Growing the Community of Saint Joseph's College


Campaign ended Thursday, June 11th, 2020, 11:59 pm EDT

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (537)

All (537)
Ada Peoples
Agatha Janis Billups
Thank you for being on the forefront with the external degree program
Alec Kosinski
Alexis L’heureux-Carland
Amy Dudar
Amy Roberts
Amy Sevigny
Andrea Vianello
Andrew Mitchell
Andrew Vaughan
Andy & Cindy Kovach
Angela Fagan
Anita & Charles Rodgers
Ann Herbert Ridge
Ann Marie (Jerome) McLaughlin
In honor of the Sisters of Mercy
Ann Rosenfield
In honor of My Dad, Joseph Wayne Holliday
The world needs Saint Joseph's College. Please support them.
Ashlee Maloney
I am beyond grateful for the amazing staff that I work with at SJC! They are terrific people that I have the pleasure of knowing and I feel blessed to work at such a beautiful campus.
Ashley Haynes
Austin Fish
Barbara Belik
Barbara Deveau
So proud of the Nursing Program at St. Joseph's College.
Barbara Malebranche
Barbara McClary
Barbara Paxson
Barbara Schuetz
Barrie-jane Corey
Becky Thompson
Love St. Joe’s!! Especially wellness programs & Silver Sneakers !
Bernadette Metzler
Bettina Aiello
Billie Lheureux
Bogdan Golja
Bonnie Franklin
Brandon Boutin
Brenda Beard
Brenda and Geoff Beard
Congratulations to the Class of 2020. The SJC Class of 1980 is proud to call you MONKS!
Brendan Hanrahan
Brett O’Kelly
In honor of SJC Nurses fighting COVID-19
Thank you to the SJC nurses fighting COVID-19 and the future nurses who will make great impacts
Bridget Bailey
Brioke Grant
Lets do this.
Cabryn Gurdo
Cameron Jury
Camilla Bridge
Saint Joe's students are wonderful people and we support them, wholeheartedly!
Carl Howell
Carol Strobeck
Carol Travers
Caroline Golja
Carolyn Painter
Catherine Kent-McCoomb
Cathy Clements
Celine Fortin
Charlene Gerrish
In honor of Mercy Hospital School of Nursing Alumni
Charlotte Stepanian
Christena Lundy
Christine Barlett
Christine Ferro
Best of luck in the new academic year!
Christopher Fuller
Christopher Willer
Cindy and Ron Harrington
In honor of the three outstanding St. Joe's nurses who "helped" me thru my recent hospital stay at Massachusetts General Hospital
Claire Auger
Claire Sullivan Kubasik
Coleman "Coley" Gorham
Coleman Gorham, Hon '20
Colin Bourn
Constance Vanskus
Corinne Lee
Cortland Stiles
Cristin LaVita
Keep Innovating!
Crystal Bonias
SJC nurses ROCK!! Keep up the good work!
Cynthia Fullerton
Cynthia Harrington
Dale Brooker
Dalis Bragdon
Daniel Lahrman
David Chadbourne
In honor of Michele Chadbourne
David Esposito
David Herbein
David Keenan
David Lischer
In honor of Sr. Betty Kilbride
David Pinchbeck
David Roberts
David Roling
David Roling
David Roussel
Debbie McLaughlin
Thank you for such a wonderful nursing education!
Delores Ann Baird
Hope you finish well
Denise Mitchell
Diana Rancourt
It is a privilege to give back to St. Joseph's Nursing Dept.
Diane A Quincy
Diane Beatty
Diane Holusha Wheeler
Diane Quincy
Dianne Fazio
Docia & Joseph Randolph
Donna Crowley
Donna Daley
Donna Doucette
Donna Jones-Regan
Donna Persak Slater
In memory of William Persak
Donna Wilson
Proud to support you.
Dorothy McNaught
Dr. & Mrs. Clemon Pardales
Eagleston Family
Edna Flaherty
In honor of William & Esther Zurey
Edna Flaherty
Edwin Keenan
Eileen Ginnetty
Eileen Wallenhorst
Elaine Bogdanski
Elaine Spiller
Elaine Trumble
Elizabeth Paroli and Wayne Kezirian
Elizabeth Pool
In honor of Cameron Magerer
Proud of you Cam,
Elizabeth Schran
Elizabeth Schran
Let's support today's students--they need our help more than ever.
Ellen Turner
Ellen Turner
In honor of Sister Consuela White
Ellis Baum
Emily Lesher
I'm supporting in honor of our students!
Erby and Jennifer Mitchell
In honor of Dr. Becky Kasper
Eric Olson
Go Monks!
F.L. Putnam Investment Management
First Pier / Helm Digital
We Love You SJC and can’t wait for the continued evolution of this special institution and amazing community.
Florence Maguire
Frances Wiesen
In honor of Sister Betty Kilbride
Frances Wiesen
Frank Morin
In honor of Tiffany Higgins Mears
Fred & Beth Yochum
Gail Alonge
Gail Castonguay
Gary Plante and Angela Reed
George & Barbara Posey
George & Elisa Laplume
Geraldine Pardales
Gervaise Flynn
Gloria Christopherson
Gregg & Teresa Skinner
Gregory Teegarden
H. Priscilla Davis
Harrison Brickett
Hayes and Lori Sweeney
Heather & Marty Mullen
Heather DiYenno
Heather Jury
Heather Rumery
Helen & Frank McGovern
Holly Feeney
Holly Hall
Holman Gao
Howe Family
Irene Preuss
Ivy Lenihan
Izzy Anton
J. Roberts
Jacqueline J LeCompte
Jake Fles
James Dlugos
Jamie Connelly
Jamie Smyth
Jane (Hunt) Ayer
So proud of how much SJC has grown. Blessings!
Jane Bogue
Jane Greer
Jane Rosier
Janet Hilde
Janet Ransom-Fedor
Janice Murphy
In honor of Sr. Mary Kneeland
Janie Joyce
Janine Allen
Janine Hanley
Jason Cassette
Jason Riley
Go Monks!
Jean Anthony
Jeff Morgan
Jeff Yaeger
Jen Stone
Jenelle Harris
Jenna Chase
Jennifer Arruda
Jennifer Bragdon
Jennifer Fitzpatrick
Jennifer Fitzpatrick, member of the Board of Trustees
Jennifer Greslick
Jennifer Plummer
Jennifer Sadeck
Jennifer Sullivan
In honor of Jenelle Harris’s Dad Steven Ray Sullivan
Jerry & Ruth Slaton
Proud to be a St. Joe's alumni!!
Jesse Beer
Jessica Foley
Love SJC! Go Monks skiing and men’s lax!
Jim Killoran
Jim and Charlene Gott
Jimmy & Rachel Riley
Go Monks!
Joan Dube
Joan Simms
Joanne Bean
Joe Wolfberg
Johan Erikson
John & Lynda Wilson
Great Campaign. Silver Sneakers people support you.
John Harder
In honor of Sister Michelle Aronica
John Kenneally
In honor of Sister Mary George
John Winslow
John Zerillo
John adams
Jon Roberts
Jonathan Horgan
Roll Monks!
Joseph Behm
Joseph Guidotti
Joseph Hanslip
Josh Foley
In honor of Midge Adams-Cosentino
Josh Harris
Joshua Beer
I love SJC and all it stands for and all it has given me! Keep up the great work!
Judith Blackmore
Judith Crager
Judy Eycleshymer
Judy Graham
We are so fortunate to have St. Joe’s students in our community!
June Hoffman
in honor of all nurses and those who will become
June Irvine
Kaitlyn Gerhard
Go Monks!!!!
Karen Carle
Karen Croteau
Karen Dostie
Karen Ellsworth
Karyn Gilbert
Kate Miller
Katherine Rogers
So proud to support my college!
Katherine Rondeau
Kathleen Clements
Kathleen Johnson
Congratulations to SJC Nursing! Fantastic to see this exciting growth!
Kathleen Lucas
Kathleen Mulligan
Kathleen Walker
Kathleen Youngren
Kathryn Bois Ray
Kathryn Crone
Kathryn Devaney
Kathy Coutre
Today, like all days we need to support nursing education
Katie Cardoso
Kaylee Todisco
Supporting the Monks Track and Field Team!
Kelly Webster
Kenneth & Gail Malone
Kenneth O’Rourke
Kerry O’Rourke
In honor of Sr Mary Kneeland
Kevin Howley
In honor of The Sisters of Mercy
Kevin Melega
Kevin Shearer
Kevin Sullivan
Kimberly Osmanski
Kris Avery
Happy to support this awesome College and our fabulous students!
Kristen Crawford
In honor of Sister Sylvia
Go Monks
Laura Sullivan
Laurie Nagi
Lee Tonet
Leslie Hested
Liam Skinner
Lillian Donnelly
Linda Barker
Proud to be a Monk!
Linda Kane
Great idea for fund raising
Linda Lebo
Lisa Dahn
Lisa Giovanni
Logan Skinner
In honor of Liam Skinner
Lolita Roland
Loretta Planavsky
Lori Seaverns Banning
Louis Wood
Louise Lind
Lynelle Leclair
Lynn Brown
Lynn Howe
Lynne Robinson
Madison Morin
Marcus Benson
Marcy Sansone
Margaret Cosentino
Margaret Detling
Marguerite Gerraughty
Marie Finochetti Hawley
We love SJC!
Marie Karatsanos CONNOLLY
Marie McCann
Marion Costanza
Marjorie Heflin
Mark Cafiso
Dedicated to the hardworking Advancement staff!
Mark Clements
Go Monks!
Mark and Shirley Romatis
Marlene Gillan
Martha Gonzalez
Martha Patterson
Peace and blessings! A grateful alumni!
Mary Ann Melizzi-Golja
Mary Anne & Stephen Heroux
Mary Anne Heroux
Mary Bonneau
Mary Campbell-Berry
Mary Coburn Mulrow
Mary Ellen Cafiso
Saint Joseph's is such a special place. Go Monks!
Mary Ellen Sansoni
Mary Leasure
Mary Murphy
Mary Paine
In honor of Of our students, past, present and future! We love our students! Go Monks!
I am so proud to be a part of giving day!
Mary Pat FitzGibbons
Mary Quinn
Mary Rowland
Mary Theresa Morris
Mary ann Dynesko
Mary lynn Engel
MaryAnne Wallace
Maryellen Morin
Maryellen O’Carroll Nitsche
Mason Morin
Matt Campbell
In memory of Caitlin Weston Class of 2009
Matt Gawel
Go Monks!
Matthew & Maria Goodwin
Matthew Cotreau
Go Monks!
Matthew Hanson
Maureen O'Rourke
Maureen O’Rourke, RN, PhD and Kenneth O’Rourke, MD
In honor of Sr Mary Consuela and the class of 1980
Megan Dunlap
Meghan Bradley
Melinda Adams
Melissa Chretien
In honor of Rochelle Belanger
Melissa Coleman
Melvin Thomas
Melyssa (Morneault) Pelletier
Best of luck!! I think it is amazing to see all the advancements of the nursing department!!
Meredith Morin
Michael Blais
Michael Buxbaum
Michael Hilton
Michael Johnston
Michael Matheson
Michael Shea
Michelle & Dave Ham
Michelle Howard
Mike & Margaret McDevitt
Mike Hay
Mike Mulhare
Monks Fan!
Nancy & Sherman Barnes
Nancy Bonard
Supporting the Center for Nursing Innovation will be integral for preparing nursing students.
Nancy Kristiansen
I am grateful for SJC.
Nancy Terison
In memory of Sr. M. Consuela White
Natalie Eliason
Nelson and Dottie Megna
In honor of The Sisters of Mercy
Nga Goodahl
In honor of Sr Fleurette and Sr Mary Cook
Nicholas Seta
In honor of Mr. Stevens
Oliver Griswold
In honor of Joan H. Stern
Thanks to everyone who has donated - your support helps Saint Joseph’s grow community.
OnePoint Partners, LLC
Pam Aliberti
In honor of Connie Aliberti
In memory of Connie Aliberti
Pamela Kosinski
Thank you to all the Nurses who are fighting COVID 19 and for the amazing job St. Joseph's College did in preparing you. Proud that my son will be a graduate of the nursing program
Past Board Member Matt Ginnetty ’78
Pat Gould
In honor of Class of 1963 Scholarship Fund
Patricia Boston
In honor of the efforts of the Nursing Ambassador group, and the faculty and staff of SJC's nursing programs.
Patricia Burbank
Patricia Kilmartin
Patricia Ross
Patricia Ward-Bailey
Paul Bean
In honor of Joanne and her Advancement Staff
Paul Haynes
Paul Jernejcic
Pauline Cyr Cormier
Peggy Dry
Rachel Boucher
In honor of Miriam Massucci
Ray Mosca
Go Monks!
Ray Thomas
Rebecca Fles
Regina Smick-Attisano
In honor of Class of 2020 especially MaryClaire Attisano and the Mercy Center
Rene Amadi
Keep up the good work developing leaders of tomorrow!!
Renee Almy
In honor of All Saint Joseph’s Nurses Past & Future
Renee LeBrun
Richard Chouinard
Richard Eagleston
Richard Ruane
Richard Whitmore
In honor of Kathryn Whitmore 2023
Go Mike McDevitt
Richard and Pamela Roberts
In honor of Coach Jonathan Roberts
Honored to be asked to contribute...especially in light of the challenges higher education is facing in these uncertain times
Richard and Susan Flaherty
Ricky Dodge
Rob Sanicola
Rob Wilson
Robert McGrail
Go Monks!!!
Robert Nagi
Robert Todisco
Robert White
Robert Zilg
Robert Zilg, member of the Board of Trustees
Robin Haley
Rose Jimenea-Comoglio
Roseanne Callahan
In honor of Matthew Bergeron
Rosemarie Esposito
Rosemary Conway
Royster & Donna Tucker
Russell Podgorski
Ruth Ann Matter
Ruth Bertrand
Ryan Dorland
Go Monks! #GivingDay #MakeADifference Dr. Dorland and Dr. Young.
Ryan Ertel
Ryan Gallagher
Ryan Sullivan
SJC Alumni Association
Sam Allen
Samantha Smith
Sarah Carter
In honor of Father John
Sarah Comtois
Seng Chong
Shannon Bethel
Sharon Lilley
Sharon Moore Capps
Sharon V. Stormer
Shawn Sheehan
Shay Bell
Sheila Schumacher
Shelly Davis
In memory of Sister Fleurette Kennon
Sheri Hotchkiss
Spencer Godfrey
In memory of Eulala Peterson
Spencer Nagi
Sr. Mary George O'Toole
Sr. Mary Jude Murray
Stephanie & Craig Feyler
Stephanie Briggs
Stephanie Briggs
In honor of Amy Whitten Herrick '98
In memory of Amy Whitten Herrick '98
Proud to be an SJC Alum! Keep up the amazing work.
Stephanie Briggs
Great work SJC Community! Proud to be a MONK!
Stephanie Bubier
Stephanie Heatley
Stephen Sansevere
Stephen and Vinny Brickett
Steve Jury
Steven Bridge
Steven Chies
In honor of John Pratt
Sue Johnson
Susan Bonner Dearborn '86 P '13
Susan Santos
Susanne Sweeney
Suzan Nelson
Tammy Scarponi
Tara Travers
Tayla Travers
In memory of The McQuaid Family
Teresa Skinner
In memory of Joseph Kirincich
Terry Byrd
Terry OBrien
The Pardales Family
The Storer's
Keep going, this is amazing!
Theresa Hendrix
Therese St. Pierre
Thomas J. Rabbitt
Tina Charpentier
Go Monks!
Tina Cosentino
Tina and Fred D’Angelo
Tom Dann
Go Monks...Go St. Joe's...
Tony Jimenez
Troy Hendricks
Valerie Mason
Keep up the good work. So nice to see the impact SJC has had on my son, and the growth as a student, athlete and adult he has had as a MONK!. Go MONKS!
Virginia Buckley-Kessler
Wendy Galgan
William Cosentino
William Cosentino
William Fuller
In honor of Robert and Linda Fuller
William Gordon
William Sanborn
Yvonne Strader
Joel Darby
Go Monks!
John schlesinger
Rosalind messineo
In memory of victor c messineo
Sheri piers
In honor of Class of 2020
In memory of Breonna Taylor
This College is a beautiful and welcoming school! Good luck!
In honor of Clark Noonan
Kind regards for a very successful outcome!
Go Monks! Cosentino’s Rock!!!
Saint Joseph's College is a fantastic higher education institution - I'm happy to contribute! Go Monks!
In honor of William and Laurette McGuire
We need more nurses. Please help them with a donation to the Nursing Center.
In honor of Beth Auger
In memory of Amy Whitten Herrick and Dr. Beth Auger
Saint Joseph’s College of Maine logo
Saint Joseph’s College of Maine
Attn: Office of Institutional Advancement, 278 Whites Bridge Rd, Standish, ME 04084
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