie Steinkrauss
Laura Bognanno Pryor
Lauren Grealish
Lauren Kelley
Lauren St John
My Ursuline years are some of my most precious memories!
Lauren Trimble
Lawrence Furey
Leighann Conlin
Libby Gormley
Lilly Higgins
In honor of Inez Walsh Moore
Linda Grasso
Linday Pazdan
Lindsay Gioioso
Lindsey Conlin
Lindsey McDermott
Lisa Gaulin
Lisa Graves
Lisa Luciano
Lisa M Mathis Castellano
Lisa O’Brien
Lisa Rubini
In memory of Inez Walsh Moore
Lisa Schneider
Liz Mingle
Lora Crouch
Lori Connolly
Lorna Maiona
Luisa Tosi Claeys
Lynn Valzania Kenney
In honor of Mom
Lynne-Marie Reveliotis
In honor of Class of 1962
In support of education for female leaders of the future.
Maeve O'Sullivan
Magda Kasperkiewicz
Maggie Chipman
Mallory O'Dwyer
Marcel Tatu
Margaret Keteltas
Margaret Lannon Thorne
In memory of Inez Walsh Moore
Maria DiLetizia
Marianne Hickey
Marianne Tierney FitzGerald
Marion Sullivan
In memory of Trudy and Frank Sullivan
Marisa Cunniffe
Marissa Bragdon
Mark & Katie (McAnulty) Hegarty
Mark Anselmi
Martha Callahan Flinter
Mary Anderson
Mary Ann Fitzpatrick
Mary Beth Roche
Mary Connolly Luniewicz
Mary Didiuk
In honor of Cheryl Speed, ‘87
Mary Driscoll Logan
50+ years later, I continue to be grateful for my years at Ursuline.
Mary Eileen Sullivan Spano
Mary Erina Driscoll
In support of Angela and her many daughters!
Mary Hofmann
Mary Jeanne Manning
Mary Jo Keaney
In memory of Inez Moore
Mary Kate Rose
Mary Kelley Donovan
In memory of William and Marjorie Kelley
Loved my years there. So grateful.
Mary Kenney Monagle
Mary Keough
Mary Lou Burke
Mary McGaugh
Mary McMahon
Mary Meade Ambrefe
In honor of The Advancement Team
The epitome of teamwork!
Mary Moriarty
In honor of Constance Lynch Feely
Mary Mullen
Mary Ohara
Mary Pat Joy
Mary Powers
Mary Risio
In memory of Inez Moore '62
Mary Rowan
Mary Sergi Keefe
In honor of Mother Rachel
I loved my years at Ursuline, for many reasons. But I believe the Lord began his call to me through music ministry in the church by teaching me how to love liturgy at the Masses that were held at different times.
Mary Stefanidakis
Wonderful community- excellent education
Mary Walsh Chin
In honor of My classmates who are no longer with us.
Mary Westenfield
Mary and Gerard McDermott
Mary and John Pasciucco
In memory of Inez Moore '62
Mary beth Doherty
Mary-Ellen Gioioso
We are grateful for the education that our three daughters received at Ursuline. I am also fortunate to have the opportunity to work in this wonderful community.
Mary-Jeanne '81 and Mark Manning P '21
MaryKate Boggan
Maryalice McCulloch Kenney
In honor of Katherine McCulloch Sullivan
Ursuline made a difference in my life, my late sister Kathy’s and my brilliant daughter Molly Kenney. Thank you
Maryann Giel-Moloney
Marykate Harrington Adams
Matthew and Kathleen Consigli
Maureen Fox
Maureen Greenwood
Maureen Twombly
Meagen Sweeney
Megan Golden Hobson
Megan O’Connor Callinan
Meghan Hobbs
Meghan Rich
Melisa Kenslea
Melissa Nasrah
Melissa Richard
Melissa Welch
In honor of Thomas Welch
Meredith Lepper
Michael O'Connor
Michaela Chipman
Michaela Pastore Rothmann
Michele Chabot
In honor of Inez Moore
Michele Hussey
Thankful for my Ursuline education
Michele O'Connor
Michelle Lesiak
Michelle Montalvo
Super grateful of all of the faculty members and all that they do for our girls!
Michelle and Jim Steinkrauss
We love Ursuline!!
Mikayla Michienzi
Molly McDonald
Morgan Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kavanaugh
Myron Edelman
In memory of Inez Walsh Moore, mother of Quentin Moore
Nancy Merlino
Nancy Sinclair
Nancy True
Natalie Mayo
Natalie McGrail
Nathaniel Reynolds
Nicola Stowell
Nicole Bacigalupo
Nicole Bartlett David
In honor of O
Nicole Norton Vermillion
Nicole Roman
In memory of Inez Moore
Thank you Ursuline for continuing the support and education you’ve consistently given to our young women. Nez was a proud graduate.
Nicole Stern
Thanks for the morning postcard! It made donating so easy!
Nicole and Chris Ketchen
We are forever grateful for our time at Ursuline! Thank you for all you do in taking care of these young women and preparing them for their bright futures ahead.
Ninth Grade
Nola Kelley-Heafitz
Norma Lucero
Orla Scanlon
Pam Kirk
Pamela Miller
My daughter was fortunate to join a wonderful school environment that reminds us every day in their actions that kindness matters
Pamela and Justin Ahmad
Parthena Mantis
Patricia & Kevin Lohan
Patricia Gonzalez
Patricia Grant Tocci
In memory of Inez Walsh Moore
Patricia Murphy Kelly
Patricia Renola
Patricia Vhay
Patty Foley Cummins
In honor of Sr. Mercedes Videira, Sr. Angela Keippendorf
The friendships I have made last a lifetime and continue to grow.
Paul Lydon
Pauline and Richard Crispi
In honor of Megan Crispi
Peg Gorse Sullivan
Peter Christensen
Peter Fetter
Peter Hoffmeister
Peter and Maria Dow
Phoebe Bustamante
In honor of Sandra Hayes
Phyllis Morrison
Rachel Linso Metcalf
Rae-Anne Butera
Ray Tarantola
Regina Londergan Paul
Regina MacLeod
Rich and Janet Steponaitis
In honor of Sally Naser
Rita Kelly-Doughtie
Robert Hickox
Rosane Prior
Rose & David O'Connor
Roseanne Shannon
Sabeena Chacko Raskin
Sally Ruscito
Sally Seufert Holmes
In honor of The Ursuline Sisters, forever in my heart
Sally and Gavan Mooney
Sam Issa
Sandra Mancini Howe
Sandra Sicard
Sara Shanahan and Joe Callanan
Sarah Abbott
Sarah Joyce
Sarah Malneritch
Sarah Taylor
Rise and Shine for Ursuline!
Scott & Melanie Kelley
Scott Hestmark
Scott and Melanie Kelley
Sean and Wendy Lynch
Seventh Grade
Shannon Cohen
Shannon Flynn FitzGerald
Sharon Reed-Eramian
As a student...Ursuline was a breath of fresh air for me. As an alum...our class "gatherings" have been a source of continued joy.
Sheila & Steve Farley
Sheila Leonard
Sherry Griffin
Siobhan Abell
Thank you for a great education and the best friends!
Sr. Ellen Dauwer
Sr. Kathleen Finnerty, OSU
Stacey Clarkin
Thank you for all you do for the students!
Stacie Manning
Stephanie Kiefer
Stephanie Wilkens
Steve Luber
Steve MacDonald
Student Fundraiser
Suellen Walsh
Thank you to all the people that make Ursuline shine!
Susan & Bill Kenney
Susan Curlett
Susan Glancy
In honor of My amazing Performing Arts students … past and present!!
Susan Hehir
Susan Leist
Susan M Mosher
Susan Petrone
Susan VanGemert Pinto
Suzanne (Ferguson) Burkhardt
Suzanne Englert
Suzette Foley
Tara Dwyer
Tara Sullivan
Taylor Raftery
Tenth Grade
Terri Schneider
Love UA! ❤
Thea Fabio
oops -- I'm an alum '72
Theresa Sheehan
Theresa Taylor
Thomas Floyd
Thomas and Margaret Rogers
Thomasin Doherty
Tiffany Gero
Tom & Kate Gormley
Tonia Reilly
Tracy McGrath
Twelfth Grade
Valerie Vermette
Victor Greene
Victoria Nikitina
Virginia Mucciaccio
Warren Hoppie
Waverly Smart
William Donnino
William Fagan
William Stapleton
Yvonne Racine
Allison dow
Cynthia lyons
Eve kelley
In honor of Ed & Loretta Kelley P’86
Well rounded foundation- academically and as a human. Serviam!
Gene comella
John candler
Kristin romano
Margaret campbell priestley
In honor of Regina Sullivan '78
Patricia cloonan
Victoria cabot
William fisher
Thank you for giving our girls an amazing education!
Thanks to Ursuline I have a strong commitment to public service and a career focused mindset. Here's to inspiring future women leaders!

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