One Day. Your Govs.

1,763 minutes to make your gift to The Governor’s Fund.


Class of 1985 Challenge: $40K for 25 Donors

In honor of the Class of 1985’s 40th Reunion, Peter ‘85, Head of School and Laurie Quimby P’14 have offered $40,000 to The Governor’s Fund if the class can inspire 25 donors to make a gift on Giving Day.

19 alumni gifts
6 to go

Class of 1975 Matching Gift Opportunity

In honor of his 50th Reunion, Spencer Purinton ‘75 will pledge $50 for every classmate who makes a gift for Giving Day.

$1,400 matched
$1,100 to go

Class of 1964 Matching Gift Opportunity

An anonymous donor from the Class of 1964 has offered a challenge to his classmates: he will donate $50 per donation (up to 20) for gifts of any amount made in the honor of Terry Golden ‘64 to support the track team.

$500 matched
$500 to go

Completed Challenges

Community Wide Challenge: $100K for 1,000 Donors

Bob ’67 and Anne Bass GP’26 are rooting for Govs to inspire 1,000 donors to make a gift of any size on Govs Giving Day! If we reach this ambitious goal, the collective generosity of the Govs community will unlock a $100,000 gift from Bob and Anne to The Governor’s Fund.

1,000 supporter gifts
$100,000 unlocked!

Current Parent Challenge: $20k for 150 Parent Donors

Two generous Govs parents have teamed together to present a special opportunity just for our parent community. When we receive gifts from 150 families on Govs Giving Day, $20,000 will be unlocked for The Governor’s Fund.

150 current parent gifts
Challenge unlocked!

Reunion Incentive: Free Event Admission

One Giving Day donor, whose class year ends in 0 or 5, will win the chance at free registration for Reunion on June 6-8, 2025! Guest fees and lodging will be an added cost. Registration for Reunion will open in March.

Reunion Incentive: Champagne Toast for Class

The Reunion Class with the most donors will earn a champagne toast during their Class Dinner at Reunion on June 6-8, 2025.

100 Faculty & Staff Donor Challenge

To inspire colleagues to participate on Giving Day, Matt Hunt has pledged to brave the cold, snowy New England season with a polar plunge! Now, we just need 100 faculty or staff members to make a gift!

Giving options

Area of Greatest Need

Each year, unrestricted support ensures that all students, programs, and faculty receive the support they need when they need it. These donations can impact any area of the educational experience and help the school say “yes.”

Financial Aid

You can make the exceptional accessible for talented students who could not otherwise afford a Govs education. Your support means more bright, bold, and motivated students from diverse backgrounds can thrive and reach for their dreams.

Faculty Support

Relationships are at the heart of Governor’s—generous, enriching human connections that often last a lifetime. Your gift provides immediate resources to attract and cultivate top-notch faculty who provide innovative learning experiences for every student.


From one of the most competitive athletic conferences in the US to club sports, Govs students experience the joy of being on a team and trying something new. Your gift helps ensure that our student-athletes have the facilities and resources they need to compete and see just how far they can go.

Visual & Performing Arts

Support of our arts programming helps strengthen our commitment to artistic excellence, where students can test the limits of their creativity and flourish as young artists.

Student Life & Activities

Your gift sustains the academic and extracurricular programs that foster joy, discovery, and achievement in and out of the classroom. Your support means that every student can thrive in a rich learning environment where they form life-long friendships and grow as empowered leaders to pursue their passions and fulfill their ambitions.

Community & Belonging

Our community is stronger when everyone has a voice. Your gift provides opportunities to expand our programs, experience diverse perspectives, learn and grow together, and cultivate an inclusive learning community.


GovsPLUS (Powerful Learners Unlocking Success) is a tuition-free, five-week summer academic enrichment program that partners The Governor’s Academy with motivated middle school students from Lawrence, MA with the goal of helping these students reach their potential inside and outside the classroom.

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The Governor's Academy
1 Elm Street, Byfield, MA 01922
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