One Day. Your Govs.

1,763 minutes to make your gift to The Governor’s Fund.


Supporters across the USA

Supporters across the World

Supporters (1,095)

All (1,095)
A.J. Enchill
Aanand Radia
Aaron Mandel
Aaron Sells
In honor of Linda Fitzgerald
I would have made it without her!!
Abdul-Aleem Ogunsanya
Abigail Delena
Abigail Rogers
Adelle C. Lilly
Adrienne Berry-Burton
Celebrating the gift of knowledge, exploration, the fostering of many brilliant Lights and the next generations of Gov's gifted lights in the world.
Adrienne and Brett Roberto
Aidan Sidloski
Alaina Burgess
Alan Rothfeld
Alec Babineau
Alex Huntley (McLain)
Alex Russell
Alexander Andrews
Alexander Connor
Alexander Ding
go Govs!
Alexander Moody
In honor of Jane Piatelli
Jane and her late husband Larry — and many others— were a significant part of my Governor’s experience, and I was cared for me every step of the way. The service that the Piatellis have offered selflessly to make Governor’s great has impacted generations of graduates past and present. I am so grateful for my Governor’s education and affiliation and to those who do such an amazing job caring for the kids.
Alexander Whitney
Alexia Soteropoulos
Alfred Cerrone
Alice Twombly
Alison Williams Williams
In memory of Kathy Guy and Ed Rybicki
I still greatly miss these two faculty members who not only were wonderful teachers, but who always showed they cared about me as a person. They made me feel that I belonged, that I mattered and that I was a valued member of the GDA community. This is the feeling that I now do my best to instill in my students.
Allison MacMartin
Allison Tsao
Alyson Gerber
Amanda Bowes
Go Govs!
Amanda Correnti
Amanda Hanrahan
Amelia Barlow
Amy Block
Amy Custance
Amy Daniels
Amy Forsthoffer
Amy Northup
In honor of Jane Piatelli
Jane is the BEST of the best!
Amy Pratt
Amy Rosales
Amy Swiniarski
Andrea Thon
Andrew & Amanda Novelline
Andrew Coleburn
In memory of Christopher Drelich
Andrew Creed
Andrew DeSalvo
In honor of Mark Gerry
Andrew Gold
Andrew Kulig
Andrew Nichols
Andrew Swiniarski
Andrew and Ariana McLain
Andy Jiang
Andy Lappin
Angela Malik
Angela Martone
Angelica Orozco-Michaud
Angus Lamond
Anita Bartschat
Anna Farrell
Anna Fitzgerald
I would like to see Matt Hunt jump in the water
Anna Kate Perocchi
Anna Smith
Annalisa & Dino Di Palma
An amazing community!
Annalisa Tornberg
Anne Shannon
Go Govs! ❤️
Anne and Charles Bouchard
Annie Peterman
Annie Quigley
Annie Walsh
Anthony & Kellie Geraci
Anthony Fusco
Anthony Geraci
Thank you to all the wonderful faculty and staff at the Governor’s Academy!!!
Anthony Gerard
Apitz Lars
A small contribution to help Govs continue to be such a great school.
Archie Kasnet
Archie Seale
Ariel Aggarwal
Arjun Bhatnagar
Keep it going!
Arlo Winokur
Arthur Veasey
Inspired by Ted.
Ashlee Lazzari
Ashley Grenier
Ashley Krasinski
Ashley Newbert
Ashley Robertson
Audrey and Bill Maher
August Selke
Averill McCorkle
In honor of Chip Connelly
Babe & Cathy Ceglarski
Bailey Nadeau
Keep up the good work!
Barbara Hemphill
The people here at Gov's are well worth the investment. Whether it is the staff, the faculty, students, or the administration, everyone has a part to play and we all deserve to be supported!
Barbara Roberto
Barbara dupuis
Barnet Nkugwa
Great community that inspires all without discrimination.
Barrie Stavis
Becky Stratton
Bella Nadeau
Ben Beach
Ben Gobin
Ben Webber
Benjamin Armstrong
Bernadette Zabrouski
Beth Anderson-Song
In honor of Chris Drelich
Dedicated teacher, lost much too soon.
Beth Goduti
Betsy Tuthill Farrell
For Govs—continuing to show students and alumni how to make the world a better place.
Betsy Warren
Beverly Patten
Biggest Cheerleader
To boost collaboration and teamwork
Bill Batchelder
Bill Duryea
In memory of Bob Yaffe
Bill and Joni Alfond
Bin Fan
Bob '67 and Anne Bass GP'26
Bob MacLaughlin
Bob Scribner
Bob Segal
In honor of Terry Golden
Bonnie-Jean Wilbur
Bowen Zhan
In memory of Mrs. Guy
Brad Herrick
Making sure Matt and Joe go swimming!
Brady Lawlor
Brady Preneta
Brandon Benson
Go Govs
Brett Engel
Brian Banigan and Dinamarie Garcia-Banigan
Brian Freeman
Brian Morrissey
Brian Novelline
Brianna Lawlor
Brooke Eaton
Brooks Nelson
Bruce Rindler
Bruin Brayshaw
Bryan Riehl
Callie Batchelder
Cameron Kinnally
Carl Spang
In honor of Denison Keeney
Carla English
Carli Citrano
Carly Churchill
Carly Shea
Carmen and John Pritchard
Carol Ann Goldberg
Carol Barron
My knowledge that Govs won’t push Trump agenda and so will honor All students and work for diversity, truth, and good citizenship. Thank you.
Carol Salloway
In honor of Chip Connelly
Caroline Baker
Caroline Hooper
Caroline Ibbitson
Carolyn Graupner
Carrie Woodruff
In honor of Wendy Smith
Casey Nardone
Cass Garritano
Cassie Clavin
Catherine Batchelder
I am grateful to all the teachers and coaches who have helped guide my children- Mr. Karin, Mr. King, Ms, Block, Coach McLain, OC, Mr. Kinneally and both Kings- thank you to all of you!
Catherine Correia
Catherine Urfer
In honor of Faculty member John Horner
Cathleen Scerbo
Cayla Liptak
Cece Batchelder
Chanan Suksangium
Chandler Gilman
Chandler and Oliver Evans
Chante Sedwick
Chapman Mayo
Charles Calcagni
Fabulous alumni representative
Charles Cashin
Charles Couture
Charles Johnson
The education and experience I received are what set me up for success later in my life.
Charles Johnson III
Charles Johnson III
In memory of Robert Anderson
Coach, Biology Teacher, and Dorm Master
Charles Light
Charles Parker
In honor of Terry Golden Athlete Award
Terry is an award winner this year. This is for the track program.
Charlie Suominen
Chelsea Barnett
Chelsea Dodier
Cheryl D'Souza McKenna
Chloe Ginsberg
Chris MacPhee
Chris McKinnon
Chris Ogden
Chris Twomey
Chris Webster
Christian Swenson
In honor of Rob Yaffe ‘72
Christian Watson
Christian and Mary Murch
Christina Gentile
Christine Dwyer
Christine Martin
Christine Mulvey
Christine Tuttle
In honor of Harrison M. Tuttle
Christopher Cowie
Christopher Menard
Christopher Page
Chuck Davis
Cindy Scannell
Claudia Barcomb
Colby Keller
Colin Cross
Colin Henkes
Connor Black
Connor Cassidy
Eliza Dorsey texted me, and inspired me to donate. It’s not much, but it’s not nothing. Go Govs!
Corie Grewal
Courtney Church Goldthwait
Craig McConnell
Cristian DiBlasi
Dale Ross
Dan Guyton
Daniel Capobianco
Daniel Look
In memory of lost mates of '68
Daniel Morgan
Daniel Morison
Daniel Morris
Daniel Nadeau
Daniel Peters
Danielle & Scott Kingsbury
Danielle Zananiri
Danny Healey
Darcey Bartel
Daryl Robicsek
Dave Bohman
Ready for Reunion #50. How did we get so old?
Dave Fyrberg
David & Laurie DiCicco
David Alonzi and Mary Lou Mackin
David Brooks
David Connaughton
David Critics
David E. Doggett and Emily Durgin Doggett
David Francis
David Ingrassia
When did we become the Old Guard?
David Johnson
David Kagan
David Marsh
David Miller
In honor of Douglas and Scott Miller
David Mitchell
In honor of In honor and memory of our brothers in the class of '68 who've passed, and the wonderful educators who taught us about living and learning.
David Rogers
In honor of Rob Yaffe
David Schwartz
David and Kacie Fyrberg
Dawn Whiston
Decia Splaine
Derek Bergmann
In memory of Ted Bergmann Class of 1937
Derek Brusin
Derek Falvey
Derric Small
Destiny Gonzalez
Govs is 5ever!!
Diane DesRoches
The Governor's Academy was a wonderful place to work during my 15 years there. There is so much caring and dedication to each student there. Go GOVS.
Dino Di Palma
Dionne Kelly
Don Hayes
Doreen Johnson
Go Govs!
Doug & Paige Hamilton
Douglas Curtis
Douglass Coupe
In honor of Vivian E. Coupe
Dr. and Mrs. Paul S. Freedberg
Duncan Binnie
Dyane Cotreau
Dylan King
E Daniel Johnson
Eden Davies
Edmund & Hollis Lattime
Edward Ponzi
go girls varsity teams !!!
Edwin Beatty
Elaine and Chris White
Elinor Brown
Elisabeth Fuller
Eliza Dorsey
Eliza Martin
Elizabeth Cahn
Elizabeth Cieri
Elizabeth Purinton
Elizabeth Ruhl
Elizabeth Welch Marsh
Ellen Jenks
Ellen Latham
Elliott O’Reilly
Three years at GDA was really good for me and I hope to help others feel the same way!
Emilie MacDonald
Emilio Rosa
In memory of My Mom, Hortensia Rosa
Emily Block
In honor of Amy Block
Best sister ever!!
Emily Doggett
Emily Maganzini
Emily Murtagh
Shout to Coach McLain & GVL!
Emily Willis
Eni Owoeye
Govs taught me we achieve excellence when we embrace difference.
Eric Blair
Eric Farnkoff
Eric Whittier
Erik Org
Erin Cashin
To give back to the GOVs community that provided me the opportunity to receive the top education, grow as an individual and provide me the tools to be able to succeed in life :)
Erin McDavitt
Ethan Stone
Eugene Bouley
Evan Trent
Eve Seamans
Francesca DeMeo
Frank Cousins
Frank and Michelle Fabian
Frederick Shepard
In honor of Heb Evans & Bob Anderson
Gardner and Kathryn Catsman
Gary Satow
For my dedicated and talented colleagues!
Gene Citrano
Geoff Brace
Geoff Durham
Geoffrey H Robinson
English classes with Mac Murphy
George Dorsey
Love this place!
George Freimarck
In honor of Rob Yaffe, '72
A kind and beneficial soul.
Glen Winkel
In honor of Chip Connelly '73
Grace Enchill
In honor of dedicated faculty and staff who make the school home
Thank you!
Grace Jeanes
Thank you!
Graham McOsker
Grant O'Brien
Grayson Coale
Greg Carroll
Greg Ceglarski
Greg Pope
Gregory McDonnell
Gretchen Forsyth
In honor of Emily Prinn ‘25 and in memory of George Scharfe TR, P ‘95, ‘95, 00, GP ‘23, ‘25
While he wasn’t a graduate, George Scharfe’s blood ran Cardinal Red since the moment we went on our tour. He loved the GOVS community, gave much of his time and talent, and his support of faculty was unmatched. As a proud Opa, I know he would be bursting with pride for our GOVS grad this year, Emily Prinn. We are so proud of you, Emily!
Govs go go go!
Hank Friedman
Hanna Freund
Hannah Quin
Hannah Sylvester
Hannah and Dan Hines
Haodi Shi
Harold Levine
Harrison Smith
Harry Bartel
The generosity of Ann and Bob Bass and inn memory of Val Wilkie, Jr.
Harry Curtis
George Freimarck's terrific work and the fantastic Class of '72
Harry Kangis
Giving day competition between classes
Heather Ogden
Heather Shows
Helen Breen
My grandson Casey Nardone '19 had a great experience at Gov's. He made many lifetime friends there.
Henry Eaton
Class of 1970
Henry Shin
In honor of Peter Quimby
Thanks Peter for all of your hard work for making the GDA community stronger and connected.
Herb Hodos
Herb Kent
Holly Zheng
Hong Zhang
Howard Burns
Hua Xu
Huijun Liu
Ian Henneberger
In honor of Roland Henneberger
Inge Schermerhorn
In honor of Kate and Carrie who passed away too soon.
Irfan Virk
Happy to support Governors Academy and my Class of 1975. The school has and will continue to help the next generation of students. Plus getting at some of Spencer Purington's money and his kind generosity is always a win for our Class. :)
In honor of Tony May and Cam Smith
Class Email from Ted Nahil- the most persistent and effective class agent ever!
Jack Ceglarski
My family & friends
Jack Norton
In honor of Chris Drelich
In memory of Chris Drelich
For all the love that Drel brought to Govs theater and music...
Jackie Bielagus
We have been thrilled with the experience Mei-Ling and Justin have had - they are both so happy at Govs!
Jackie Downing
Jackson Wotton
Jacob Falconer
Jacqueline Bryan
Jade Qian
In honor of my parents
Jaime and Robert Fisher
Jake Martin
James Brayshaw
James Cavanaugh
In honor of Pete Bragdon
James Elliott
James Fleming
James Goduti
dedication to education!
James Goodhart
James Leary
James Pierce
Go Govs!!
James Shaw
non sibi sed aliis
James Tikellis
James and Kelly Doherty
Jami Spencer
Jamie White
Jane Piatelli
In memory of Larry Piatelli
Janet & Mark Thabit
Jason Goodwin
Jason Olbres
Jason Park
Jason Randlett
Jason Salony
Jason Sport
Jason Uttam
Jasper Trafton
Jay Marsh
Jay Nearis
Jeff Desich
Jeff Harris
Jeff Kelly
Congratulations to students, faculty, and staff who did such a great performance of "Little Women."
Jeff Menard
Jeff Wotton
Jeff and Jody Moore
Jefferson Phillips
Jeffrey Gordon
To keep Eliza Dorsey happy!!
Jeffrey Grush
In memory of Chip Connelly '73
Jeffrey Moulton
Jeffrey Muscatello
Jeffrey Taft
In HONOR of the GREAT CLASS of 1985 and the 40th REUNION!
Jeffrey Wood
Jen Keegan jiganti
Jen Muscatello
Jen Wing
Jennifer & David Clough
Jennifer Buddenhagen
Jennifer Griffin
Carla English told me to.
Jennifer Hess
In honor of Bonnie-Jean Wilbur and Paul Wann
Jennifer Kyte and Richard Winokur P'21, '23
In memory of Paul Kyte GP '21, '23
Jennifer McConathy
Jennifer Migliore
In honor of the greatest softball Coach Kingsbury
Jennifer Mitchell
In honor of Thomas Fitzpatrick
Jennifer Storer
Can't wait to see Matt take the plunge!
Jennifer Tighe
Jenny Zhao
Jeremiah Mackin-Alonzi
Jeremy Barrand
Jeremy Gold
Jeremy Greenman
Jess Zaniewski
Jessica Dabrowski
Jessica Long
JeungMin Hong
Thank you GOVS !
Jiashu Xiang
In honor of Jiashu Xiang
Keep Up!
Jill Harrison
Love Govs!!!
Jill Hartigan
Jim & Pat Tompkins
Joan Kelly
Joanna Luchsinger
Joanna and Mark Connors
Joaquin Saenz
Jodi Marshall
Joe Coletta
Joe Repczynski
The Governors Academy has become a home for me professionally and personally. Go GOVS!!!!
Joe Story
Joel Patton
Johanna and Darren Ross
John & Elaine Matuszewski
John A O'Leary
John Brickson
John Carlson
John Davidson
In memory of Bill Sperry
John Emerson
John Gustafson
John Hill
John Horner
Happy to be a new member of the Govs Family!
John Leary
John Leonard
John Mackenzie
John Nickodemus
John Pates
John Roach
John Sowles
John Wannop
John and Carlota Diamond
John von Wentzel
Johnola Asberry
Because this guy had such an amazing and wonderful experience at Govs that brought him out of his shell; and grew and blossomed him in ways I could not imagine. It is my hope that every student at Govs has a transformative experience as well.
Jon & Jess Jett
In honor of Stash Karandanis
Jon Bird
Jonathan & Davis
Jonathan Brown
We are so happy with the school and my daughter is loving her experience at Gov’s!
Jonathan Douglas
Jonathan Gardner
Jonathan Getz
Jonathan Holt
Jordan Harband
Joseph Correnti
Joseph Gerighty
Joseph Schwarzer
Joseph Turner
Joseph Worthen
Josh Stavis
Joshua Miner
Julia Barresi
Julie Carretero
Julie O’Shaughnessy
Julie Ryan
Justin Joyner
Kacie Fyrberg
Kaitlin McCarthy
Kara and Jason McLoy
Karen & Barry Miller
Karen Kagan
Karen Knezevic-Gold
For almost thirty years, I've been inspired by my colleagues and my students. I am blessed to be a part of the Govs community!
Karl Koenigsbauer
Karla Armenoff
Govs is positively positive!
Karrie and Keith Cannizzaro
Kate Anderson-Song
Kate Colvin
Kate Fyrberg
Go Govs!
Kate Leary
Kate Manzella
Kate Rudolph
Katelyn Sommers
Katharine & Rob Kaplan
In honor of the 50th Reunion of the Class of '75!
Katharine Deuel
In honor of The hooligans in the class of '98.
Dave's email inspired me; looking forward to another epic reunion in 2028!
Katherine Cornetta
In memory of Benjamin T. Wright '40
Katherine Paul
Kathie and Billy Clyde
Kathryn Hester
Kathryn Simonds
Kathy Baynes
Katie Barrand
Katie Kozin
Katie White
Keith Crocker
Keith Guidara
Kellie Geraci
So grateful for all the wonderful faculty and staff at Govs
Kelly Zhang
Hope this donation can support the development of the school and the community.May all the kids grow up healthy,happy and supportive.
Kelsey Kane
Go Govs!
Kelsey Keller
Kelsey Ricci
Kemith Luster
Kendall Ham
Kendra Martin
Kenneth Hoadley
In honor of designated to support boys’ track in honor of Terry Golden
Kerri O’Neill
Go Govs!
Kerri O’Neill
Kerry Abenante
Kevin Bromby
Kevin Kearney
In honor of Jim Pierce ‘72
Amazing commitment to Govs. We’re incredibly fortunate to have his vast contributions to the school.
Kevin Ryan
Kevin Sullivan
Kevin Sullivan
Kevin Tangney
Kiley Coffey
Kim Carey Rochford
Couldn't be more proud of my school!
Kim Gerighty
Kimberlee Burgess
Kimberly Shiff
Kimble & Denise Jett
Kori Clarke
Kristen Ambrosi
Grateful for the opportunity to experience an education at Govs, made possible for me with the gift of financial aid. May future students benefit from our community's collective giving.
Kristen Shea
Kristin Robbins
Kristina O'Gannon & Randy Fraser
Kristine Kelly
Ksenija Topic
Kurt Johnson
Kyle Rochford
Kyungmin Song
Larry Coles
Larry Henchey
In honor of designated to support boys winter track in honor of Terry Golden
Larsen Bidstrup
Go Govs!!
Laura Dalton
Laura Preble
Laura You
Lauren Carroll Hennessey
Lauren Gudonis
Lauren Guidi
In honor of Molly prinn
Lauren Hayes
For the Nannie B Hive and GVL🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
Lauren Robinson
Laurence and Ann Pizer
Grandparents Day showed us how impressive Govs is.
Lawrence Woolson
In honor of Lee Peterson
Leanne Colannino
Govs has an incredible community of faculty and administrators that supports students every step of the way.
Lei Guo
Lesley Clunie
Leslie Dickey
I am inspired by the care and commitment of every adult in the Govs community, every day.
Leslie Lacy
Here's to unity and community.
Lewis Rumford
LiXin Olsen
Liam McDonough
Lily Bailey
Lincoln Clark III
Linda & Will Buddenhagen
Linda Emery
Linda Miller
In honor of Buster Navins
Mr. Navins unlocked a fascination with languages that shaped my life.
Lindsay Batastini
Go Govs!
Lindsay Clunie
In memory of Marty Doggett
Linn Anderson
Lisa Borgatti
Lisa Louden
Lisa Ross
Lise Carrigg
Liz & Tom Lazay
Liza Tarr
In honor of Ms. Kathy Guy
Lou Ann Tikellis
Louisa Mackintosh
In honor of Roland Henneberger
Fond memories
Louisa Purinton
Louise Johnson
Louise Nelson
Go Govs!
Louise S. Johnson
Lucas and Jackie Bombardier
Lucy Armstrong
Lucy Purinton
Luis Verdi
Luke Henneberger
Thanks for everything
Lulu Kammerer
Lydia Fanning
In honor of Mike Kinnealey
So grateful for my Govs experience and all of the people who made it wonderful!
Lynda Fitzgerald
Maddie Koenigsbauer
Madeline McCormick
Madeline Rondeau
Govs is the best school on earth! I am forever grateful for my time there.
Maggie Farrell
Malcolm Graham
In honor of Malcolm Graham '55
Let's help keep Govs a resource for its membership and the community.
Mara Psaradelis
Marc McDonnell
It’s more important than ever to support GDA’s commitment to the community & others.
Marc Tucker
In memory of Deceased members of class of ‘68
Margaret Lampert
In honor of Spencer Purinton
Maria Krull
Marian Quin
Mark Arnold
Mark Beluk
Mark Gerry
Mark Hoffman
In memory of Chip Connelly '73
Martha Riley Merrill
Marvel Kay Mansfield
Mary Altier
Mary Beth DeLena
Mass Bay Movers / Barresi Family
Govs is an amazing school. Keep up the good work !
Mathew Steir
Matt DiGuiseppe
Matt Hunt
In honor of Matt Hunt
Matt White
Mattea Preece
Will always love this place. Go Govs!!!
Matthew Corbelle
Matthew Farrell
Matthew Murphy
Maura Devaney
Maura Fiorenza
Maureen Burnham
Max Russell
Maxime St-Pierre
Meg Cole
Meg Mullin
Meg and Tracey Stickney
In honor of the angel of “Pleasantville” who shoveled my parking spot when I was away for the last storm.
Megan Durkin
Megan Hasenauer
Keep up the good work!
Meghan Celli
Melina Robertson
Melissa Scorzoni
Melissa Strobel
Meredith Baker
Meredith McPherron
Merilyn Hinrichs
Michael Awkward
Michael Eberle
Michael G Rotondo
Michael Hyman
In honor of William Sperry
Michael Kenny
Michael Lefebvre
Michael Marchese
Michael Mariani
Michael Meagher
Michael Menyhart
Go Govs !
Michael O'Neill
Michael Silverio
Michael Zografos
Michele Lawlor
Michele Wertz
Michelle Alonardo
Michelle Mejiborsky
Michelle de la Guardia
Mick Doolittle
Mike Askenase
Mike Burke
Mike Fogarty
Mike Hill
Mike Kinnealey
Mike Messina
Mike Moonves
Mike and Martha Delay
Miriam Wiggin
Moira Giacalone
Grateful for Govs!
Moira Walsh
Mollie Crumrine
In memory of Howard Quimby
Molly Prinn
Monica Kirschmann
Monique Souza
Morgan Carney
Mr. Carl Berntsen III
Mr. George E. McGregor, Jr.
Mr. Jeffrey P. Taft
Mr. Lei Guo and Mrs. Lihong Gong
Mr. Steven B. Cox and Ms. Susan Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin B. Brewster
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Morrissey II
Mr. and Mrs. G. Barrett Simson
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett A. Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Carroll
In memory of Mac Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. John Statom
Mr. and Mrs. Josiah K. Lilly IV
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm L. Donaldson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Sapuppo
Mr. and Mrs. R. Neal McElroy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. O'Leary
Namita Bhattacharya
Nancy Wickwire
In honor of Wally Rowe and Dave Williams!!
Naomi Fink
Natalia Averett
Nate Broehl
Nathalie Ames
Love for the school and our Class of 1985 40th reunion!
Nathan Follansbee
In honor of Peter Dorsey, Billy Clyde, and Associate Director of the Annual Fund Eliza Dorsey '14
Both Peter and Billy emailed me!
Nicholas Colstad
Nicholas Moore
Nicholas Osarenren
Nick Dunham
Nico Potts
Go Govs!
Nicole Costello
Nicole Eaton
Nicole MacLaughlan
I’m happy to support a school that gave me so much!
Nicole Plante
We love Govs. It has been a part of our lives for a long time and has become a second home for our current student.
Nikki Truman Harding
Nolden Johnson
In honor of Larry Piatelli
Nora Cifric
Ola & Mark Russell
Thank you to all the wonderful faculty and staff who provided a remarkable experience for our sons. We are deeply grateful for this amazing community!
Ola Russell
Go, Govs!
Oliver Evans
Omar Machado
Pam Post
Pam Toner
Pamela Pandapas
Patrick Diamond
Patrick Farrell
Patrick Gervais
The Governor's (Dummer) Academy changed my life for the better, let's continue changing lives for the better
Patrick Manswell
Go Govs!!!
Patrick Monigle
Paul Commito
Paul H. Wann
Paul Hemmerich
Paul Nardone
Honoring all of our dedicated faculty and staff members.
Paul and Beth Sullivan
Life changing experience for our '26. Go Govs!
Paula McNutt
In honor of Anne Marie Murphy
Peri Schaut
Perry Nelson
Perry Smith
Good Luck!
Pete Follansbee
My classmates were emailing!
Peter Arnold
Peter Barkin
Peter Borneman
Peter Boynton
Peter Buccella
Peter Buck
Peter Conway
I try to give anytime Govs asks. Keep up the contacts, like the emails. Thanks. Best, Peter '72
Peter Dorsey
Peter Franklin
In memory of Bob Murphy ‘72
Peter Hey
Peter Hines
In honor of John Durkin
Hines family pledge
Peter Reid
Peter Richardson
Peter Sherin
Peter Thomas
Peter Wesson
Peter and Laurie Quimby
Phil Congdon
Philip Corbett
Philip Smith
Phoebe Ross
Faculty at Govs are everything!! Ms Ruhl, McLain, Wotty, Jamie, C, Fitzy, Ogden and many more!!!!
Piper Moulton
In honor of Señor Falconer, Señora De La Guardia, Mrs. McLain
Polly Pierce
Pru Liu
Puneet Kochhar
Go Govs !
Quinn Pollock
We are always thankful of The Governors Academy.
Rachael Singmaster
Rachael Therriault Bator
Rachel Healey
This was a wonderful place for my four children, who are all very different.
Rachel Stevens
Rachelle Borer
Racquel Nassor
Radmila H. Repczynski
Ralph Johnson
In honor of Terry Golden "1964"/boys track
Randall Lynch
Thank you Govs!
Randy Whitney
Ray Boghos
In honor of Chris Webster
Ray Huard
Raymond Long
Rebecca Block
Reed Kennedy
Reid Pugh
In honor of Biff Clark
Remington Pope
Richard Binelli
Richard Hackel
Grease for peace!
Richard Howson
Richard Kaye-Schiess
In memory of Sam Fleming (Johnson) Class of 1969
Richard Love
In honor of John B. Ogden
Richard McElroy
Richard Morse
Richard Neville
Richard Zabrouski
Excellent faculty
Rick & Heather Schuhwerk
Riley Lucey
Riley Nichols
Robert Curran
Robert Hanson
Robert Jay
Robert Little
Robert Low
In memory of Heb Evans and Bob Anderson
In Memory of Heb and Andy... and in Honor of so many teachers, coaches, and mentors who helped guide me.
Robert M Lord
Robert Parsons
Robert Ripp
Robert Rudolph
Robert Spaulding
Go Class of '74! Continue to inspire future generations -
Robert Veasey
Robert and Susan Mandel
Roberta McLain
Robyn Stavis
Roechelle Smith
Ronald Pascucci
Ronald Pascucci
Great school, for great KIDS!
Rosa Restituyo
Ross Raymond
The more years that pass the more I realize what a privilege it was to spend 4 years at GDA
Ross Singmaster
Rui Zhuo
Go far together
Ruomeng Peng
Rusty Bolles
Ruth Splaine Randlett
Ryan Badecker
Ryan Gaebel
Go Govs!
Ryan Kelly
Ryan Martin
Ryan Scerbo
Sally DeGan
Sam Blatchford
Sam and Julia G
Samantha Howson
Samara Gallagher
Samuel Blatchford
Samuel Gilliland
In honor of Alden Cavanagh, Class of 1975
Sani Silvennoinen
Sara Alonardo Burnes
Sara Bird
Sarah Dupere
Sarah Ewell Smith
Sarah Moore
Sarah Weichselbaum
Scotty Coulon
Sean Scerbo
In honor of Chris Drelich
Sejung Kim
Shaena Arsenault
Shane Fahey
Shanna Fliegel
Shannon Reid
Sharon Slater
Shawn Backus
Shawn Markey
Shawn Robertson
Shea Kelly
Sheff Faulkner
Shengxi Zhang
Simon McCulloch
Thank you Governors Academy for providing me with the opportunity to come to America in 1967. Still here 58 years later.
Siobhan MacDonald
Skip Dickerson
Song Kim
Sorieba Fofanah
Spencer Purinton
Stacey Villare
Stacy Dahlstedt
Stephen Allison
Stephen Aron
Stephen Bottomley
Stephen Domesick
Stephen Heinze
Stephen Kasnet
Stephen Kolano
Steve James
Steve Robinson
Steve Shapiro
Steve Spaulding
It wasn't easy scrolling down to 1976
Steve and Julie Ogden
Steven Breiseth
Go Govs
Steven Epstein
In honor of Pamela Toner. Class of 1974 Secretary.
Thanks of the reminder by email.
Steven Suomi
Stratton Newbert
Hope to see everyone at Reunion ‘26
Sunitha Madhavaram
Susan Clancy
Susan Delay
Susan Ferdinando
Thank you to all the amazing and loving teachers!
Susannah List
Susie Dorsey
Great school and great faculty!
Suzanne King
So grateful for the wonderful experiences our family had at Govs.
Suzanne Papin
Sydney Lee
Sylvia Ding
Tamires Costa
Tang Tang
Tasha Jack
Tatum Stickney
Taylor Patten
Taylor Wailes
Teaya Fitzgerald
Ted Nahil
Teddy Bettencourt
Terence + Denis Golden
In honor of 61', 62', 63', 64' Track Teams + Coach Sperry
Tessabella Magliochetti
The Buddenhagen Family
In memory of George and Coreen Scharfe.
The Olson Fam
Thomas Adams-Wall
Thomas Bell
Thomas Durkin
Thomas Elder
Thomas Hagan
Thomas Huffsmith
In honor of Ann Huffsmith
Thomas Lampert
Thomas Maier
In honor of Terry Golden
In honor of Terry Golden, a great athlete at GDA, a classmate and a teammate in the football program.
Thomas McDonald
Thomas Mercer
Thomas Nast
Thomas Plante
Thomas Taylor
Thomas Woessner
Tiana Grasso
Tianyu Fang
In honor of Chris Robinson
Tilley Winokur
Tim Gould
Tim Keeney
In honor of In memory of brother Deni, class '68
Tim Tenny
Timothy Johnson
Ting Xu
Thank you GOVS !
Tobey Eveleth
Govs vibes are the best vibes
Todd Eveleth
Tom Doyle
In honor of John E Doyle
Tom Driscoll
Tom Farrell
Go Govs!
Tom Huffsmith
In honor of Gretchen Huffsmith
Tom Robertson
Tom Woodruff
Tom and Sharon Trafton
Go Govs
Tom von Jess
Tommy Hines
Tony and Lana Silvestro
Tracy Stickney
Govs in an incredible community!! And I want to see Matt polar plunge!! (He is the best!)
Trevor Jones
Trish Gray
Tristan Harding
Tunk Hosmer
Ty Walsh
Tyler Niven
Varsha & Sadashiv Karanth
Victoria Fortune
In honor of Paula Kass
Paula has been such a wonderful mentor and ally to our daughter, and the best advisor we could have hoped for.
Victoria Jones
Victoria Scott
In honor of Stirling Winder
Victoria de Lisle
Virginia Justicz
W Richard Atwood
keep going greatly
Wataru Matsuyasu
Wayne Barbaro
Wayne Noel
Weiqi Li
Wen Zhang
Wesley & Carol Coombs
Whitney & Tim Langmaid
Whitney Hunt
Wil Durham
Will Batchelder
Will Friend
Willem Henkes
William Barnes
In honor of Ross Macgrane
William Desich
William Dougherty
William F. O'Leary
In memory of Chip Connelly
William Friend
William Frost
William Hughes
William Lee
William Major
William Patten
William Quigley
It's gonna be COLD, Matt ... :)
Xavia Banigan
Xiaojun Shen
Xinguo Zhou
Yajun Liu
Yan Yin
Yang He
Ye Zhao
Go Govs!
Ying Zhang
Hope our community will be better. Go Govs!
Yongxia Zhao
Yuan Wang
For the bright future.
Yuanfang qi
Thanks Governor
Yutao He
Yvonne Abenante
Zachary Menard
Zachary Richards
Zhenzhen Tang(Tang’s sister)
Ziggy Liu
Brigitta allen
Love for Govs!
Frank vana
Great School!
Kerry morrison
Kip brown
Michael bryan
Michael mulligan
Minjuan wang
Nicholas meyer
Robert K. delena
Robert delena
Stacey martello
Stephanie ginsberg
The Jacksons
Wil Sullivan
Wonjun cho
Yuanyuan mao
I loved my time at Govs!
In honor of Govs Trainers, Dining Services, Advisors, and Counselors
In honor of Mr. Doggett
The education I received from (The) Governor (Dummer)'s Academy continues to this day to give me an appreciation of philosophy, science, athleticism, and learning as a lifetime pursuit. Upon looking back, these 4 areas give me the most satisfaction in life (besides family).
Govs made me the student, leader, and professional I am today. I am eternally grateful to all of the friends, faculty, and staff for all they’ve done for me
In honor of Matt Hunt's Dignity, though we may have lost that years ago.
Gov's is an amazing community; I am beyond grateful that we found it for our son!
In this economy, more financial aid is needed to continue the legacy of Govs for all.
In memory of Rob Yaffe
In honor of John Seufert
Mrs. McLain!
Alumni council

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Each year, unrestricted support ensures that all students, programs, and faculty receive the support they need when they need it. These donations can impact any area of the educational experience and help the school say “yes.”

Financial Aid

You can make the exceptional accessible for talented students who could not otherwise afford a Govs education. Your support means more bright, bold, and motivated students from diverse backgrounds can thrive and reach for their dreams.

Faculty Support

Relationships are at the heart of Governor’s—generous, enriching human connections that often last a lifetime. Your gift provides immediate resources to attract and cultivate top-notch faculty who provide innovative learning experiences for every student.


From one of the most competitive athletic conferences in the US to club sports, Govs students experience the joy of being on a team and trying something new. Your gift helps ensure that our student-athletes have the facilities and resources they need to compete and see just how far they can go.

Visual & Performing Arts

Support of our arts programming helps strengthen our commitment to artistic excellence, where students can test the limits of their creativity and flourish as young artists.

Student Life & Activities

Your gift sustains the academic and extracurricular programs that foster joy, discovery, and achievement in and out of the classroom. Your support means that every student can thrive in a rich learning environment where they form life-long friendships and grow as empowered leaders to pursue their passions and fulfill their ambitions.

Community & Belonging

Our community is stronger when everyone has a voice. Your gift provides opportunities to expand our programs, experience diverse perspectives, learn and grow together, and cultivate an inclusive learning community.


GovsPLUS (Powerful Learners Unlocking Success) is a tuition-free, five-week summer academic enrichment program that partners The Governor’s Academy with motivated middle school students from Lawrence, MA with the goal of helping these students reach their potential inside and outside the classroom.

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The Governor's Academy
1 Elm Street, Byfield, MA 01922
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